Pastor Rita Wolmarans

Rita serves as a called and confirmed Pastor in the restored government of God. Pastor Rita can help you with Transitional Knowledge Training to sort out the new things of Christ from the old things of our nature. View my profile.

Most believers will be familiar with the phrase “fight the good fight of faith”, and all can agree that a fight is worth faithfully engaging in when the prize on the other end is eternal life. So let’s look at that verse in the book of Timothy, and see what we can learn about God’s provision in Jesus Christ.

1 Timothy 6:12
Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.

Reading these words, the Spirit highlighted once again, the importance of being properly equipped to fight the good fight of faith, to overcome self, Satan and the world, and to remain upright in the Lord.

How Are We Equipped to Overcome and Endure in Faith?

Though all Christians will agree Christ is our armor, and in Him we overcome all things; the missing key for many is that it is only when we function in His spiritual priesthood, within the boundaries of God’s new covenant that we wear the full armor of Christ.

We are protected and preserved in the Lord as we labor with the spiritual things that He has provided through Jesus for our contact with Him. Even in the natural, when going into battle, the armor is only profitable for a soldier when it has been put on; so also is our spiritual armor effectual only as we put on Christ.

To be able to put on His armor, a believer needs to understand how the process of salvation is effected through the things of Jesus’ covenant and priesthood. This means there first has to be instruction in the pure doctrine of Christ, which God designed to be stewarded through His living apostles.

It is in this process of doctrinal cleansing that believers’ old cracked foundations of half truths, misconceptions and false perceptions are replaced by the true foundation of Christ in the apostles’ doctrine. This is where His armor gets its proper definition in the sanctified contact points for faith.

Spiritual Tools for a Spiritual Battle

God’s government, truth, and Spirit; His gifts, callings, and manifold graces; prayer, preaching and prophecy, are the spiritual tools needed for victory and increase in Him. These contact points join our faith to God, and as we daily embrace them we are clothed in the armor of Christ.

Acts 2:42
And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.

God’s sanctified contact points carry His grace which empowers our faith to overcome the obstacles of self, Satan and the world. Satan has no foothold in God’s light; in God’s boundaries of grace and truth our faith remains pure and undefiled. But without the proper foundation of knowledge to reason in faith, believers inevitably land up on the battlefield of the flesh instead of faith.

Contact Begets Confidence

When confidence in God is removed, and placed in physical things, faith is being disarmed, and defeat is a sure result. For this reason, believers without the covenant knowledge tend to draw conclusions from scripture to try to create their own standard to give evidence to faith through things like, good works of the flesh, keeping of the Ten Commandments, foot washings, etc.

But just because something can be linked to a Bible verse, does not mean it can equip man to fight the good fight of faith upon the battlefield of the Spirit. As a result, many remain upon the battlefield of the flesh, where they only experience frustration and despair. God did not sanctify these physical things for perfect service unto Him, for Jesus’ blood sanctified a spiritual covenant with spiritual tools of worship. Therefore, these carnal things are not empowered with God’s grace to assist man to walk in victory.

Our IDCCST Course is fully comprehensive transitional knowledge training in the apostle’s doctrine for true discipleship in Jesus Christ, according to the terms He set for our faith to function and prosper in His power. God desires us to apply truth to Jesus Christ alone, to daily fight the good fight of faith, and to walk in His victory with the contact points that He has provided. Are you still wondering how to fight the good fight of faith?