Apostle Paul Odendaal
Paul serves as a called and confirmed Apostle in the restored government of God, and he is an IDCCST Spiritual Life Coach. Apostle Paul helps you break the cycle of falling short of faith’s potential with new discipleship instruction. View my profile.
If you are like most Christians, your search for the will of God comes from a place of hunger and sincere desire to know God. But after years of missing God, your search for His will comes from a place of frustration.
Many come to realize that for the most part, questions about God’s will are self-centered. Is it God’s will to heal me? Is it God’s will to bless me? What is God’s will for prophecy? What is God’s will for ministry?
Of course, God has turned the tide of misguided teaching and shifted the focus back to Jesus and the stewardship of His name which we see in the apostolic calling and the apostolical government whereas all 5 callings function as one to build the house of Jesus’ covenant.
The Lord confirmed this turning point and blessing for the church in a word of knowledge I received on April 17, 2024, saying, “My will is the key of David.”
This word of knowledge about God’s will comes on the heels of cries being made against ministerial misdeeds. For example, Michael Brown’s recent attempt to correct Benny Hinn in regard to fund raising practices.
As ministers examine their accountability and repent of things that they taught in the name of Jesus that are now called into question, God points out a greater misrepresentation of His kingdom – the efforts of ministers to self-correct and correct each other.
Correction by Complaint or Correction by Urim?
Correction that is made by those outside of God’s new covenant (as Brown trying to correct Hinn) is not really correction at all – it’s a complaint – and the voice of complaint is not the Urim. The Urim of judgment was given to God’s sanctified stewardship, as we see in the book of Exodus (Ex. 28:30). The Urim of judgment was put upon Aaron’s heart.
God confirmed the same pattern today, that His judgments (direction for the church) are given through His Urim when He spoke audibly to Apostle Eric vonAnderseck and called Apostle Eric His Urim.
The Urim (God’s sanctified stewardship) does not point out a cut finger, but goes to the very depth of God’s heart to the process of regeneration that He has restored to the church. We can understand why God said, “My will is the key of David.” God is pointing to stewardship.
There’s a lot of deconstruction going on as God turns the body back to Jesus. A voice of complaint is man’s voice, and man’s voice will not cover your nakedness. The complaint is actually a false covering because it assumes God’s sanctification, but offers no gift to Him.
The Key of David
I want to get into the teaching of the key of David. When God expressly says that His will is the key of David, the Lord is talking about the restoration of the true apostolical character. The key of David points to authority, oversight, and refuge.
The key of David is the seat of Jesus’ authority. All the gifts proceed from God’s throne which is the seat of His authority, and all the gifts come through God’s established stewardship.
Revelation 3:7
And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;
Through the apostolic calling, God opens up the mystery of Christ and His work in your heart. Everything else is false and a lie of the record of man. The key of knowledge which God alone opens as an invitation for us to engage with Him on the grounds of His righteousness and holiness, this knowledge is placed in the hands of the apostles – not in the hands of complainers.
Man cannot shut this avenue of engagement and oversight that God initiated. In other words, God will not accept the contributions made by one’s searching out His will based on their own needs or observations.
God has turned the tide of false knowledge and false ministry. The key of David is Jesus’ stewardship in the apostolic calling, even as Jesus said to Peter.
Matthew 16:18
And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
The rock being Jesus and the knowledge He would establish as an immoveable foundation upon which He would build His house and church. The key of knowledge was given to Peter as the seat of authority to show the opening of the gospel to the gentiles.
All sanctified gifts proceed from the throne of God and God gives everyone according to the measure of His grace. Everyone who is tethered to stewardship is tethered to the throne of God and under the shadow of His care.
Take Heed That no Man Deceive You
Jesus, when teaching about the signs of the end time, warned of wars and rumours of wars, nation against nation, kingdom against kingdom, famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in different places. (Mt. 24:6-7)
But the first thing Jesus warned about was deception.
Matthew 24:4
And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
Deception works in the disguise of one’s own signature. You can be true to yourself and your convictions about scripture and still be found to fight against God.
Many today fight against the key of David in the hand of God. This key (apostolic stewardship) is in the hand of God to unlock the door to the mysteries of Christ’s work in you. There is no other key and no other door. They who enter by this key are known by God and we know Him in word and in deed.
There are many ministers enthusiastic for reform and enthusiastic for correction, but the division is over stewardship. Without stewardship, the body of Christ is without the headship of Christ and without truth.
Truth defines who we are in Christ and our place in the body, how we serve God with perfect faith, how His likeness is created in us, what we reciprocate to God, and how we separate the kingdom of the flesh from the kingdom of God.
God having awakened the church to His will about the apostolic calling, everything about the divine transformation of your soul comes alive and takes on new meaning. Truth is the practice of faith within Jesus’ covenant. Without apostles, we do not have the will of God in Christ Jesus, the will of God is put in self.
God Turns the Tide of Neglect
Through His apostles, Jesus gave the whole will and plan of God in the building blocks of His kingdom to separate self from faith.
But neglect of the value God placed upon His Urim is costly. While God has restored His whole plan in Jesus’ stewardship and covenant, ministers of unrighteousness attempt piecemeal reformation with partial measures which will never complete God’s will in you.