Apostle Deidré Linden
Deidré serves as a called and confirmed Apostle in the restored government of God, and she is an IDCCST Spiritual Life Coach. Apostle Deidré uncomplicates faith by giving you answers that you can relate to. View my profile.
There are many ways in which we see the Lord’s beauty in his creation – we look to the beauty of the ocean and how the tides are perfectly synchronized each with its low, and high tide, set within a specific period of time. We also look to nature and marvel at the creation of glorious mountain peaks and valleys filled with different trees and plants, each hosting an entire ecosystem of animals and insects.
We can look to all these things and marvel at the beauty of God’s creation and yet still never experience the fullness of faith that God intended for us through his Son, Jesus Christ, if our faith is not joined to Him through those things he sanctified for our faith.
Knowledge is Necessary for Faith
Today many believers errantly look for God in things that are not sanctified by Him for faith. This is clearly seen in the divided denominations and traditions of the church system that has been errantly misled by unsanctified stewards who preach the gospel of Jesus Christ apart from sanctified stewardship.
In Samuel 2:3 we read that “the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed.” This scripture clearly tells us that the Lord is a God of knowledge, doesn’t it? We understand then that knowledge is necessary for us to know God.
What unsanctified stewards have been doing in misleading the church is to teach a gospel that is absent of the true apostles’ doctrine (Acts 2:42), and as a result, it is a faith absent of knowledge, that is, the sanctified knowledge that God breaths into.
This absence of knowledge in turn means an absence of the way to walk with God in perfect harmony with Him, which in turn results in a crisis of faith.
Many believers have experienced a faith crisis – questioning what is wrong with their faith, or what they are doing wrong. It’s worth pausing here for a second to examine how false knowledge (inspired by the system of this world and therefore not of God) has placed the focus of failed faith, or a faith crisis, on self, as if the believer was negligent or lacking in some way, when in fact the fault lies with the knowledge they failed to receive.
Can you see how the enemy has cleverly placed the error of the church’s teaching within man, to get man to doubt faith in God?
Can you see how embracing false knowledge leads to an introspection of self, and not a focus on building for God? The real question should be why the knowledge that is being embraced, and that is being taught from the pulpit today, does not bring forth a real and living relationship with God? But instead of questioning the knowledge, man questions himself, and deems himself to be the problem or the barrier to receiving of God, or more so, that man is simply just not worthy to have a relationship with God.
God’s restored government clearly brings forth this distinction for faith so believers can be instructed in the way of the Lord to experience the fullness of Jesus Christ through a living covenant relationship with him. Can you see the transition here in working with God’s knowledge?
The focus is removed from self, to instead labour (work with his knowledge and tools) to focus on Christ. Where false knowledge is self-referencing and self-serving, God’s holy and ordered knowledge places the focus on Christ to build for him. God intends for all of mankind to experience a living relationship with him and opens up this invitation to all those who have an ear to hear (Mark 4:9). God’s desire for you is to experience the fullness of Jesus Christ, through the covenant that bears his name.
Knowledge Provides the Avenue for Fruit-bearing
It is God’s desire for us to reflect his likeness, even as Jesus said: “Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.” (John 15:8)
Again, we see the importance here on God’s expectation for faith in that we bear forth fruit. Can you see here how the focus of faith is about God? Jesus also said that if we love him, we must keep his commandments (John 14:15). Faith was always purposed (intended) to carry the likeness of Jesus Christ as we serve him. In this time of transition, God is calling believers to abandon the traditions and philosophies of man and to embrace the true covenant knowledge to stand in the purpose of faith’s design which is to reflect his likeness.
When we labour with the knowledge and tools of Jesus’ second covenant, faith is established within the framework of truth and God bears witness to the works of faith that produce the offspring of the Spirit. Through this we experience the divine change for the divine nature, just as Apostle Peter wrote in 2 Peter.
2 Peter 1:3-4
3 According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:
4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
Did you notice the word knowledge in verse 3? Can you see the connection between knowledge and the call to glory and virtue? When we spoke earlier about how faith was always purposed (intended) to bear fruit unto God this is what we mean – God has called us to bear forth his likeness, which is only possible by abiding within his second covenant.
We can also look at it this way: If you are called to something, the call carries an expectation to be answered, doesn’t it? When someone calls your name, you answer (you respond). The same way God carries an expectation of our faith that is purposed (intended) in Jesus Christ. Our faith must reflect his likeness. Faith then is our response to God’s call which we answer through reciprocating his knowledge, and as a result, his divine power brings forth the divine nature (the effectual change of God’s transformation upon the soul through regeneration).
The Divine Power for the Divine Nature
To experience this divine nature, faith must work with the right knowledge, which has now been restored to the church through God’s restored government. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism (Ephesians 4:5) which speaks of one record for faith (the one record of Jesus Christ that holds his covenant knowledge, tools, and commandments). Faith must work with this one record of Jesus Christ that the Spirit bears witness to, for faith to be effective and meet the standard and expectation that God set within Jesus Christ.
Knowledge apart from sanctified stewardship preaches a gospel that may sound like Jesus, but is void of the power to bring forth the change as we read of earlier in 2 Peter 3. In order to be participants of the divine power for the divine change, the knowledge of his covenant must be embraced with full veracity of faith to experience the life of Christ and partake of his fullness on a daily basis.