
Teacher Maria vonAnderseck
Maria serves as a called and confirmed Chief Teacher in the restored government of God and she is an IDCCST Spiritual Life Coach. She is the co-founder of s8w Ministries. Teacher Maria walks you through spiritual transformation from start to finish, God’s way. View my profile.
In this new season of restoration, God is talking about covenant illiteracy to shed light on why so many pastors and ministry leaders are unsure of the covenant agreement God made with us and how He sanctified the new terms of contact with us in Jesus’ blood and gave us new tokens as a sign that He sealed our faith in Himself.
To be covenant illiterate speaks to a state of awareness. Pastors and ministry leaders are not aware of God’s covenant conditions, they are aware of a need versus promise condition and that’s why they outline promises rather than stipulate God’s covenant terms.
There’s a problem when faith is promise driven because the promise does not dictate the terms. The terms of contact dictate the practice of our faith that makes reciprocation possible and God fulfills His Oath that He would be the life of our faith and daily create in us His nature.
When a pastor or ministry leader is promise oriented, he will speak in ambiguous overtones about God’s word being His bond and may say that “it’s written in blood”, but he’s talking about the promises he’s looking to obtain, not the spiritual connections that God established in Jesus to empower us to measure our faith to Him.
The New Covenant Terms of Contact
Sadly, failing to connect God’s new covenant terms of contact to His new covenant tools disconnects your faith from all of God’s promises. Without knowing precisely what God’s terms of contact are, how can we agree to observe Christ in them as obedient children of God?
Amos 3:3
Can two walk together, except they be agreed?
The terms of the new covenant: The terms of the new covenant is the policy God set in Himself to provide for and govern the activity of our faith. God made specific arrangements for our contact with Him to set the boundaries for us to reciprocate to Him in kind to receive the increase of His fruit in us.
God sanctified the terms of His new covenant with Jesus’ blood to join us to Him. He placed His own name on His own covenant stewardship, foundation knowledge, spiritual tools and new priesthood.
God accepts our faith on the grounds that it bears the equity of what He is because it’s a reflection of Himself. God established Himself as our tether to His throne. In that God will accept nothing that is less than Himself, the contact God initiates with us in Jesus is what He honors and sustains with His power. God will never reverse the policy that He set to establish Himself as the divine order of our faith. This is the yoke of our faith.
This action is a bedrock condition. Because God designed the new covenant for reciprocation by the Spirit, God’s conditions and the tools He designed for us to engage with Him have to be there in your foundation before it can be acted upon to fulfill God’s expectations. And this is why God called and reinstalled apostles into the church to return the church to the foundational knowledge He sanctified in Jesus’ blood for our sanctified contact with Him.
Let’s see how God teaches these blood connections in the old covenant.
Blood Connections
In the old covenant that God established through Moses everything was sanctified with the blood of an animal. Everything the blood touched was binding for faith. Hold that in your mind because it’s going to be important later when we transfer that meaning to Jesus.
Clarification: Just so there is no confusion, God is not talking about applying Jesus’ blood to your circumstance as Kenneth Copeland recently posted on X (formerly Twitter): “Whether it’s for a person, place, circumstance or area of your life, when you plead the blood of Jesus over it, you are spiritually applying the blood the way the children of Israel literally did over their doorposts.”
To be clear, God is not applying the blood of Jesus to areas of your life, but rather God applied the blood of Jesus to the tools and articles of His new covenant to sanctify them so that when we use them, His power is actively present to effect change and transformation in the inner man.
Pleading the blood of Jesus over the circumstances of your life changes the orientation of the covenant to reference self and leads to the false personal prophecy ministry that so many give themselves over to, and the false name it and claim it declarations that are equally destructive.
To “spiritually apply the blood” to areas of your life removes the value of Jesus and His tools from your faith and makes your faith serve a powerless, self-referencing gospel.
Under the influence of false knowledge, a person feels that they are free of any responsibility to apostolic oversight. God is breaking Satan’s hold on the church through this gas station theology.
God is Emptying Pockets
Clarifications are necessary to make sure that everyone understands that God is not fixing Satan’s broken-down theology, God has restored the original pattern and foundation of truth. This is doctrinal cleansing whereas God is emptying pockets. Nothing of the false religious system is allowed into God’s kingdom. (Jer. 9:3)
Once you grasp the depth of deception that the church has been under it can be overwhelming to realize how deep those pockets are and it can feel like you are starting over – and you are. But you’re not starting over on your own terms, as in the past, making small course corrections as you see them pop up here and there.
This is where we see some pastors and ministry leaders disown the prosperity message, or disown tithing, disown false prophecy, disown double standards and lifestyles, and make a seemingly honorable turnaround to embrace fasting for example as a way to get on the right path… at last.
But this is still Satan’s stewardship.
Under Satan’s stewardship, the church operated without a head – without the headship of Jesus through His sanctified apostles. Each minister said that they were “open to correction”, but that did not mean that they were willing to be instructed. So, we can see that they created their own stalemate. God could not progress any further with their pockets still stuffed full of doctrinal inventions.
When we ask, “Where are you in your transition to covenant?” we’re asking if you are ready to receive instruction.
Correction is made for understanding for conformity to Christ.
Seeing that their present theology is a transgression, some want to take what they hear from God’s restored government and will try to fit it into what they currently believe. But to take a piece from Jesus’ pattern and try to force it into your own puzzle to master your understanding of Satan’s theology is a transgression against God – it’s still Satan’s mindset.
It’s a transgression against the apostolic calling and a lie against the Holy Spirit. God gave us an example of this in Ananias and his wife Sapphira who tested stewardship. They wanted to “test the spirits” to see whether or not Apostle Peter was of God. People are not to follow that avenue of discernment to build their own concepts of God’s will to get around God’s call for doctrinal cleansing. (Acts 5:1-10)
Let’s get back to the blood of Jesus and how God applies it. When your faith is promise driven rather than covenant driven, the blood of Jesus is taken to mean a power of good and blessing you can claim over your life. But Jesus shed His blood to give us the covenant of regeneration by which God seals His great and precious promises to us. These two paths are not the same and God is separating your faith from the false claims that are made about Jesus’ blood that do not join your faith to Him.
Let’s look at the allegory now to learn God’s blood connections.
God told Moses, His steward, to sprinkle the blood of an animal upon both the physical temple tools and the people to signify that what He sanctified with blood, their faith was responsible to practice to serve Him acceptably.
God set terms and conditions for the faith of the people because He was building connections in an allegory, which He would later bring to life when Jesus shed His own blood to make a new and better covenant and give us new and better spiritual tools to serve Him.
Hebrews 9:19, 21
19 For when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people according to the law, he took the blood of calves and of goats, with water, and scarlet wool, and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book, and all the people,
21 Moreover he sprinkled with blood both the tabernacle, and all the vessels of the ministry.
In these verses God shows us that what He initiates for covenant begins with sanctified stewardship in Moses to whom He gave the knowledge of His terms of contact. Moses outlined the participation of the people (the activity of their faith) within the tabernacle with all the physical tools of this first covenant that the blood of an animal had touched. These were the boundaries God set for their participation.
Whenever the people strayed from God’s terms to either neglect to serve God according to the pattern He gave to Moses, or whenever they added any form of worship or attempted to serve God in a way that He did not command through Moses, they stepped outside the covenant boundaries and it was counted to them as sin and God’s judgments followed. (Neh. 9:29; Jer. 22:9)
To be covenant illiterate speaks to an inability to make these blood connections and further speaks to an inability to separate the old covenant from the new covenant in Jesus to know what God has now sanctified in Jesus with His blood for our participation. God sprinkled Jesus’ blood on His new spiritual tools and they are now binding for our faith.
When the true gospel of Jesus Christ is preached, we come into a covenant agreement with God. We can neither neglect God’s terms of contact, nor add to them. To do so is to sin against God. We can understand why God has a controversy with ministers in the false religious system who preach a covenantless gospel – the gospel that offers a self-referencing covenant that is absent of God.
The Allegory Versus the Reality
So then, contrary to popular belief, the old covenant is not the foundation for the new covenant, and that’s simply because the allegory is not our practice, nor does it build new connections with God, nor does the allegory equip us with God’s new spiritual tools. God designed a new foundation to equip us to function in His new covenant. Jesus is the reality we live.
The allegory helps us to understand the connections God built between the blood and the tools and His stewardship and priesthood. Remember, Moses sprinkled both the physical temple tools and the people with the blood of an animal to signify that what God sanctified with blood, their faith was responsible to practice.
On the cross, Jesus shed His own blood upon Himself signifying that He is the new covenant. Jesus removed the offense by sacrifice and by His blood He established Himself as our point of contact with God. We now freely touch Him.
Apostle Eric vonAnderseck often teaches on these things as he faithfully spearheads the restoration of the church to Jesus’ covenant. He said,
From the beginning, God promised us a covenant in Himself and He promised to become the token of contact because it is by contact that we know Him and He knows us.
And that’s why God took the blood of Jesus and sprinkled it upon His own spiritual tools, beginning with apostolic stewardship (which is His spiritual government) to whom God gave the new pattern and blueprint terms (which is Jesus’ truth) that outline our participation with His tools in a new priesthood by which He heals the scars Satan inflicted upon our soul and daily creates in us His nature.
When our faith is active with the things that God sprinkled with Jesus’ blood, God sees that you value what He values and He accepts your faith as being equal to that which He gave in Jesus and He bonds and builds with you.
That’s a living relationship with God.
You will find that everyone that God has called into His restored government is making these distinctions known to break the church free from the counterfeit gospel. We are living in historic times. By restoring the true gospel, God is again breathing life into His church.
Are You Dialed in To God’s Promises or God’s New Covenant?
So many Christians are getting the wrong teaching. They are being taught how to get dialed into God’s promises, but they don’t know what God values so they’re not dialed into His new covenant terms for contact. As Apostle Eric brought out, God only values Jesus and that’s why God said, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17b)
This is such a wonderful mind shift for believers as they return to the simplicity of their faith, that I want to make sure you get it: Jesus is what God values so He empowers His covenant knowledge and tools for our contact making it possible for us to reciprocate Christ.
Know this: The new covenant is not a condition of belief, but a condition of sanctified contact with the living God. God’s expectation is that we reciprocate to Him in kind.
God is teaching the church to differentiate between what a minister says he believes and what God says He sanctified for our contact with Him. This will help you to separate fact from fiction.
Separating fact from fiction #1: Just because a minister says he believes that the new covenant in Jesus’ blood applies to believers today and that all of God’s promises are true, does not mean that he has come into a covenant agreement with God to accept His terms: to accept all the tokens God sprinkled with Jesus’ blood beginning with apostolic stewardship.
Pastors and ministry leaders have a way of saying that they believe in something they are not participating in.
Separating fact from fiction #2: For example, saying that you believe that Jesus fulfills the everlasting priesthood in the covenant with Moses, does not mean that you are actively participating in Jesus’ new priesthood.
God made special arrangements for your faith to reflect and express Jesus Christ in your new priesthood that includes priesthood prophecy and the daily process of regeneration that God oversees for fruit bearing. People use the word “agreement” without knowledge.
How can you believe in a blood agreement without agreeing to the terms of contact and exchange that Jesus’ blood purchased? That’s covenant illiteracy.
The Inherent Dangers of a Covenantless Gospel
Allowing your faith to stand apart from the very things God sprinkled with the blood of Jesus to join you to Him is a very dangerous place to be. That mindset starts a landslide of false doctrines that ministers have to create, invent, and fabricate in order to deal with all the disconnections they experience.
Separating fact from fiction #3: For example, believing that you receive a recreated human spirit the moment you said yes to Jesus is a dangerous belief. In truth, when we say yes to Jesus’ covenant, God engrafts His Holy Spirit within us because He seals our adoption with a token of Himself.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit is a token of ownership that says that we belong to God and that He has adopted us and taken ownership of our soul. We are then discipled in the foundation of the functions of our faith to enter into our priesthood to reciprocate to God as He daily works His nature in us. Our language changes, our experience changes, and our testimony changes.
That’s not going to happen if you believe wrongly that God recreated your human spirit. So, that’s another example of how wide-spread and dangerous covenant illiteracy actually is. God is uprooting these basic hidden mistakes in long held beliefs.
Jesus knows that you want His holiness and peace and love but would say, “I equip you with all the spiritual tokens of myself for your contact with me. I am equalizing you to myself.”
A Gift of Equal Exchange
On this note we can take a look at another post from Kenneth Copeland where his teaching point on the blood of Jesus again goes in a different direction than God had intended.
Copeland delves into the Hebrew covenant ceremony to explain how an exchange takes place, but he gets lost in the allegory and says, “When the covenant ceremony began, the two representatives exchanged their coats. This signified the mutual exchange of authority… The motive behind blood covenants was, quite simply, differences—that is, covenants were based on the strengths and weaknesses of the parties involved.”
We get the idea that’s being pushed: Jesus takes our weaknesses and in return we get His strength. But this is not an equal exchange, is it? It is not at all an example of the equal exchange God is in expectation of receiving. God is not a garbage truck, collecting our trash.
God already set the terms for our exchange by establishing that He places value only on Jesus and that He only accepts a gift of equal value. This takes place in the new covenant priesthood that Jesus established in Himself. There is nothing of ours that God wants. He does not desire our sin or sicknesses, or disease, or weakness, or poverty, or circumstances so we can’t give them to Him. No equal exchange is possible if we ignore Jesus’ knowledge, stewardship, and spiritual tools.
Because Jesus is the covenant, He is the token; He is the gift we reciprocate to God. Jesus is the gift of propitiation to take away sin and provide a new testimony and a new reality of the new life we have in Him. In the example Copeland gave, Jesus is mistaken as our substitute where an UN-equal exchange takes place. (1 Jn. 2:2)
God has done a lot of work to remove the idea that was made popular that Jesus took our sins and we took His righteousness. We can see that is not an equal exchange, nor do we benefit from such a trade.
Always remember: Jesus died for us, meaning for our benefit, not in our place.
As Apostle Paul instructs in 2 Corinthians 5:21, “For he hath made him to be [a] sin [bearer] for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” Jesus was the sin bearer, meaning that He bore the responsibility to take away our sins and become the contact point to provide remission of sins in His righteousness, meaning that He became the standard and good tidings of our faith.
Consider Numbers 18:1, “And the Lord said unto Aaron, You and your sons and your father’s house with you shall bear the iniquity of the sanctuary; and you and your sons with you shall bear the iniquity of your priesthood.”
Sin bearer: God placed upon Aaron and his sons the responsibility of making the atoning sacrifice for sin. However, the law addressed the condition of Adam, but not the remedy in Christ.
When Jesus shed His blood upon the cross, He did not become sin, but rather He died for our benefit to provide in Himself a new covenant. (Heb. 7:27)
Jesus’ covenant is better because not only is sin forgiven, but He is now the token of the covenant, making remission of sins possible in our spiritual priesthood where we are daily provided with gifts for our reciprocation to God on His level rather than ours. Jesus mediates the gifts and the anointing affects transformation in the inner man.
God Breaks the Cycle of Sin and Death
To be promise driven means that you’ll never see Christ in His covenant and can never go beyond your own weaknesses.
Since God only accepts a gift that is equal to Himself, He gave Jesus as a gift for us to reciprocate to Him. And this is why Apostle John says that, “We love Him, because he FIRST loved us.” (1 John 4:19) God initiated a covenant to equalize us to Himself to prepare in us a gift of Himself for Himself. A perfect reflection of Himself.
The gift of equal exchange speaks of the cycle that God has called us to. Apostle Eric recently taught on the importance of understanding the nature of this exchange and brought out, “we see the cycles of this tethering, from the bosom of the Father to the bosom of our heart, and from the bosom of our heart back to the bosom of our Father, whereas our treasures are being laid up for us there, and our Father is keeping the register of your gifts, by which we are rewarded with increase.”
That’s the purpose of our faith taking on all the tools and spiritual tokens that God sprinkled with Jesus’ blood, beginning with the apostolic stewardship, followed by the foundation of truth being set in your heart, followed by the function of your priesthood which prepares you to prophesy Christ as He officiates over His inner work in the heart.
If the tool has not been sanctified with Jesus’ blood, we cannot use it because it is less than God and not an equal exchange.
To really begin to participate in the new covenant requires a different mindset and that’s why God is breaking old habits and addressing deep-seated ideas that took root in the church in the absence of apostolic oversight. It shouldn’t be lost on anyone how momentous this is.
God’s Promise Needs a Corresponding Condition
God places His covenant terms for contact as a condition to fulfill His promise to heal your soul and create in you His nature, God equips you with the knowledge and the spiritual tools you will need as you begin your fruit bearing season. Jesus said, “Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.” (John 15:8)
If you want to start operating like you are in covenant with God then His covenant connections cannot be ignored.
Did you know: God placed your refuge, shield, and comfort in His apostolic stewardship to lead your faith in one direction: fruit bearing in the soul. This is true regeneration.
On this note I want to again take a quote from Apostle Eric where he says, “God’s promise to preserve our soul from deception and the consumption that takes place in the kingdom of the flesh needs a corresponding condition for us to reciprocate to God. God initiated the terms of the new covenant for our participation with His stewardship and spiritual tools. God’s call is for us to enter into this activity of faith.”
If we are not actively participating with Jesus’ blood bought tools, then we do not have a functioning priesthood and Jesus is not mediating the covenant on our behalf.
We can see why God is awakening the church to the true meaning and the due order of His new covenant through Jesus that cannot be revoked or altered or changed. God will not violate His plan. (Heb. 6:18)
Jesus IS the Token of Promise
It’s very important to take on God’s teaching point, that Jesus is the token of promise. When a minister is promise oriented, he believes in the promise on his own terms and ends up throwing away God’s covenant terms for contact, which is to trample Jesus’ blood under his feet, even as Apostle Paul instructed.
Hebrews 10:29
Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?
Separating fact from fiction #4: As I said earlier, pastors and ministry leaders have a way of saying that they believe in something that they are not actively participating in. In this example, saying that they believe that Jesus is God’s promise to us, but in reality, they want the promise without the token, and that’s a problem.
It’s worth repeating again and again in order to take on God’s meaning: Jesus is the token we reciprocate to God because we can’t reciprocate to God anything that is less than God Himself. This is what it means to be holy as God is holy.
1 Peter 1:16
Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.
God promised us a covenant in Himself. He promised to become the token of contact. Jesus says, “I am your redemption, so I am the only token you can use to reciprocate to me.”
The covenant sets the terms of our contact with God and guarantees that the tokens of our faith will always reflect Him: His spiritual government is a token that reflects Jesus, His truth reflects Him, and His Spirit reflects Him; His gifts, callings, and the graces of God reflect Him; prayer, preaching, and the priesthood prophecy of His altar – these tokens reflect Jesus and express Him.
The real-world outcome follows as God fulfills His promise in us by creating in us what He is.
When we follow the policy that God set for our faith, we come into agreement with God that He only values Jesus and that’s why Jesus is God’s token of promise. All the new spiritual tokens of His covenant reflect Him and carry His power to effect change in our inner man. God is bringing us up to His level.
The faithful in Christ Jesus bear this sign in the activity of our new priesthood whereby the anointing daily seals our reciprocation with a new and living witness as we commune with God by receiving His daily gifts of propitiation. The covenant of Jesus set the conditions that make this possible.
So, ask yourself, do you believe in Jesus apart from His covenant or do you believe in Jesus according to the terms of His covenant? If you believe in Jesus according to His terms then He is the only measure of your faith.
Can My Love for God Replace His Terms of Contact?
Under wrong teaching, Christians often look for loopholes to get what they want from God without honoring His new covenant terms of contact and they’ll work from the idea that love is God’s bottom line and they’ll ask, “Can my love for God replace His covenant terms?” The answer is no.
Overlooking God’s new covenant conditions and provisions, a minister will overplay the love connection he has built with God on his own terms. He’ll use love as a stand-in for God’s terms and he’ll profess with great passion his love for God while denying God the due process whereby His fruit would be born in him.
Have you counted the cost?
Just as the 5 foolish virgins failed to count the cost of holding onto empty vessels, so also do those who choose to love God on their own terms fail to count the cost of holding onto an empty soul.
The 5 foolish virgins could not believe that Jesus had shut the door on them. And as they knocked and knocked and pounded on the door, and cried out to Jesus to let them in, they thought within themselves saying, “Surely the Master must know who I am.” But Jesus said, “Verily I say unto you, I know you not.” (Mt. 25:1-12)
God’s love for us has a different starting point and different terms because it’s based on His expectation rather than ours. On that great day of judgment, Jesus isn’t going to say, “You never loved me,” but rather, “I never knew you.” (Mt. 7:21-23)
A New Bloodline in Jesus
God gave us a new bloodline in Jesus Christ that puts us beyond the reach of Satan and beyond the reach of sin and death. Jesus is the Oath and tether of our faith, the seed of our new beginning.
Jesus is the genealogy and prototype and pattern of all sons of God. God put life out of reach of Satan. The blueprint of truth was preserved in Jesus for us. That’s why the new covenant terms are different from the old covenant terms and the new covenant tools are different from the old covenant tools and the new covenant priesthood is far superior to the old covenant priesthood, God having sprinkled them with His own blood.
As they try to work their way to God’s promises on their own terms, a pastor or ministry leader will often delve into the cultures of this world to describe God’s kingdom and how a blood covenant works. But God’s kingdom is not at all like the blood covenants of this world. The minister is simply tethering the people to himself, not to God.
The Covenant and Contradiction
As I’ve been pointing out, pastors and ministry leaders have a way of saying that they believe in something that they are not participating in. I want to go over another example with you to bring home that a division of minds exists when they talk about contradiction.
Separating fact from fiction #5: A ministry leader may say that he believes that God established His everlasting kingdom in Jesus, but that does not mean that he is equipped to separate the kingdom of God from the kingdom of the flesh. This again points to covenant illiteracy.
What would we tell believers who continue to wrestle with sin? They enter into belief of Jesus, but did not enter into a covenant agreement with God. They went through the ritual of water baptism, they believe in the gifts of the Spirit, but the foundation of truth was never set in their heart and they continue to drift back into sin.
The destructive teaching that Christians have been getting reinforces their awareness of a need versus promise condition and the idea is that they can use scripture to talk back to any contradiction they face to reverse it. But in truth, the real problem is that they were never equipped to separate the kingdoms and they are still operating in the kingdom of the flesh while believing they are operating in the kingdom of God.
Never having separated the kingdoms, they are still operating from their own record (signature talents and gifts, moral code, God-Code, the knowledge of this world, and the fruits of iniquity) which are all tethered to Satan’s perception.
Having been taught to apply scripture and the blood of Jesus to the circumstances of life, their problems and issues, their hurts and woes, desires and needs to make a better image of self, sin still rules their perception.
Even though some ministers try to turn that around to devote their sermons to be about caring for others and they may talk about how rewarding it is to have a giving heart and to put others first, they’re still talking about the contradiction of the fleshly kingdom, they’re not talking about the life God gave us in Jesus Christ.