Apostle Eric vonAnderseck
Eric serves as a called and confirmed Chief Apostle in the restored government of God. He is the founder of s8w Ministries, and it is through his stewardship that God ushered in a new season of restoration for all believers who desire to walk in the fulness of Christ. View my profile.
How much has the face of today’s Christianity changed from the original gospel of Jesus Christ? What is the religious media attempting to hide from you? Find out what they despise and fear. Listen to my podcast to hear God’s message to today’s church.
God reveals: “The tradition of man has spoiled my knowledge.” And for this, those who are claiming to be His, but are not walking in the priesthood nor in the covenant of Jesus Christ will be broken off.
And those which have been engrafted in, if they don’t continue to remain engrafted within that true vine, their leaves also will begin to turn brown and their fruits will begin to spoil and fall away. By damage of the false knowledge of this world as the frost or the insects.
Listen to the message I delivered in full on February 14, 2016

7 Life changing bullet points from the message:
God again speaks against the modern twisting of prophecy towards the flesh that is practiced by so many ministers openly today without shame. God is turning the tide on psycho-phecy, which He calls a “childish, delusional gospel” as psycho-phecy affirms covetousness as good and the true charity of God that is seen in the priesthood, as evil.
God again smites the laughter movement as the devil raises up the head of that monster again to take captive souls: “That which is of their laughter, God says, turn your laughter into mourning. Laughter requires no soberness of mind. Laughter is the result of indulgences of wine (the wrong knowledge). Because the false religious system is drunken with false knowledge, they are laughing.”