Apostle Eric vonAnderseck
Eric serves as a called and confirmed Chief Apostle in the restored government of God. He is the founder of s8w Ministries, and it is through his stewardship that God ushered in a new season of restoration for all believers who desire to walk in the fulness of Christ. View my profile.
Christa Elisha claims to have received a vision from the Lord on May 18, 2021, whereas she saw a headless bride. I want to look at the vision itself to frame it into God’s plan to restore the church and also look at Christa’s interpretation of the vision; for while the vision is true, her interpretation is not.
I’ll start by saying that this is the same person who said she received an encounter with Jesus. She tearfully explains in a video, “I got the sense of urgency that He [Jesus] is leaving me behind and I got afraid and I didn’t like this space that was between us”. According to her own testimony, she was running and crying after Jesus, repenting for the space she allowed to grow between them.
This is the same person who responded on social media that the way in which she hears Jesus’ voice is through what she calls “holy imagination”. This is the very reason why the bride of Christ (in the false religious system) is headless. Her authority (source) is not Jesus Christ and God is showing her this.
This is a critical turning point for the church as believers learn that to follow their imagination is not following the Holy Spirit. This dangerous way of teaching is one of the reasons why God sent apostles into the church to return the church to the headship of Jesus Christ.
One thing I want to emphasis from the start is that in this new apostolic season the church has been undergoing Transitional Knowledge Training (TKT) to know how to serve God acceptably according to Jesus Christ, rather than the kingdom of the flesh.
[You can register for the new IDCCST Course here on the s8w website. Registration is free.]
TKT is key to help believers learn how to hear God and learn of Him. Without knowledge that is given as a seed through the apostle’s calling, it’s not possible for the church to walk with God. You cannot walk in step with God without the knowledge He sanctified for you to be one with Him.
Why knowledge? Knowledge is the truth of Jesus Christ. It is the seed of the product God is looking for in you. When Jesus said, “Let these sayings sink down into your ears” (Luke 9:44), He was not encouraging the use of your imagination to project His will based on your feelings of being separated from Him.
The anointing will only work with the knowledge Jesus gives to unfold Him to your understanding. God has repeatedly pointed to His re-gifting of knowledge to fulfill His desire for the church to transition to the new covenant where faith is complete in Him.
When we look at Christa’s interpretation of her vision, we see no wheels in motion. Faith is still motionless, in a holding pattern, waiting for restoration “to come”. And that is another telling sign that God is rebuking her, rather than using her to teach the church. You don’t ask the team who keeps coming in last place what their secret is.
The following points will bring clarity to the vision of the headless bride and give direction to the church:
You need a locksmith to come and open the door of the vehicle to give you access to your mobility. Everything that makes the car function is only beneficial if you are inside the car. So again, we can see that there’s a procedure in that. So, the ambassadorship of the government of God is that key.
It’s that key whereas you have mobility. It’s by the key that the mystery of Christ is continually unfolded and your mobility is steadfast because you are continually supplied the spiritual accelerant for the vehicle through God’s covenant power tools. Another good example is seen in an electric car, whereas you have to have the tethering for the regeneration. God teaches us these things.
Our mobility is in all things of Christ that God sanctified for our contact with Him, which includes His government, the ambassadorship, from whom the church receives instruction on the functions of God’s policy for faith to unite us with Him.
Who is the ambassador of Christ? God points back to the apostles, even as Apostle Paul said, “Now then we [apostles] are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.” (2 Corinthians 5:20)
Apostle Paul was saying that his stewardship is tethered to God. How can you know that it is tethered to God? By the anointing of grace; for by the anointing of grace we behold the face of Christ in word and in deed and bear forth fruit unto Godliness.
To be reconciled to God is to be joined to Him by the knowledge He sanctified for our contact with Him. The mystery of Christ is heard and known by the unfolding of the knowledge Jesus gives to His apostles.
Ephesians 3:4
Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ.
Apostle Paul was speaking of the grace of his calling. Through the apostolic stewardship the mystery of Christ is unfolded and the face of Christ is seen. The anointing is that photo of God Himself inscribed within the chambers of your heart. It’s also the cleansing of your conscience so that by the pure conscience you see Him. Even as Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” (Matthew 5:8)
Christa: “I watched as this headless woman in a beautiful, white, lace gown fumbled around the foyer of what appeared to be the entry way to a cosmic throne room. The foyer was full of individuals that I knew represented the nations and world systems that are held in bondage to darkness. These individuals stood laughing and mocking the Bride.”
Apostle Eric: Back in 1994 I published a number of visions shared by pastors to make known to the church God’s correction. In 1984 one pastor said, “I was embracing a headless Jesus”. So, these two revelations (a headless Jesus and a headless bride) are the same and point to the condition of the false religious system then and now.
Although God’s reproofs have been heard, the condition of the church under the headship of false ministers remains unchanged from 1984 to 2021. A headless Jesus points to a headless body of Christ, which means that Jesus’ stewardship is absent.
In fact, God points to a “fumbling bride”. When God describes the bride of Christ as fumbling around, this is not a description of ministry that represents His throne, His mind, or His heart. What does that say about…
Next, I want to address the “individuals” in the foyer who Christa imagined to be the nations of the world that are held in bondage to darkness. This is not true. Those whom God is addressing, the ones who are mocking the bride of Christ, are those in the false religious system, the religious leaders who make the cross of Christ a mockery by using their imagination to engineer false faith models.
God has been pointing this out through His restored government. God is addressing the ministers who keep the bride of Christ in darkness by giving her false knowledge that corrupts the soul and darkens the mind. The soul is empty of virtue.
Jesus has confirmed this many times through many people, including my son, Apostle David vonAnderseck. Jesus appeared to him when he was 10 years old and took him in the spirit and showed him the condition of the church. I will share the revelation of the Lord through him, which has come to pass.
Apostle David vonAnderseck
Date: 1984 Vision/Taken in the Spirit“My prayers were suddenly interrupted, because as I looked to my left, I saw a man walk through the wall of my bedroom. He walked to my bed. It was Jesus. As Jesus stood at the foot of my bed He said, “Be not afraid.” Then He reached out to me with His hand, and I reached out to Him with my hand. The instant He touched me; I came out of my body.
I was standing next to Jesus. I turned and looked at myself laying in my bed and then I looked at Jesus. I was eye to eye with Him, no longer a 10-year-old child, but a grown man.
Jesus then motioned towards the right wall of my bedroom, and as I looked, the whole wall transformed, and I saw a huge movie theater. It looked like a very classy red velvet theater with plush seats. The seats were filled with zombie like people. Flesh was hanging from their bodies. They were busy throwing pennies at the theater screen, mocking Jesus. It was a very chaotic scene.
Jesus was not happy with this, and turned to me and said, “These are they who say how much they love me. They cast their coins at me, and say how much they love to watch me die on the cross. Now watch what I will do unto them. On that day they will cry Lord, Lord, but I will not hear them, nor will I pity them.”
I looked and watched as Jesus pointed. To the right I saw a mighty whirlwind appear, and then another whirlwind came up from beneath the theater floor. As the one whirlwind began to move through the theater, it uproot the people from their seats with great violence. The whirlwind that opened the theater floor was like a great, turbulent funnel. I saw people holding onto their seats to try to keep from being sucked down into the funnel. They were screaming and crying out, and there was a great noise made by the whirlwinds. But the people were powerless against the whirlwind, which devoured them all.
After that, the floor of the theater sealed up again. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Jesus directed my attention to the theater screen. On the screen appeared the Book of Life, which I saw was very, very small. The book began to grow before my eyes. It got bigger and bigger. Jesus turned to me and said, “Few are serving me now, but millions want to know me.” He pointed at me as He continued speaking, “I need you, your family and many others to teach my people what they are doing wrong. You shall know me more when you are a man.”
Apostle Eric: Who is Jesus pointing to? Who are the ones who say how much they love Him? Certainly not the “nations and world systems”. Those who say they love Jesus (and use love as their standard) are those who teach and preach in His name, but are not called and come in their own name.
They say they love Jesus, but use Him as a wishing well, casting their coins at Him (coin tossing) to see what favor they can get from Him, while neglecting the terms of His covenant. They love God their own way and have made the gospel into a theater of entertainment. They talk much about the cross, but neglect His covenant terms. This offends Jesus’ holiness and He calls that a mockery.
Christa: “I am dealing with leaders and individuals… who have not turned away from hidden sin, who have scattered My sheep and lead them astray with false doctrine based on dead works, rather than on union with Me…”
Apostle Eric: One can safely make mention that “false doctrine” is an offense to God (common knowledge/truism), yet not teach the restored doctrine of Christ in its fullness so that believers can walk with God. Since Christa claims a “restoration to come”, she does not possess the restored knowledge of Christ. That’s the situation in the current Christian culture. Refusing the restored doctrine of Christ, they don’t have a true scale to measure what false doctrine is, yet still insist on being your eyes. A headless bride is sightless. God gave the apostles to give sight to the church by giving the light of the knowledge of Christ.
Christa, like every minister in the false religious system, does not have the knowledge and tools that join her in union with Jesus. She said publicly that she suffered separation from Him.
Ministers freely admit that they don’t have the full truth, that they are either waiting for it, or don’t believe it is necessary and in the meantime muddle on.
Christa: “To have Christ as Lord means to come under His head; specifically, to be in submission to His mind, His heart, His beliefs and His intentions for the world around us, and then to walk in His ways and follow His commands. The foundation of all Christ is and all He taught is LOVE (1 John 4:16).”
Apostle Eric: The foundation of truth is not love. The church has tried and failed many times to fly under this false flag. Many ministers try to peer into the mystery of Christ to unlock it. Each one selects something they can pour their imagination into. Sometimes its love, sometimes it’s a truism about humility and repentance, and sometimes its prayer. They single out what they believe in their feelings they can give, but it is a one-sided relationship; it not reciprocal. It does not stand to redound to the glory of God; it stands isolated and spoiled; it does not proceed any further than their imagination.
The headship of Jesus Christ is first seen in His apostolic stewardship to whom He entrusted the sanctified knowledge of His covenant to give to the church. The foundation of truth is laid in the heart through apostolic teaching. The doctrine of Christ comes to the church through apostles.
Acts 2:42
And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.
1 Corinthians 12:28
And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.
The authority that Jesus gave to His apostles to teach the one doctrine of Christ is a threat against the independence of those who want to follow God their own way. However, God assures those who are yet to come into His house that His apostles are His servants, pouring water into your cup so that you can drink freely of Him.
The New Foundation
The foundation of truth is who Jesus Christ is. He is grace… He is faith… He is righteousness… He is justification… He is sanctification… He is holiness… He is peace… He is rest… He is charity… He is truth… He is regeneration… He is the renewed mind.
These foundation stones are the function of His altar and kingdom. This is what the anointing bears to confirm the title of His name and His love for you. In this knowledge we bear His name, we bear His image, we bear His likeness, we bear His powers. By this knowledge and this power, we serve the interest of the King and He is our Lord.
We are children of the light; we are children of life; we are children of His grace. We’re kings of the anointing because we’re following the Captain of our salvation, the Anointed One.
The Curse or the Throne
Revelation 22:3
And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him.
Look at the contrast Jesus has given. There’s no more curse, but the throne of God and of the Lamb. But what was your condition before covenant? Separation. What was the condition of the church under Apostle John’s stewardship? The uniting of faith to the power of God. God blessed us with all the things of Jesus’ propitiation for this transition from the curse to His throne, from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light, and also for this transformation into His likeness. The imagination is not blessed of God to carry this power of transition and transformation.
Jesus’ apostles carry the holy knowledge the church labors with as a rite of passage from the kingdom of the flesh to the fire of the Spirit. So, we’re talking about the ingesting of knowledge and the enlarging of the heart, and through this obedience you are able to take vengeance upon all disobedience. You can grow in grace and contend for the faith with this divine pattern.
When the doctrine of Christ is taught by living apostles, nothing of Jesus is missing and nothing of man is added. Spiritual cleansing takes place as God removes all false doctrine and rebuilds faith in the image and likeness of Jesus Christ.
The foundation of truth includes all the terms of Jesus’ covenant, which are the conditions of our sanctified contact with Him for reciprocation. This has been already restored to the church and the true church has emerged in the beauty of holiness.
Christa: “My house is to be a unified house of prayer…”
Apostle Eric: This also is spoken from a seducing spirit, not the Holy Spirit. The house of God is a house of covenant. Prayer is only one of the 9 sanctified tools of Jesus’ covenant. It’s the new covenant that sets the boundaries for prayer within the priesthood for divine reciprocation and fruit bearing to take place. When changing God’s order around, people place prayer before the covenant, and prayer is then actually outside the covenant and becomes one-sided because it is self-referencing.
Matthew 21:13
And [Jesus] said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.
Jesus was not advocating taking prayer outside His covenant, but keeping prayer within the restrictions of His covenant house of faith. In the current Christian culture, believers are taught to use prayer outside Jesus’ covenant. They use prayer to struggle with their defiled conscience as they wrestle against their feelings, trying to bring their feelings into submission. In the restored church, the conscience is no longer defiled and prayer is no longer self-referencing.
Jesus spoke to me in 1982 saying, “There shall be a unity that is not feigned and a oneness that is not deceitful.”
When prayer and love are placed outside the covenant you have to draw from your imagination to feign everything about your faith. Jesus brought the restored body of Christ into one house of covenant by restoring the apostle’s office to restore the headship of Christ over the church. The restored church is now walking in the unity of truth and speaking by one Spirit. God has already accomplished it.
The false religious system, remaining independent and headless, claims to be looking for and waiting for restoration. What the church is learning is that the projection of one’s imagination does not join you to God, it separates you from God and those who claim to be awestruck at their separation from God have not yet repented.
God is making His last call to covenant and the remnant are hearing the voice of God and answering His call.