Apostle Eric vonAnderseck
Eric serves as a called and confirmed Chief Apostle in the restored government of God. He is the founder of s8w Ministries, and it is through his stewardship that God ushered in a new season of restoration for all believers who desire to walk in the fulness of Christ. View my profile.
I’d like to share a divine dream ministered to Apostle Shanell Neyman August 3, 2015 and then we’ll talk about the dream symbol to learn how God is speaking to His church and to the world in these last days. Is your heart prepared for the coming of the Lord?
Listen to the message I preached August 7, 2015:
Stewardship Restored to the Church
Divine Dream
God isn’t offended when the righteous show honour or bestow praise to those God honours. The world applauds their own, and God honours those that love Him.
It’s biblical to honour, highly esteem, and praise those that love the Lord. But envy shuts the mouth for good but opens wide their lips to scold the light, because they honour the darkness.
“In my dream I saw the moon shaped like a bullock. I saw the color blue covering it. A huge clap like explosion was felt and it shook the earth. I noticed big red lips underneath the moon. I knew the rapture was going to happen in 30 minutes. Suddenly an angel came down and swept me up. I saw its mighty wings around me.” [end dream] –Apostle Shanell Neyman

This is just one divine dream out of hundreds, confirming the restoration of apostolic stewardship that is now taking place to prepare the church for the rapture. A remnant will be saved and take refuge in our Lord Jesus Christ by coming under the stewardship of the restored government of God.
Let’s look at the meaning of the symbolism revealed by the Lord in this divine dream. What is the connection between the moon and the bullock and what does that have to do with stewardship?
Moon shaped like a bullock – You might not have known that God uses both the moon and the bullock to symbolize His chosen and sanctified stewardship. Let’s start with king David, whom God chose and anointed as king (steward) over Israel.
David was of the tribe of Judah, and thus God set the stage for the Messiah, Jesus Christ to be identified, as He also would be born of the tribe of Judah.
Revelation 5:5
“behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book.”
Now then, the connection of the stewardship to the moon.
The Testament of Naphtali 2:1-4
1 For in the fortieth year of my life, I saw a vision on the Mount of Olives, on the east of Jerusalem, that the sun and the moon were standing still.
2 And behold Isaac, the father of my father, said to us; Run and lay hold of them, each one according to his strength; and to him that seizeth them will the sun and moon belong.
3 And we all of us ran together, and Levi laid hold of the sun, and Judah outstripped the others and seized the moon, and they were both of them lifted up with them.
4 And when Levi became as a sun, lo, a certain young man gave to him twelve branches of palm; and Judah was bright as the moon, and under their feet were twelve rays.
In verse 3 we see that Judah (stewardship) seized the moon, which set the path for not only king David to sit upon the throne of Israel, but also Jesus Christ the Messiah to come to be recognized as the Son of God, and believers today to stand in confidence of the apostolic stewardship Jesus would appoint.
God established the moon as symbolic of sanctified stewardship.
We can observe how Levi (priesthood) is seen to lay hold of the sun, and this is why the sun has come to represent the priesthood. The priesthood under Moses’ stewardship began with Aaron and his son who were of the tribe of Levi (Hebrews 7:5).
A strong connection emerges from these verses in the Testament of Naphtali, as it is clear that God binds together the stewardship and priesthood. This is carried over into the new covenant of Jesus Christ where we are given new stewardship in the apostolic calling and new priesthood in Jesus Christ.
So then, having covered how the moon is symbolic of God’s sanctified stewardship, how does the bull also represent stewardship? We’ll go back to the Testament of Naphtali chapter 2, to continue on reading verses 6-7:
6 And lo, a bull upon the earth, with 2 great horns, and an eagle’s wings upon its back, and we wished to seize him, but could not.
7 But Joseph came and seized him, and ascended up with him on high.
Here the bull is seized, just as the sun and moon were seized. God’s not saying that the apostle’s calling is open for grabs, but rather that divine authority is given to the calling. Judah could not have seized the moon, nor Levi the sun unless they were empowered by God to do so. And this is what God is showing us.
God is not empowering the person who runs the fastest or the hardest, He’s empowering the vessel of His choice. God chose Judah for the stewardship and God chose Levi for the priesthood, and today He chooses a new apostolic vessel as the steward of His house, that is not highly regarded and is not seen as a likely candidate.
And this is what we see in the person who seized the bull. It was Joseph, the son of Israel that was cast out by his brethren. Joseph, the youngest. An unlikely leader is chosen of God.
Joseph knew from the dreams he had received that God had chosen him to be the leader (steward) of the house of Israel. When he shared his dreams with his brethren, they did not see God’s plan to care for them in the coming famine, they did not see God’s plan to shelter them in Egypt. What did they say to Joseph, “Shalt thou indeed reign over us? or shalt thou indeed have dominion over us? And they hated him yet the more for his dreams, and for his words.” (Genesis 37:8)
What was the worry for Joseph’s brethren? They didn’t want to submit to Joseph. They forgot that to submit to the one whom God calls is to submit to God.
Indeed, God used Joseph to sustain the children of Israel during the famine and to shelter them. The Spirit uses Joseph as a sign for the church today, as the new apostolic guard takes over. The church is given much reassurance, this is for your care.
But, just as Joseph’s brethren hated him for his dreams, and for his words, so also do ministers today hate God’s chosen vessel.
And just as Joseph was adopted and raised in Egypt to live amongst the Gentiles, outside the tribes of Israel, the apostolic stewardship that God restored to the church through my ministry is as Joseph. God is not using the established ministers or ministries, but using a vessel He prepared who is not counted amongst them.
Furthermore, Joseph was in prison and God by dreams and visions communicated to him. God also communicated to me in dreams and visions to take me out of the prison of the false religious system.
God has raised a stewardship outside the normal Christian culture; a stewardship that is born of Him to deliver His people. If it was not for Joseph his brethren would have perished by famine. And if it were not for the apostolic stewardship God has raised up, His people would perish and remain imprisoned in the false religious system.
The color blue that Apostle Shanell was shown in her dream
BLUE MOON: “The term has traditionally referred to an “extra” moon, where a year which normally has 12 moons has 13 instead… Owing to the rarity of a blue moon, the term “blue moon” is used colloquially to mean a rare event, as in the phrase “once in a blue moon” (quote: Wikipedia)
There have been numerous dreams and revelations over the past 20 years speaking of God’s new apostolic season being as a blue moon. God signifies the rise again of the apostolic office in the government of God. Apostolic stewardship restores the church to the covenant knowledge, tools, and priesthood of Jesus Christ.
This is indeed a rare season. God reserved the restoration of the church to the end-time season to prepare the remnant to be raptured.
The symbolism of the red lips under the moon
This represents the lips of charity, thus confirming the spiritual sacrifices of prophecy that are now again offered at the altar of Christ. God confirms the restoration of the priesthood and thus priesthood prophecy.
All believers testify of Jesus Christ in the form of prophecy after the foundation of truth has been set within their hearts. This prophecy is called “charity” in that God identified His love for us in the form of Jesus Christ and we are to reciprocate in kind. True charity expresses Christ in the utterance of His knowledge as we also read in Revelation 19:10, “for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”
The Pattern: Stewardship & Priesthood
Moses represented spiritual government in the First Covenant. Moses was an individual selected by God to preserve knowledge and sanctify the people. This is why the Lord spoke to Moses to cleanse the Levites. God’s purpose in cleansing the Levites was to prepare them to serve Him as priests:
Numbers 8:5-7:
5 And the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying,
6 Take the Levites from among the children of Israel, and cleanse them.
7 Thus shall you do unto them, to cleanse them: Sprinkle water of purifying upon them, and let them shave all their flesh, and let them wash their clothes, and so make themselves clean.
After they were cleansed by spiritual government, the Levites functioned in their priesthood, serving God by the pattern, which God showed Moses; Heb.8:5: “Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle: for, See, saith he, that thou make all things according to the pattern shewed to thee in the mount.”
Moses was a type and shadow of Christ and by this example we understand the need for separation and cleansing by God’s pattern through a governmental head. Apostles (as Moses) are individuals selected by God to preserve the knowledge of Christ and sanctify the people for their priestly service to God at the altar of Jesus Christ.
All believers are called “priests” because they do priestly service to the Lord through the spiritual sacrifices of their faith (1Pet.2:5; 1Pet.2:9). Just as the Levites needed to first be cleansed by Moses before they could function in their priesthood, so must believers also be first prepared in truth before they can function in their priesthood to serve God through Jesus Christ. Moses was the knowledge steward of the Old Covenant; apostles are the knowledge stewards of the New Covenant.
Truth cleanses: Jesus is returning the church to the purity of the faith. Moses used water to cleanse the Levite priests, but Jesus uses truth to cleanse believers called to be priests of the second covenant. As He said, “Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you” (Jn.15:3).
Truth is a form of separation: Moses washed the Levites as a form of “separation” as we read in Num. 8:14: “Thus shalt thou separate the Levites from among the children of Israel: and the Levites shall be mine.” Separation is always for the purpose of function. Moses separated the Levites for service unto God, in order to instruct them about how they were to function as priests to the Lord. Jesus also commanded His apostles to instruct the church saying, “Teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you” (Mt.28:20). Jesus separates us unto Himself by His government, His truth, and His Spirit.
Truth prepares the heart to serve God: Moses washed the Levites to “prepare” them to function as priests. So, too, does the washing of truth prepare the heart to serve God at the altar of Christ. By truth we are prepared to walk in righteousness; Eph.6:15: “And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.” We see then how truth is a form of cleansing to remove the traditions of man, how by instruction of truth the soul is separated unto the gospel of Jesus Christ, and how truth prepares the heart to serve God.
The big explosion that took place in Apostle Shanell’s divine dream
God’s grace explodes upon the heart in a very tangible way that cannot be denied. It can be ignored, but not denied in the face of God. No one standing before the throne of God on the day of judgment can utter the lie “I did not know” for grace has its impact.
In revival meetings today there is a fakery of grace. People are seen on bended knees to feign humility before God while at the same time rejecting the stewardship and knowledge He sent for their deliverance.
There’s a term that God uses for a posturing of submission, while denying His stewardship. God says that this is hypocrisy. A person is setting the terms for acceptance with God based on his own selection, rather than submit to that which God has already given through His elected stewardship.
The many prayers that are uttered while posturing submission are in vain. While pleading with God for intervention, pleading with God for a light to be shown to light the way, the heart has already rejected the path of deliverance designed by God for His blessing to be received.
The multitude of prayers for souls to be saved and to come to Jesus are also for naught, for they would make these converts two-fold more the children of derision. And as they have done in generations past to wash their hands of innocent blood, so they are doing again. They themselves will not come into covenant with God and prevent those seeking truth entrance to God’s kingdom by barring the way with signs to mislead souls into various carnival tents or religious entertainment.
Finally, the last symbol of the dream, the 30 minute warning of the rapture
This is not a time frame for the rapture to occur, but rather reveals the closeness thereof and confirmation of Revelation 8:1, “And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.”
The rapture takes place between the 6th and 7th seal, during this time of silence when the earth is reeling under God’s judgments, the face of Jesus is seen in the sky around the world – and the righteous, those in covenant with God and sealed with His tokens are taken from the earth by angels to ever be with our Lord in the kingdom of His glory.