Apostle Eric vonAnderseck
Eric serves as a called and confirmed Chief Apostle in the restored government of God. He is the founder of s8w Ministries, and it is through his stewardship that God ushered in a new season of restoration for all believers who desire to walk in the fulness of Christ. View my profile.
Do you know that false ministers preach the gospel of Replacement Theology? They want to set the pattern by tradition, but the new apostolic is setting the pattern by the anointing.

Listen to the message I preached August 26, 2018:
The Dangers of Replacement Theology
The gospel of Replacement Theology leaves you wide open for deception. Ministers desire to bring the church back under Moses, and have armed themselves with Jewish tradition. They are trying to educate the church in Jewish custom and law, which Jesus called the doctrine and stumbling block of the Nicolaitanes (Rev. 2:15); and for this reason these ministers should not be given a pulpit.
The preaching of Replacement Theology took place in the First 8th Week and we see that again taking place now in the Second 8th Week.
The apostles of the First 8th Week were brought before a council of temple leaders for a reeducation process to correct their perception. The chief priests and elders offered to round out the understanding of the apostles. How could they teach the people the proper meaning of the temple and altar and sacrifice if they were not instructed in the finer points of the law?
We see the same thing happening today, as ministers take the pulpit teaching, among other things, that unless we speak the Hebrew language we cannot properly pronounce the name of Jesus in His native tongue.
As I repeatedly bring out in my teaching, the name of Jesus is a token name. God did not give the church the Hebrew language to know how to properly say Jesus’ name, but rather gave apostles whom He equipped with grace to teach the people to embrace the new covenant, to learn how to use Jesus’ tools and priesthood, which His name empowers.
Replacement Theology Places You on the Wrong Side of the Transition
There’s a desire to get in on what God is doing now in Israel as He sets the world stage for the appearance of the Antichrist – the false messiah – who will mount the temple steps to proclaim himself to be god.
False ministers believe that supporting God’s plan as He sets the stage for the 7 year tribulation will hasten the coming of the kingdom of God on earth and that’s what’s fed their renewed zeal to delve into the Jewish faith.
They have found themselves on the wrong side of this transition, for God is NOT establishing His kingdom by world events. God is first establishing His kingdom in the heart by returning the church to the purity of the doctrine of Christ to claim those who belong to Him.
Many (the unconverted believers) will try to prove the zeal of their faith, seeking to establish the vision to force the issue without the stewardship and without the tokens of Christ, but will fall (Daniel 11:14 & Numbers 14:41).
The conflict between the Christian faith and the Jewish faith and the temptation to mix them was observed in the book of Acts. God sent an angel to the First 8th Week apostles to command them, “Go, stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of THIS life.” (Acts 5:20)
When God says, “THIS life”, He is speaking of the new covenant and the record that Jesus gave. The apostles were teaching in the temple about Jesus and the new season, which means to transition from Moses to Jesus.
WHY Ministers Teach Jesus by Teaching Moses?
Today, ministers who teach Jesus by teaching Moses have replaced Jesus with the things of Moses. They offer teaching to better your understanding of the roots of the Christian faith, while they themselves have not accomplished the simplest thing – they have not built the altar of Christ in their heart, and therefore, are without a covering priesthood. This is the danger of Replacement Theology.
You will find pockets of ministers here and there who are beginning to admit that they have no Christian priesthood. They might say something like, “We need an altar.” But, they are unable to connect the new spiritual altar of Jesus Christ to the priesthood sacrifices we are to offer to God now in this new covenant, and they are unable to confirm the stewardship who directs the building of the altar under the hand of God.
In truth, they have made many false altars. The Christian landscape if filled with them. As far as the eye can see, fleshly altars of every kind stand as a memorial to independent stewardship.
Sometimes a minister will say that prayer is his altar. What he’s doing is adding the word “altar” to expand his spiritual repertoire. Nothing has changed. He’s still operating from a desire to establish his own gospel as superior, and by doing so, says that he has the authority to determine what truth should be. The problem is that he is using tradition as his authority, not the anointing.
The religious leaders who opposed the apostles in the First 8th Week did this very thing. They insisted that the apostles needed to replace the knowledge Jesus taught them with the knowledge of the first covenant.
Arm yourself with truth for discernment. In this podcast we will talk about the REVERSAL that is taking place. Just as Judas’ perception was reversed by the devil so the devil REVERSES the perception of those who have taken the pulpit to themselves.
We will also talk about the washing that needs to take place before you enter into your priesthood. The washing is for the purpose of establishing dominion and subduing the powers of the flesh. If you are not washed, the powers of the flesh continue to rule the mind.