
Teacher Maria vonAnderseck
Maria serves as a called and confirmed Chief Teacher in the restored government of God and she is an IDCCST Spiritual Life Coach. She is the co-founder of s8w Ministries. Teacher Maria walks you through spiritual transformation from start to finish, God’s way. View my profile.
God is again setting order to the church through apostolic stewardship to reverse the long-held belief that Moses’ law is still necessary to help us to see and take on the likeness of Christ. The act of using God’s law through Moses to create content for our faith is a dangerous spiritual deepfake, so let’s dig in to see how you can start reversing that today.
Let’s begin with a basic definition of deepfake. In this digital age, most are familiar with what a deepfake is, but basically, it’s a form of manipulation whereas one person’s likeness is convincingly replaced with another in a video clip to where you would think that the person is saying and doing things they’re not. The idea is to deceive through fake content and to have others begin to amplify that story. This is often done maliciously with devastating results. You can google deepfake to learn more.
Spiritually speaking, we’re going to see how Satan has convinced ministers to contend for the written law of Moses, namely the 10 commandments, by putting Jesus’ face on it, making it sound like Jesus is confirming it and thus implying that your faith cannot function without it. Satan does this maliciously to destroy your faith!
God Defines Our Faith by Jesus to Create His Likeness in You
The problem is that God defines everything about our faith by Jesus’ new covenant record and uses nothing of the law to define or create His likeness in you. You will never need the law of Moses to see Jesus. You will never need anything of the law of Moses to weigh your choices, or inform your behavior to know how to walk uprightly before God.
What does it mean when we say that God defines everything about our faith by Jesus’ new covenant record? We’ll start with something simple, like love, to see how God breaks this open for us to understand the restrictions He placed upon love to identify Himself.
I’m going to first quote from Joseph Mattera as our example of a minister who habitually and adamantly uses the law (10 commandments) to replace the likeness of Christ. In an article Mattera stated, “One lady wrote to me recently and said that we do not need the written law of God—all we need is love. The weakness of this argument is obvious—how do you define love without the moral law of God? Without the biblical framework, a person’s definition of love can include pedophilia, bestiality or polygamy!”
Mattera’s question: “How do you define love without the moral law of God?” Mattera uses Moses to define love and develop content for your faith. That’s a deepfake because God uses Jesus Christ as His framework to define His love for us and our love for Him and one another and to inform (frame) our behavior. God does not use the moral code or Moses’ law to define His love. In John 3:16 God tells us exactly how He defines the person of His love.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
So then, God did in fact give us a clear and lasting definition of love – Jesus is defined as God’s love. Nothing more. Nothing less. Meaning, nothing of man or Moses’ law is needed to define God’s love through Jesus. God gave us a new framework of truth in Jesus for us to go to and reference and draw from that defines His work in us and through us and His call to the world. Through this process of weighing to Christ, God empowers our choices and teaches us how to function with His love in our daily growth cycles and in the stewardship of His grace.
Just to be clear, we’re not asking ourselves what would Jesus do in a given situation? That nonsensical blurb was born out of ministers’ habitual need to use their moral code to reference self, not the record of Christ. God is turning that around now and bringing the church back to Jesus’ foundational knowledge, which is the process God created for us to weigh all things to Christ – including His love.
God Differentiates the Portion from His Fulness
Using one’s moral code as a deepfake manipulation is such a strong conviction that I want to quote from Apostle Eric vonAnderseck’s IDCCST Course (Handbook p. 77) to shed light on why ministers connect so deeply to their moral code, and why God differentiates that portion from the fulness of Christ:
The wonders of the universe that we are drawn to testify that God is real. He placed a memorial of himself everywhere in nature; everywhere we look we see a portion of his divine design. When you think about the parts of your nature that God imprinted upon your soul, you’re not throwing that away, as that imprint also serves as a memorial of God to testify that you were made in his image. You were made by divine design.
You can see God in the portion of your signature, you can see God in the portion of your moral code, and you can see God in the portion of your God-Code. But these portions are not the fulness. They only testify that you were created by God. We must serve God with the fulness of Jesus Christ to be reconciled to him. God placed his fulness in Jesus that our faith should mirror him. Our faith cannot follow the portions and the fulness at the same time.
Colossians 1:19-20
19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell;……It’s true, God imprinted our soul with a moral code. There is a divine design behind our hunger for peace, love, and joy, because God made us in his own image. We hunger for the very things God designed in us.
The imprint of the moral code is common to man. It crosses cultural barriers, racial barriers, and geographic barriers. We wonder at how the heart is capable of so much love, and we desire to swim in that ocean. But when not in covenant, believers are always struggling against the current of their feelings, their past, and their flaws and abuses, which all seem to stand as pillars of contradiction. Let’s consider how the Holy Spirit, through Apostle Paul, instructed believers on this very point.
Romans 2:14-15
14 For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:15 Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;)
Highlight “do by nature” in verse 14. As we have said, the moral code is part of our human nature; it is part of the natural man; it is built into our natural design. When we say that it is in our nature to weigh actions to judge whether they are honorable, just, good, and right, we are talking about how the moral code is used as a scale in place of the true scale God gives us in Christ.
This teaching helps us to answer Mattera’s assertion: without the moral law of God, a person’s definition of love can’t be separated from his own nature.
First of all, the moral code IS man’s nature and by default he will use his own nature (moral code) as his model hoping to separate what is right and wrong. The moral code is a self-referencing token that preaches to us that God did indeed imprint upon our soul according to His design, but it is the portion, not the fulness – not Jesus. By this distinction God develops our choices. We can’t use our experience with our fallen nature to identify Christ’s nature.
So then, the moral code cannot please God. It is a portion of God’s design written in the heart, but is not the fulness of God’s plan written in Christ. God personally identifies Jesus as the one in whom He is well pleased.
Matthew 17:5
While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.
Here God says plainly that His beloved Son, Jesus is what pleases Him – not Moses – not the law of the old covenant – not our moral code, which is self. Thankfully, believers are again answering God’s call to return to Jesus’ covenant and framework of truth to receive content for their faith to know what pleases God.
God’s New Law in Jesus
The questions posed by Mattera and so many ministers who are still caught up in the wrong covenant is, how can we hold ourselves accountable to God if we don’t have a standard that informs our behavior? This question is asked in the absence of the law of God in Jesus Christ so that has to be addressed.
All the apostles wrote about the elements of the gospel and instructed the church in how they are God’s new law, defined in Christ and set as a foundation of truth in the heart as the new framework for believers’ faith to function with God’s will and power. God’s new framework is our new point of reference—our new starting point – our new beginning. You will never need to go to the law to reference Jesus Christ and His power.
All 12 elements of the gospel inform our behavior according to God’s new law in Jesus for us to reflect Him. That’s God’s new commandment – to reflect Jesus (Jn. 14:6). The elements of the gospel are given to us as a gift for us to exercise our will with His virtue, to reflect Him. There is no Godliness apart from this new framework and as I stated earlier, that means that we do not need to resource anything outside of Christ to partake of the power of His resurrection.
God’s new law is made up of 12 elements of the gospel that define His fulness in Christ and the bounds of our participation to experience God’s separation and cleansing by the Spirit. With this framework, a person’s definition of love will always reflect Jesus, not self. You can confidently trust God’s new law!
God’s powerful gift in each element also shines a light on His gift to the church in the apostolical character because it is through the restored apostles that His foundation of truth is restored and the way is made open for all believers to partake of Christ in His fulness.
So, we need to get our eyes on the 12 elements of the gospel to see how God informs our behavior (to reciprocate Christ). We can only reciprocate to God the power that is equal to Himself – Jesus Christ. I’m sure you will recognize each element because the apostles faithfully wrote about them in their epistles: 1) grace, 2) faith, 3) righteousness, 4) justification, 5) sanctification, 6) holiness, 7) peace, 8) rest, 9) charity, 10) truth, 11) regeneration, 12) the renewing of the mind.
(Rom. 1:5,7; Rom. 3:22, 24-25; Rom. 4:16; Eph. 2:7; Gal. 2:16; Gal. 3:5, 12; Heb. 10:38; Phil. 1:11; 1 Cor. 1:30; 2 Thes. 2:13; Rom. 6:19, 22; Col. 1:2; Phil. 4:7; Heb. 4:11; Jn. 1:14, 17; Jn. 14:6; 1 Jn. 2:5; Tit. 3:5; 2 Pet. 1:4; Rom. 12:2)
Put on Christ by Putting on His Knowledge
When Apostle Paul instructed the saints to put on the whole armor of God (Eph. 6:10-18), he was speaking of putting on the whole knowledge of Christ – the elements of the gospel – as He defined them. The elements of the gospel are the vestments of our new priesthood to fulfill God’s plan that we offer to Him spiritual sacrifices that are drawn from the same foundation of truth the Holy Spirit uses. And what framework is that? Does the Holy Spirit bear witness to Moses or to Jesus?
The Holy Spirit bore witness to the transition of the covenant to Jesus by resting upon Him (Mt. 3:16), thus signifying that Jesus is the new framework and that God will only confirm and sustain our faith with His power when we draw upon His knowledge.
Each element manifests Jesus’ divine nature and as we put on the knowledge delivered to us by Jesus’ apostles, God dresses us in the robes of Christ’s righteousness, and we are prepared to function in the new covenant priesthood. We are as He is, meaning that as we daily exercise our will with His knowledge, God is circumcising our hearts and creating in us this substance: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, meekness, and temperance. Against this substance there is no law (Gal. 5:22-23).
Always remember: The law of God through Moses only judges that which is less than God; it cannot create the fruit that is equal to God.
Before God restored the apostle’s calling and grace to the church, believers were hard pressed to explain the “armor of God” in a way that did not describe their struggles with sin and thus their fixation on the law. And we’ll get into that familiar struggle a bit later in this teaching. Right now, I want to help you to connect the armor of God with the elements of the gospel. We put on Christ by agreeing to put on His knowledge, as Jesus said, “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in Spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” (John 4:23)
Underline the words “Spirit” and “truth” in this verse. The Holy Spirit will only confirm Jesus’ truth, not the deepfake. We saw earlier in Matthew 17:5 when the voice of God was heard to confirm His Son, Jesus. God returned the church to the simplicity of the gospel of Christ through the 12 elements, and His power now forms our experience.
Because the elements of the gospel are rooted in Christ, they are the genetic code our faith needs to reflect Him – His holiness – His righteousness – His sanctification – His justification – His peace – His life and fruit in the regeneration of the soul – His mind in the renewed perspective – His grace in the voice of the anointing – His rest – His charity – His truth.
Do you understand now why we do not have to resource anything outside of Christ? So many still go to the written law that God gave through Moses to begin the vetting process to screen their faith to decide what pleases God and what does not please God.
Here’s the problem: We cannot be Christ-Centered if we neglect to build our faith with His foundation stones. Neglecting God’s new law in Jesus, people remain stuck in the mud, still ask…
➛ what makes my faith whole?
➛ how can I achieve personal holiness?
➛ what can I do to find God’s strength and peace?
➛ how can I walk in the Spirit?
God begins to build the foundation of truth in your heart with the 12 elements of the gospel. They are the true barometer of your faith because they are God’s character and the power for you to take on His divine nature. The fruit of His work in the inner man is God’s mandate and primary calling for each believer, even as Jesus said, “Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.” (John 15:8)
And so, Apostle Peter repeats this instruction to the church in his epistle, that God’s will and power is invested in the daily transformation of your soul. We are to partake of Christ (not Moses) to partake of Jesus’ divine nature.
2 Peter 1:4
Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
The Doctrine of Christ VS Theology
There’s a reason why Jesus chose fisherman over the theologians of His time. Theologians reference a wide spectrum of knowledge to show their study of God, but God reveals only ONE face – Jesus Christ.
2 Corinthians 4:6
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the LIGHT of the KNOWLEDGE of the glory of God in the FACE of Jesus Christ.
We, the restored government of God, preach ONE doctrine of Jesus Christ – ONE truth because we are in ONE house (Eph. 4:3-6).
➛ Doctrine is in reference to the house of Jesus and
➛ Theology is in reference to the open field.
You can grow anything in the field depending on the seed you cast into the ground, whether corn, wheat, or rye. So too, you can grow anything in the field of theology depending on the seeds (truths) you sow in the heart as you labor and toil with the conflict of your conscience, and this is why God refers to this sowing as “teaching for doctrine the commandments of men”. (Matthew 15:9)
God had not intended for the church to be brought into the field to serve many truths. These are the wilderness believers. On the contrary, God brought us into His house to serve Him. Apostle Eric recently tweeted, “Modern preachers using the word theologian to define their position are not standing in the doctrine of Christ. Theology touches the branches of all religions and describes nothing of Jesus Christ.”
Did you know: The house and gospel of Moses is not the same as the house and gospel of Jesus. These are 2 different houses and 2 different gospels – 2 different covenants. That distinction is vital in the mind of God! Are you ready to take on the mind of God?
Hebrews 3:5-6
5 And Moses verily was faithful in all his house, as a servant, for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after;
6 But Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end.
Do you see how God teaches through contrast? Those who cannot properly divide the word of God cannot divide these 2 houses (2 Tim. 2:15) and this is something God has continued to press upon the church through Apostle Eric as he often makes the distinction that those who “stack covenants” create their own doctrine. Apostle Paul referred to the doctrine of Christ as “my gospel” because it is the apostles’ doctrine. (Acts 2:42; Rom. 16:25)
The house of Jesus is the kingdom of God. Just as in the old testament (old covenant) all the tokens were present in the temple to serve God, so also in the new testament (new covenant) all the tokens of Jesus that God placed in our temple are present in His house to serve Him. We can’t serve God in an empty house! By returning the tokens of Jesus to His house, God is reversing the spiritual deepfake perpetrated upon the church.
Ministers who are NOT in the house of Jesus are not properly dividing the word and invent their own theology to backstop their story: that they need to follow the 10 commandments to know that God is involved with their lives and changing the world.
Using the law as a safety net is not a good thing, it only shows that the doctrine of Christ is neglected and not being drawn upon. It’s so important to be clear about what the house (doctrine) of Christ contains!
I did say this earlier, but because the mind needs to be grounded in Jesus’ truth, I’ll say it again: the doctrine of Christ contains everything that God placed in Jesus’ house for our contract and reciprocation to Him. This is called the doctrine of Christ. Jesus’ doctrine begins with His spiritual government and His new covenant priesthood and includes His foundation knowledge (12 elements) and all 9 spiritual tools.
God empowered these things, meaning that He sprinkled Jesus’ blood on them to set them apart for our faith to reflect Him, meaning that when we use the tokens that are in His house, Jesus mediates His covenant on our behalf and the anointing creates in us God’s fruit.
Are You Trying to Change the World?
Finally, there’s a difference between changing the world and drawing souls out of the kingdom of darkness and bringing them into the kingdom of God. The two are not the same so God highlights the contrast. Can you see it now?
God is not changing the world, meaning that He is not creating a new world order here on earth. It is the counterfeit system that is pursuing these things now. God’s true renewing of the earth will take place when Jesus reigns on the earth for 1000 years and then He will create a new heavens and earth. (Revelation. 20:4; 2 Peter. 3:13)
Right now, God is giving the protestors another chance to choose His grace over the glitter of their aspiration and He is calling the consenters out of the kingdom of darkness to adopt them as His own and bring them into His covenant house to give them an inheritance in Himself.
Did you know: We can’t see God’s face in the law, we see the expressions of the flesh that the law condemns. Not seeing God’s face, a minister uses the law to draw the face of God from his experience with the law chastising his conscience; and that deepfake is what we’re going to talk about now.
God Made the Conscience for Himself Not for Sin
Another quote from Joseph Mattera: I want to begin this segment of the teaching with another quote from Mattera as he stands for the law of Moses as God’s sign and necessary tool to measure our faith to His will today. Mattera stated that, “we need the written moral law to bring a consciousness of it to us to convict us of sin.”
The problem with this thinking is that the conscience was not created for sin, but for God. Jesus’ new law and commandments does not govern sin, it governs our faith (Jn. 1:17). God’s new law (grace and truth) is the new power that governs our heart. Our faith was designed by God to function with all the tools and tokens that God placed in Jesus’ covenant house to express Him – that’s the pure conscience – free from sin. (1 Tim. 1:5)
Using the law to chastise his conscience, a minister will bring you under that same yoke of bondage he’s under; peaching from his own experience with the law, he will chastise his conscience to show you how strong sin is, how devastating the habits of the flesh are, how the flesh cannot please God… and then he will exhort you to keep your eyes on Jesus, as if wanting to end on a high note. But He hasn’t given you the terms, tools, elements, or priesthood of Jesus Christ, so that means that you can’t see Jesus.
God shows us His divine order by differentiating the covenant of Jesus from the covenant of Moses by the blood He used to sprinkle upon the tools of each house to thus sanctify them for faith and thus show the state of the conscience. As we know, God told Moses to sprinkle the blood of an animal upon the people, the book of the law, and the tools of that covenant (Heb. 9:18-22) and God sprinkled the blood of Jesus upon the tools of His house and placed His name upon them, thus sanctifying them for us in this new covenant (Heb. 10:29).
Mattera contends for the blood of an animal when saying, “I contend that the Ten Commandments are still in effect in this present time because said commandments are rooted in the created order since they reflect the holiness and character of God.”
Yet, God and His restored spiritual government contends for the terms, new laws and new commandments that He sprinkled with Jesus’ blood because said covenant and new commandments are rooted in God’s throne to tether us to Him. Since each element reflects the holiness and character and DNA of God, the name of Jesus is in them to create His life in us.
Apostle Eric says it this way in his IDCCST Course(Handbook p. 167):
We can understand the effect of the Spirit by looking at an acorn. When an acorn is planted in the soil, both the soil that nourishes the seed and the water that moistens the seed causes an effect: the father bears the son. The sapling bears the image of its parent. The new tree is according to the blueprint of its genealogy. Its DNA is its genealogy. Jesus Christ is the genealogy and DNA of the righteous because we take on his likeness through his knowledge. We see that in the elements of the gospel. We carry the testimony of Christ in his knowledge and live by his power.
We can understand that the name of Jesus is the authorized, sanctified system that He identifies with and is active with to change the state of the conscience so that we are no longer sin conscience – no longer in remembrance of sin, and hence our conscience no longer reflects sin, even as Apostle Paul instructs in Hebrews chapter 10.
Hebrews 10:1-4
1 For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect.
2 For then would they not have ceased to be offered? because that the worshippers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins.
3 But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year.
4 For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.
I think you see it now: because Jesus’ truth is apart from the law, so also does our faith function and stand apart from the law. Again, because God uses nothing outside of Jesus to express Him, we need nothing outside of Jesus to express Him. The gospel is really that simple.
Are You Still Looking for a Power to Govern the Flesh?
The elements of the gospel are not only God’s blueprint to describe and define Jesus and God’s expectation, but each element manifests the power of Jesus’ resurrection by which God governs our behavior by the process of fruit bearing in the soul rather than the condemnation of the heart (Rom. 8:1-8).
The law of Moses could not govern the reciprocation of the powers of Christ, so because the written law cannot reciprocate to God, it is unnecessary, and dangerously becomes a barrier to grace.
True faith is the power to reciprocate to God on His level – Spirit – not flesh. Because the law cannot reciprocate to God on the level of His holiness, the law of Moses is no longer God’s law for us. The only reason why a minister would lead believers to the law is because he is still looking for a power to govern the flesh. The law is not that power, Jesus is.
Death is in the powers of this world and that’s why they diminish, but the power of God is forever and this is why when working with Jesus’ framework we don’t feel loss, lack, or sorrow.
The power of God is life unto life and there is no disappointment in it. The Lord’s promise is true when He says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Heb. 13:5). So as you keep covenant with God, using only those things God sprinkled with Jesus’ blood, the power of God daily manifests. That’s the power that manifests God’s life in you and through you. It molds an understanding and experience that cannot be taken from you.
Did you know: The soul that is absent of the power is naked before God. Ministers who are carnal minded use the law as their covering (Rom. 8:6-7).
The carnal minded person is described by God as the person who follows the rhythm of his natural birth to feed his soul. The carnal minded believer draws from the soul to provide experiences that he believes will help him find God and live that better life. He has his natural senses honed in on finding God’s will in the 5 features of the flesh: 1) his human signature, 2) his moral code, 3) his God-Code, 4) the fruit of iniquity, 5) the knowledge of this world.
As believers, we are equipped to serve God in Jesus’ covenant with the elements of the gospel in our priesthood, and Jesus sits at the door of our conscience as the judge of the conscience, which the Holy Spirit bears witness to in the confirmation of the life of Christ, establishing our innocence (Rom. 9:1).
The truth we are now tethered to in Christ is the knowledge we labor with, and God reciprocates to fill all the chambers of our heart with His fruit. God sees the likeness of His Son in the knowledge we embrace and the fruit He creates in the inner man and says, “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased” (Mt. 3:17). You can see how our faith was designed to mirror Christ – not sin.
Your Conscience Manifests Your Tethering
Your conscience manifests whether you are tethered to life (Jesus’ framework) or death (Moses’ framework). God gave us Jesus’ new covenant tokens to seal our repentance once and for all with His gifts. With each daily issuance of grace, God establishes our innocence in Christ.
Ministers use the law as a scale to challenge them to do good and believe that if they remove the law, they’d be vulnerable to sin. They replaced the anointing with the law and misused the law to flagellate the conscience into submission to God and that’s why ministers feel they need the law to keep them virtuous. But that is not God’s power, it is not Godliness because the likeness of Christ is not in it.
Faith (the framework of Jesus’ covenant) loosens the conscience from the law so that we have peace with God.
How Will You Define Holiness?
Mattera, like so many, uses the law to keep the church in darkness by teaching believers how to beat the air, fighting their conscience for equity (1 Cor. 9:26). But God does not want you swinging aimlessly at an invisible foe, trying to defeat sin, trying to win the fight against sin.
God did not teach us to fight the flesh for our equity. God designed perfect equity for us in Jesus. God designed His power into the synergy of the elements of the gospel. The power of each element (the effect of the Spirit) and the power of God’s daily gifts that we now receive and labor with is equal to the power that He is. God gives us a power that is equal to Himself for our peace and to reflect Him in faith. (Phil. 4:7-9)
Equity cannot be created by the law because the law is not the power that God gives that is equal to Himself. So, say it with me: Equity cannot be created by the law!
Jesus removed the scale of the law that addressed the flesh by becoming the new law and power that addressed His virtue and the praise of God. Jesus removed the power of the law to slay by guilt, through which Satan found his expression to keep the soul tethered to him and governed by condemnation.
The deepfake of the law is that people following the law think they are following God and they’re not. The law is a testimony against man as it establishes man’s tethering to sin. Jesus came to change our tether from the law to Himself.
Jesus is not going to teach you what sin is so that you no longer say and do things, and act according to the prince of the power of the air. Jesus came to teach us God’s new scale and standard that He placed in Himself. How would you know how to function with grace, faith, righteousness, justification, sanctification, holiness, peace, rest, charity, truth, regeneration, and the renewed mind unless Jesus placed the standard in Himself and gifted this knowledge to the church through His apostles?
God Defines His Standard in Jesus
We said earlier that God defines everything about our faith by Jesus’ new covenant record. This includes righteousness, justification, and holiness. How would we know how God defines these elements if we did not have His gift in the apostolical character to teach us how the elements function and how our faith progresses with them?
In all their epistles, the apostles established that Jesus is now God’s standard rather than the law and that everything is measured to Him now. Apostle Paul, when speaking of his experience under the law, brings in God’s contrast for our understanding why the law cannot conform us to Christ. Let’s look at that.
Philippians 3:6,9
6 Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.
9 And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:
Righteousness is defined as God’s standard and expectation, the way He measures His power and differentiates His kingdom from the kingdom of the flesh, which the law condemns. Because man was born into sin, he reverses the measure; he measures everything to his guilt and uses the law to conform to that standard. And this is why Apostle Paul says that before he was converted to Christ, that’s exactly what he did. He used the law to develop his conscience about sin and allowed guilt to be his light.
This is what God calls “self-righteousness”. Using the law as a standard to measure self is not the same as using God’s scale (the righteousness of Jesus) to measure your faith to Him.
God defines righteousness as meeting His expectations perfectly in Christ. Knowing the standard that God set in Christ for our daily growth cycles, knowing how to keep God’s new covenant commandments, we are armed to discern Satan’s suggestion to have us exercise our will with our aspiration, principle, and imagination to falsify our peace. Having God’s scale, we can discern those things that are less than God and choose to justify Christ instead.
The Seed God Placed in the Conscience
As we said earlier, God did not create the conscience for sin, but for Himself and that’s why He placed a seed of knowledge in the conscience that He waters with grace to awaken the conscience to Him. We see another great awakening taking place in the world today, but if those awakened are not brought into covenant with God through Jesus, then they will return to their former state and will be brought under the law of Moses again to serve sin.
Every Adamite is born with a “knowing” that they were created for something greater than themselves and search their whole life for that missing piece. But it isn’t until God sends His grace that the conscience is awakened to God’s true purpose. And this is highlighted in Apostle Paul’s next teaching point where he speaks of his new experience with the power of God, which is to know Him, not sin.
Philippians 3:10
That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;
“That I may know Him”: to know God is to reciprocate His likeness. So, even though Apostle Paul knew guilt by the law (Rom. 7:7), he didn’t know God until he was equipped with the knowledge of Jesus’ covenant which God empowered for our contact with Him to reciprocate the likeness of Christ.
What I want you to digest now is that there is a power that attends the defiled conscience and a power that attends our conscience when we build with the knowledge of Christ. And again, these two powers are not the same; they represent 2 different kingdoms.
The restored government of God is reversing the trend to go to the defiled conscience to speak for one’s guilt as if speaking for God. That again is a deepfake. It is not the face of Jesus Christ.
The conscience that is defiled will only speak of sin and death because God’s law through Moses established this testimony: man’s nature falls into rhythm with itself and though a person smites the flesh over and over again, this does not bring the soul into equity with God. You need another power to separate your faith from your instinct.
The defiled conscience will continue to use sin to measure guilt and therefore continues to bear witness to transgressions. The law is restricted to sin. It will only show that a transgression exists in man’s nature and those who continue to walk according to the history of their first birth, continue to transgress against God. That’s true, but that’s not what God has called you to live, nor to testify of. The law no longer provides the bed for your experience.
— The law of God through Moses = the transgression is manifested in the power of sin.
— The law of God through Jesus = Jesus is manifested in His power to transform our nature.
God showed us that He gives us a new power in Christ through each element, through His government, truth, Spirit, through His gifts, callings, graces of God, through prayer, preaching, and prophecy. We now access the power of God to walk in rhythm with God as He forms in us Jesus’ divine nature.
The twist or deepfake is to believe that the knowledge of sin will free you to Christ, that we have to be taught what sin is to be aware of its power; that to develop a sin conscience means you would find the liberty of Christ. That is a lie of deep deception!
We covered a lot of ground to establish God’s new law and set order to man’s moral code. By setting the moral code in the flesh, God established that all the world was guilty before Him (Rom. 3:19). Yet, the power of the moral code is misused by ministers to confirm sin, to establish sin in the conscience and the whole gospel centers around sin instead of faith because you are encouraged to show how much you love God through your regret and transparency about sin. To vent like that and to dump on God only shows one’s own struggles, not the power of God to live for Christ. Guilt does not establish righteousness.
Ministers teach that the struggle is necessary to bring the result for healing, but they continue to return to build with regret and sin and death because this is their first love in place of Jesus’ covenant. They are not returning to Jesus, but to sin.
We can see how Satan dominated the conscience through iniquity, but now that we’re tethered to Christ through His covenant knowledge and we’re obeying God’s commandment to draw from this new foundation of truth to reciprocate to Him, we are living a new reality as we progress with righteousness unto holiness.
Joseph Mattera article: https://www.charismanews.com/opinion/the-pulse/92028-reversing-the-greatest-famine-in-the-church-today