Evangelist Monique Le Roux
Monique serves as a called and confirmed Evangelist in the restored government of God, and she is an IDCCST Spiritual Life Coach. Evangelist Monique knows how important it is to let the new man in Christ follow the anointing. View my profile.
A few weeks ago, I spoke to a believer about the importance of faith having an activity so that we can be participants in the process of our salvation. This person’s understanding was that as long as he trusts God, that God accepts his faith. He quoted the following verse.
Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Yet, even with his perceived trust in God, the young man still expressed the desire to move closer to God and confessed that his faith is lacking something. We see here the evidence of a partial truth being embraced as this scripture is quoted out of context of God’s covenant terms; the believer is not living the fullness of Christ, but experiencing a disconnect from God.
It was such a joy to be able to explain to him the dangers of partial truths and the importance of fitting the knowledge of God to the covenant of Christ and not to our logic and imagination, for only when scripture is read within the context of God’s covenant will faith be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
What does it mean when something is taken out of context? It is when something is quoted in a way that the circumstances in which the passage was written or said is not correctly reported. The quote or passage then means something different than what was intended by the original author.
Have you ever heard something said that was true but taken out of context?
An example of this is the saying often used. “The world is mine oyster” which is a quote from a Shakespeare play. People often use this as a way to express positivity at a world that seems full of wonder and opportunity, but what the quote really means in the context of the play (the situation the characters were in, who the character was that spoke and who he was speaking to) is that in order to attain fortune, force and violence is necessary.
Apostle Bronwyn shared a word of knowledge that was ministered to her by the Spirit which was edifying to consider as an aid to redirect this believer to the covenant of Christ. The word of knowledge she received was, “Covenant context or religious aspiration?”
God’s wisdom is manifested in this token of grace because it reveals that He places Jesus’ truth within the context of the covenant. God also provides the contrast. It becomes dangerous when scriptures are taken out of context of God’s covenant and interpreted in the context of a believer’s current philosophies, ideals, principles, and imagination. This is called a religious aspiration.
When a believer’s faith is driven by aspiration, scripture is removed out of the environment of God’s sanctified covenant in the same way that the words of Shakespeare have been removed out of the context of the play he wrote. Such a believers’ faith does not reflect the mind of God but the mind and image of man. The projection of the image of man is called an aspiration and rivals the image of Christ.
The phrase and meaning of “the world is mine oyster” has become so common place that the original meaning is no longer known and the way it is used is not questioned. This is not a problem for a Shakespeare play, but it is a problem when it happens to scripture for this has direct implications on God’s plan for the salvation of mankind.
Let’s look again at the above scripture to see how it was taken out of context.
Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
It is true the Apostle Paul said this, but the understanding that young man shared about this verse was not 100% in line with God’s pattern of truth because it was not put within the context of God’s true intentions.
Today, in the modern Christian culture, faith is defined as a strong conviction in things that cannot be seen. Faith is misunderstood as a trust in the Lord for those things that humankind hopes for, which is usually the resolve of problems or the fulfilment of dreams or desires.
To the untrained eye this would seem good and right, because this definition has become so common place that it is no longer questioned, as in the case with the young man I shared with. But what if believers knew that the words of Apostle Paul have been quoted out of context and no longer reflects the meaning that God intended for it; that the words have not been fitted to God’s covenant but that it has been fitted to the aspiration (self)? Would they still accept at face value what they hear ministers preach who are removed from the covenant of God?
It is important to know that God does not bear witness to the false definition of faith because it stands alone, outside the boundaries of His new Covenant. God’s power is removed from this definition of faith because it does not represent Christ. And when God’s power is not present, then faith becomes ineffectual. An ineffectual faith does not carry the life of Christ to the soul. Believers remain confused, still seeking to move closer to God to daily experience His presence and power.
When the words of Apostle Paul are used to create an understanding of faith that is not according to God’s purpose, it is called a partial truth. And partial truths are clearly dangerous when it comes to matters of God’s kingdom. When it comes to our salvation and the eternal destination of the soul, no one wants to be lead down the wrong path.
Truth is Revealed in Full, not in Part
Acts 2:42
And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.
In these times, with the restoration of God’s Government, believers are being redirected from the paths of denomination on the path of God’s covenant, and scriptures are being placed in the context of God’s plan through the foundation knowledge of Christ. Truth is given, not in part, but in full.
This is Transitional Knowledge Training that gives believers a covenant mindset for covenant context. With this training believers are now able to make distinction between truth and error and walk in faith that is defined according to God’s Design for Christ-Centered Spiritual Transformation. Faith functions within God’s covenant environment with the tools and activity of the priesthood of Christ to reciprocate to God His likeness.
Galatians 5:9
A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.
We begin to now see the importance of truth needing to be in full and not in part. Nothing of Christ must be missing and nothing of man added. This means that the imagination and aspiration of man are not allowed to enter into faith, for God does not confirm that which He did not sanctify.
A truth in part is leavened truth, and God will not accept faith that is built on this lie.
Today ministers are preaching from the standpoint of a religious aspiration, not sharing Christ, but sharing their own minds as they take scriptures our of context to build an image of self that they want God to honor. This is the idol of the heart. Anyone can quote scripture, but only the restored Government of God can place scripture into the context of God’s covenant.
Partial truths do not lead the soul into the fullness of Christ, but truth that is given as a whole (as one foundation) provide us with the understanding of the operation of God to heal the soul and our participation with His divine plan.