Apostle Erika Blignaut
Erika serves as a called and confirmed Apostle in the restored government of God, and she is an IDCCST Spiritual Life Coach. Apostle Erika helps you clear the decks of all spiritual clutter, to make way for change. View my profile.
Though there is much written on the topic of depression and suicide, and many strategies suggested to overcome that place of intense hopelessness, I’d like to ask you to set aside your own ideas and gathered information as we start at the very beginning to get to the root cause of suicidal thoughts.
As those familiar with the dance and entertainment personality, tWitch (Stephen Boss) was shocked at the news of his suicide, most people can relate to having either felt the excruciating loss of someone who ended their own life or having themselves battled suicidal thoughts. With this in mind, I have prepared this teaching in the hope that it may help someone make the missing connections on this topic and find their way to true healing.
There may be a myriad of reasons one can trace back to in challenging life experiences, abuses and ailments to account for hopelessness and a desperate desire to end the pain, but this is not truly where it all stems from, nor is the desired escape promised by suicide its actual outcome.
Unlike the physical body, the soul within us is timeless, which is why for many, the effects of ageing can be quite shocking to observe, as it contradicts the person you remain within. Our soul is made by God for God and is capable of deepest joy only in our union with God. We have our origin in Him, and despite not retaining a cognitive memory thereof since our physical birth in this dimension, the soul suffers in that separation and so tends to pursue happiness in the things of this world – relationships, achievement, signature interests, vices, and even spirituality and religion.
So it often comes as a surprise when people who seem to have everything going for them end up taking their own lives. We see this with celebrities, businessmen, beauty queens, doctors, pastors, mothers, and basically all kinds of people. Often times from the outside, it would seem that they had reached all those goals that promise happiness and fulfillment, so mental illness is quickly blamed without asking the deeper questions about the meaning of life, our purpose for being and where God designed the soul to find completion. (To be clear, I am not saying that medical treatment should be set aside, but that there is more to man’s mental anguish that needs to be addressed).
The Pursuit of Happiness Trap
The fact is that the pursuit of man’s aspirations carries a great expectation of fulfillment and happiness, so when the attainment of such goals is shown to leave the soul void of the desired completion, many are at a loss to find meaning in life. A person can, from the outside, seem to have it all – a celebrated personality, health, career success, a beautiful family, wealth, beauty; but the soul continues to suffer the lack of meeting its true purpose, which is to be rejoined to God for completion; and so hopelessness privately festers.
God made provision for our fulfillment – not in the aspirations of the flesh (which is the false journey Satan inspires), but in faith, through the covenant, He established in Jesus Christ, for the soul’s joining to our Maker. This is not merely the pursuit of spirituality or religion but a very specific environment for sanctified contact with God through the spiritual tools of His Son.
Tools are not an unfamiliar concept for many who have sought help through various forms of therapy, where drugs are prescribed, or techniques are taught to fight back the dark cloud of meaninglessness in various ways or offers made always to be there to listen. But that is not what God provides; His tools are for worshipping Him in Spirit and truth, entering our purpose not in the temporal things of our carnal lives but in seeking completion where He set it – in Christ.
What we have access to through this labor of love in His covenant priesthood is a taste of that from which we came and to which our souls desperately long to return (from His Bosom to His Bosom); completeness in His Light, where the sting of Death cannot enter. We cannot overestimate how great this gift is – how life-giving (faith, hope, charity).
The World Can’t Complete the Soul
This world is not the beginning and end of life but rather a temporal physical dimension wherein darkness (death) is present as a power assigned to contrast the light, life and love of God. That is what we experience in every contradiction, conflict, controversy, contrariness & contrast faced in daily life. The presence of darkness is a needful affliction for faith’s testing, as God separates a faithful people unto Himself for the inheritance of all that He is and all that He has.
When people speak of the character traits of someone as “always bringing light and love” where they go, they are referring to the way someone is known for interacting with others in a kind, cheerful and uplifting manner. But admirable as this may seem, it is not the same as having the light, love, and life of Christ filling the unseen depths of the soul.
There are many admirable qualities which God set in the signature of man – some are always upbeat, some helpful, some highly intelligent, creative or talented; each remarkable aspect of the human signature is a portion to testify that God is and that He is glorious beyond the best of what man can exhibit. But the soul is not fulfilled in pursuing the portions of the signature because completion can only be found in God’s fullness, which is given in Jesus Christ.
A Righteous Refuge
Those of faith seek after God above all things, and though religion is also rife with Satan’s many false journeys and deceiving doctrines, a soul who truly seeks the Lord is seen by Him and will not be failed but drawn to Him by the power of His grace (His sheep know His voice). Grace calls out for an equal reciprocation of faith, and faith meets God’s standard of righteousness to be sealed to Him in holy covenant, which the Lord instructs believers in through the stewardship He provides as a refuge to His people.
Jesus passed His stewardship onto those whom He called and equipped with a measure of grace as apostles to lay the foundation of His truth in the hearts of believers as a true scale and anchor for faith. Now, over 2000 years later, He has restored His spiritual government to return believers to the safe haven of His covenant and the service of His priesthood where our souls are healed and increased in the virtues of Himself as we grow in Godly wisdom, knowledge and understanding; peace, joy and hope; faith and righteous fruit.
Where faith is absent, the flesh also seeks comfort, hope, happiness, and pleasure but follows after a different counsel, being that which is earthly, sensual and devilish (James 3:15). This is why people are inclined to seek out avenues of distraction to escape the affliction of vanity (the soul finding no substance in the world), which is seen in the drive of the God-Code to pursue lesser things – careers, relationships, sport, travel, entertainment, and for many, an addictive draw to the vices of the world.
Where sinners are helpless in this current of vanity, the saints (sanctified ones by covenant), though still subject to its temptations (lying promise of fulfillment) have to our aid the power of Christ in grace through faith unto deliverance, healing and salvation.
Rest and Peace is in Life
When man neglects to labor in faith for God’s increase (and our rest), death’s oppressive presence (Satan’s influence) can become enormously convincing, even to the point of triggering suicidal thoughts. There is great suffering within a soul deprived of the oxygen of God’s grace, which we access through His spiritual tools of worship. Satan exploits that vulnerability even as a lion hunting the weakest prey; hence thoughts arise, suggesting that death is a viable escape from the current affliction.
This lying perception is perpetuated in the world by phrases like “Rest In Peace”. It may comfort those grieving the loss of someone to think that they are now at peace, but the reality is that peace and rest are powers God assigned to Christ, not to death. The only thing that ends at the point of dying is the opportunity of choice – and that is not something you want to give up before your soul is sealed to God.
Christ is our life supply in this hostile world wherein death rules – but merely acknowledging Him as Savior does not save us; partaking of His provision for faith to join to God (molding with His holy knowledge and submitting to His Holy Spirit) needs to be there for faith’s believing to grant experience for our hope to gain substance. We breathe in His life through living, sanctified contact.
Panic regarding the inability to breathe underwater can put an inexperienced diver’s life in real danger, causing him to rip at the oxygen mask, rather than calmly breathing in the sufficiency of air it is supplying, though deep underwater. Likewise, no matter the scale of despair you may encounter in the sufferings of this world, all is not hopeless – God is the sustainer of all that exists, and He knows the very depths of every soul and has made perfect provision in the sufficiency of Jesus Christ. And how great that hope is, how immeasurable that joy!
Don’t Miss Out
Wisdom from above captured in a spiritual sacrifice: “Hope has substance in Him who spoke all that is into being, and thought it good to call us worthy by faith to inherit His fullness.”
1 Corinthians 3:22-23
22 Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are yours;
23 And ye are Christ’s; and Christ is God’s. [- written by a living apostle to those under his stewardship in the covenant of Christ].
If your desire is to know the fullness of joy your soul was created for and taste the true meaning of life, make your election sure – come into covenant with God. Please reach out to me for assistance, or any of the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers in His restored government, here on our website.