Evangelist Beaudene Strydom
Beaudene serves as a called and confirmed Evangelist in the restored government of God, and she is an IDCCST Spiritual Life Coach. Evangelist Beaudene will help you know what to do when it feels like your faith is stuck. View my profile.
I recently read an article by a well-known Christian minister (that is not part of God’s restored government) where he shared a vision the Lord gave him about the condition of the church.
The minister related how he was shown “… a luxury car that looked very beautiful on the outside, however, it lacked momentum, endurance, stability and horsepower.” In his reflection of the vision the minister shared the following: “The Father compared this car to His church and its desperate need for realignment. His church doesn’t appear to be sluggish, drained, powerless or unstable, but it has been in need of attention to address what’s going on, on the inside.”
There are many visions and dreams ministers are sharing in this season as God awakens the church to her true condition. I chose this vision because the Lord is teaching about the false confidence believers have in different teachings that has left faith powerless to please God. Outwardly, the message has a lot of buff and shine that feels like a good fit because it offers to fill a void, but the inner working of the Holy Spirit is missing.
The Lord is bringing to the attention of this minister that the church is lacking, and this is the reason for the vision. God’s grace is going out to all believers and all ministers to awaken them out of a spiritual slumber.
You might have also experienced that your faith is feeling sluggish, drained, powerless, unstable and that it needs attention. This experience is common to millions of believers today, so you are not alone.
If you have confessed your sins and accepted Jesus into your heart, why has this been your experience? You might be asking, “Shouldn’t I be experiencing the life and power of God in our faith and the victory over sin?”
What is lacking in the faith of believers that God is bringing attention to the need for realignment?
Realigning the Church
The question, what does the church need to be realigned to God’s full covenant, is no longer a question, but an action. The realignment is underway with God’s restoration of the apostles’ calling and anointing to the church.
Just like you would need an expert mechanic to examine the internal workings of a car to tell you what’s wrong with it, you need apostolic stewardship to examine the inner workings of faith.
What does a certified mechanic do after inspecting your vehicle? He describes in detail what is wrong and how he will fix it and what it will cost you. That’s exactly what God has equipped apostles to do in the church today.
The problem is that ministers don’t like what they’re hearing so they go for a second, third, and fourth opinion. But they’re not going to God’s apostles, they’re going to each other and getting the same advice over and over again, which does not change God’s original diagnosis, nor the cost for change.
In this season of realignment, your faith is getting refitted to the new covenant knowledge, the terms of God’s covenant through Jesus Christ, the Christian priesthood and the contact points or tools we need to touch God with, that we may experience His promises and power.
You Can Get Your Faith Moving
I want to go back to what the minister said about how he views the church. He said, “His [God’s] church doesn’t appear to be sluggish, drained, powerless or unstable, but it has been in need of attention to address what’s going on, on the inside.”
Is he speaking from his own perspective that God is correcting, or is he speaking from God’s perspective? This is an important question because it is a crossroad of decision, so I want you to take your time thinking about it.
The answer is that the minister is speaking from his own perspective and this is what God is correcting. God sees the condition of the church inside and how it has affected the outside. Faith apart from the covenant lacks momentum.
A faith that is not mobile is like a car sitting in your backyard for 30 or 40 years, uncared for and in the same spot. It doesn’t look like a luxury car. It might have been a luxury car at one time, but it’s lost all of its former glory. Its condition reflects how it has been treated.
Those who have made the transition to covenant understand that most ministers see the church through the lens of the glitter of religious aspiration (luxury car) and can’t see the damage they have caused by neglecting God’s new covenant. They have not been engaging in covenant faith, which is all the things that make faith strong in the grace of God.