Teacher Maria vonAnderseck

Maria serves as a called and confirmed Chief Teacher in the restored government of God and she is an IDCCST Spiritual Life Coach. She is the co-founder of s8w Ministries. Teacher Maria walks you through spiritual transformation from start to finish, God’s way.  View my profile.

One of the things you will find that God is doing in this new season of change is to clarify what it means to be in covenant. As our IDCCST Course brings out, we learn what we live. Before the restoration of the covenant, Christians came to believe in Jesus in different ways; they were not taught the doctrine of Christ’s covenant. They lived (walked out) what they learned and began to bond over a shared language they became very familiar with, and it’s understandable that the language of the covenant will be unfamiliar.

When you start learning the covenant of Jesus Christ, the first thing you need to be sure of are the basic differences between the false gospel and the true gospel. This is called Spiritual Awareness and it is Step One of our IDCCST Course. Spiritual Awareness is a good thing because God is teaching you what your faith is hinged on.

The language of the false gospel is exploratory, meaning that believers are looking for something. Because they haven’t learned about the operation of God in their spiritual growth cycles, they cannot learn from that daily contact and so they will continue to search for clarity about God’s will. In truth, their conscience is still defiled (reflective of the nature of man) and they are basically crying out for closure. It’s a common cry and therefore a familiar voice.

Believers are taught to select a verse from the Bible and to try to build a concept of a relationship with God based on that verse to see where it takes them. They’re seeking to clarify whatever they are facing. But the covenant fellowship is found in the priesthood and this is where Christ is truly seen, practiced, and experienced. The language is different because the story we’re telling is different.

The Story we Tell is the Reality we Live

You might have heard me say that the story we tell is the reality we live. We’re not telling our story of separation from God (daily searching for God’s wisdom, will, and power) because God changed our story (we are now joined to Him through covenant).

New things are happening because God assigned our spiritual growth in Him over to His own, readymade, designed pattern where he oversees the regeneration of our soul in healing and fruit bearing. We take on the divine nature by a new and living, covenant way, as Apostle Peter points out.

2 Peter 1:4
Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

The Language of the True Gospel

The very first thing you learn when you enter into covenant is the general overall process of spiritual transformation – God’s way. The language of the true gospel begins with the foundation of truth to equip believers with the knowledge and tools of their priesthood to participate with God in this inner work of the Holy Spirit. This new work brings to light our changed story as we begin to understand our true Spiritual Identity (Step Two of the IDCCST Course).

When the covenant of Jesus Christ (true gospel) is not known, our story becomes the foundation of a false gospel and that’s why the false gospel is based on revelatory concepts. We’re seeking God to continue to feed our story.

This is much like the dreams shared by the baker and the butler who came to Joseph for interpretation (Genesis chapter 40). The revelations they shared were true and came from God, but the revelations did not prove the heart of the butler or the baker as being true. God used the dreams to further His plan for Joseph, His steward.

The concept of having a relationship with God based on revelation has been driven into the minds of believers who were searching for God’s will, when in truth, our relationship is based on the foundation of truth, which manifests God’s will. Daily revelation comes from the throne of God that follows this new pattern, but we talk about this revelation in a different way.

We are not Saved by Revelatory Concepts

Seeking revelation to take the place of the foundation of truth does seem like a good fit to those who are working hard to break the mold of religion to claim a relationship with Jesus. Believers learned to live by revelation knowledge apart from truth and so the revelation became self-reflective. That’s the kingdom of the flesh, not the kingdom of God.

A corrupt language was formed by revelation that became self-reflective. For example, when a person talks how God has given them peace about something, they are not really talking about the covenant peace of God, they are talking about how they invited Jesus into the kingdom of the flesh to oversee their life. Everyone understands the common language that is spoken about the flesh and everyone talks about it in the same way because it’s common to man. God tagged this kind of peace as corrupt (self-reflective). I explain this more in my article I’m not a Robot!

You’re learning to check yourself against the covenant God gave you to equip your walk with Him. We can’t talk about God’s peace our own way.

You’re also learning that we are not saved by revelatory concepts; we are saved by covenant (kingdom of God). If a man says that he loves God (by revelation) and hates his brother (does not exchange charity in the priesthood of Christ), Apostle John identified this believer as liar (one who is only true to his own record and speaks from that false foundation). That’s a bad habit God is breaking.

1 John 4:20
If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?

The language of the false gospel has been driven into the minds of believers by repetition: Jesus loves you, Jesus saves, God is a good God, the Bible is truth, God is in control, trust God, God’s promises are true, it’s never too late, God’s victory is yours.

This language is birthed from a false cycle that begins with a problem that is handed over to scripture for resolution and is peppered with revelations and words, prophesies and visions. Anything that comes out of the false cycle continues to strengthen a false concept that Jesus is involved with your life when, in fact, God wants to involve you with His new covenant.

When a person does not learn the doctrine of Christ, they cannot live by the power of the Spirit. Instead, they live by the things their fleshly nature offers, and they learn to place spiritual values on these natural things. When they talk about the power of the Holy Spirit to comfort their heart, they are not talking about the grace and truth of God that manifests for fruit bearing, they’re talking about their imagination with scripture and how they are seeking God’s involvement with their life to resolve their feelings of uncertainty.

That’s the shared language of those seeking the will and power of God, it is not the pure language of those who share in the covenant of Jesus Christ, which the apostles called “the faith”.

Jude 1:3
Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.

When Apostle Jude spoke of contending earnestly for “the faith” he was not talking about the shared language of seekers, but rather the pure language of the covenant that all believers shared in after they were discipled in the faith by living apostles.

Zephaniah 3:9
For then will I turn to the people a PURE LANGUAGE, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent.

This prophecy is true for today’s church. Apostle Jude was not talking about different doctrinal umbrellas and revelatory building blocks, he was talking about the one doctrine of Christ that sets order to how we operate in the covenant of Jesus Christ to serve Him with one consent.

God has brought the church into a new season of change. It’s only natural that when you start building with God’s foundation stones of knowledge that He will change your perception and this, in turn, will change how you talk about peace and rest, completion in Christ, fruit bearing, growth cycles, God’s will, God’s strength, revelation, prophecy, and increase by the Spirit; and all of what it means to know God and to please Him.