Featured Blog
Walking in Jesus’ Authority
Author: Apostle David vonAnderseck
With so many believers today still looking for the power of the gospel that will transform their life, ministry leaders Greg Locke and Daniel Adams divide, each taking a different path with scripture. Who is right?
Writing about what God has done to restore the church to the new covenant is at the heart of the blogs written by Jesus’ apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. The restored government of God is sent to reposition the church to receive all that God placed in Jesus Christ for you to live in His fulness.
What is Sin?
by Apostle Shanell Neyman: There's a lot of confusion about what sin is. Most of the questions asked...
Pocket Change for God?
by Apostle Erika Blignaut: There’s always something that fuels the debate over tithing and...
The Language of the Covenant
by Teacher Maria vonAnderseck: One of the things you will find that God is doing in this new season of change is to clarify...
I’m Not a Robot!
by Teacher Maria vonAnderseck: I want to talk to you about the Transitional Knowledge Training (TKT) we offer...
Religion or Relationship?
by Teacher Maria vonAnderseck: How many times have you heard a minister say that he is preaching about relationship, not religion?
With God All Things are Possible
by Apostle John Welty: I've been reflecting upon Abraham as the father of faith and how his experience...
Covenant Context or Religious Aspiration
by Evangelist Monique LeRoux: A few weeks ago, I spoke to a believer about the importance of faith...
God’s Final Call into Covenant
by Prophet Jonathan: These days, world-wide pandemics and wars give cause for many people to question...
Do Your Prayers Reach God?
by Teacher Maria vonAnderseck: Now that God has restored His spiritual government to oversee the church...
Are you Kicking Against the Goad?
by Apostle Catie van der Walt: God’s timely instruction for the church today is the same as it has always been...
Can the False Religious System be Fixed?
by Apostle Estelle Tolmay: What an extraordinary question for an extraordinary time of restoration...
Challenged by Fire
by Apostle Shanell Neyman: Sunday night while in prayer, I was again speaking to the Lord...
Prophetic Dream: What’s Missing?
by Prophet Jonathan: Why are ministers leading the church backward while promising...
A Prophetic Sign: Will You Awaken in Time?
by Apostle Erika Blignaut: I woke up on one morning a few minutes before my alarm...
God’s Love is a Conditional Love
by Apostle Bert Neethling: The proverbs of Solomon speak about the love of God for mankind...