Apostle Eric vonAnderseck
Eric serves as a called and confirmed Chief Apostle in the restored government of God. He is the founder of s8w Ministries, and it is through his stewardship that God ushered in a new season of restoration for all believers who desire to walk in the fulness of Christ. View my profile.
Have you ever heard of gaslighting? I’m sure most of you have, but for the sake of clarity, let’s review the definition: “An increasing frequency of systematically withholding factual information from, and/or providing false information to, the victim – having the gradual effect of making them anxious, confused, and less able to trust their own memory and perception.”
An example given: “Your boss gets angry because you didn’t prepare the report he asked you to. When you remind him that he usually prepares that particular report, he snaps that he told you to take care of it a few days ago because he was too busy. However, you know he never asked you to do so.” (http://www.urbandictionary.com)
I’m particularly interested in that part of the definition that speaks of “systematically withholding factual information from, and/or providing false information” and what it leads to—confusion! That’s exactly what takes place when ministers hand out advice about how to interpret scripture.

When believers rightly complain that they are confused about the plan of God, that they are anxious because they haven’t progressed in their spiritual growth, and that they have not been properly discipled to know how to live the Christian life, ministers gaslight them saying, “Really, are you sure, because I assumed the slew of articles and books I’ve written would have cleared that up by now. No problem, let me give you 10 keys to sound biblical interpretation. These are the strategies you have been missing.”
Remarkably, these are the same strategies ministers have used for the past 50 years that have not worked for them. The most revealing failure: they have not worked any spiritual maturity in their own Christian walk. They’ve said so over and over again, that they haven’t matured, that God is chastising them for this, that vital pieces are missing from their faith, that they are unsure what the missing pieces are or where to find them.
The double whammy is that they put the responsibility back onto the believer, insisting that you must have missed their instructions along the way, insisting that the half-measures of the past will somehow miraculously bring a different outcome as they reapply them now.
Throw Out Your Keys and Strategies
God’s provision for you in this season of transition back to the covenant of Christ is truly unique, and a welcome change for those hungering and thirsting after righteousness. As apostles again teach the doctrine of Christ from the foundation of truth, believers are learning how to use Jesus as the gauge of their faith.
God put the record of Christ back into the hands of each believer, allowing them to work with the anointing to separate the kingdom of the flesh from the kingdom of the Spirit, and thus enabling them to read and understand the Bible every day from God’s perspective.
On the other hand, when the foundation of truth has not been placed in you by living apostles, the natural man will scheme and strategize to ensure his logic retains the seat of authority. The natural man is trying to cover his nakedness from every angle, to thus seemingly ensure the best success at not messing up his quest to find the will of God.
Some of these tactics might be in your bag(gage). If they are, throw them out.
A minister presents these speculations, and many more, as if they are certifiable credentials that attest to a sound mind. But the carnal mind is not sound; for it uses the moral code as a gauge to compete against the grace of God, thus refusing to work with the anointing. The anointing offends him because it is not subject to the aspiration, which he can control.
The carnal tactics of the carnal mind keeps believers in a state of confusion—easy pickings for the next author whose book promises to set order to his chaotic thinking.
God does not work with these strategies. He simply works from the record of Christ to confirm Him in His new covenant. Ministers who use the moral code as a gauge to vindicate their faith cannot say exactly what the new covenant has to do with their faith. That remains the big question they don’t want to answer, and so they continue with the many ill-fated strategies—the formulas for failure—the broken wheel of yesterday’s failed attempts to understand the plan of God.
Tactics and strategies to interpret the scriptures apart from the record of Christ is not accessible knowledge, but rather knowledge that is buried deep under layers upon layers of the moral code of man, trapping faith into this design of the flesh. On the other hand, the 12 foundation stones of our faith is accessible knowledge. It is knowledge that is fit to Christ and therefore is easily accessed by the anointing for building and bonding with God.
Know this: Jesus is not your Lord if He is not the gauge of your faith. In order for Jesus to be the gauge of your faith, you must start with His sanctified stewardship to begin to build anew the foundation of truth.
Start With Sanctified Stewardship
Ministers who are stuck in the false religious system neglect to start with God’s sanctified apostolic stewardship, and therefore they build another foundation other than Christ. They’re not building for God, but rather gathering tactics and strategies to build for their own confidence. Apostle Paul warned believers not to give heed to those who would pervert the gospel of Christ.
Galatians 1:6-7
6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.
Without God’s sanctified apostles, it is impossible to separate your faith unto Jesus Christ in the way that God intended. In Philippians 1:15-18 Apostle Paul again presents this same contrast between those who pervert the gospel and those who keep the gospel pure. This is the conflict that has been appointed to us from the beginning.
Two gospels would be present, one of pretense and one of truth, one of the kingdom of the flesh and one of the kingdom of God: Cain rivaled against Abel, Ishmael rivaled against Isaac, Esau rivaled against Jacob, those born after the flesh rival against those born after the Spirit.
In the first century church the rabbis who believed Jesus was the Son of God insisted on retaining the psychology of the moral code to guide the people, and therefore mixed the law of Moses into the gospel of Jesus Christ. They were troubling the saints.
Ministers today fall after the same example of unbelief. They are as the Pharisees of the past who resisted Paul, insisting that the manner in which they interpreted scripture was the proper standard, as they contrasted their theological upbringing and schools to the fishermen Jesus selected to represent Him.
The Pharisees insisted that the church needed their experience and leadership, but they were leading believers back to the law, not to the liberty of Christ. They were teaching another (perverted) gospel.
Paul refused the intrusion of their leadership into the government of God. He said that although he knew the law, he did not know Jesus until he learned the foundation stones of His knowledge. He then learned Christ. Today, the contrast continues as God separates His people unto Himself. (Phil 3:4-10)
Excerpt From “The Apostolic Calling & Anointing”
“The restored government of God has emerged and is now fully functioning with many apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers who are all building the kingdom of God upon the one foundation of truth, while at the same time functioning in the diversity of their own callings and gifts.
“Did you catch that? God brought His government into one mind and one faith, one foundation, one frame of knowledge. This is the unity of the faith, not the compromise of the faith whereas each minister tries to find common ground. He’s willing to look across the fence to see if the doctrinal beliefs that he considers most important are also embraced over there and then not worry about the rest. He’s ready to give you the nod [tacit agreements and covenants not honored by God] . This is the practice of the counterfeit apostolic whereas unity means compromise, but Jesus calls it feigned unity because it is deceitful.
“Jesus spoke to me March of 1982 saying, ‘There shall be a unity that shall not be feigned and a oneness that will not be deceitful.”
“Apostle Paul equates his calling to that of a master builder saying, “According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise master builder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.” (1 Corinthians 3:10)
“What does it mean to build? To build means: “to make, construct, or form by joining parts or materials. (www.collinsdictionary.com)
“The master builder has the building plans, the blueprint. No one can build anything unless he first has the plans. The apostle is the one to whom God entrusts the blueprint of truth to build God’s house of covenant faith. Each believer is also called to build, construct, form the same house and is given the same plans.

Here is our blueprint: The 12 foundation stones
Here is our blueprint: The 12 foundation stones, which are the essential, life giving elements of the gospel: grace, faith, righteousness, justification, sanctification, holiness, peace, rest, charity, truth, regeneration, and the renewing of the mind. These are your building blocks. Memorize them. We start with this living blueprint of truth to frame our understanding of Christ and His salvation.
Where is this building taking place? In the heart. The foundation and altar of Christ is being constructed in the temple of your soul, from which you will offer spiritual sacrifices to God that are constructed of this knowledge to reciprocate His love.
Hebrews 13:10
“We have an altar, whereof they have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle.”
With these 12 essential building blocks we have a basis for faith. We build our comprehension of God with the stones of His altar. God’s dream for each believer is the same. He is directing you to return to these stones of Christ’s knowledge to learn how to build His kingdom upon this original foundation of truth. The face of Christ is seen in each of the 12 essential elements—He is the corner stone. They are the DNA map your faith needs to reflect and express Him.
When building faith in the image and likeness of Christ, you’re learning very basic skills: how to divide the kingdom of the flesh from the kingdom of the Spirit. You’re learning to first set order to your faith (how to work with the things of Christ) before you set order to your life (how the process of regeneration works).
Build Your Faith Upon the Rock
There will always be this battle between Jesus and the moral code of man. While man is inclined to use his own moral code as a platform to define and defend his faith, God uses Jesus as the true paragon, and the elements of the gospel as the crucible for spiritual transformation.
A closer look at the word “paragon”
“A model of excellence or perfection. Paragon derives from the Old Italian word paragone, which literally means “touchstone.” A touchstone is a black stone that was formerly used to judge the purity of gold or silver. The metal was rubbed on the stone and the color of the streak it left indicated its quality. In modern English, both touchstone and paragon have come to signify a standard against which something should be judged. (https://www.merriam-webster.com)
I like the word paragon because it helps us to understand that God judges our faith based on the standard of Jesus Christ and that’s why we can test our faith accurately against His foundation stones. Each element of the gospel, set in order by Jesus’ apostles, is a touchstone of truth. The virtue of Christ is the express likeness of God and is manifested in each element, and thus God shows us that He gave us the highest quality of faith in Himself. Nothing of Jesus is missing and nothing of man is added. That is perfect faith.
As we describe the paragon of Christ, we are describing a brand of knowledge, even as God said, that He would inscribe His word in our hearts and minds. (Heb 8:10)
We are also defining the element righteousness when we say that Jesus is the quality and excellence of our faith. God is setting the bar. God is setting the standard in Christ for us to contrast and compare. The excellence of Christ surpasses the inferior clay model of the moral code in every way.
The defiled conscience (a product of the moral code) acts contrary to Christ: seeking its own equity, it rejects the justification of Christ by setting aside His covenant knowledge and tools; it removes the grace of God from regeneration to psychology, which is lasciviousness.
The moral code is a mirror image of the condition of man, separated from God, seeking redemption in the portions of the flesh. He sees promise in the law and therefore demands the law for its standard. The problem is that the law works with the variable of sin, not the righteousness of Christ.
As a believer tries to line up his experiences to scriptures to free his conscience of guilt, the unexpected happens, he is convicted again and again that he is a sinner. God frustrates his efforts to find equity by the law.
One the other hand, grace and truth works with God’s constant—Jesus—who is His own equity, which He built into each foundation stone for our experience of Him. The anointing gives perfect equity in Christ, purifying the conscience of sin.
Romans 4:15
“Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression.”
By the law believers justify Satan (guilt) when they resist the anointing (grace), which the Spirit engrafts in the heart for perfect faith (to reflect Christ).
It was the law that crucified Christ, the Anointed One, and by the power of His resurrection we overcome the condemnation of the law, which makes guilt in the conscience to shield the face from God’s power. Believers that oppose the anointing work with all uncleanness to justify themselves, hiding in the shadows to escape the light.
But believers who reflect the anointing that God engrafts in the heart are blessed with greater gifts of grace and visitations of power as God did to Abraham. We inherit that blessedness as the sign of God’s witness upon our faith that it is real and not an idol. (Jas 2:21-23; 1 Jn 5:21)
Jesus explained the importance of building with His stones of knowledge as opposed to the stones of the moral code when comparing the man who built his house on a rock to the man who built his house on the sand. He said, “He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock.” (Luke 6:48)
The moral code is given the character of the man who built his house without first laying the foundation in Christ—the Rock. Jesus said that this man, “without a foundation built an house upon the earth; against which the stream did beat vehemently, and immediately it fell; and the ruin of that house was great.” (Luke 6:49)
The earth is symbolic of the carnal nature of man, which is earthly. The law does not qualify us to see Christ, and therefore the natural man can only see as far as the horizon; his eye is limited to the things of this earth: his signature skills, his moral code, his God-Code, his prior knowledge, and the fruits of iniquity. That is the horizon of the natural man. He says that he is on a journey in search of truth, but his journey is one of self discovery. (Jas 3:15)
The problem is that he can’t get any closer to the horizon. As each day’s journey unfolds, the carnal eye can’t see beyond himself. You can walk towards the horizon, but you can never get any closer to it. The promises that keep you on that journey make you feel like you are getting closer, but the horizon is still off in the distance.
The anointing takes you beyond the horizon, into Christ and heaven itself. So your foundation has to be of the same material—Jesus—the Rock. Take another look at each of the foundation stones. These are not found in the Bible, they are found in Jesus. The Bible confirms this to be true, but you cannot start with a scripture to find Jesus, you have to start with the foundation.
Building faith on the earth/sand is symbolic of the shifting realities of the natural man. He’s using his own nature as building material. He hasn’t accessed the stones of Christ to build his foundation, so his reality is constantly shifting.