Apostle Eric vonAnderseck

Eric serves as a called and confirmed Chief Apostle in the restored government of God. He is the founder of s8w Ministries, and it is through his stewardship that God ushered in a new season of restoration for all believers who desire to walk in the fulness of Christ.  View my profile.

The mysteries of the bonding of the male and female is a precursor into the Father’s Bosom. First the Lord set restrictions and limits to the bonding laws for order and increase. The multiple layers and depths of His wisdom far exceeds the imagination.

God teaches us through Eve’s desire to exceed the restrictions of her creation and how Satan approached her on the basis of that desire. Even the angels feel the compelling forces of the God-Code to excel beyond the present limits of their creation. It is God that set the yoke to progress further in the appointed season. He set this parable in this dimension for us to study His wisdom.

Adam and Eve and the Challenge

Expounding upon 1 Timothy 2:14-15 will disclose a portion of this mystery for us and how God foresaw Eve’s transgression to go beyond the boundaries God established for her.

1 Timothy 2:14-15
And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

God chose Eve to honor Adam’s position, and He symbolizes this by the process of her creation coming out from Adam. This is to establish order for increase in these waters.

Eve felt in herself the compulsion to exceed beyond the powers to which God restricted her, and Satan observed this desire and challenged her with a token of promise that would be the key for her to experience an added blessing.

A power to explore independently of Adam’s presence and approval. A power unfettered of limits and packed with possibilities. As a god!

Yes, we all feel that power and desire to push the limits of current restrictions. The imagination carries that awareness of the full potential of our creation has not yet been explored.

What Eve felt wasn’t evil, but the handling of the decision proved fatal. It was out-of-season of God’s plan for her and for us.

Satan’s own choices to remain independent was felt very strongly. Using his imagination to justify his design apart from God’s plan, he set himself in the position of transgression. He dishonored God’s commandment to function as a guardian and priest for Adam’s stewardship. Satan was overwhelmed with envy at God’s intention to position Adam as the second angel over a new dimension and creation of the earth, a beautiful orb of life. God created Adam packed with phenomenal powers and beauty, possessing parables of his Creator.

God planned all of this, as concealing a seed in a peach, to be partaken of when the season calls for it. God also had plans for Satan’s increase, but his shortsightedness called for God’s stronghandedness to correct his thinking.

Angels pondered all these issues of the conscience as they watched Satan’s debated with God and how he charged his Creator with folly and inequities, as if God had a creational limp and needed Satan’s crutch to give Him equity.

Here we witness a pattern emerging and why Satan observed this same struggle in Eve, to exceed her perceived limitations and free herself of Adam’s presence, yet not out of the spirit of envy.

Though her feelings were justified, because God implanted the seed to speak of this mystery, God set a law of restriction and dimensional season, a yoke we are all acquainted with today.

God’s Plan for the Church

The church, as Eve, must follow a pre-seasonal pattern. To submit to Jesus’ stewardship for fruit bearing to mark her relationship with her Creator as a valid marriage.

He gave the church a seal to promote this union, and gave a commandment that the church not go beyond the limits of the proposal. As Eve, we all are tempted to “eat” of the tree to explore our powers outside of any oversight, to function as gods.

A spiritual mating ritual would be given for the church to observe, as seen in all nature, but would be measured with faith, as truth begets charity.

Why faith?

As Solomon penned in Proverbs 31 and the Song of Solomon, we gain divine insight into the mystery of the woman and how she represents the church, put in prophetic poetry. This insight is the seed in the peach.

God imprinted upon the heart His love for us and planted it as a seed in the conscience that speaks to us. A popular song expresses this. Loosely translated it says, “If you could read my mind, I’m as a ghost, speaking in the dark, expressing my feelings of love.” We can’t see the Lord, but He speaks to us from His invisible kingdom. Though concealed from our eyes, yet He makes Himself known to the heart.

1 Timothy 3:5
For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?

1 Timothy 3:9
Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience.

1 Timothy 3:15
But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.

The Goal of the Crystal Sea

God set down for us contrast to view life from the perspective of His mystery, and not take on the habits of the Hydra: A non-functional relationship independent of responsibility freely expressing the passions without consideration to the equity of the stewardship and this being the Father’s plan.

God’s season for the church will follow the establishing the Holy City for the eternal light to be central for us as pillars in His temple. We all have our memorial of relationship in Him for His joy and reflection.

The Father will reward us with ALL the unrestricted powers which Eve felt, but couldn’t enter into at that past season. As the chick escapes the egg’s shell to begin its new life, so will the church enter the joy of the Lord with His fulness, sanctification, and honor.

He shall release us into the open skies of our inheritance as if we were an uncaged bird. He desires to see us enter this new experience as gods and kings. Like an injured hawk fully mended to fly again to experience its fullness.

Free from the previous laws that governed our experiences to now flow freely. And as our Father, we will extend His House like a spring river overflows all its banks.

Revelation 21:6 And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.