Apostle Eric vonAnderseck
Eric serves as a called and confirmed Chief Apostle in the restored government of God. He is the founder of s8w Ministries, and it is through his stewardship that God ushered in a new season of restoration for all believers who desire to walk in the fulness of Christ. View my profile.
In that ministers, such as Joseph Mattera, have taken it upon themselves to intrude into the apostolic calling to teach discernment to the church, I am going to respond to his 15 point article to lift out how his glib answers do not possess the measure of grace Jesus gives to His apostles.

The word glib means: “lacking depth and substance: superficial” (https://www.merriam-webster.com)
A glib talker cannot say anything of consequence. Mattera’s teaching can never result in believers knowing how to please God because he is not equipping them with the knowledge and tools God sanctified for them to express Christ.
The Outcome of Glib Teaching
The outcome of glib teaching is to divest faith of God’s provision for the believer’s growth cycle, depriving their soul of the fruit of Christ. On the other hand, believers who build with the restored foundation of truth, observe Christ in their faith to reflect Him perfectly. Their faith reaches this high quality every day and they have something to show for it: they have a living tether to the throne of God, grace is multiplied, their fruit increases, the Holy Spirit gives substance to their hope, and their faith pleases God as they steward His grace.
Mattera often writes articles for Charisma Magazine about the apostolic calling, but his arguments are void of the anointing. How can you tell? He passes off disagreement as discernment, and that, my friend, is not the mark of Christ.
Do you Consent to the Witness of Man While Trying to Establish the Witness of God?
Mattera states that a false apostle is one who is wrongly motivated in ministry. This is an example of a glib talker giving glib answers, as every believer has seen the same thing – it’s a common observation. In truth, a false apostle is one who does not possess the measure of grace to teach the church the doctrine of Christ and, therefore, is teaching doctrine that has been framed by his religious aspiration.
Mattera cannot avoid leading the church astray because he himself operates outside the bounds of the new covenant. So, his mind will always consent to the witness of man while trying to establish the witness of God. This is a no win situation.
The restoration of the apostolic calling and anointing is to restore the terms of the new covenant and frame of knowledge to the church. This season of restoration is a holy convocation to the Lord, whereas Jesus is assembling believers from all corners of the earth, bringing them into one Body of Christ, one doctrine, one faith (Eph 4:5).
The Glib Talker Compares Apples to Apples
When Mattera asks ministers to examine their motivation without addressing the foundation of their reasoning, they will continue to reason from a place of conviction with scripture because they are still looking for a covering to shield their defiled conscience. They cannot break out of that cycle. Mattera is coming from this same place of defilement, and the drawback for him is that he can do no more than complain and disagree as he compares apples to apples.
When I say “the light of the knowledge of Christ” I’m talking about the foundation of truth. You can’t avoid it. If your actions are wrong it is because your belief system is wrong. And that, my friend, is error in the sore spot – DOCTRINE.
Apostle John, speaking by the Spirit of God, said it this way, “ Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the DOCTRINE of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the DOCTRINE of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.” (2 John 9)
It is only when the foundation of truth is embraced in the 12 foundation stones of our Lord that a minister is established in the doctrine of Christ and can compare oranges to apples.
God Did Not Call Ministers to Correct Themselves
Mattera’s arguments for or against apostles is merely a list of complaints based on his own personal observations and experiences. While it is true that God is challenging the entire belief system of the False Religious System (FRS), God did not call ministers to correct themselves (as they have attempted to do for the past 40 years). This is another no win situation.
Mattera’s mistake is in his neglect. He glibly said that we should do what the Ephesians did, test apostles to see if they are legitimate, but he neglected to restrict faith to the terms of the new covenant. So, he has no basis to test anyone. The only measure God gave us in truth.
Mattera assumed that the church could discern error apart from truth. He forgot that Jesus was speaking through Chief Apostle John in the book of Revelation and therefore the pattern for discernment was already set in his stewardship. Mattera wants to step over the due process Jesus established through Apostle John and get right into presenting his own set of religious values, which the Spirit of God will not recognize as belonging to Christ.
Let’s move on to more points of distinction, whereas we can lift out where Mattera is missing the mark. The following 15 points bring correction to Mattera’s observations. As you study the points I want you to note how that in the absence of the new covenant terms and spiritual tools, a person tries to make his own confirmation.
If we can agree with the glib answer that it is wrong to be wrongly motivated, we are expected to fall in line and believe the minister is teaching the truth. I’ll say it again and again: It is already clear to every believer that something is wrong with the church, so making a list of the common complaints is neither revealing error, nor correcting it. Only truth brings distinction to Christ. So, let’s get started to counter Mattera’s complaints one-by-one.
1. Mattera objects to ministers who build their own ministry empires, but he has done so himself. God continues to address independent ministry through my calling, as it is the mind of God to bring all ministers into one fold.
False ministers do not recognize the holy convocation of this season and refuse to come into one faith and one doctrine of Christ, and thus deny Christ His work in them.
2. Mattera cites that true apostles live to serve, yet he himself is not serving the Body of Christ in the priesthood of Jesus Christ. This is another example of a glib answer. When he denied the stewardship of the true apostolic calling he also denied Christ the fruit of His work in his soul. We can only serve God in His temple (Christ) with His tools (Christ).
3. Mattera objects to ministers who use people, citing that true apostles disciple believers to follow Christ. This glib advise is a way of washing his own hands, for he has neglected the entire process of discipleship, beginning with the instruction of the 12 foundation stones and altar of Christ. True discipleship prepares God’s saints for divine reciprocation, which takes place in our priesthood.
Believers under Mattera’s care have no foundation and no priesthood. This means that the fruit of Christ is not being formed in them. Their growth cycles are not being completed in charity, and he is to blame for having neglected to build the foundation of truth in them.
4. Mattera is caught up in the conflicts of the False Religious System (FRS) in regard to money matters, and cannot bring correction. Why? Because he is not drawing from the foundation of truth, which is the 12 essential elements of the gospel. So again, offering glib advise, allowing his own convictions to stand in the place of Christ.
True apostles teach the divine reciprocation of the priesthood, whereas the spiritual tools of Christ are utilized to express Him. This divine exchange is established in the 12 foundation stones, which Mattera refused because he favors his own record.
5. Mattera tries to navigate the downside of sheep being put into the pasture of false knowledge, but all he can see is the harmful religious aspiration. He does not offer the remedy of the new covenant for which Jesus shed His blood. His advise continues to lead believers and ministers in circles.
6. Mattera objects to the gossip mill and competition that is all too familiar in the FRS of which he is still a part. However, he set aside true charity and the healing that Jesus gives through the anointing when denying the restoration of Jesus’ spiritual tools. The problems he describes does not exist in the restored church. He’s in the wrong house.
7. Mattera laments the inequity among ministers caught in the FRS. He is speaking against the sins God is correcting, but not taking part of the transition. His solution is to state how he wishes things were better, how ministers ought to behave differently, but that is not correction. In the restored church each of the 5 callings of the government of God operate in complete harmony because each is building with the one doctrine of Christ and all partake of the daily issuance of grace from God’s throne, which we steward to all the saints.
This is that which the Lord said to me that He would do. Jesus said that through my apostolic calling He would restore unity to the church. A unity that is not feigned and a oneness that is not deceitful.
8. Mattera is not accountable to truth and is angry that the accountability system of the FRS has failed so miserably. He thinks that beating it with a stick will improve the situation. In truth, where the headship of Christ is absent (false apostles are not bringing the church into one doctrine), you will find that a minister substitutes verse psychology in place of the regeneration of the Spirit.
Verse psychology has to do with the application of a scripture to the ills of the soul or the ills of the world, which is a direct contradiction to the new covenant for which Jesus shed His blood. Jesus agreed to be the sanctified contact for the healing of our soul when we use His knowledge and tools.
9. Mattera wonders why his teamwork philosophy fails to knit the Body of Christ together. In truth, there is no such thing as “team work” in the Body of Christ. Jesus gave us the 5 callings and 9 spiritual tools to unite the Body in perfect harmony in grace and truth, as Jesus manifests Himself to each member. The anointing is the bond that knits the Body together as charity completes your cycle.
This is already experienced daily in the restored church and is cause for great rejoicing among the saints. It is the unseen miracle that ministers despise. The anointing runs through the tools and through each member as the divine protocol of the terms of the covenant are observed.
Mattera, as many ministers, have set their hearts on organizational structures such as the world possesses and honors. He dreams of a way in which his efforts could be maximized, but his dreams are small. He is dreaming to the size of his own signature skills. The anointing takes you beyond the horizon of your signature.
10. Mattera’s idea of an apostle is not according to Christ. He wants to remain independent in doctrine (as other ministers do) and therefore dismisses the key of knowledge, which Jesus said He gave to His apostles.
Truth is the key of knowledge, by which Jesus blesses His church with His presence and work. Returning apostles to the church means returning the key of knowledge to the church. The foundation of truth (being the 12 foundation stones of Christ’s altar) are now returned to the church through my ministry and is carried in each of the restored calling, whereas all the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastor, and teachers draw from the same doctrine of Christ, share the same anointing, and share in the same stewardship of grace – and share in the same increase of the kingdom of God.
The plumbline claimed by Mattera and other independent ministers is not the truth that honors Jesus Christ, but rather personal interpretation of scripture. The true saints of the Lord are not of that house of Baal.
There is no greater gift than Christ Himself and true apostles restore Christ as the hub of His own covenant, removing the religious aspiration that elected self in the place of Christ.
11. Mattera laments that the altar of Christ is absent from his faith, and therefore struggles to place his rest in the text of scripture, which is subject to his own record. As Jesus said, the record of man is the lie that Satan uses to remove man’s trust from God and to sow doubt in place of faith.
As the flesh is a contradiction to the Spirit, Jesus placed His truth and spiritual tools out of the reach of the flesh. The saints who are in covenant with God have removed their foot from Satan’s snare and work only with the record of Christ, and therefore prophesy Christ. This fruit is recognized by God as belonging to Him and therefore is received by Him. We are witnesses of His bountiful increase.
12. Mattera laments the common abuses experienced in the FRS, whereas believers are not instructed in the doctrine of Christ, are not taught how to build the altar of Christ in their hearts, and cannot function with the tools God sanctified for their contact and growth in Him. Believers who now operate in the restored church do not share this problem.
13. Mattera laments that the FRS has not produced the legacy of Christ. Again, this problem is not shared by believers operating in the restored church, whereas the living tokens of Christ are His memorial, read and seen of all men, both now and forever.
False ministers do not see the virtue of Christ in His record and, therefore, do not partake of the virtue of Christ in His fruit. These wander in the wilderness looking for a mirror image for their pride to take hold of.
14. Mattera laments that in the FRS the flesh cannot be discerned. To walk with God one needs the foundation of truth, which a true apostle restores to believers. One cannot expect to walk with God apart from the things of Christ God sanctified for contact with Him. Trust is developed by sanctified contact as we partake of Christ.
Absent those things the anointing confirms, a false minister will trust his moral code to produce the fruits of righteousness and holiness. These fabrications are rejected by God as they do not express Christ. Look at the source.
15. Mattera laments that he cannot discern truth from error. Without the foundation of truth laid in the heart by God’s true apostles, ministers fall back on glibly repeating what they read in the Bible, neglecting to set order to their understanding. And hence, doctrinal division prevails in the FRS. In truth, they wouldn’t have it any other way.
Faith, as it is taught in the FRS, is not bound to Christ, but is given a glib meanings that is left open to the interpretation of each person’s religious aspiration. Grace, as it is taught in the FRS, is not bound to Christ, but is given a glib meaning that is left open to the interpretation of each person’s religious aspiration.
The same is true for holiness and sanctification, truth and charity. God has removed this barrier to His throne by restoring true apostles to the church. Through my ministry God has restored the foundation of truth and altar of our faith.