Teacher Maria vonAnderseck
Maria serves as a called and confirmed Chief Teacher in the restored government of God and she is an IDCCST Spiritual Life Coach. She is the co-founder of s8w Ministries. Teacher Maria walks you through spiritual transformation from start to finish, God’s way.
Teacher Wendy Nilsson shared a word of knowledge she received: “righteous remnant”. God is bearing upon the minds of all believers that He has laid a choice before them – accept the stewardship and covenant He sanctified in Jesus’ blood.

Why do ministers treat the doctrine of Christ as a guessing game? Don’t get caught in that trap.
The righteous remnant is coming into the purified church, and that’s why the church is in a season of spiritual house cleaning. Ministers know it, and those reading this article, you know it too. But rather than yield themselves to God, most ministers pray a type of covering prayer to throw off the yoke of truth and throw the ball back into God’s court, as if they don’t know what to do, “It’s up to you God, you make the decision, you do it.”
John Bevere released a video, demonstrating this perfectly in his prayer: Oh Lord, if there is anything in me that is still in the way, use your cleansing fire and remove it. I hold nothing back.
But, he is holding back. The telling point is in the scripture below. Look at where God places accountability – “sound doctrine”!
2 Timothy 4:3
For the time will come when they will not endure SOUND DOCTRINE; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears.
God’s spiritual house cleaning is in this powder keg of doctrine that ministers don’t want to touch out of fear that their individual ministry ideals and blueprints of error will blow up in their face. God desires to cleanse the church from all false doctrine and to return the church to the one blueprint of truth, which is the doctrine of Christ. As you can imagine, this is an area where ministers have told God that He cannot touch with His purging fire.
Only for the sake of putting on a show of humility will a minister say that he will surrender ALL to God – even in the area of doctrine. But, what he does behind closed doors is shocking, for he continues in the same practice as he had learned while fathering children in the False Religious System.
He may ask God to show him in scripture where he might be missing it, but that’s contrary to what God said He is doing. God isn’t showing you in scripture where you are missing it. God isn’t teaching ministers how to get their doctrine right by mixing and matching scriptures to line up with their logic, as their habit has been.
Instead He sent a steward – a man – who would teach the truth of Jesus Christ from the mind of God, whereas nothing of man is added and nothing of Jesus is missing. So, this minister’s prayer and actions is contrary to sound doctrine and contrary to the will of God.
God did the unthinkable in selecting and naming a steward of grace – Apostle Eric vonAnderseck – to reintroduce to the church the new covenant terms, tools, and priesthood. This extraordinary miracle is seen and partaken of by the “righteous remnant” who have chosen to heed the voice of God in His steward, but opposed by those who don’t believe in Jesus. This is God’s telling point and the way the remnant is revealed.
Do You Want to Be A Part of the Remnant?
Do you want to be a part of the remnant? Then you have to say YES to God’s game changer. God’s game changer is this massive shift away from dead letter prayers and dead letter doctrine. God is encouraging you to be part of the shift –be the remnant!
If you doubt that ministers are as resistant to truth, make a list of all ministers who believe that they are fallible, and therefore, they cannot be 100% sure of God’s truth and deny that anyone can know. Did you catch the tell? They mean that NO ONE can know the truth and be certain of terms of God’s covenant, and they are including you in that darkened perspective. But you don’t have to take part in the lot of the wicked. You can be the remnant.
The ministers that should be on your Anti-Truth list will profess that,
That last point is a phenomenal telling point, whereas God reveals the contradiction all ministers face and why He is removing them from influence. If a minister has not transitioned into new covenant – go all-in to win Christ– having emptied his pockets of all false doctrine, you should know that he is ministering in his own name, not in the name of Jesus.