Apostle David vonAnderseck
David serves as a called and confirmed Apostle in the restored government of God. Apostle David knows that you need a strong foundation to build a strong faith, and that God’s foundation is not the same as ours. View my profile.
The Lord gave me an important prophetic dream December 27th 2022 that has to do with the healing of the church. The Lord showed me a gigantic vine which had grown up out of the ground. It was a massive size and stretched far out for miles up into the sky.
The whole world knew about it and talked among themselves in fear about what was going to come down the vine. One senior couple (baby boomer generation) looked up in the sky in fear as if expecting giants to come down the vine. They felt unprepared for what was coming and began to search their hearts anew.
The Lord caused me to understand that this couple represented the condition of the church under the influence of generations of false stewards. They believed in Jesus, but their faith had grown cold because they were never given access to all the things God placed in Jesus that would allow Him entrance to begin a work in their hearts.
They had re-committed themselves to God many times through repentance, prayer and fasting and returned to church in hopes of finding something new. They were talking about trying harder to live for God and my heart went out to them as they considered the same failed avenues to live for Jesus.
Suddenly, the power of God came upon me and I said to them in the voice of the Lord, “No, now is the time to come into covenant with God.” Of course, I was speaking of the covenant God made with us through Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman.” (John 15:1)
The true vine is Jesus’ covenant knowledge which has been lost to the church. The vine the Lord showed me in the dream was the false vine. The false vine, or false gospel grew up to replace Jesus’ vine, and this is the message that the whole world has heard. The false gospel has not prepared the hearts of the people for what is coming.
Just to clarify what the false gospel is: it is a denial, removal, and neglect of the new covenant God made with us through Jesus. The baby boomer generation covers the span of the church during the influential Jesus movement era. A whole generation of believers accepted Jesus as their Saviour, but were never taught the sense of His new covenant to understand how God made provision in the sanctified works of the covenant for us to be joined to Him. They were not aware of Satan’s influence in the knowledge and fruit of this false vine because fair words about God’s love and care covered it up.
In God’s appointed time of restoration during the days of Ezra, the law of Moses was the covenant of the day and Ezra read distinctly from the book of the law and gave the sense of God’s meaning and caused the people to understand God’s expectation.
Nehemiah 8:8
So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading.
What is God’s covenant of the day right now? It is the new and living covenant of our Lord Jesus Christ. False ministers do not teach the sense of the meaning of Jesus’ covenant. They say that God loves you, but they remake God’s love in their own image. This has taken true hope from the heart and sown fear in its place.
At the turn of each new year, those who are caught up in false prophetic ministry prophesy about what God is going to do in the coming year and it’s always the same. Sensing their failure, ministers prophesy about turning things around. This year they have set their sights toward Millennials and generation Z, claiming that they will carry on their failed gospel as they pass the torch of error to them.
This divine dream holds tremendous meaning for us and it reminds me of Jesus’ visitation back in 1984 when I was only 10 years old. Jesus appeared to me and took me out of my body and showed me His plan to restore the true gospel. One of the things He said to me was, “Few are serving me now, but millions want to know me.” He pointed at me as He continued speaking, “I need you, your family and many others to teach my people what they are doing wrong.” The testimony of this visitation is available in the audio player below. I encourage you to prayerfully listen to it. I can’t say it enough – the church needs to hear this.
The False Vine Is Chopped Down
As my dream goes on, God showed me what He did to the false vine. The next day the vine was chopped down and all that was left was a stump. It was as if a great axe had chopped it down with one stroke.
I looked at the stump that remained and what God revealed in the stump is the same thing that my dad, Apostle Eric vonAnderseck, has been preaching about. God showed me the roots and the fruits He was exposing in this false vine or false gospel. I saw large venomous snakes hanging off the stump as if this vine had been their den. And I saw the many women that the vine gave birth to. They had no clothes but were trying to make themselves attractive with lots of lipstick. That was the end of my dream.
We can look for a moment at some of the symbolism to gain understanding. The venomous snakes represent Satan’s false knowledge that was preached in place of Jesus’ covenant. The false vine cleverly concealed the habitation of every false doctrine that was conceived in Satan’s mind and was preached through the lips of leaders who misrepresented Jesus.
The leaders of the false religious system don’t come across as bad people because they continually talk about purifying their motives, humbling their hearts to God and restoring your hope. But, as God said in my dream, they’re not giving you the new covenant He established in Jesus. So then, when they talk about their good intentions and how they carefully test their motives, God is revealing the poison that is concealed in the flattery they preach.
The effect of false knowledge is as deadly poison to the soul of man. Instead of birthing a generation of believers who are strong in the faith and pure in heart, this vine gave birth to the mother of harlots (Revelation 17:5). God is stripping away the false gospel to help believers to see past the many attempts to beautify false knowledge with flattering lips.
The church needs to hear this. God is addressing the false appearance or false front of church leaders who outwardly talk about how important it is for you to re-commit your life to Jesus, but they are merely helping you to re-imagine your faith as they repackage and redesign the same error they have been preaching.
The False Vine Tried to Reach to Heaven
If you noted similarities in this dream symbolism to the children’s story of Jack and the Beanstalk, you would be right. God is making that parallel to the false gospel. The seed of the distorted gospel was planted in the heart as a means to reach into heaven to gain access to God’s promises (the goose that laid the golden egg) to steal and take for self.
Yet, no matter how many motives are tested and how much fasting is implemented to initiate a new mindset of holiness, the heart is still severed from God. Sadly, without preaching the covenant of Jesus and making distinctly known the sense of it (the stewardship and priesthood, the spiritual tools and growth cycle, the work of regeneration and the elements of the gospel), God’s word and His promises will always be self-referencing and His true work in the heart will not take place.
Much like the tower of Babel that was constructed in the times of Nimrod (Genesis 11:4) to unlawfully reach heaven, ministers of unrighteousness lead the church into error by teaching believers how to build for self rather than how to build with God through His covenant.
The false vine is removed by the stroke of God’s hand to free His people to again know Him in righteousness and truth.