Teacher Maria vonAnderseck
Maria serves as a called and confirmed Chief Teacher in the restored government of God and she is an IDCCST Spiritual Life Coach. She is the co-founder of s8w Ministries. Teacher Maria walks you through spiritual transformation from start to finish, God’s way. View my profile.
On behalf of Apostle Eric vonAnderseck and the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastor, and teachers of God’s restored government, I would like to extend a warm welcome and invite you to browse our website to begin to take in all that God has restored to the church today.
The first thing you might notice is the name of this ministry – Second 8th Week Ministries (s8w). But what is behind the name? What is the Second 8th Week and what significance does it have in God’s plan today to renew and restore His church?
God’s plan takes us beyond the politics of the day and cuts through the fake news.
– Millions are looking for a place where the uncompromising truth of the gospel is taught as it was originally designed by God, with apostles at the helm of instruction.
There is no doubt that a great awakening is taking place and that people are hungry for revival and a return of God’s power. But there’s more going on, isn’t there?
– There’s also a growing palpable tension among believers that is very real. Christians everywhere have come to realize that something is wrong with the church and they are looking to God to fix it.
It’s impossible to miss the constant thread of revelation shared on social media about the present corrupt state of the church. As Christians lament over how far the church has drifted away from the truth, they wonder if God has a plan to reverse this trend. And although many ministers have stepped forward to be the voice of spiritual clarity, they have done nothing more than muddy the waters.
God Makes His Voice Heard
Amidst the dreams and visions that serve as forerunners to announce a change of season, God’s voice was heard through the Prophet Enoch, the true forerunner of prophecy. God revealed to Enoch the timeline of His plan and what He has in store for His church in these last days.
Long before the bookshelves were filled with advice about how modern Christianity could make its way back to God, Enoch paved the way and announced that God would renew our hope. It was through Enoch that God rang the bell of prophecy that is now being heard in this generation, speaking to us about this exciting time and this new season.
God’s End Time Plan
God’s end time plan for the restoration and renewal of His church was in His heart all along and He named this time of restoration the Second 8th Week, or the week of righteousness. We’ll look at the scriptures and then God’s timeline to understand why the Second 8th Week is God’s turning point and what that means for you.
We’ll also answer questions like, if there’s a Second 8th Week, was there a First 8th Week; are there more “weeks” to God’s plan; where do we read about this in the Bible; what should I know about the weeks of God’s plan before I plan my next revival meeting; what part does God’s apostolic government play in God’s plan, and what part do you play in God’s plan?
To be clear: The Second 8th Week is not a series of investigations into what went wrong with the church that in turn open up different solutions. God’s purpose for the Second 8th Week is to introduce you to His new apostolic stewardship that He has already implemented to return the church to Jesus’ covenant, and to help you make the transition.
This article is a sneak preview of our new series, What is the Second 8th Week, that is soon to be released. The full, three lesson mini E-course will prepare you for God’s transition and answer many questions about where God is leading the church and the part God wants you to play in His end time plan. You won’t want to miss anything God is laying on the table in this series.
Let’s get started with the introduction. This introduction is an overview of the weeks of God’s timeline and pinpoints how God planned to restore the church. God opens up His plan through the voice of prophecy to show us what He is doing now.
First of all, God divided time into days and weeks to show the progression of His plan. A thousand years is as one day, even as revealed by Apostle Peter. Seven days of time refers to 7,000 years to complete God’s plan and purpose for mankind. (2 Pet. 3:8)
When we speak of God’s time frame in terms of weeks, God revealed His 10-week plan to His servant and Prophet Enoch. We’ll look at the weeks of God’s plan in 1 Enoch 91:12-17. We’ll see the Second 8th Week in verse 12, the 9th Week in verse 14, and the 10th Week in verse 15.
1 Enoch 91:12-17
12 Then after that there shall occur the Second 8th Week; the week of righteousness. A sword shall be given to it in order that judgment shall be executed in righteousness on the oppressors, and sinners shall be delivered into the hands of the righteous.
13 At its completion, they shall acquire great things through their righteousness. A house shall be built for the great king [Jesus] in glory for evermore.
14 Then after that in the Ninth Week righteous judgment shall be revealed to the whole world. All the deeds of the sinners shall depart from upon the whole earth, and be written off for eternal destruction; and all people shall direct their sight to the path of uprightness.
15 Then, after this matter, on the Tenth Week, in the seventh part there shall be the eternal judgment; and it shall be executed by the angels of the eternal heaven; the great (judgment) which emanates from all of the angels.
16 The first heaven shall depart and pass away; a new heaven shall appear; and all the powers of heaven shall shine forever seven fold.
17 Then after that there shall be many weeks without number forever; it shall be (a time) of goodness and righteousness, and sin shall no more be heard of forever.
Who is Enoch?
We saw God announce the Second 8th Week in 1 Enoch 91:12, but before we go any further, we need to learn more about who Enoch was and what God had to say about him and how God used him. Enoch was God’s prophet and servant and he fits into the genealogy of Adam through Seth. As mentioned in Genesis, Enoch was the seventh from Adam. (Gen. 5:1-24)
By this genealogy, God distinguishes His servant, the righteous Enoch, from another Enoch, which was the son of Cain whom God cursed. (Gen. 4:17)
This distinction is necessary because these two Enochs are not at all alike, and people often confuse them. The Enoch we are quoting is a descendant of Adam through Seth and is known as a righteous man. This is the same Enoch whom God took or raptured to heaven as a prototype of our own rapture when Jesus comes for us. (Gen. 5:24)
However, the other Enoch, who is a descendant of Cain, followed the ways of Cain and lived in idolatry. The distinction between the two men who carry the same name teaches us to observe how Satan blurs the lines between good and evil to confuse God’s Prophet Enoch with the son of Cain who was evil. Satan had fully intended that the righteous Enoch be confused with the wicked idolater. Under that spell, Christians were afraid to read the book of Enoch.
– Notice that the Apostle Jude did not share this fear. He made mention of his own studies of the prophecies written by Enoch and made sure that we understood which Enoch he was referring to by pointing out that the Prophet Enoch was the seventh from Adam.
Jude 1:14-15
14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,
15 To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.
The Apostle Jude, quoting from Enoch set the example for us today. He recognized that God elected Enoch to sit among the prophets and to be named alongside Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel. Enoch prophesied about God’s judgments against the ungodly. What else did Enoch prophesy about? Enoch was God’s herald to sound the trumpet of His plan that would unfold for the church in the Second 8th Week.
We can’t talk about the end times and what God has planned for the church and the world without talking about the Second 8th Week.
The Apostle Paul also taught about God’s servant and Prophet Enoch. God wrote about Enoch’s faith in the Bible to ensure that we did not alienate ourselves from what God had to say through Enoch.
Hebrews 11:5
By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him [Enoch]: for before his translation he [Enoch] had this testimony, that he [Enoch] pleased God.
God wants to combat Satan’s work to blur the lines and cause confusion, and so God gave Enoch a testimony of faith and righteousness; that’s what God says about Enoch. He said that Enoch pleased Him. And so, the scriptures we just read in 1 Enoch 91:12-17 that speak about God’s timeline and the Second 8th Week are the same scriptures that Apostle Jude and Apostle Paul read.
We are in the time appointed by God to fulfill what He prophesied through Enoch, so we’re going to study God’s timeline to see where we fit in this new season of change and why God again chose to regift the church with the apostolic calling to fulfill His vision.
The Weeks of God’s Timeline
Are you ready to dive into the weeks of God’s timeline? First of all, as we take a look at God’s timeline, week by week, you’ll notice that each week of God’s plan focuses on a steward whom He chose to introduce a new thing He was initiating to fulfill His purpose.
You’ll recognize each steward that God selected, from Enoch, to Noah, to Abraham, to David, and Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Saviour of the world.
We are now in the Second 8th Week (s8w) of God’s plan and this series of lessons will cover what God is doing now to restore the church to the fulness of Christ and the important turning point and transition of the church away from the 6th Week of darkness to make sure that you don’t get stuck there. Let’s get started!
Week # 1: Enoch: Through this steward, God revealed His eternal plan. “And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.” (Genesis 5:24). This Enoch, the 7th from Adam, was a righteous man, confirmed by the Apostle Jude as a true prophet of God. (Lk. 3:37; Heb. 11::5; Jud. 1:14-15)
Week #2: Noah: Through Noah, God preserved mankind from the first consummation (flood). Noah and his family alone were preserved and carried to the other side of the flood. (Gen. 6:9; 1 Pet. 3:20)
Week #3: Abraham: Through Abraham, God separated a people to Himself through the sign of circumcision. A gate of blessing would come through Abraham in the four steps to covenant that God introduced through him to preach Jesus Christ and to set a pattern for our faith today. Those four steps are: grace, faith, righteousness, and the seal. (Gen. 17:10-12; Rom. 4:11-12)
Week #4: Moses: Through Moses, God revealed the first of His two great covenants. All the physical tokens of Moses’ covenant and house stood in representation of what Jesus would do for us in His new covenant. (Ex. 24:8; Heb. 9:19-26)
Week #5: David: Through David, God established the throne of Christ and it was through David that God introduced a new pattern for the temple. The first covenant tabernacle would change from the skins of animals to earthly stones, which revelation was given to David and was greatly spoken against as brought out in the Psalms. Solomon was chosen by God to build the temple of stone. (2 Sam. 7:16; 1 Chron. 28:11-12; Ps.109:2)
God would again introduce another challenge through Jesus when the temple would again change. This time from earthly stones back to skin, speaking of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. God came down to us in the form of the flesh to become the new temple and contact point for worship to establish His presence in the heart of man. Jesus went to the cross to establish a new covenant in Himself. This also was greatly spoken against as God challenged the current mindset of religious leaders for change.
Week #8: Jesus
Jesus is the 8th Week. He is the eternal week; hence, God selected the number 8 to represent Himself. Through Jesus, God established our redemption. Jesus Christ is the Son of God; He is God’s second great covenant – the new covenant – the better covenant that God initiated through His death and resurrection. (Heb. 8:6-8,13; Heb. 9:1-24; Heb. 12:24; 1 Pet. 2:5,9; Heb. 13:10)
The Apostle Paul gave instructions to the church to mindfully observe and keep God’s new covenant terms, saying, “God having provided some better thing [covenant] for us.” God provided the new covenant. It was a provision of Himself. God, saying that the covenant He made by Jesus’ blood is the better and new covenant, was giving a directional sign to separate your faith to only operate with His knowledge. (Hebrews 11:40a)
There is an important reason why God restricts faith to operate only in the new covenant. The better covenant has a living mediator, the living Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus rose from the dead to empower His knowledge, stewardship and spiritual tools, and to provide Himself as a living contact point for our faith to express Him. (Heb. 13:10)
God’s covenant successfully transitioned from Moses to Jesus.
All of Jesus’ new spiritual tokens replace Moses’ physical tokens to set up our sanctified contact with God to transition our faith from the allegories to the reality. In addition, Jesus’ new spiritual priesthood for each believer replaces the physical priesthood of Aaron, and Jesus’ new spiritual altar that is built in the heart replaces the physical altar of the temple.
Jesus’ Week is divided into two parts:
– The First 8th Week: the beginning of the church age.
– The Second 8th Week: the conclusion of the church age. God returns the church to Jesus’ covenant and stewardship.
Jesus spoke of two separate events in Himself, thus identifying the splitting of His week. The First 8th Week is the beginning of the church age and covers Jesus’ ministry on earth, His death and resurrection, and the initiation of His new covenant in the heart by which we serve God in a new way.
John the Baptist announced the bridge from the water of the first covenant to the fire of the second covenant. The prophet pointed to the token (Jesus) who would accomplish this bridge as the mediator of the new covenant and gift of salvation. Jesus gives us gifts for our contact with God as He daily creates in us His fruit, and daily sustains our faith.
- Through Jesus, God birthed a new people unto Himself which would not glory in the flesh but glory in the Spirit.
- Through Jesus, God gave mankind a new beginning. We enter into God’s house by adoption and seal.
The True Apostolic
God set apostles over the spiritual house of Jesus Christ to oversee the knowledge and function of the body of Christ with Jesus as the head. (Acts 2:42; Acts 11:4; Is. 9:6)
The true apostolic includes all 5 callings functioning together in one spiritual government, as we all build upon one foundation of truth in the same spiritual priesthood by the anointing.
As the seed increases by water, truth increases by grace. That is the anointing. The anointing gives faith value. It is the anointing that continues to progress you with the knowledge of God for increase: grace unto grace, fruit unto fruit, and holiness unto holiness. This is what it means to abound in Christ. This is a true and healthy church.
For you to experience the anointing of God, for God to increase you by His grace, for you to progress with His knowledge, truth must be set in your heart by Jesus’ living apostles.
The apostles have the mind of Christ to be His compass for your journey in the work of regeneration. It is God’s will and good pleasure to heal and restore your soul and to create in you His divine nature as He prepares you for Himself. This is the true gospel of regeneration. History can’t birth it, the precept can’t birth it, but regeneration is the mother of its fruit.
Apostolic Stewardship is the Door, the Key, and the Urim
The emphasis of each week of God’s plan points to the necessity of the door, the key, and the Urim, and every steward stands as that door, key, and Urim. While man judges God’s plan by the precept, God judges by the Urim and that’s because the anointing carries the authority, not the precept. The anointing on the steward makes him the door, the key, and the Urim. (Ex. 28:30)
Every time God introduces the Urim through His steward, it challenges the present established religious minds. Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David all challenged the current prevailing religious systems of their time, and God is doing the same thing today through Apostle Eric vonAnderseck, the steward that He sent into the church as the door, the key, and the Urim with many signs of confirmation by divine dreams, vision, angelic visitations, and visitations of the Lord.
The Lord spoke audibly to Apostle Eric during prayer on December 22, 2023 as if calling out his name with great emphasis, saying, “Urim!” Apostle Eric is the Lord’s Urim.
Apostle Eric vonAnderseck spearheads the return of the church to true apostolic stewardship and the return of the church to Jesus’ covenant. Apostle Eric has filled two reflection books over the past 50 years with many divine signs and wonders that testify of God’s will and good pleasure to cleanse the church and renew our hope.
Although we will not have the time to share everything, Apostle Eric will share God’s testimony of His calling upon him and the charge he received from the Lord to restore Jesus’ house and to set it in order. Watch for his testimony in future installments of this series.
Apostle Eric testifies of the drops of God’s anointing on him both of dew and of fire, the fellowship of the apostles of the Lamb in dream visions with both the Apostle John and Apostle Peter, and above all, having seen Jesus, having spoken to Jesus, and seeing the church through His eyes. Below is a sneak preview of two excerpts taken from Apostle Eric’s testimony.
The church in bondage: Apostle Eric shares, “I remember what Jesus said to me on September 14, 1981 in a dream vision. I saw Jesus and walked with him as He showed me the condition of the church in bondage. Jesus showed me a prison with many prison cells representing the different independent ministries that sprang out of reformation movements, revival movements, and the Jesus Movement. Jesus made the point of telling me that everyone was in this prison…”
“I was standing next to Jesus listening to Him and the next instant, in the flash of an eye, I was inside Jesus’ body. I thought as He thought, I spoke as He spoke, I walked as He walked. Everything I did was directed by God and every step was powerful…”
The church does not recognize Jesus: Apostle Eric shares, “In this heavenly vision I received in 1984, Jesus showed me the hearts of those who claim to love Him, yet walk apart from Him. Jesus walked from place to place and I walked with him by His side. Jesus was not dressed in Galilean robes and Roman sandals as people usually think of when they picture Him, so of course, people did not recognize Jesus.
“Jesus took me through different scenes to show me the state of the church… I began to travail in the Spirit at what I saw… Jesus said to me, ‘Tell them I am come to give life. I am come to bring them out of darkness.’ Still travailing in the Spirit, I wrote that down in my reflection book. My hand was shaking and I felt Jesus’ hand physically over my own hand and I wrote ~Love Jesus.”
In addition, God testified to Enoch that He would send Enoch to this end time generation to tell, or prophetically tap on the shoulder the one whom God would raise up to stand for Him as a guardian of truth and deliverer, to heal the end time church and bring her back to her first roots to be glorified of God.
2 Enoch 35:1-3
1 And from his seed another generation will arise, the last of many, but even out of those the majority will be very insatiable.
2 And I will raise up for that generation someone who will reveal to them the books in your handwriting and of those of your fathers. And he will have to point out to them the guard tower of the earth, truthful men and those who carry out my will who do not invoke my name invalidly.
3 And you Enoch will tell that generation, and they when they have read them will be more glorified in the end then in the beginning.
Enoch did speak to this end time generation. He openly confirmed God’s appointed time and steward of the Second 8th Week when he appeared to Apostle Eric on October 10, 1997 in a dream vision. Apostle Eric shared, “In this divine dream vision a man appeared to me whom I knew by the Spirit to be Enoch the righteous. He spoke loudly in a voice that boomed as he greeted me and announced by the word of the Lord saying, ‘Hail he who is to come, the deliverance one!’”
This amazing testimony is true and we have seen the tide of skepticism change as readers are now making a quantum leap into the neglected revelations of Enoch that God meant for us to have today.
Apostle Eric has lectured on the Book of Enoch many times in the past 20 years. His verse-by-verse lectures are compiled in a book as a valuable resource for the student of the Book of Enoch to understand with ease the depth of God’s treasured mysteries. Over 800 pages of clear-cut teaching contain 473 references to the Bible, making it easy for you to relate to the seamless plan of God for the ages and how you play a part.
Apostle Eric pulls together the many amazing threads of the Book of Enoch: the macro plan of God, the true history of the human race, the secrets of heaven, the powers of angels, the reason for Satan’s expulsion from heaven and his hatred towards the human race; the truth behind fallen angels (Watchers) is fully detailed to reveal their sin of miscegenation and acculturation of the earth, their work to indoctrinate mankind with ancient secrets, God’s destruction of their kingdoms in the Flood of Noah, their post flood re-infection of the human race, and their modern day agenda; the origin of demons & the secret of the God-Code.
We will hear more from Apostle Eric as he shares with us the hand of the Lord upon him in signs and wonders. We are keeping in harmony with true biblical history. These are strange things to the minds of those who walk by the precept. Many look to the precept as the door, the key and the Urim. But when looking to the precept as the Urim, they take the calling to themselves and that’s part of Satan’s trick.
It should not come as a surprise that God would speak to this end time generation.
We just read in 2 Enoch 35:1-2 that God says of this end time generation, that “the majority will be very insatiable.” Who are these insatiable ones who are not satisfied with Jesus’ covenant truth? They are the ministry leaders of today. God points out His quarrel against them: they invoke the name of Jesus invalidly to fulfill their own visions. We get a glimpse of the damage these ministers have inflicted upon the church of the 6th Week of darkness and why God is turning the tide with His new apostolic stewardship.
Even now, revivalists are fighting against God, blowing on the cooling embers of the 6th Week that God is dousing. Instead of working with God’s apostolic stewardship they are trying to keep their dead traditions alive. As we head now into the study of the 6th Enochian Week, we’ll see the sharp contrast God makes between the true church and the false church.
Week #6: Darkness of the Church
The 6th Week falls between the First 8th Week and the Second 8th Week, which we’ll get to in a minute. The painful 6th Week is a season of chaos for the church. It marked the rule of many false stewards and false shepherds who preached a false gospel and led the church into darkness. (Is. 56:11)
The 6th Week marks the rise of the false church body (the one that operates outside of Jesus’ covenant) through independent stewardship, meaning those ministers who chose to detach themselves from the covenant and stewardship. They teach in Jesus’ name but stand apart from Him.
The landslide of false knowledge that started 2,000 years ago to challenge the apostles’ doctrine resulted in the destruction we see in the church today. If you have taken a good look at the church and have seen the proliferation of false gospels, wishy-washy teaching, and empty hearts, then you’re looking at the church of the 6th Week.
The corruption of the gospel gave birth to the false religious system.
The false religious system is the face of the current Christian culture, whereas approximately 45,000 different Christian denominations offer conflicting truths about the Christian faith and offer conflicting instructions about how to walk with God. (Acts 20:29)
This chaos is self-evident and is being talked about every day in one way or another and has taken over Christian social media. You can’t miss it. As they look for a way back, Christian writers, book authors, church planters, bloggers, conference speakers and ministry leaders are all talking about the many ways they dropped the ball.
Ministry leaders have not understood the gravity of their mistake to have walked away from Jesus’ covenant and stewardship. The fallout of that decision is seen everywhere. For example, how most Christians say that they fail to understand what a victorious life in Jesus looks like. And maybe that’s something you’ve been struggling with, too. There might be other things that you feel also stand out as gaps of understanding in regard to how God designed and empowers your faith to fulfill His purpose in you.
There has been an overwhelming sense of urgency for God to step in and change the church from the inside out.
Reform or Restoration
God set out a large “CAUTION” sign everywhere false ministers set up their ministry visions, and that’s because when false ministers talk about change, they’re talking about reform, not restoration, and there’s a big difference between the two.
Reform has to do with trying to re-enact the history of the book of Acts in an attempt to give the present church culture a purpose –reform society – and to give themselves a new face – personal accountability – as they try to reform themselves. But that’s not going to happen.
God did not call us to social reform or to devise our own accountability standards, but rather, God’s call is to return to His standard, His Intelligent Design for Christ-Centered Spiritual Transformation®. God is personally involved with us as He forms Christ in the inner man. This fruit bearing in the soul was promised by Jesus and preached by His apostles. (Jn. 15:1-8; Gal. 5:22; 2 Pet. 1:3-4)
As long as the present leadership confuses God’s call, they will never go on to experience salvation according to the perfect will of God.
Restoration has to do with utilizing God’s original plan and divine design in Jesus’ covenant, which the stewardship makes known. Believers are again being taught how to align their faith to the knowledge and tools God sanctified with Jesus’ blood to walk with Him by the power of the Spirit in His new fruit bearing process.
The false gospel preaches the record (history and condition) of one’s own soul, and that’s why the gospel we hear preached today is the psychology of the struggle of the defiled conscience as people fight for personal, social, and political reforms.
As leaders try to shoot a true arrow at transformation, they miss the point that they’re chasing after the outward, residual effects of the inward working of the Spirit. They miss that the inner working only happens once a covenant relationship with God has begun and they are properly equipped to co-labor with Him in the process of regeneration.
The outward change that is manufactured by the false gospel as a substitute has great appeal, but it’s working the problem backward, trying to get to the transformation of the new man in Christ without God’s due process.
False Ministers Get the Wrong End of the Stick
Historically, church leadership work the problem of deliverance on the wrong end, starting from the history of the flesh as they try to relate to God’s work in them. And here is where we see the downside to their choice to detach themselves from Jesus’ covenant stewardship and priesthood. They pursue deliverance because they are not benefiting from the process of regeneration.
Publications are churned out about how to be delivered from the fruits of iniquity by throwing word salad at Satan. Books are written about deliverance and generational curses to try to understand the fiery darts of Satan, how seducing spirits work, how to get victory, and how to break generations of ungodly unions – all while being outside of Jesus’ covenant. The problem is that Jesus’ covenant is God’s established starting point for us to reason with Him and to walk according to His provision in Christ.
Working the problem of deliverance on the wrong end means working sensually from man’s nature, hoping for change and transformation without submitting to Jesus’ covenant, and that’s why the devil continues to lead these ministers in circles, which is something people have noticed. (Jude 1:18-19)
Weeks, months, and years after implementing deliverance tools, people have noticed that they are back where they started, looking for another author who might have some new insight to help them find the power they lack to conquer their fears, conquer crippling addictions, and conquer destructive habits of the mind. Christians are looking for a way out of this backward gospel where they continue to struggle against a defiled conscience.
Apostle Eric vonAnderseck recently addressed false regeneration on X (formerly Twitter), teaching that “without a functioning sanctified priesthood, Satan again becomes the judge in their conscience… the false church leadership could only affirm the believer’s struggles of the conscience and used Bible psychology and traditions of men to find resolve and rest.”
This points to one of the most important transitional points for those accepting Jesus’ covenant: God is not working the problem, He’s working salvation.
Most ministers don’t realize that they have detached your faith from Jesus’ covenant and apostolic stewardship. They took a dangerous turn, leaving Christians at a loss to know what true spiritual transformation looks like. Christians are finding out that the covering of false knowledge is a false covering.
Did you know: Covenant-less ministers chase after the same street cred as Satan, preaching a gospel that is common to everyone’s experience in the world: common traps, fears, addictions, conflicts, and mind games. They have blended in so successfully with the world that they have upended themselves. Unable to tell the difference between true regeneration and faux regeneration, they push ahead with deliverance ministry, fishing for any kind of outward change they can use to bear witness to their empty and powerless gospel. (1 Cor. 10:13; 1 Jn. 4:5)
There is a great awakening taking place.
There is no doubt that an awakening is taking place, but the awakening of the church to God’s restoration was misinterpreted by ministers who are still stuck in the 6th Week. Hearing God’s many challenges, ministry leaders are trying to change themselves through much repentance and fasting. They are heard to say, “We can rebuild the church!” but that’s simply a slogan to justify launching more programs and churning out more books designed around their failed systems.
As they plead with God, confessing sins of error and sins of omission, admitting to having misled the church, they are still on the same track of neglect, failing to heed God’s call back to Jesus’ covenant and His sanctified stewardship.
Ministry leaders have made plans to reform their own ways and revise their teachings rather than obey God’s voice to transition to His new covenant in Jesus. There’s a high price to pay for ignoring God’s Intelligent Design for Christ-Centered Spiritual Transformation.
Those who love themselves more than God set a path to relaunch their failed belief systems under the guise of revival, hoping to whitewash decades of spiritual neglect and abuse by recapturing their “glory days”. Rather than let God’s people go, they reinforced the bars of false knowledge to keep the church in bondage.
What constitutes a fruitful ministry?
In the false church body, ministers talk about what constitutes a fruitful ministry rather than how God creates His fruit in the inner man. I want to take another quote from Apostle Eric vonAnderseck who recently addressed this on X, teaching that fruitfulness has a different meaning for those caught up in the false gospel.
Apostle Eric explained that fruitfulness has come to mean one’s ability to make impassioned pleas to see how many people could be persuaded to get behind a covenant-less gospel. As revivalists lead in prayer, hoping to fill empty hearts, they don’t realize that they’ve led people to empty troughs.
Apostle Eric pointed out that under the guise of false revivals, “Millions will hear about Jesus, but few will find the door. The ‘wayside’ gospel denies the tools to begin to build His kingdom. The ‘great commission’ has a loud voice but has no spiritual understanding.” (Lk. 8:12)
The Second 8th Week: Restoration of the Church
The Second 8th Week (s8w) is the conclusion of the church age. It is not God’s will to allow the church to continue in darkness, ruled by false stewards. (Jer. 50:6)
– Jesus’ Second 8th Week is the second generation of apostles that are sent by God to bring the church back to Him – back to His covenant and the stewardship of the covenant. God is personally involved with establishing the stewardship of this week as His door, key, and Urim with many signs and wonders upon Apostle Eric vonAnderseck to set apart the testimony of life from the testimony of death.
The steward is the key in the hand of God to open the door that no man may shut and is His breath of cleansing and knife to circumcise the false religious system from His divine work.
The 6th Week is an obvious gap between the First 8th Week and the Second 8th Week, and God is sealing that gap today. The Second 8th Week covers the restoration of the church to Jesus’ covenant, where true salvation takes place, and it marks the return of apostles to the church. This is the season we are in right now. The true church has been reborn.
This is such a big turning point for the church, so let’s look at 1 Enoch 91:12 again.
1 Enoch 91:12
Then after that there shall occur the Second 8th Week; the week of righteousness. A sword shall be given to it in order that judgment shall be executed in righteousness on the oppressors, and sinners shall be delivered into the hands of the righteous.
First of all, we underlined “Second 8th Week” (s8w) in the verse above. The Second 8th Week is God’s promise of restoration in the end of time, to set order to the church again and take back what Satan has stolen, whereas God returns the sword of truth to the church to release those taken prisoner by Satan and his ministers. (2 Cor. 11:13)
Apostle Eric recently taught on how God is breaking old molds, “The Lord not only breaks the pattern of sin in the heart by the preaching of the gospel, but also removes the roots of theological ignorance in [one’s] thinking by His grace and truth through the stewardship.”
The Second 8th Week is called the week of righteousness on account of God restoring the original foundation of truth for us to walk perfectly with our God. Our faith again perfectly reflects the righteousness of Jesus Christ and His work in us. Now let’s look at verse 13.
1 Enoch 91:13
At its completion, they shall acquire great things through their righteousness. A house shall be built for the great king [Jesus] in glory for evermore.
The house that God is building through His restored spiritual government is the house of Jesus Christ, our great King. However, God will not use any practices generated by the false religious system to build His house. Those are the rejected stones.
God is shaking the church of the 6th Week and speaking through His apostolic stewardship to establish the provenance of the false gospel, tracing the ownership history from its inception to the present day. People are asking, “How did the church come to this point of ruin and failure to walk in the covenant God gave us in Jesus?” The long history of the false religious system is a history of neglect, which God is now reversing.
We are loving God through the spiritual things He provided through Jesus and glorifying God through the fruit He creates in us daily. At the completion of the Second 8th Week God will receive His saints and we will glorify His name forever.
– The Second 8th Week (s8w) is a time of empowerment.
Empowerment means that God returned to the church the true gospel of regeneration that the Holy Spirit bears witness to. God’s goal for each Christian is restored: the healing of the soul by the creation of the virtues of Christ within is that singular, ongoing, daily miracle that is experienced by all His saints.
– The Second 8th Week (s8w) renews true discipleship to the church.
In the 6th Week we saw a history of clumsy teaching. Ministers who cut themselves off from Jesus’ covenant and the stewardship of the covenant were living examples, illustrating how far the church strayed from God’s will.
Where do you feel the false gospel has failed you? Most say it is not knowing what true transformation is and how to live it daily with God at the helm of their faith, working in them. How does it start and how does it continue?
As God transitioned the church into the Second 8th Week of His plan we see a shift in discipleship. Believers are again learning how God engages with us when our faith is active with Jesus’ tools, and how God initiates contact with us through the 12 elements of the gospel. Believers are again learning that Jesus’ covenant is the perfect environment for spiritual growth.
– The Second 8th Week (s8w) is the return of the church to true discernment.
Now that God returned the church to His one standard in Jesus Christ, true discernment is possible and Christians are learning why the many truths of the current Christian culture are sterile, not able to create in the soul the divine nature. They are stepping away from the conflicting and contradictory truths of the many apologists who thought they were defending the faith, but simply working a path for their logic to find a way to God.
Man’s power of reason works with his logic, and his logic works with his own record until he is instructed in the way of the covenant to begin to reason with the Lord. Logic stands in the prejudice of one’s own record, while reason stands in faith.
– The Second 8th Week (s8w) is the return of the church to the forgotten power of Jesus’ name.
God placed Jesus’ name in the 12 elements of the gospel to generate the life of Christ in you. The genealogy of the covenant is put in Jesus Christ and all the elements of the gospel are taken from him to craft His nature in you.
God gave us a blueprint of knowledge that Satan stole and rebranded to remove Jesus’ power, giving the church lifeless knowledge. It is a sterile, lifeless knowledge that is being preached today in the false church.
Veracity is Measured in Light of its Power
Did you know: “Veracity is measured in light of its power”. That’s a word of knowledge the Lord ministered to Apostle Eric vonAnderseck to explain how the living witness of God is found in the very DNA blueprint of the life of Christ in the elements of the gospel and how that witness is carried through in our perspective.
Each element is a binding power that is necessary for God to create in you the likeness of His Son and requires a submissive heart and mind to bond with him.
The 12 elements of the gospel are the blueprint that God works from; they are the foundation of your faith and power of God to create His life in you. Let’s look at them now: 1) Grace, 2) Faith, 3) Righteousness, 4) Justification, 5) Sanctification, 5) Holiness, 7) Peace, 8) Rest, 9) Charity, 10) Truth, 11) Regeneration, 12) Renewing of the Mind.
The elements of the gospel are the basis of the apostles’ doctrine to direct faith in the life of Christ. The next time you open your Bible and read what the apostles penned down, underline and highlight the elements. You can’t miss them.
The Apostle Peter brings out the links of God’s process and resulting power but also points out that many break these links and expect to walk with God on their own terms. You can’t break the links God established for your contact with Him and expect God to walk with you. (2 Pet. 2:1-12)
Covenant-less ministers use zeal as a false covering.
I’ve said a couple of times that while God works from His new covenant in Jesus, ministry leaders work the wrong end of the stick. It’s time to bring out how that looks in today’s revival climate, so we’ll talk about zeal.
Is zeal our covering? Apostle Paul brought out a necessary distinction between zeal and knowledge to make clear the voice of God. Yet, in today’s revival culture, many wash their hands of wrongdoing by pointing to their zeal for God as their credentials, as if to say, “Look, I’m all about getting souls saved and seeing lives changed and transformed, I’m sold out for Jesus. Judge me by my passion and the passion I translate to others.”
We hear the passion, but passion leaves no substance for God in the soul because the knowledge of Jesus’ covenant has been neglected and overlooked. There’s a reason why Apostle Paul points to knowledge as the key rather than zeal and passion.
Romans 10:2
For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
As an apostle, Paul was given the key of knowledge to set order to how believers were to function in God’s new covenant in Jesus. God set order to His knowledge to direct our faith to the things of Christ to govern our soul through this form of contact according to His ongoing mercy. Apostle Paul was correcting many whose zeal for God was apparent, but they tried to hide the fact that they were unschooled in the covenant of Jesus and, therefore, could not teach God’s foundation.
What happens when the basics of your faith are withheld?
The fateful decision on the part of ministry leaders to push zeal rather than the knowledge of Jesus’ covenant produced generation after generation of believers who remain lost in the wilderness and continue to miss the mark.
Zeal without knowledge of Jesus’ covenant is such a critical point of discernment for the modern church. Let’s look at the fallout of this large-scale deception that is played out in today’s calls to revival, as zeal without knowledge is again a common stumbling block.
It’s time for another quote from Apostle Eric vonAnderseck as he so often teaches on the subject and recently posted a good example of this on X, “Ministers in 1995 boasted of the ‘Holy Laughter Movement’, that it was of God. Books were written by pastors affirming this movement. Thousands of believers praised it. But now, 20 years later they are questioning it. Some even desire to claim that there’s some fruit to be found in this error. If the root is corrupt so is the fruit.” (Hos. 9:16; Gal. 5:9)
Apostle Eric is speaking of the much-publicized Laughter Movement, which some, now seeing their mistake, have redubbed as the Brownsville Revival to downplay the fallout.
Apostle Eric went on to teach, “Many ministers or pastors desire the spirit and cloud of enthusiasm that covers the crowds compared to the soundness of the divine work built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets which requires the calling for oversight. God is speaking reproof and rebuke to them.” (Prov. 1:25; Tit. 1:13)
Did you know: An entire body of teaching surrounded what was called “holy laughter” to teach people how to respond to this rhythmic call. These teachings received widespread endorsements from popular ministry heads and those who claim to be popular television and online personalities. However, they were unable to conceal the fact that zeal without knowledge of the covenant made them blind, unable to discern the seducing spirits working havoc through them, leading the church astray.
There are thousands of other examples of the church being led in the wrong direction. The false church leadership is building spiritual pyramid schemes. Ministers promise unrealistic returns based on the fables they generated, hoping that people will like their stories enough to invest their faith. As God turns the tide through His apostolic stewardship to bring correction, ministers are seen to double down on their costly revival enterprises.
The Elements of the Gospel are Your Foundation
The 12 elements of the gospel are your foundation stones because they are the starting point for us to reason with God. God designed the elements to be binary, which simply means that God designed them with our participation in mind. God initiates grace and we respond in faith. God initiates His righteousness to set His standard in Christ according to His expectation for fruit, and we respond in kind to restrict our faith to the things of Jesus’ covenant that free us to him (justification).
When God uses the word “faith”, He’s talking about reciprocation so that the things He provided for us, to bless our contact with Him, continue to increase to glorify Him. Again, we see that veracity is measured in light of its power. (Eph. 3:7)
Satan Rebranded the Elements of the Gospel
Have you ever wondered why your relationship with God seems to be at a standstill? You might find yourself trying to hit the restart button over and over again, asking the same questions about how God designed faith to work and why it isn’t working for you.
As Christians from all walks of life come to grips with this awful truth, God breaks open His challenge for change. This troublesome standstill of faith is the result of the 6th Week. During the 6th Week of darkness, believers were not discipled in the faith with the elements of the gospel as their foundation, nor did they receive any instruction about how to operate in the grace of God by learning to use Jesus’ tools.
Sadly, the connections that God built into your priesthood that are necessary for fruit bearing were removed by ministers of unrighteousness. Is it any wonder that Christians, not knowing the basics of their faith, could not build with God?
The fact is, Satan stole the elements and placed them in the kingdom of the flesh where he altered them and rebranded them. Satan gave each element new meaning that helped people relate to their broken, sinful state, and their faith in God was reflective of that.
Under this influence, truth mirrored self and became self-referencing, and Jesus took on a new face. What I mean by that is while Jesus was designed by God to be the propitiation for our sins, the counterfeit gospel redesigned Jesus to take on the likeness of substitutionism, which is an offence to God. Again, we’re looking at the wrong end of the stick.
The counterfeit (substitutionism) was accepted because Satan took the pattern of man’s natural, universal, God-given inner design (we all have signature skills and talents, we all have a moral code, we all have a God-Code) to take the place of the pattern God gave us in Jesus’ covenant.
No one comes to Jesus with the intention of following the rhythm Satan planted in their own nature. However, without being schooled in the knowledge of Jesus’ covenant, Christians can’t tell the difference between the God-given record in Jesus, which is the blueprint of truth and the record of their own nature, and end up responding to the wrong thing.
A Gospel of Self-Identifying Truths
Replacing Jesus’ pattern (blueprint and record) with their own resulted in preaching a gospel of self-identifying truths. Ministry leaders famously work from this false foundation and platform to direct your faith down the wrong path, and that’s not what you wanted, it’s not what you prayed for, and definitely not what you expected.
Ministers turned God’s map upside down.
Of course, God’s inner design is something we all share and is, therefore, familiar ground and common to man. The false gospel is loaded with truisms that seemingly relate to what everyone is talking about. Seeing that we all experienced pain prior to covenant, while under Satan’s abusive care and we all carry those scars, it feels authentic and genuine to talk about it and give the Christian faith this context. (1 Cor. 10:13; Eph. 2:3; Jude 1:10)
In the absence of apostolic oversight, Satan turned God’s map upside down to orient believers to the history of their fleshly nature to center attention there, and that changes your relationship with God.
Satan manipulated this common ground self-identity to help deploy many carnal-minded ideas about what a relationship with God is all about and what inner healing is all about, and Bible interpretation followed this vain reasoning. Can you begin to see why God calls man’s nature (the record of man) a false foundation and false orientation and false standard? (2 Cor. 11:3)
Despite countless missteps and misdirection, ministers still maintain their heading, insisting that they can intuit God’s direction by looking for familiar landmarks to get their bearings. But again, people are hard-wired to their own nature, and that’s what they’re looking at.
The self-referencing gospel has long been a part of the history of the church, spanning back through the long, dry season of the 6th Week, where Jesus’ covenant knowledge and tools were neglected and forgotten.
Satan rebranded the elements of the gospel to relate to the defiled conscience and spoke about grace, faith, righteousness, sanctification, holiness, charity, and the renewing of the mind in a way that followed the landscape of man’s own nature. Satan promised regeneration (inner healing) without God’s due process. In other words, he promised change without God’s power.
Always remember: Satan is well-versed in the nature of man, but this is not your new identity in Christ. Satan took ownership of the elements of the gospel, and now, through His apostolic stewardship, God is taking them back.
If you are like many Christians who were trapped in the 6th Week of darkness, you might look around at the current Christian culture and be discouraged because nothing has changed. And you would be right. Nothing has changed in the false religious system.
Those who are trapped in the false church body cannot comprehend the true work of the Spirit because they’re standing outside of that reality. This helps to take in how far the church has drifted away from God’s new covenant in Jesus and why restoration is God’s call of the day. Let’s move on to Weeks 7-10.
Week #7: Tribulation and Antichrist: The Tribulation and reign of the antichrist upon the earth and God introduces two new stewards, Enoch and Elijah to confront the beast and false prophet. (Rev. 6:17)
Week #9: Millennial reign of Christ upon the earth: The saints reign with Christ on the earth for 1,000 years. (Rev. 20:4; 1 Enoch 91:14)
Week #10: The perpetual week: God creates a new heavens and new earth. His plan is finished, and we enter into the eternal week and He multiplies His work as He said. We will live and reign with God forever and eternally increase His kingdom and glory. (2 Pet. 3:13; 1 Enoch 91:15)
Spiritual Significance Q & A
Now that we covered the 10 weeks of God’s plan, it’s time for a short Q&A to answer a few questions about the Second 8th Week.
Q & A #1
Why does the number eight (the First 8th Week and the Second 8th Week) represent Jesus?
God gave the number eight an allegory to preach to us Jesus. We begin to see the allegory unfold in Noah who the Apostle Peter refers to as “the eighth person”, a preacher of righteousness. There were eight souls saved in Noah’s ark. God selects the number eight to identify this steward, Noah, who is a type and shadow of Jesus Christ. (2 Pet.2:5; 1 Pet. 3:20)
– The ark into which Noah and his family found refuge represents salvation through Jesus Christ who gave us the ark of His new covenant and Himself as our refuge. All who enter into a covenant agreement with God through Jesus are saved. God takes the 8th Week to represent the work of Jesus Christ on the cross to save, redeem, and heal the soul to empower our faith to reciprocate to Him in kind.
God restricts our faith to the one standard He designed in Jesus Christ for our access to Him. We love, adore, and praise God because of His active involvement to sustain our faith with gifts of His presence.
– Jesus rose from the dead on the 3rd day, also called the 8th day of the week (Sunday).
We are the children of the resurrection, meaning that Jesus rose from the dead to oversee and empower His own covenant and seals our adoption with tokens of Himself.
The divine power is a transforming power. The Spirit effects change in us. Just as a chicken develops in the perfect environment of an egg, and a plant germinates in the perfect environment of soil, so the covenant of Jesus Christ is the perfect womb for our faith to develop. Life springs forth from the pattern God gave it. And so it is with faith. It begins with a seed of truth and the Spirit empowers the pattern.
Because grace is the isotope to change and transform your nature from the natural to the divine, and grace works with truth, we can’t freelance the doctrine of Christ and expect to get the same results. Spiritually speaking, to freelance the doctrine of Christ means to shop around for the best possible truth that would fit your specific needs. In that situation, faith is not really joined to the kingdom of God (new covenant), but is working independently, which describes the doctrine of man. Let’s go on to learn more about why God assigned the number 8 to Jesus.
– Jesus was circumcised on the 8th day according to the law of Moses. God assigned that particular day, the 8th day, for circumcision, thus assigning the spiritual significance of the number 8 to Jesus. The First 8th Week was a circumcision, removing the dead traditions of the law, and the Second 8th Week is a circumcision, removing the many dead traditions of the hydra, or the false religious system which took deep roots over 2 thousand years (the Sixth Enochian Week) which was the time of darkness for the church. (Lk. 1:59)
God places importance on spiritual circumcision because He is removing confidence in the law. God makes it clear that the knowledge of sin does not bring the fulness of Christ. (Rom. 2:28-29)
The law only defines the transgression of the flesh, but it cannot define that which is of the Spirit. The law pointed to Jesus who now gives us a new law in Himself. (Col. 2:11; Heb. 10:3; Jn. 1:14)
God also places a permanent, ongoing importance on spiritual circumcision because He planned to engage with us daily to heal the scars Satan inflicted and to create in us His divine nature. This is why He gave us a new priesthood in Jesus, for this contact and intimate work of the Spirit to take place. Ministers who deny the terms of Jesus’ covenant deny you this living priesthood.
The Second 8th Week is a Turning Point for the Church
We have to accept that God will not use the transgression (the law of sin) to show us Christ. So then, what law does God use to show us Christ? God uses the law of grace and truth, which works with the anointing in your priesthood to bring the fulness of Christ to your soul. The nourishment of the knowledge of Christ is for the healing of the soul, which is true repentance. (Col. 1:13)
God places importance on circumcision because He is changing the diet of your doctrine. We are eating from the King’s plate, meaning that we dine on the knowledge we are served at King Jesus’ table.
• The doctrine of Christ is the apostles’ doctrine; it is the truth of the gospel and has its grounding in Jesus’ covenant record that the Holy Spirit bears witness to. We accept that God is the Divine Architect of our soul, but He is also the Divine Architect of the blueprint of truth. God’s blueprint of truth is a prepared design for our faith to take on the likeness of Christ. (Jn. 7:16; Acts 2:42; 2 Jn. 1:9-10)
• The doctrine of man has its grounding in the record of man which the spirit of man gives witness to. Therefore, the doctrine of man is earth bound; it speaks to the needs of man and sets a tradition for faith to address those needs. (Mt. 15:9; Heb. 13:9)
False spiritual leadership famously believes that they have carte blanche to do as they please with the doctrine of Christ, but they created a broken system that is antichrist.
The doctrine of Christ is received by way of instruction from Jesus’ living apostles in its fulness. Nothing of man is added and nothing of Jesus is missing. As you come into a covenant relationship with God, you’re overcoming the habit of the mind to go back to your first history (born into sin and death) for grounding, and overcoming the habit to use that knowledge as a foundation.
That old habit is very strong, and Satan uses that inclination to redirect faith to self and thus sow doubt in the mind regarding God’s covenant care.
God’s blueprint for faith is His blueprint for life. Each element of the gospel not only shows us what God is doing in us by the Spirit, but also explains what our faith is responsible to build with. (1 Tim. 4:16)
– The number eight is also the spiritual number that represents eternity.
The eighth day is the eternal day, or the perpetual day when time is no longer. We are promised eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ. “And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.” (1 John 5:11)
Q & A #2
Why does the 8th Week follow the 5th Week?
The 8th Week is seen to follow the 5th Week on God’s timeline because Jesus Christ is the son of David according to the flesh. Jesus is the King of kings. Jesus came to establish His kingdom in our hearts and to prepare us for His eternal kingdom in heaven. (Lk. 1:32)
Q & A #3
Why is the 8th Week split into two time frames?
Noah, being the Second Week, represents the dividing of the 8th Week into two parts. Noah provided a type of Christ in that he was carried through the flood. This represents the work of Christ being carried on into the Second 8th Week after the 6th Week (the flood of false knowledge kept the church imprisoned in darkness).
And just as Noah was carried away in the ark being saved from the first consummation (flood), so also the church in the Second 8th Week will be carried away in the rapture before the second consummation (tribulation).
– The 8th Week being split in two also represents the divine healing of the soul through Christ. Eight divided by two equals four. The number four is a spiritual number that represents the hand of God to heal the soul of man.
God builds contrast to give distinction in Christ.
-The 8th Week is split into two time frames to build necessary contrast between the wheat and the tares to equip believers with the skills to discern where God is placing their faith. Distinction is made for discernment through God’s apostolic stewardship. The “why” of God’s design is to bring distinction to Christ as God divides the nature of man from the nature of Christ. The “how” of God’s design shows us the input of Jesus’ covenant tools to build our connections to Him for increase.
A desire for God’s direct and active involvement in your faith and in your life won’t get you there. Zeal and passion also won’t get you there. As long as the kingdom of self continues to act as the middleman, your faith remains dormant.
-The 8th Week is split into two time frames to signify that the original gospel that was preached in the First 8th Week is being duplicated in the Second 8th Week with that same power of regeneration and that God will heal the gap caused by the 6th Week of darkness, and that’s what He is doing now.
However, the power of God to daily transform the soul into the image and likeness of Christ cannot be confused with the self-induced power struggles we see taking place in the false church body today as ministers built upon the foundation of their own record.
Again, we’re taking the time to contrast God’s Intelligent Design for Christ-Centered Spiritual Transformation (the gospel of regeneration to manifest the life of Christ in us and through us) with the counterfeit. The real divine transformation of your soul is by the divine hand of God.
Are You a Victim of the Fake-Church Gospel?
Apostle Eric often asks, “Are you a victim of the fake-church and false gospel?” He goes on to explain that believers not experiencing the fullness of the Godhead wander from church to church, pastor to pastor, bible study to bible study, and from one conference to another thinking they can transform their struggles into opportunities to shake themselves free from old mindsets and the devil’s power.
In this new season, God challenges the many false claims to transformation that people make when they are brought under that spell, pointing out why the maze they built for their struggles never leads to Him. Their religious education only addresses the issues of the conscience to help them adjust their social behavior.
Ministers hold up the Bible as if they are honoring the anointing that gave it, but their shout for renewal and reform is only to promote their own concepts of the works of God. When the work of God is seen through uncircumcised eyes, people see through the eyes of the minister what he sees. They are looking through the eyes of his imagination, the Jesus of his imagination that he preaches.
While there is no doubt that people are capable of making many adjustments to their behavior, they cannot create the divine likeness of Christ within, and that is what God is looking for.
With that being said, the initial impact of grace upon the heart does begin to prepare the heart for the fruit bearing season, and it is this initial impact of grace that many people testify to having experienced, and rightly so. However, when the new covenant is not entered into, the gospel of man takes the place of God’s plan and the divine transformation is put on hold indefinitely.
God is Addressing the Effects of a Sterile Faith
God is addressing this sterile faith of the modern church and the effects of it. As God seals the gap created by the 6th Week of darkness, we are seeing the church’s current condition through His eyes. God is answering many questions, like why believers confuse illumination with the baptism of the Holy Spirit by which God seals their adoption.
Apostle Eric vonAnderseck spoke on this recently and posted on X so I want to again bring in his teaching because God is bringing the church out of this long-held confusion. Apostle Eric brought much clarity saying, “believers confuse illumination with the Seal because at the time of enlightenment, there is a mental clarity and abiding peace that is present and many ministers err in ascribing this enlightenment and peace to be the seal of adoption.
“Preachers then seek to set perimeters for the new believers’ faith in the law to wrestle with the convictions of the conscience which has not been yet purged. Believers then resort to the works of the flesh as they struggle to find grace again in more forms of repentance.
“Bible-psychology is used to find that peace they first experienced at the illumination of grace and many seek to reminisce on their ‘first love’ in the wrong manner. This is when we see an increase in commitments with communion, tithing, fashions, attendances, and baptisms. This is a reverse conversion, which Apostle Paul took note of and warned believers against.”
Galatians 3:3
Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?
Many strange doctrines emerged in the church because of the confusion over how the Christian faith begins and how it is walked out. The questions remained: how can I get back to my first love of God; how can I experience the life of Christ every day; I can’t seem to find a way out of the false gospel to get to the reality God has for me in Jesus.
Many apologists sought to heal the confused state they put believers in, and they used compromise and corruption of the doctrines of Christ as their balm, promising deliverance and empowerment apart from God’s active involvement.
Revelation 2:4
Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.
To be clear, our first love of God is entered into when we begin a covenant relationship with Him. The true inner working happens every day as God takes the things of Christ to reshape your soul.
The divine likeness, engrafted within is like terraforming the soul, but instead of “Earth-shaping”, God is “Christ-shaping”. The new covenant is the perfect environment for the soul to take on the likeness of Christ and that is why God restricted our faith to touch only the things He placed for us in the new covenant.
The early apostles preached this gospel of Jesus’ covenant and God’s terms for contact. God’s plan to bridge the Second 8th Week to the First 8th Week was fulfilled when He returned the church to apostolic stewardship and placed the original foundation of truth in our hands.
The Former Rain and the Latter Rain
There is no doubt that the church has suffered a time of darkness where the light of Christ’s knowledge was dimmed and overshadowed and corrupted by those who preached their own gospels.
God prophesied the 6th Enocian Week through Hosea and told us how long the 6th Week would last. It would last 2 days (2 thousand years). God also planned a time of renewal to return the church to His original blueprint of truth. Hosea also prophesied this time of renewal.
God promised to raise the church up again in the third day (which is where we are now). We’re talking here about the former and latter rain.
Hosea 6:2-3
2 After two days [two thousand years after the resurrection of Christ] He will revive us; in the third day He will raise us up [Second 8th Week] and we shall live in His sight.
3 Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord; His going forth is prepared as the morning; and He shall come unto us as the rain, the latter and the former rain upon the earth.
– The former rain is the First 8th Week
– The latter rain is the Second 8th Week
We are living in the time of the latter rain – the Second 8th Week, the rain of God’s grace and the return of the power of God to the church through the restoration of the apostles.
The Second 8th Week is a time of restoration and renewal.
Renewal begins with the return of the apostles who are walking in the same steps of the original apostles to set the original foundation of truth in the hearts of all those who believe in Jesus. Salvation is in Jesus and His covenant is the only way that God provided for us to know him and walk with him.
The Second 8th Week is a time of the rebirth of the church.
God has again raised up the church in the glory of His truth in the name of Jesus to fulfill all His good pleasure, to restore His gospel of regeneration to a people who are called by His name.
The God of ONE House
During the 6th Week of darkness, we witnessed many independent ministries forming, each establishing their own ministry house in their own name, hence offering many options for people to build their faith in God apart from God. These ministers and church leaders are like the man who loosed his shoe, refusing to build the Lord’s house because they were busy building their own house. (Ruth 4:7-8)
When God’s apostles were not at the helm of instruction to direct faith to mirror Christ, different denominations began to take form. This resulted in the astounding 45,000 different Christian denominations mentioned earlier, each serving God their own way – which is in great conflict with God saying, “one Lord, one faith, one baptism.” (Eph. 4:5)
To cut through this confusion, God has restored the knowledge of the covenant of Jesus Christ to also restore our faith to mirror Him perfectly. When our faith works with the things of Jesus’ covenant, it means we are working with what God is empowering.
Where do you go to church?
That’s a hot topic that’s being asked by a lot of ministers today as they again seek to fill their pews after failed attempts to revive the church to the old ways. As God closes the door of the 6th Week, he opens the door of the Second 8th Week of righteousness.
In truth, the name of Jesus is over ONE house, not many houses and not many ministerial heads (the hydra). When it comes to salvation, the covenant of Jesus Christ is not just another different take on salvation, but rather it is the true restoration of God’s way of salvation.
Jesus shed His blood on the cross to set the terms for our salvation in Himself and then He rose from the dead to empower our faith. Jesus Christ is the contact point and mediator of our faith, and He is our deliverer. Salvation is the continuous and active working of the Holy Spirit to form Christ in the inner man. Salvation includes all the tokens of Christ that God uses to preserve us in Him. (Rom. 5:9-10)
Coming Up Next in the Series
I hope you enjoyed the first installment in the series, “What is the Second 8th Week?” Apostle Eric vonAnderseck will teach the remaining lessons, taking you on God’s journey of restoration and transition.
Coming up next, Apostle Eric takes a deep dive into the 6th Week of darkness as seen through God’s eyes. God will continue to turn the spotlight on the mindset of the church during the 6th Week so you can see how it shaped Christianity today and why God is breaking that mold.
It might be hard for some to grasp the extent to which spiritual blindness has spread and become the norm for the church. People came out of denominational houses, but did not enter into a covenant relationship with God, but rather entered into many independent ministry houses that did not provide the fulness of Christ. That choice delivered a crushing blow to the church that still ripples through the body of Christ today.
As God announces the rebirth of the church through a new injection of the apostolic calling, He sets order to the apostolic presence, function, and operation of apostles in the modern church.
The re-gifting of the apostolical character in the church is God’s turning point, so that is going to be a constant thread in this series as we observe how the church was held captive in the 6th Week and how God turned the tide now in the Second 8th Week. Don’t miss a single instalment in the new lesson series, What is the Second 8th Week?