Apostle Shanell Neyman

Shanell serves as a called and confirmed Apostle in the restored government of God, and she is an IDCCST Spiritual Life Coach. Apostle Shanell helps you to begin a new and final chapter in your search for truth. View my profile.

Sunday night while in prayer, I was again speaking to the Lord about how thick the delusion is for believers who are still caught in the shadows of doubt and unbelief when challenged by the fire of the anointing.

When we think about how many Christians are right at the threshold of covenant faith where the fire of the anointing births a new experience for them in Christ and all that promise holds, why would a person look back again to spiritual desires God is clearly drying up?

[You can listen to the teaching “Barriers to the Anointing” by Apostle Eric vonAnderseck to learn more about the challenge God placed in the anointing and what you can do to overcome.]

The Anointing on Trial

Ministers who at one time considered themselves front line ministers and spear heads of God’s change and renewal in the church, now find themselves side-lined by the Lord.

Everything that got mistakenly lodged in your faith that is not part of the original blueprint of truth is actually a huge barrier to the anointing. Believers don’t see this connection until God points it out to them in their experience. It’s when they look at their experience that they realize that the anointing is dried up.

When God puts the anointing on trial, your faith is under investigation and called into question. In a recent article, a minister shared his deposition with God. He was shown his own Christian life was a pitiful example of the hope he offers to others. God showed him an empty pipeline to the anointing.

He thought God was saying that he did not trust Him enough, but in truth God was addressing his doctrine. False knowledge is not only a barrier to the anointing, but it also develops spiritual desires that God is clearly drying up.

As each minister is deposed by God, we hear the same testimony given to acknowledge a faith that does not resource the anointing. These confessions are not coerced, but are freely given in conversation with God.

  • –Where they spoke of being on fire for God, they now confess to having been lukewarm.

  • — Where they spoke of hearing from God, they now confess to having followed the wrong voice. So then, what voice did they hear?
  • — Where they spoke of being in the flow of God’s gifts and a teacher of the gifts, they now confess to being rebuked by God for being misled about His gifts.

  • — Where they poured out their heart to God, God is now showing them that they mistook passion for faith.

There is a major disconnection in the mind about how God joined the anointing to His truth. Ministers thought they were given carte blanche to believe anything they wanted to from the pages of the Bible. When the anointing dried up, they never made the connection to the cesspool of false knowledge they’ve been dipping into for their cleansing.

Truth is to the anointing as breath is to life. The anointing cannot breathe the life of Christ into your heart and your faith when it is separated from His truth, or joined to false knowledge.

  • Always remember: Truth is home to the anointing. God joined the anointing to the record of Christ (His blueprint of truth) to make living the knowledge of Christ as an ever-increasing manifestation of His likeness.

The New Way God is Leading the Church

When God restored the anointing to the church in all of its glory and function, we saw transition. There are many teaching points about the anointing that you’ll hear and begin to appreciate in Apostle Eric’s video that’s posted in this article. Among them is that the anointing is like glue, joining us to God as Jesus mediates His covenant. We’ve been given a new tradition in Christ and the supernatural is now a common accordance among God’s saints.

Joshua 3:4
Yet there shall be a space between you and it [the ark of the covenant], about two thousand cubits by measure: come not near unto it, that ye may know the way by which ye must go: for ye have not passed this way heretofore.

The children of Israel were led by God through a steward (first Moses, then Joshua). The ark of the covenant went before them, which is symbolic of how Jesus leads us now in our faith through the teaching of His doctrine that He gives to His apostles.

The children of Israel were to follow the ark as we now follow Jesus by embracing His truth. God said, “You have not passed this way before”, and that’s the same thing He is telling the church today, “I’m leading you in a new way.”

When God says that the anointing is blocked off from your faith it’s because you’re not following the new way. Most ministers will respond to God by pointing out the old way, and they’ll say something like, “That’s ok… no…no…it’s ok…I can fix this. I just need to give myself over to God without holding back.” That’s the old way; identifying and expressing the defiled state of the conscience.

The conscience, without the light of God’s truth, immediately identifies, or expresses its own defilement, but this is not true repentance and does nothing to remove the mountain of false knowledge that is blocking the anointing. In truth, faith without the anointing is dead.

The Dry Bones of the Tares

It’s a common mistake to sympathize with the many appalling testimonies that are given when ministers are deposed by God, but believers do sympathize because they have walked in the same shoes. But God isn’t leading the church into a pity party, nor is He holding these ministers up as an example to follow.

Each deposition is a fact-finding interview. God is giving the church rare glimpses into the very dry bones of the tares who claim to be the wheat.

Because ministers have the habit of playing the sympathy card, it is natural for them to believe that all they need to do is try harder to make this “little lapse of judgment” go away. But in truth, this is not what God is saying. 

Ministers are almost awestruck when God rebukes them. They wonder why God is showing them dried up pipe lines, dried up wells, and dried up troughs. The anointing is clearly not flowing in their lives, nor in their ministries. If you can imagine for a moment that such a minister, in the climax of his confession, asks for permission to again lead the church.

A Thick Delusion

I mentioned a “thick” delusion in the beginning of this article because that is what God allowed me to experience in the spiritual realm. While in prayer this past Sunday night, the Lord allowed me to experience the veil that is still upon the heart of so many believers and also upon those in ministry who confess to know Him.

I didn’t feel it in my heart as a heaviness, although I had a heavy heart for the church in prayer, instead I experienced supernaturally, a heavy pressure on my forehead as a parable or similitude, just as the Lord revealed to Hosea.

Hosea 12:10
I have also spoken by the prophets, and I have multiplied visions, and used similitudes, by the ministry of the prophets.

God uses His anointed apostles and prophets, and indeed all 5 callings that are now part of the restored government of God, to teach and minister by visions and dreams the condition of the church as Jesus leads believers back to His true covenant gospel.

A long time ago the tares chose the heavy burden of false knowledge as their witness and God’s rebuke to them is just and right. God points to the very roots of false knowledge and reveals to ministers that the plague of leprosy is in his head (Lev. 13:44).

God’s rebuke and their confession is not an indication of their returning to Him in obedience to embrace the covenant of Jesus Christ. They are still contending with the source of God’s anointing and His anointed one.

God’s invitation to covenant is an invitation to resource His anointing. Jesus will reverse the curse of false knowledge and God will give eyes to see and He will lift the veil of ignorance.

The similitude I was given continued as God revealed to me the contrast. After the heaviness on my forehead lifted, I then had the sensation of being lifted up as if caught up in the Spirit. And while that was happening, I felt a strong tingling sensation on my forehead. This lasted for several minutes as I continued in prayer.

Joshua 3:5
And Joshua said unto the people, Sanctify yourselves: for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.

The similitude of the strong tingling sensation in my forehead is a sign of the anointing that God placed in the knowledge of the covenant of Jesus Christ and it is a wonder to behold.

Many ministers, like the one I mentioned in this article, desire the true fire of the anointing, but they refuse the knowledge God sanctified for their faith to reflect Jesus. This decision has left their conscience naked. And in that state of nakedness, an overwhelming desire for a covering is experienced, but it’s not God’s covering that is desired.

Isaiah 30:1
Woe to the rebellious children, saith the Lord, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my Spirit, that they may add sin to sin:

The Pure Conscience is the New Habit of Life

One of the teaching points that really stands out to me from Apostle Eric’s teaching on the anointing is that the pure conscience represents our innocence. Being in Christ, utilizing all 9 tokens God gave us in Christ, we are without offense towards God. The anointing of His light rests upon the brow of the righteous, and this is the crown of our peace that we prophesy, and this is why we prophesy Christ.

The sign that God gave me in the similitude I experienced teaches the church the difference between the thorn tree and the fruit tree.

Isaiah 55:13
Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the Lord for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.

When testifying to the anointing having dried up in his life, a minister is saying that he is not fruitful. I’m talking here about how God views “fruit”, rather than how a minister talks about how his ministry might show signs of being “fruitful”: how many showed up at his conference, how many reconversions he got from the same people that were seemingly converted the last time around, how many he was able to blow up with passion, etc.

When God speaks of fruitfulness, He is speaking of the soul of man that He is recreating daily in the likeness of Christ, and the power of this transformation that springs from the anointing.