Teacher Wendy Nilsson
Wendy serves as a called and confirmed Teacher in the restored government of God, and she is an IDCCST Spiritual Life Coach. Teacher Wendy helps you to begin a new and final chapter in your search for truth. View my profile.
This morning as I was sweeping my courtyard, I noticed a five-cent coin lying on the ground. I left it where it was and continued sweeping, but it stayed in my mind. I wondered how it got there and thought that if I were hungry and without money, that small coin would not be left lying there as something worthless but would have been immediately and gratefully retrieved.
I was reminded of Jesus’ words, “The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field. Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof” (Matthew 13:31-32)
The teaching point of the Holy Spirit is about the value of God’s grace and what it contains. Just as the tiniest of seeds holds the pattern of the parent, so also does each gift of grace, hold the pattern of Jesus Christ.
Just as the seed in time manifests its parent, so does our faith, as it labors with the seed of grace, manifesting all the virtues and power of Jesus Christ.
Abundance of Blessings
This made me think of the abundance of blessing we, who are in covenant, continue to receive as the heirs of salvation and how we are encouraged by God to never dismiss what might seem like the small tokens of His grace.
I say “small”, not to say that grace is in any way graded (small or big), but to bring attention to what happens when we labor with the grace of God. This is the reason Jesus pointed to the tiniest seed of all, the mustard seed. He wasn’t saying that big things come in small packages, but that the pattern for our increase in God lies in the seed of His grace.
When we labor with the words of knowledge, dreams, vision, and spiritual sacrifices to unfold the mystery of Christ, the seed of grace is being planted in the soil of truth to bring forth the sapling that grows into the full stature of Christ.
In that trees go through a process of growth from seed to maturity, Jesus is also pointing to the process of our growth and we are taught not to discount the grace of God, but to reflect on what it contains. As we labor with each token we not only feed our own faith, but the faith of those to whom we steward God’s grace.
Each Touch of Grace is for Increase
One of the most asked questions from a young believer is, How can I know when the Lord is ministering His grace to me? They ask this because they don’t want to make a mistake, so what ends up happening is that they pass on many opportunities to sow the grace of God.
I’ll give you the same counsel I have given so many times. Start with the restored foundation of truth to reason with God as you learn how to form your spiritual sacrifices. The same anointing that breaks open your understanding of truth as you take the knowledge of Christ to covenant is the same Spirit of grace that teaches you how to break open the words of knowledge and dreams you receive.
Keep in mind that God is calling each of us to be mindful of His grace. To be mindful of His grace is to be mindful of our sowing and increase.
Jesus pointed out God’s expectation that we sow the grace of God we are given. He said, “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.” (Luke 12:48).
The mystery of Christ is seen in the increase we experience. Even the seemingly little token of grace that we receive and we in turn steward, multiplies. As the tiny, seemingly insignificant mustard seed becomes a mighty tree, providing food and shelter, so do we also provide for the nourishment and increase of the body.
The Privilege of Christ’s Priesthood
The seed of grace seems small compared to the inflated imagination that is pressed into when a religious aspiration is favoured. You’re learning to trust God’s pattern for increase, and that’s what your priesthood is for.
Praise God for this great privilege and for His sustaining power to us who take on the responsibility of the priesthood being heirs of the eternal promises of God in Christ. If you continue in Jesus’ covenant, wherein we carry the pledge of His oath and the power of divine transformation, then you, too, will soon experience how the Holy Spirit encourages vigilance in prayer and in reciprocation of His manifold grace.