Evangelist Elbie van Wyngaard
Evangelist Elbie serves as a called and confirmed Evangelist in the restored government of God, and she is an Assistant Chief Elder (ACE). Evangelist Elbie will encourage you in the new covenant faith. View my profile.
I’d like to talk to you about the contrast God created between light and darkness to teach us discernment. First of all, when God challenges the choice between light and darkness, He is not talking about the difference between night and day, but the difference between the knowledge that carries the truth of His kingdom and religious knowledge that counterfeits the truth and in reality, is darkness.
God’s challenge today is the same as it was in the days when Jesus walked this earth. Jesus preached and taught the knowledge of His new covenant, which shone as a light to pierce the darkened perspective of man. But there were many people who preferred to keep the religious knowledge they were brought up with.
John 1:5
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
God brings out in this verse that darkness does not comprehend the light. Comprehension has to do with knowledge. God’s will for us is that His knowledge opens up for us. The light of God’s knowledge contains His love, joy, and abounding mercy toward those who believe. People hunger for that love connection with God and hunger for the joys of having those rays of God’s light shine upon them.
But the light of God’s knowledge also contains the challenge to manifest those who want to retain their own religious truths. The church has been in that situation where the knowledge of Jesus’ covenant has not opened up to them. The hunger is there, but not the experience. The covenant that Jesus shed His blood to provide remains a closed book.
God likens the right knowledge to light and the wrong knowledge to darkness. We all know the important part that light (especially sunlight) plays in our lives and all around us. Light is crucial for growth, as anyone who has had a garden or even kept a house plant alive knows. Rob a plant of the sunlight it needs and it withers and dies.
So, without apology, God says that we need the right knowledge to benefit from His love. To those who are seeking and searching and hungering for God, how can Jesus’ right knowledge be divided from other platforms and those who use God’s knowledge for their own personal agendas?
The answer is simple: God has again turned the lights on in this end time to re-gift the church with apostolic stewardship. With God’s restored spiritual government in place, teaching is again rightly divided to Jesus and His covenant.
Let me give you an example of this. In the past, people who were hungering for God’s love were taught that God’s love is unconditional. This false teaching was fabricated to make it seem alright to believe whatever you want about Jesus just as long as you believe in God’s love.
This darkened knowledge will not allow God to open up His storeroom of treasures that He concealed in Jesus. God’s love is not unconditional. Quite the opposite, as God’s love is based on the conditions of His new covenant. He planned ahead to provide an open door of contact where trust could develop. That tells us the importance of being mindful of Jesus’ covenant terms and how easy it is to get wrong knowledge and to believe it.
Out of the Darkness and Into the Light
We were all born into darkness due to Adam’s fall when he gave ear to Satan’s counsel whereby he lost the tethering to the light of God’s grace. But by Jesus’ atonement, we regain that divine tethering as we are parented in covenant by His Spirit, and instructed in His truth by stewardship of His election – to checkmate Satan’s false knowledge which is an evil that God hates for opposing His grace.
God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. His law of grace and truth is active in Jesus’ covenant, and is crucial for spiritual growth and discernment, in order for us to be separated from the kingdom of darkness, unto God’s kingdom of light, to be light bearers in charity (the fruit of our lips).
1 Thessalonians 5:4
But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
By converting to Jesus’ covenant, believers are consenting to God’s provision for our salvation. By this adoption we become children of light, who are not ignorant of God’s plan, but by obedience to the terms of His covenant, our labor of faith shines forth His light as we steward charity to proclaim Christ into a dark world, caught under the spell of Satan’s lies.
Having gathered us into the restorative environment of His covenant, Jesus, through the work of regeneration overlays our signature with His likeness, and tames the beastly nature, which is double minded (like two kings in one castle). By our co-labor of faith, the Spirit thus transforms cavern upon cavern in the soul, to shine forth His light in charity for God’s delight.
We Are Called To be His Light Bearers
As the child Samuel kept the lamp in the temple of God burning, so the spiritual priesthood of Jesus’ new covenant keeps His light burning in our hearts and upon our lips as we steward God’s grace to one another, so meeting His commandment of love. This speaks of our responsibility to not only labor with His knowledge, but reciprocate to God in kind, offering spiritual sacrifices as part of our daily priesthood, and stewarding this wisdom on into the world.
Not all truths give lasting oil for your lamps. As wise virgins we separate ourselves to His holy knowledge, to fill our vessels with faith continually as we receive instruction from God’s sanctified stewardship. But Satan’s sweetened truths give false hope, directing man’s desire to his own perceived needs, such as health, wealth and prosperity, as seen in many false doctrines today which fall short of directing faith to Jesus’ covenant.
In nature, spider webs are revealed in early sunrays by the dew glistening thereon; likewise, the mysteries of iniquity are hidden to the carnal eye but revealed to those of faith. Jesus’ covenant knowledge is a lamp for our feet and a light for our path, that we may overcome the wiles of the Devil, and progress in the kingdom of God so as to return to God’s Bosom, because God is light and only those with His light will return to Him.
Eternal Hope in His Eternal Light
Revelation 22:5
And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever.
Those who enter into the covenant through the baptism of the Holy Spirit are adopted into God’s house for preparation by a new lifestyle of faith and charity, to in time, enter into the very soul of God. This will take place through the baptism of Light, which is the third covenant that awaits us at the end of this time, and eternal life in the presence of Christ’s light.
I offer this spiritual sacrifice for the gathering of His people into the true light of Jesus’ covenant:
Those of faith love God and keep His covenant commandments, to willingly give up their own letter and light now, to be cut as a diamond to shine forth His light and be jewels for His crown and eternal life in His presence.