Apostle Eric vonAnderseck
Eric serves as a called and confirmed Chief Apostle in the restored government of God. He is the founder of s8w Ministries, and it is through his stewardship that God ushered in a new season of restoration for all believers who desire to walk in the fulness of Christ. View my profile.
There are many wailing for the transgressions done by the leadership of the fake and now broken prophetic movement, yet they want to try to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. But as the children’s rhyme goes, “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again.”
You might be wondering why I chose Humpty Dumpty as an object lesson to teach about the fake prophetic movement. In truth, Jennifer LeClaire claims to have received this word “The prophetic movement is facing a Humpty Dumpty moment” in November 2020.
So, why Humpty Dumpty? The symbolism the Lord selected in this child’s rhyme reveals several things about the fake prophetic. But before we dive into the rhyme to reveal God’s mind, I want you to know that the real prophetic ministry has been restored to the church in priesthood prophecy, which is the true prophetic utterances that God sanctified for you to testify of Christ, and it is this change that separates the false prophetic from the true prophetic.
God is not against prophecy; He is against false prophetic teaching. Many self-proclaimed prophetic teachers (including LeClair) failed to rightly discern prophecy, and even now fail to offer God’s transition to priesthood prophecy. LeClair, as so many others, is hoping this will all somehow pass over and that God will view these transgressions against Him as a moment of weakness and that somehow, with good intentions to learn from their mistakes, the prophetic movement will mature into something different.
Sitting on the Wall of Decision
As we know, the blatant neglect of leadership to equip God’s people with priesthood prophecy is not a moment of weakness… it is rebellion… it is sitting on the wall of decision. While God was busy restoring true prophecy as a tool of the new covenant, prophetic ministers were lukewarm in their reception of God’s will and purpose that they transition into the priesthood of Jesus Christ. Jesus brought this to bear upon the church in the book of Revelation.
Revelation 3:16
So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
So then, it was not a mistake to neglect to transition to the new covenant priesthood prophecy to testify of Christ, it was a decision that was made while on the wall of indifference to God. One cannot mature from that position of rebellion, but rather repent to accept the token priesthood Jesus sanctified in His own blood for our reciprocation to God.
As we know, God always gives His people space to repent and warnings of His judgments to come if they do not heed His word. So, what does this “space” to repent really mean? It means that God first assigns a steward to lead them in the truth and God gives signs that He has sent His steward. When hearts harden to God’s word (because the old prophetic wine is preferred), He then sets a scenario to separate the fake prophetic teachers apart. His judgments against them can be clearly seen as a warning sign to others lest they step into the shoes of their transgressions.
And this is where the children’s rhyme again comes in. Humpy Dumpty falls from his position from the wall. It’s called a great fall! In other words, a catastrophic fall that cannot be walked back from. What happens when you crack an egg? Not only is the shell broken, but what’s inside the egg is clearly revealed, laid bare and seen by all passersby. In addition, the egg is wasted, there is no profit to the body.
So also does God reveal the spirit that prophetic ministers draw from. They tried to conceal this earthly spirit, but God broke open the Humpy Dumpty prophets, and everyone now clearly sees the spirit by which they prophesy. They do not prophesy from the Holy Ghost and they are not God’s voice to the church, nor to the world. What they give is of no profit to the body of Christ.
The Egg That He Is
You can imagine that Humpty took up his position on the wall quite willingly and perhaps was even smug about his vantage point over his neighbor’s yard. In this we can see illustrated the false confidence of ministers caught up in the fake prophetic movement.
They prophesied what they saw as they peered over their neighbor’s wall and claimed this as a revelation of the Lord, prophesying to the nations, prophesying into your life, prophesying about your struggles, proclaiming victory, making decrees, giving you a word from the Lord, but speaking lies in His name.
This abominable practice cannot be healed, God is scrubbing it clean away from His house so that believers will wash themselves of this practice. This is God’s will: separation first unto Jesus’ restored new covenant and what follows is your cleansing.
In the false religious system, you will hear ministers talk about God separating them from practices they now question, pointing to others they feel have compromised, but they are not being cleansed and washed to enter into Jesus’ priesthood prophecy, which is essential for you to serve God and His kingdom God’s way. Doctrinal cleansing thankfully takes place through God’s newly formed spiritual government.
Let’s go back into the Humpty Dumpty symbolism one more time. Just as Humpty Dumpty could not be put back together again, so also will these ministers not again reach the position of influence and fake authority in the church.
If you are familiar with the failed (fake) prophetic movement then you are familiar with one of its leaders, Bill Hamon. You might remember that he proclaimed Pat Robertson to be God’s general and thus confirmed his prophetic utterances. As we all know, Robertson’s failed Trump prophesies are amongst the many bodies (lifeless prophecy) piling up.
Let’s finish the child’s rhyme. It says that “all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again.”
Who are the king’s horses and the king’s men? The horse is the power of battle and the king’s men are his soldiers. This is symbolic of the many feverish efforts made by ministers who offer themselves as the power of your reason, but the spiritual eye of their perception is powerless to heal this breach.
In other words, there is no reset button for the false prophetic ministry. There are no spiritual do-overs, for though the Lord has suffered long with their indifference, He is now releasing those whom these ministers kept captive by their false promises and feigned love.
There are many wailing for the transgressions done by the leadership & for the fake-prophetic. Though many are “sorry” for their erring way, yet they remain unconverted with empty lamps. True repentance is embracing what God provided to seal the change.