Apostle Estelle Tolmay

Estelle serves as a called and confirmed Apostle in the restored government of God, and she is an IDCCST® Spiritual Life Coach. Apostle Estelle uncomplicates faith by giving you answers that you can relate to. View my profile.

What an extraordinary question for an extraordinary time of restoration in which we live today. Can the false religious system be fixed? The answer is no! And we’ll learn why God is making this abundantly clear.

I recently had a dream wherein the Lord showed me a woman that was sharing her testimony of coming into covenant with God and out of the current false religious system.

The woman in my dream is, of course, the church. What was immensely illuminating was the action she took and what she said. The first thing the Lord showed me was that this woman’s decision to obey God’s call to enter into covenant with Him was also a decision to leave behind the false religious system. And as she did so, she said that God is not fixing broken systems and this is precisely why she was called out of “her”.

This is God’s focal point and something I want to target in this article. The Lord brought to mind Revelations 18:4, “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.”

We are Called Out of the False Religious System

Who is God referring to in this verse when He says, “Come out of her?” Who is “her”? God is speaking of the false religious system. The false religious system is not only broken, but it is a counterfeit gospel and a fake Jesus that masquerades as the truth, offering many ways of salvation.

As God reveals in Revelation 18:4, believers are called out of a false system that has utterly compromised their faith, and that’s why it perpetuates sin, not righteousness. We see here a duplicitous faith, and a duplicitous faith cannot be fixed any more than a counterfeit bill can be fixed. So, what God revealed in my dream deals with the transition of the church in this new apostolic season.

God is not going to revive the failed and broken false religious system because He is doing a new thing. He has already restored Jesus’ covenant in the fulness of His priesthood for service to Him and restored His government to teach His saints to thrive in the new environment of His covenant. This prepared and restored place is what God is calling man to.

Isaiah 42:16
And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.

The End of Open-Ended Gospels is the Old Way

God ministered to me a word of knowledge “open-ended” that further reveals why He is not going to revive a failed and rebellious system. This word of knowledge, like the divine dream ministered by the Holy Spirit reveals the many avenues that are offered when the gospel is not centered in Christ, and how each avenue seems like an opportunity God will open up.

We all know what open-ended statements are. They allow for conversation or situations to be interpreted in several ways. The false-prophetic speaks in an open-ended style to provide room for the imagination to fill out the blanks. Here are some examples of open-ended prophecy that many of you have seen and heard:

  • You’re about to walk into a season of answered prayer.
  • BRACE YOURSELF, because things are going to start happening QUICKLY!
  • Where God is leading you is so much greater than what you’re going through.

We can see the ambiguous style of prophecy. Another example: When ministers say things like “God’s got your back”, or “God’s working in the background”, they are talking in an ambiguous style. These statements are all open-ended, non-specific, open to interpretation. When faith remains hinged on these open-ended promises it keeps the soul separated from God because what is being projected is a hope seated in one’s own imagination.

In that this kind of prophecy fails to express Christ and fails to join the believer to Jesus’ priesthood where He mediates the covenant, it is prophecy that is broken off from Jesus. It can’t be fixed. God’s call to covenant is a call into priesthood prophecy, and thus a call to come out of “her” – the false prophetic movement.

What counterfeit prophecy can never do is prophecy Christ, so it can never return to God the substance of faith, righteousness, sanctification, justification, or holiness. Counterfeit prophecy can never produce any of the things God expects, and this is why God is calling believers to come out of “her” and to transition into priesthood prophecy.

God, as the author of our faith has, not left us to our own devices but designed faith to follow the record of Christ so that our hope is not misplaced in the record of the flesh.

It is quite striking how open-ended statements draws upon the heartstrings and this is because of the desire believers have for God to be involved with their life (trust God He’s got this). It rings true because all humans experience the pressures of suffering and seek a way to restore balance.

The Fight to Restore Balance

When the focus is on some sort of struggle experienced (things falling apart) then it’s most natural to counter that experience of loss with methods that seem to most instantly promise the restoration of balance.

Satan offers a lure of promise to the imagination to excite the fight of the natural man for balance. It rings true because believers want to trust God for equity. But we’ll need to define words such as trust and equity from God’s perspective (more on that later) to separate that from the aspiration, principle and imagination of man.

We simply do not see ministers teach that distinction today and this is because they choose to teach their own agenda. It seems too much for them to accept what God had already restored and they insist that God fix and empower what they have built in their own image.

Consequently, believers are taught this same foolish pursuit of speaking negatives into positives. What is being taught is a type of mind-shift by a bit of wordplay. Believers are taught the habit of expecting God to change a negative into a positive. They are being taught that this is how balance is restored and the evidence of blessings from God confirmed.

I want you to know that this is not what true faith looks like but this is rather a type of a hand-to-mouth existence that is taught in the false religious system. In that man’s psychologic fixes masquerades as God’s peace and rest, hand-to-mouth theology is not something you can fix, but can be discerned so you can come out of “her”.

1 John 4:1
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

God is addressing the false prophetic by exposing its inner workings. What we see in the false prophetic is knowledge and inspiration that speaks in rhythm with what’s natural which is called the flesh. It conditions you to look for signs from God in what is common to man, thus teaching you to place God in the common.

Satan’s counterfeit knowledge isn’t powerless but works with seducing spirits with the goal to keep the focus of faith looped to the journey of the imagination.

True faith builds for God in grace and truth, and there is tangible shift in confidence with the knowledge and tools of Christ because God empowers what He gives witness to and God, the Father, only witness to Christ, His Son.

God’s Specifications on Trust and Equity

We talked about the fight of the natural man for balance or equity. I’m going to quote briefly from Apostle Eric vonAnderseck’s Terms Glossary concerning what equity means as God defines that:

“We know that sin separates man from God and, in the absence of God, man searches for that which will make him whole again. Equity is another word for the normal wholeness, harmony, balance, and stability God designed the soul to experience being joined to Him.” end quote. (the glossary is available here on our website when you register for the free IDCCST Course self-paced study)

We see that the fight of the natural man for equity (balance, wholeness and stability) becomes even more clear. It’s helpful to understand that sin (which separates you from God) is a system within the kingdom of darkness which Satan is the ruler of because now you can see how it is possible for you to abandon one system by taking up a new one, the new one being the system of Christ’s righteousness in the kingdom of Light of which God is the ruler through the powers of His knowledge, wisdom and understanding.

God has always throughout the history of His plan been very specific with the terms and conditions for man’s service to Him. So also, God is very specific on Christ being the power of equity. God placed the law of grace and truth in Christ (Jn 1:17) which joins us back to God. By embracing this new law (conforming to Christ), the Spirit works inner equity by bringing the mind and soul into agreement with God. Equity as defined from God’s perspective has to do with accepting this perfection of Christ, meaning nothing of man is added.

God ministered a word of knowledge to me during a recent online assembly “the specificity of God’s prescription”. The word “specificity” particularly points out the quality of belonging or relating uniquely to a particular subject.

What the Holy Spirit ministers to us here is how the knowledge and the tools of our priesthood possess the quality (standard) of belonging and relating uniquely to Christ, no other subject matter. That means that His knowledge and tools carry the standard of righteousness which God prescribed to it. It also means that Christ cannot be found in the record of man (facets of the flesh). ‘God’s prescription’ further minister to us that the record of Christ (as the remedy) is what you now choose to embrace instead of your own record. (1 John 5: 9 -12).

Trust, by definition, is built through contact. It is because we use the correct contact points for faith that we touch God with His virtue and trust is built as a tangible consequence of that joining. These contact points are the 9 tools of the covenant which God has sanctified and empowered for faith today: Government, truth, and Spirit; the gifts, callings, and graces of God; prayer, preach, and prophecy.

As we gain experience with these tools, we also gain experience with God’s grace and truth whereby we observe a consistency of the exchange of Christ as grace reciprocates to faith and faith to grace. We see an equal exchange in God through Christ. We thus learn to observe the consistency of God rewarding our faith with an increase born of Him.

We can now see how the Spirit changes our expectations when we resource the correct foundation and tools for faith. Our expectation carries the focus of service to God with Christ as the perfect gift and God increases that gift with His knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Our perception is not hinging on what the senses of the flesh can detect. The experience of increasing in His virtue affecting change within our souls is a tangible consequence of our consistency with His tools.