Prophet Joshua DeRuiter

Joshua serves as a called and confirmed Prophet in the restored government of God, and he is an IDCCST Spiritual Life Coach. Prophet Joshua helps you to begin a new and final chapter in your search for truth. View my profile.

Christians everywhere will agree that we were all born into the environment of sin. We learned to follow after the rhythm of the flesh right out the womb of our mothers. But did you know you don’t have to remain within that environment? I am talking about a step many Christians have not been instructed in, leaving them confused by experience that falls short of their Bible-based expectation. The teaching point is not only for Christians, but in fact, God issues grace for salvation upon all flesh to draw everyone into a spiritual womb of sorts – the covenant of Jesus Christ.

As the mother’s womb in the natural prepares a baby to enter into the environment of the earth, so the covenant prepares the soul to enter the inheritance of God. This choice is presented to all. God will not go against the free will He granted man; we all have a choice to either continue in sin or to walk in His righteousness.

John 3:3
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

Many believers are familiar with this scripture, which speaks of how we must be born again in order to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Being born again speaks of our functioning in the womb of the covenant of Jesus Christ. Like the environment of a mother’s womb is fully equipped to provide for the needs of a growing unborn babe, so everything we need for faith’s function is provided within the covenant environment, for exponential growth.

God Seeks Fruit

You may be asking, what is exponential growth? Google defines the phrase exponential growth as “growth whose rate becomes ever more rapid in proportion to the growing total number or size.” In faith, exponential growth speaks of gaining Christ through fruit bearing as we die to self, and it speaks of the ever increasing scale at which this divine increase is accessible when faith is active with what God provided for our divine transformation.

The amount of fruit a converted covenant Christian bears depends on the effort we invest in our labor of faith with the knowledge and tokens of Christ fullness; faith’s consistency, conformity and communication. As the scriptures bear out, some will be 30-fold, 60-fold and 100-fold. The Lord daily exhorts us to faith with gifts of grace, to strive lawfully for continual increase as those who would bring forth a 100-fold for His glory, after the due order of the covenant of Jesus Christ; under the refuge of apostolic stewardship.

Faith is given an activity within the covenant environment for divine contact with God. This is our consent to His inner work of regeneration in the soul and renewal of the mind. The Lord rewards every choice of faith with increase in His grace, peace, knowledge, joy, wisdom, strength, understanding, and ultimately, an increase in the fruit of His Spirit. There is no cap in our increase of the substance of His life and light, for the more we sow to the Spirit through the knowledge and tokens of Christ fullness, the more we grow.

Philippians 2:12
Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

Contact for Increase

We can see in all of creation that God has always created an environment for the propagation of species after their kinds. For instance, the ocean was designed to house sea-life and they thrive in this environment because God specifically designed it for their increase. We also see this in the plains of Africa with the prides of lions: God provides them food and water and they thrive in this environment which God designed for their habitation.

God builds what He plans to inhabit; and in the new covenant of Christ our bodies become His temple. Herein we see the importance of having the foundation of truth properly prepared within the heart through apostolic stewardship (see our free online IDCCST Course). When a believer first transitions into the covenant, the old foundations of past learning are broken down through doctrinal cleansing. He joins our faith to the womb of the covenant of Jesus Christ, rebuilding our understanding in soundness from the foundation up, that the expression thereof reflects Christ, which increases the soul in the substance of His life and light.

It is pretty amazing that God has established a framework in the fullness of Christ for the expression of faith that we may be reconciled back to Him. He first provided the perfect environment, then issued grace to draw us into the spiritual ark of the covenant of Jesus Christ, that we may build and bond with Him for the purpose of increasing His house. He rewards us with more grace with every choice of faith we make after the due order of the second covenant with that which He sanctified for the expression of Christ, that our faith be made perfect through contact with these spiritual blessings.

As it was with the saints in the early church, so now too, those who are established in His covenant daily experience exponential growth as His grace continually waters the seed of faith as we continually feast upon His truth, being the diet which keeps us strong in the tether of the fullness of Christ, through the knowledge and tokens of His framework.