Hello everyone, this is Teacher Maria vonAnderseck. On behalf of Apostle Eric vonAnderseck and the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers of God’s restored government, I would like to extend a warm welcome and invite you to browse our website to begin to take in all that God has restored to the church today.
The first thing you might notice is the name of this ministry – Second 8th Week Ministries (s8w). But what is behind the name? What is the Second 8th Week and what significance does it have in God’s plan to renew and restore His church?
There is no doubt that a great awakening is taking place and that people are hungry for revival and a return of God’s power. But there’s more going on, isn’t there?
– There’s also a growing palpable tension among believers that is very real. Christians everywhere have come to realize that something is wrong with the church and they are looking to God to fix it.
It’s impossible to miss the constant thread of revelation shared on social media about the present corrupt state of the church. As Christians lament over how far the church has drifted away from the truth, they wonder if God has a plan to reverse this trend. And although many ministers have stepped forward to be the voice of spiritual clarity, they have done nothing more than muddy the waters.
This series, The Second 8th Week, will…
– answer many questions about where God is leading the church, and
– prepare you for God’s new work.
You’ll learn about God’s perspective of change and transition and why He has sent the real apostolic anointing back into the church. In addition, we’ll look at trending false reform messages to understand why they consistently miss the mark.
To be clear: The Second 8th Week is not a series of investigations into what went wrong with the church that in turn open up different solutions. God’s purpose for the Second 8th Week is to introduce you to His new apostolic stewardship that He has already implemented to return the church to Jesus’ covenant, and to help you make the transition to the fulness of Christ.
– This is a challenging time for the church. Everyone is at the covenant crossroad and many decisions are being made.
– We’ll get into your own personal crossroad story, which God wants to curate for you.
In this lesson series, Apostle Eric will share more about God’s purpose for the apostles’ calling, its function and operation in the modern church.
Apostle Eric will also get into his testimony of God’s calling upon him, which took place in the throne room of God before he was born. He’ll share what he saw and what God said to him.
Apostle Eric will share in his own words what he saw in further visitations of the Lord in 1981 and 1984 when Jesus gave him apostolic tours of the broken church.
You’ll not only hear about the depth of Jesus’ love for His church, but also understand why so many ministers have found themselves on the threshing floor of God’s rebukes.
God Makes His Voice Heard
Amidst the dreams and visions that serve as forerunners to announce a change of season, God’s voice was heard through the Prophet Enoch, the true forerunner of prophecy. God revealed to Enoch the timeline of His plan and what He has in store for His church in these last days.
Long before the bookshelves were filled with advice about how modern Christianity could make its way back to God, Enoch paved the way and announced that God would renew our hope. It was through Enoch that God rang the bell of prophecy that is now being heard in this generation, speaking to us about this exciting new season.
God’s end time plan for the restoration and renewal of His church was in His heart all along and He named this time of restoration the Second 8th Week, or the week of righteousness. We’ll look at the scriptures and then God’s timeline to understand why the Second 8th Week is God’s turning point and what that means for you.
We’ll also answer questions like, if there’s a Second 8th Week, was there a First 8th Week; are there more “weeks” to God’s plan; where do we read about this in the Bible; what should I know about the weeks of God’s plan before I plan my next revival meeting; what part does God’s apostolic government play in God’s plan, and what part do you play in God’s plan?
God’s End Time Plan
Let’s get started with an overview of the weeks of God’s timeline to get our bearing and pinpoint where we’re at now.
First of all, God divided time into days and weeks to show the progression of His plan. A thousand years is as one day, even as revealed by Apostle Peter. Seven days of time refers to 7,000 years to complete God’s plan and purpose for mankind. (2 Pet. 3:8)
When we speak of God’s time frame in terms of weeks, God revealed His 10-week plan to His servant and Prophet Enoch. We’ll look at the weeks of God’s plan in 1 Enoch 91:12-17. We’ll see the Second 8th Week in verse 12, the 9th Week in verse 14, and the 10th Week in verse 15.
1 Enoch 91:12-17
12 Then after that there shall occur the Second 8th Week; the week of righteousness. A sword shall be given to it in order that judgment shall be executed in righteousness on the oppressors, and sinners shall be delivered into the hands of the righteous.
13 At its completion, they shall acquire great things through their righteousness. A house shall be built for the great king [Jesus] in glory for evermore.
14 Then after that in the Ninth Week righteous judgment shall be revealed to the whole world. All the deeds of the sinners shall depart from upon the whole earth, and be written off for eternal destruction; and all people shall direct their sight to the path of uprightness.
15 Then, after this matter, on the Tenth Week, in the seventh part there shall be the eternal judgment; and it shall be executed by the angels of the eternal heaven; the great (judgment) which emanates from all of the angels.
16 The first heaven shall depart and pass away; a new heaven shall appear; and all the powers of heaven shall shine forever seven fold.
17 Then after that there shall be many weeks without number forever; it shall be (a time) of goodness and righteousness, and sin shall no more be heard of forever.
Who is Enoch?
We saw God announce the Second 8th Week in 1 Enoch 91:12, but before we go any further, we need to learn more about Enoch and what God had to say about him and how God used him. Enoch was God’s prophet and servant and he fits into the genealogy of Adam through Seth. As mentioned in Genesis, Enoch was the seventh from Adam. (Gen. 5:1-24)
By this genealogy God distinguishes His servant the righteous Enoch from another Enoch which was the son of Cain whom God cursed. (Gen. 4:17)
This distinction is necessary because these two Enochs are not at all alike and people often get them confused. The Enoch we are quoting is a descendant of Adam through Seth and is known as a righteous man. This is the same Enoch whom God took, or raptured to heaven as a prototype of our own rapture when Jesus comes for us. (Gen. 5:24)
However, the other Enoch, who is a descendant of Cain, followed the ways of Cain and lived in idolatry. The distinction between the two men who carry the same name teaches us to observe how Satan blurs the lines between good and evil to confuse God’s Prophet Enoch with the son of Cain who was evil. Satan had fully intended that the righteous Enoch be confused with the wicked idolater. Under that spell, Christians were afraid to read the book of Enoch.
– Notice that the Apostle Jude did not share this fear. He made mention of his own studies of the prophecies written by Enoch and made sure that we understood which Enoch he was referring to by pointing out that the Prophet Enoch was the seventh from Adam.
Jude 1:14-15
14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,
15 To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.
The Apostle Jude, quoting from Enoch set the example for us today. He recognized that God elected Enoch to sit among the prophets and to be named alongside Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel. Enoch prophesied about God’s judgments against the ungodly. What else did Enoch prophesy about? Enoch was God’s herald to sound the trumpet of His plan that would unfold for the church in the Second 8th Week.
We can’t talk about the end times and what God has planned for the church and the world without talking about the Second 8th Week.
– The Apostle Paul also taught about God’s servant and Prophet Enoch. God wrote about Enoch’s faith in the Bible to make sure that we did not alienate ourselves from what God had to say through Enoch.
Hebrews 11:5
By faith Enoch was translated that He should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him [Enoch]: for before his translation he [Enoch] had this testimony, that he [Enoch] pleased God.
God wants to combat Satan’s work to blur the lines and cause confusion, and so God gave Enoch a testimony of faith and righteousness; that’s what God says about Enoch. He said that Enoch pleased Him. And so, the scriptures we just read in 1 Enoch 91:12-17 that speak about God’s timeline and the Second 8th Week are the same scriptures that Apostle Jude and Apostle Paul read.
We are in the time appointed by God to fulfill what He prophesied through Enoch, so we’re going to study God’s timeline to see where we fit in this new season of change and why God again chose to regift the church with the apostolic calling to fulfill His vision.
The Weeks of God’s Timeline
Are you ready to dive into the weeks of God’s timeline? First of all, as we take a look at God’s timeline, week by week, you’ll notice that each week of God’s plan focuses on a steward whom He chose to introduce a new thing He was initiating to fulfill His purpose.
You’ll recognize each steward that God selected, from Enoch, to Noah, to Abraham, to David, and Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Saviour of the world.
We are now in the Second 8th Week (s8w) of God’s plan and this series of lessons will cover what God is doing now to restore the church to the fulness of Christ and the important turning point and transition of the church away from the 6th Week of darkness to make sure that you don’t get stuck there. Let’s get started!
Week # 1: Enoch: Through this steward, God revealed His eternal plan. “And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.” (Genesis 5:24) This Enoch, the 7th from Adam, was a righteous man, confirmed by the Apostle Jude as a true prophet of God. (Lk. 3:37; Heb. 11::5; Jud. 1:14-15)
Week #2: Noah: Through Noah, God preserved mankind from the first consummation (flood). Noah and his family alone were preserved and carried to the other side of the flood. (Gen. 6:9; 1 Pet. 3:20)
Week #3: Abraham: Through Abraham, God separated a people to Himself through the sign of circumcision. A gate of blessing would come through Abraham in the four steps to covenant that God introduced through him to preach Jesus Christ and to set a pattern for our faith today. Those four steps are: grace, faith, righteousness, and the seal. (Gen. 17:10-12; Rom. 4:11-12)
Week #4: Moses: Through Moses, God revealed the first of His two great covenants. All the physical tokens of Moses’ covenant and house stood in representation of what Jesus would do for us in His new covenant. (Ex. 24:8; Heb. 9:19-26)
Week #5: David: Through David, God established the throne of Christ and it was through David that God introduced a new pattern for the temple. The first covenant tabernacle would change from the skins of animals to earthly stones, which revelation was given to David and was greatly spoken against as brought out in the Psalms. Solomon was chosen by God to build the temple of stone. (2 Sam. 7:16; 1 Chron. 28:11-12; Ps.109:2)
God would again introduce another challenge through Jesus when the temple would again change. This time from earthly stones back to skin, speaking of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. God came down to us in the form of the flesh to become the new temple and contact point for worship to establish His presence in the heart of man. Jesus went to the cross to establish a new covenant in Himself. This also was greatly spoken against as God challenged the current mindset of religious leaders for change.
Week #8: Jesus
Jesus is the 8th Week. He is the eternal week; hence God selected the number 8 to represent Himself. Through Jesus, God established our redemption. Jesus Christ is the Son of God; He is God’s second great covenant – the new covenant – the better covenant that God initiated through His death and resurrection. (Heb. 8:6-8,13; Heb. 9:1-24; Heb. 12:24; 1 Pet. 2:5,9; Heb. 13:10)
The Apostle Paul gave instructions to the church to mindfully observe and keep God’s new covenant terms, saying, “God having provided some better thing [covenant] for us.” God provided the new covenant. It was a provision of Himself. God, saying that the covenant He made by Jesus’ blood is the better and new covenant, was giving a directional sign to separate your faith to only operate with His knowledge. (Hebrews 11:40a)
There is an important reason why God restricts our faith to operate only in the new covenant. The better covenant has a living mediator, the living Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus rose from the dead to empower His knowledge, stewardship and spiritual tools, and to provide Himself as a living contact point for our faith to express Him. (Heb. 13:10)
God’s covenant successfully transitioned from Moses to Jesus.
All of Jesus’ new spiritual tokens replace Moses’ physical tokens to set up our sanctified contact with God to transition our faith from the allegories to the reality. In addition, Jesus’ new spiritual priesthood for each believer replaces the physical priesthood of Aaron, and Jesus’ new spiritual altar that is built in the heart replaces the physical altar of the temple.
Jesus’ Week is divided into two parts:
– The First 8th Week: the beginning of the church age.
– The Second 8th Week: the conclusion of the church age. God returns the church to Jesus’ covenant and stewardship.
Jesus spoke of two separate events in Himself, thus identifying the splitting of His week. The First 8th Week is the beginning of the church age and covers Jesus’ ministry on earth, His death and resurrection, and the initiation of His new covenant in the heart by which we serve God in a new way.
John the Baptist announced the bridge from the water of the first covenant to the fire of the second covenant. The prophet pointed to the token (Jesus) who would accomplish this bridge as the mediator of the new covenant and gift of salvation. Jesus gives us gifts for our contact with God as He daily creates in us His fruit, and daily sustains our faith.
• Through Jesus, God birthed a new people unto Himself which would not glory in the flesh but glory in the Spirit.
• Through Jesus God gave mankind a new beginning. We enter into God’s house by adoption and seal.
The True Apostolic
God set apostles over the spiritual house of Jesus Christ to oversee the knowledge and function of the body of Christ with Jesus as the head. (Acts 2:42; Acts 11:4; Is. 9:6)
The true apostolic includes all 5 callings functioning together in one spiritual government, as we all build upon one foundation of truth in the same spiritual priesthood by the anointing.
As the seed increases by water, truth increases by grace. That is the anointing. The anointing gives faith value. It is the anointing that continues to progress you with the knowledge of God for increase: grace unto grace, fruit unto fruit, and holiness unto holiness. This is what it means to abound in Christ. This is a true and healthy church.
For you to experience the anointing of God, for God to increase you by His grace, for you to progress with His knowledge, truth must be set in your heart by Jesus’ living apostles.
The apostles have the mind of Christ to be His compass for your journey in the work of regeneration. It is God’s will and good pleasure to heal and restore your soul and to create in you His divine nature as He prepares you for Himself. This is the true gospel of regeneration. History can’t birth it, the precept can’t birth it, but regeneration is the mother of its fruit.
Apostolic Stewardship is the Door, the Key, and the Urim
The emphasis of each week of God’s plan points to the necessity of the door, the key, and the Urim, and every steward stands as that door, key, and Urim. While man judges God’s plan by the precept, God judges by the Urim and that’s because the anointing carries the authority, not the precept. The anointing on the steward makes him the door, the key, and the Urim. (Ex. 28:30)
Every time God introduces the Urim through His steward, it challenges the present established religious minds. Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David all challenged the current prevailing religious systems of their time, and God is doing the same thing today through Apostle Eric vonAnderseck, the steward that He sent into the church as the door, the key, and the Urim with many signs of confirmation by divine dreams, vision, angelic visitations, and visitations of the Lord.
The Lord spoke audibly to Apostle Eric during prayer on December 22, 2023 as if calling out his name with great emphasis, saying, “Urim!” Apostle Eric is the Lord’s Urim.
Apostle Eric vonAnderseck spearheads the return of the church to true apostolic stewardship and the return of the church to Jesus’ covenant. Apostle Eric has filled two reflection books over the past 50 years with many divine signs and wonders that testify of God’s will and good pleasure to cleanse the church and renew our hope.
Although we will not have the time to share everything, Apostle Eric will share God’s testimony of His calling upon him and the charge he received from the Lord to restore Jesus’ house and to set it in order. Watch for his testimony in future installments of this series.
Apostle Eric testifies of the drops of God’s anointing on him both of dew and of fire, the fellowship of the apostles of the Lamb in dream visions with both the Apostle John and Apostle Peter, and above all, having seen Jesus, having spoken to Jesus, and seeing the church through His eyes. Below is a sneak preview of two excerpts taken from Apostle Eric’s testimony.
The church in bondage: Apostle Eric shares, “I remember what Jesus said to me on September 14, 1981 in a dream vision. I saw Jesus and walked with him as He showed me the condition of the church in bondage. Jesus showed me a prison with many prison cells representing the different independent ministries that sprang out of reformation movements, revival movements, and the Jesus Movement. Jesus made the point of telling me that everyone was in this prison…”
“I was standing next to Jesus listening to Him and the next instant, in the flash of an eye, I was inside Jesus’ body. I thought as He thought, I spoke as He spoke, I walked as He walked. Everything I did was directed by God and every step was powerful…”
The church does not recognize Jesus: Apostle Eric shares, “In this heavenly vision I received in 1984, Jesus showed me the hearts of those who claim to love Him, yet walk apart from Him. Jesus walked from place to place and I walked with him by His side. Jesus was not dressed in Galilean robes and Roman sandals as people usually think of when they picture Him, so of course, people did not recognize Jesus.
“Jesus took me through different scenes to show me the state of the church… I began to travail in the Spirit at what I saw… Jesus said to me, ‘Tell them I am come to give life. I am come to bring them out of darkness.’ Still travailing in the Spirit, I wrote that down in my reflection book. My hand was shaking and I felt Jesus’ hand physically over my own hand and I wrote ~Love Jesus.”
In addition, God testified to Enoch that He would send Enoch to this end time generation to tell, or prophetically tap on the shoulder the one whom God would raise up to stand for Him as a guardian of truth and deliverer, to heal the end time church and bring her back to her first roots to be glorified of God.
2 Enoch 35:1-3
1 And from his seed another generation will arise, the last of many, but even out of those the majority will be very insatiable.
2 And I will raise up for that generation someone who will reveal to them the books in your handwriting and of those of your fathers. And he will have to point out to them the guard tower of the earth, truthful men and those who carry out my will who do not invoke my name invalidly.
3 And you Enoch will tell that generation, and they when they have read them will be more glorified in the end then in the beginning.
Enoch did speak to this end time generation. He openly confirmed God’s appointed time and steward of the Second 8th Week when he appeared to Apostle Eric on October 10, 1997 in a dream vision. Apostle Eric shared, “In this divine dream vision a man appeared to me whom I knew by the Spirit to be Enoch the righteous. He spoke loudly in a voice that boomed as he greeted me and announced by the word of the Lord saying, ‘Hail he who is to come, the deliverance one!’”
This amazing testimony is true and we have seen the tide of skepticism change as readers are now making a quantum leap into the neglected revelations of Enoch that God meant for us to have today.
Apostle Eric has lectured on the Book of Enoch many times in the past 20 years. His verse-by-verse lectures are compiled in a book as a valuable resource for the student of the Book of Enoch to understand with ease the depth of God’s treasured mysteries. Over 800 pages of clear-cut teaching contain 473 references to the Bible, making it easy for you to relate to the seamless plan of God for the ages and how you play a part.
Apostle Eric pulls together the many amazing threads of the Book of Enoch: the macro plan of God, the true history of the human race, the secrets of heaven, the powers of angels, the reason for Satan’s expulsion from heaven and his hatred towards the human race; the truth behind fallen angels (Watchers) is fully detailed to reveal their sin of miscegenation and acculturation of the earth, their work to indoctrinate mankind with ancient secrets, God’s destruction of their kingdoms in the Flood of Noah, their post flood re-infection of the human race, and their modern day agenda; the origin of demons & the secret of the God-Code.
We will hear more from Apostle Eric as he shares with us the hand of the Lord upon him in signs and wonders. We are keeping in harmony with true biblical history. These are strange things to the minds of those who walk by the precept. Many look to the precept as the door, the key and the Urim. But when looking to the precept as the Urim, they take the calling to themselves and that’s part of Satan’s trick.
It should not come as a surprise that God would speak to this end time generation.
We just read in 2 Enoch 35:1-2 that God says of this end time generation, that “the majority will be very insatiable.” Who are these insatiable ones who are not satisfied with Jesus’ covenant truth? They are the ministry leaders of today. God points out His quarrel against them: they invoke the name of Jesus invalidly to fulfill their own visions. We get a glimpse of the damage these ministers have inflicted upon the church of the 6th Week of darkness and why God is turning the tide with His new apostolic stewardship.
Even now, revivalists are fighting against God, blowing on the cooling embers of the 6th Week that God is dousing. Instead of working with God’s apostolic stewardship they are trying to keep their dead traditions alive. As we head now into the study of the 6th Enochian Week, we’ll see the sharp contrast God makes between the true church and the false church.
Week #6: Darkness of the Church
The 6th Week falls between the First 8th Week and the Second 8th Week, which we’ll get to in a minute. The painful 6th Week is a season of chaos for the church. It marked the rule of many false stewards and false shepherds who preached a false gospel and led the church into darkness. (Is. 56:11)
The 6th Week marks the rise of the false church body (the one that operates outside of Jesus’ covenant) through independent stewardship, meaning those ministers who chose to detach themselves from the covenant and stewardship. They teach in Jesus’ name, but stand apart from Him.
The landslide of false knowledge that started 2,000 years ago to challenge the apostles’ doctrine resulted in the destruction we see in the church today. If you have taken a good look at the church and have seen the proliferation of false gospels, wishy-washy teaching, and empty hearts then you’re looking at the church of the 6th Week.
The corruption of the gospel gave birth to the false religious system.
The false religious system is the face of the current Christian culture, whereas approximately 45,000 different Christian denominations offer conflicting truths about the Christian faith and offer conflicting instructions about how to walk with God. (Acts 20:29)
This chaos is self-evident and is being talked about every day in one way or another and has taken over Christian social media. You can’t miss it. As they look for a way back, Christian writers, book authors, church planters, bloggers, conference speakers and ministry leaders are all talking about the many ways they dropped the ball.
Ministry leaders have not understood the gravity of their mistake to have walked away from Jesus’ covenant and stewardship. The fallout of that decision is seen everywhere. For example, how most Christians say that they fail to understand what a victorious life in Jesus looks like. And maybe that’s something you’ve been struggling with, too. There might be other things that you feel also stand out as gaps of understanding in regard to how God designed and empowers your faith to fulfill His purpose in you.
There has been an overwhelming sense of urgency for God to step in and change the church from the inside out.
Reform or Restoration
God set out a large “CAUTION” sign everywhere false ministers set up their ministry visions, and that’s because when false ministers talk about change, they’re talking about reform, not restoration, and there’s a big difference between the two.
Reform has to do with trying to re-enact the history of the book of Acts in an attempt to give the present church culture a purpose –reform society – and to give themselves a new face – personal accountability – as they try to reform themselves. But that’s not going to happen.
God did not call us to social reform, or to devise our own accountability standards, but rather God’s call is to return to His standard, His Intelligent Design for Christ-Centered Spiritual Transformation®. God is personally involved with us as He forms Christ in the inner man. This fruit bearing in the soul was promised by Jesus and preached by His apostles. (Jn. 15:1-8; Gal. 5:22; 2 Pet. 1:3-4)
As long as the present leadership confuses God’s call, they will never go on to experience salvation according to the perfect will of God.
Restoration has to do with utilizing God’s original plan and divine design in Jesus’ covenant, which the stewardship makes known. Believers are again being taught how to align their faith to the knowledge and tools God sanctified with Jesus’ blood to walk with Him by the power of the Spirit in His new fruit bearing process.
The false gospel preaches the record (history and condition) of one’s own soul, and that’s why the gospel we hear preached today is the psychology of the struggle of the defiled conscience as people fight for personal, social, and political reforms.
As leaders try to shoot a true arrow at transformation, they miss the point that they’re chasing after the outward, residual effects of the inward working of the Spirit. They miss that the inner working only happens once a covenant relationship with God has begun and they are properly equipped to co-labor with Him in the process of regeneration.
The outward change that is manufactured by the false gospel as a substitute has great appeal, but it’s working the problem backward, trying to get to the transformation of the new man in Christ without God’s due process.
False Ministers Get the Wrong End of the Stick
Historically, church leadership work the problem of deliverance on the wrong end, starting from the history of the flesh as they try to relate to God’s work in them. And here is where we see the downside to their choice to detach themselves from Jesus’ covenant stewardship and priesthood. They pursue deliverance because they are not benefiting from the process of regeneration.
Publications are churned out about how to be delivered from the fruits of iniquity by throwing word salad at Satan. Books are written about deliverance and generational curses to try to understand the fiery darts of Satan, how seducing spirits work, how to get victory, and how to break generations of ungodly unions – all while being outside of Jesus’ covenant. The problem is, Jesus’ covenant is God’s established starting point for us to reason with Him and to walk according to His provision in Christ.
Working the problem of deliverance on the wrong end means to work sensually from man’s nature, hoping for change and transformation without submitting to Jesus’ covenant, and that’s why the devil continues to lead these ministers in circles, which is something people have noticed. (Jude 1:18-19)
Weeks, months, and years after implementing deliverance tools, people have noticed that they are back where they started, looking for another author who might have some new insight to help them find the power they lack to conquer their fears, conquer crippling addictions, and conquer destructive habits of the mind. Christians are looking for a way out of this backward gospel where they continue to struggle against a defiled conscience.
Apostle Eric vonAnderseck recently addressed false regeneration on X (formerly Twitter) teaching that, “without a functioning sanctified priesthood, Satan again becomes the judge in their conscience… the false church leadership could only affirm the believer’s struggles of the conscience and used Bible psychology and traditions of men to find resolve and rest.”
This points to one of the most important transitional points for those accepting Jesus’ covenant: God is not working the problem, He’s working salvation.
Most ministers don’t realize that they have detached your faith from Jesus’ covenant and apostolic stewardship. They took a dangerous turn, leaving Christians at a loss to know what true spiritual transformation looks like. Christians are finding out that the covering of false knowledge is a false covering.
Did you know: Covenant-less ministers chase after the same street cred as Satan, preaching a gospel that is common to everyone’s experience in the world: common traps, fears, addictions, conflicts, and mind games. They have blended in so successfully with the world that they have upended themselves. Unable to tell the difference between true regeneration and faux regeneration, they push ahead with deliverance ministry, fishing for any kind of outward change they can use to bear witness to their empty and powerless gospel. (1 Cor. 10:13; 1 Jn. 4:5)
There is a great awakening taking place.
There is no doubt that an awakening is taking place, but the awakening of the church to God’s restoration was misinterpreted by ministers who are still stuck in the 6th Week. Hearing God’s many challenges, ministry leaders are trying to change themselves through much repentance and fasting. They are heard to say, “We can rebuild the church!” but that’s simply a slogan to justify launching more programs and churn out more books designed around their failed systems.
As they plead with God, confessing sins of error and sins of omission, admitting to having misled the church, they are still on the same track of neglect, failing to heed God’s call back to Jesus’ covenant and His sanctified stewardship.
Ministry leaders have made plans to reform their own ways and revise their teachings rather than obey God’s voice to transition to His new covenant in Jesus. There’s a high price to pay for ignoring God’s Intelligent Design for Christ-Centered Spiritual Transformation.
Those who love themselves more than God set a path to relaunch their failed belief systems under the guise of revival, hoping to whitewash decades of spiritual neglect and abuse by recapturing their “glory days”. Rather than let God’s people go, they reinforced the bars of false knowledge to keep the church in bondage.
What constitutes a fruitful ministry?
In the false church body, ministers talk about what constitutes a fruitful ministry rather than how God creates His fruit in the inner man. I want to take another quote from Apostle Eric vonAnderseck who recently addressed this on X, teaching that fruitfulness has a different meaning for those caught up in the false gospel.
Apostle Eric explained that fruitfulness has come to mean one’s ability to make impassioned pleas to see how many people could be persuaded to get behind a covenant-less gospel. As revivalists lead in prayer, hoping to fill empty hearts, they don’t realize that they’ve led people to empty troughs.
Apostle Eric pointed out that under the guise of false revivals, “Millions will hear about Jesus, but few will find the door. The ‘way side’ gospel denies the tools to begin to build His kingdom. The ‘great commission’ has a loud voice but has no spiritual understanding.” (Lk. 8:12)
The Second 8th Week: Restoration of the Church
The Second 8th Week (s8w) is the conclusion of the church age. It is not God’s will to allow the church to continue in darkness, ruled by false stewards. (Jer. 50:6)
– Jesus’ Second 8th Week is the second generation of apostles that are sent by God to bring the church back to Him – back to His covenant and the stewardship of the covenant. God is personally involved with establishing the stewardship of this week as His door, key, and Urim with many signs and wonders upon Apostle Eric vonAnderseck to set apart the testimony of life from the testimony of death.
The steward is the key in the hand of God to open the door that no man may shut and is His breath of cleansing and knife to circumcise the false religious system from His divine work.
The 6th Week is an obvious gap between the First 8th Week and the Second 8th Week, and God is sealing that gap today. The Second 8th Week covers the restoration of the church to Jesus’ covenant where true salvation takes place, and it marks the return of apostles to the church. This is the season we are in right now. The true church has been reborn.
This is such a big turning point for the church, so let’s look at 1 Enoch 91:12 again.
1 Enoch 91:12
Then after that there shall occur the Second 8th Week; the week of righteousness. A sword shall be given to it in order that judgment shall be executed in righteousness on the oppressors, and sinners shall be delivered into the hands of the righteous.
First of all, we underlined “Second 8th Week” (s8w) in the verse above. The Second 8th Week is God’s promise of restoration in the end of time, to again set order to the church and take back what Satan has stolen, whereas God returns the sword of truth to the church to release those taken prisoner by Satan and his ministers. (2 Cor. 11:13)
Apostle Eric recently taught on how God is breaking old molds, “The Lord not only breaks the pattern of sin in the heart by the preaching of the gospel, but also removes the roots of theological ignorance in [one’s] thinking by His grace and truth through the stewardship.”
The Second 8th Week is called the week of righteousness on account of God restoring the original foundation of truth for us to walk perfectly with our God. Our faith again perfectly reflects the righteousness of Jesus Christ and His work in us. Now let’s look at verse 13.
1 Enoch 91:13
At its completion, they shall acquire great things through their righteousness. A house shall be built for the great king [Jesus] in glory for evermore.
The house that God is building through His restored spiritual government is the house of Jesus Christ, our great King. However, God will not use any practices generated by the false religious system to build His house. Those are the rejected stones.
God is shaking the church of the 6th Week and speaking through His apostolic stewardship to establish the provenance of the false gospel, tracing the ownership history from its inception to the present day. People are asking, “How did the church come to this point of ruin and failure to walk in the covenant God gave us in Jesus?” The long history of the false religious system is a history of neglect, which God is now reversing.
We are loving God through the spiritual things He provided through Jesus and glorifying God through the fruit He creates in us daily. At the completion of the Second 8th Week God will receive His saints and we will glorify His name forever.
– The Second 8th Week (s8w) is a time of empowerment.
Empowerment means that God returned to the church the true gospel of regeneration that the Holy Spirit bears witness to. God’s goal for each Christian is restored: the healing of the soul by the creation of the virtues of Christ within is that singular, ongoing, daily miracle that is experienced by all His saints.
– The Second 8th Week (s8w) renews true discipleship to the church.
In the 6th Week we saw a history of clumsy teaching. Ministers who cut themselves off from Jesus’ covenant and the stewardship of the covenant were living examples, illustrating how far the church strayed from God’s will.
Where do you feel the false gospel has failed you? Most say it is not knowing what true transformation is and how to live it daily with God at the helm of their faith, working in them. How does it start and how does it continue?
As God transitioned the church into the Second 8th Week of His plan we see a shift in discipleship. Believers are again learning how God engages with us when our faith is active with Jesus’ tools, and how God initiates contact with us through the 12 elements of the gospel. Believers are again learning that Jesus’ covenant is the perfect environment for spiritual growth.
– The Second 8th Week (s8w) is the return of the church to true discernment.
Now that God returned the church to His one standard in Jesus Christ, true discernment is possible and Christians are learning why the many truths of the current Christian culture are sterile, not able to create in the soul the divine nature. They are stepping away from the conflicting and contradictory truths of the many apologists who thought they were defending the faith, but simply working a path for their logic to find a way to God.
Man’s power of reason works with his logic and his logic works with his own record, until he is instructed in the way of the covenant to begin to reason with the Lord. Logic stands in the prejudice of one’s own record, while reason stands in faith.
– The Second 8th Week (s8w) is the return of the church to the forgotten power of Jesus’ name.
God placed Jesus’ name in the 12 elements of the gospel to generate the life of Christ in you. The genealogy of the covenant is put in Jesus Christ and all the elements of the gospel are taken from him to craft His nature in you.
God gave us a blueprint of knowledge that Satan stole and rebranded to remove Jesus’ power, giving the church lifeless knowledge. It is a sterile, lifeless knowledge that is being preached today in the false church.
Veracity is Measured in Light of its Power
Did you know: “Veracity is measured in light of its power”. That’s a word of knowledge the Lord ministered to Apostle Eric vonAnderseck to explain how the living witness of God is found in the very DNA blueprint of the life of Christ in the elements of the gospel and how that witness is carried through in our perspective.
Each element is a binding power that is necessary for God to create in you the likeness of His Son and requires a submissive heart and mind to bond with him.
The 12 elements of the gospel are the blueprint that God works from; they are the foundation of your faith and power of God to create His life in you. Let’s look at them now: 1) Grace, 2) Faith, 3) Righteousness, 4) Justification, 5) Sanctification, 5) Holiness, 7) Peace, 8) Rest, 9) Charity, 10) Truth, 11) Regeneration, 12) Renewing of the Mind.
The elements of the gospel are the basis of the apostles’ doctrine to direct faith in the life of Christ. The next time you open your Bible and read what the apostles penned down, underline and highlight the elements. You can’t miss them.
The Apostle Peter brings out the links of God’s process and resulting power, but also points out that many break these links and expect to walk with God on their own terms. You can’t break the links God established for your contact with Him and expect God to walk with you. (2 Pet. 2:1-12)
Covenant-less ministers use zeal as a false covering.
I’ve said a couple of times that while God works from His new covenant in Jesus, ministry leaders work the wrong end of the stick. It’s time to bring out how that looks in today’s revival climate, so we’ll talk about zeal.
Is zeal our covering? Apostle Paul brought out a necessary distinction between zeal and knowledge to make clear the voice of God. Yet, in today’s revival culture, many wash their hands of wrongdoing by pointing to their zeal for God as their credentials, as if to say, “Look, I’m all about getting souls saved and seeing lives changed and transformed, I’m sold out for Jesus. Judge me by my passion and the passion I translate to others.”
We hear the passion, but passion leaves no substance for God in the soul because the knowledge of Jesus’ covenant has been neglected and overlooked. There’s a reason why Apostle Paul points to knowledge as the key rather than zeal and passion.
Romans 10:2
For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
As an apostle, Paul was given the key of knowledge to set order to how believers were to function in God’s new covenant in Jesus. God set order to His knowledge to direct our faith to the things of Christ to govern our soul through this form of contact according to His ongoing mercy. Apostle Paul was correcting many whose zeal of God was apparent, but they tried to hide the fact that they were unschooled in the covenant of Jesus and therefore could not teach God’s foundation.
What happens when the basics of your faith are withheld?
The fateful decision on the part of ministry leaders to push zeal rather than the knowledge of Jesus’ covenant produced generation after generation of believers who remain lost in the wilderness and continue to miss the mark.
Zeal without knowledge of Jesus’ covenant is such a critical point of discernment for the modern church. Let’s look at the fallout of this large-scale deception that is played out in today’s calls to revival, as zeal without knowledge is again a common stumbling block.
It’s time for another quote from Apostle Eric vonAnderseck as he so often teaches on the subject and recently posted a good example of this on X, “Ministers in 1995 boasted of the ‘Holy Laughter Movement’, that it was of God. Books were written by pastors affirming this movement. Thousands of believers praised it. But now, 20 years later they are questioning it. Some even desire to claim that there’s some fruit to be found in this error. If the root is corrupt so is the fruit.” (Hos. 9:16; Gal. 5:9)
Apostle Eric is speaking of the much-publicized Laughter Movement, which some, now seeing their mistake, have redubbed as the Brownsville Revival to downplay the fallout.
Apostle Eric went on to teach, “Many ministers or pastors desire the spirit and cloud of enthusiasm that covers the crowds compared to the soundness of the divine work built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets which requires the calling for oversight. God is speaking reproof and rebuke to them.” (Prov. 1:25; Tit. 1:13)
Did you know: An entire body of teaching surrounded what was called “holy laughter” to teach people how to respond to this rhythmic call. These teachings received widespread endorsements from popular ministry heads and those who claim to be popular television and online personalities. However, they were unable to conceal the fact that zeal without knowledge of the covenant made them blind, unable to discern the seducing spirits working havoc through them, leading the church astray.
There are thousands of other examples of the church being led in the wrong direction. The false church leadership is building spiritual pyramid schemes. Ministers promise unrealistic returns based on the fables they generated, hoping that people will like their stories enough to invest their faith. As God turns the tide through His apostolic stewardship to bring correction, ministers are seen to double down on their costly revival enterprises.
The Elements of the Gospel are Your Foundation
The 12 elements of the gospel are your foundation stones because they are the starting point for us to reason with God. God designed the elements to be binary, which simply means that God designed them with our participation in mind. God initiates grace and we respond in faith. God initiates His righteousness to set His standard in Christ according to His expectation for fruit, and we respond in kind to restrict our faith to the things of Jesus’ covenant that free us to him (justification).
When God uses the word “faith”, He’s talking about reciprocation so that the things He provided for us, to bless our contact with Him, continue to increase to glorify Him. Again, we see that veracity is measured in light of its power. (Eph. 3:7)
Satan Rebranded the Elements of the Gospel
Have you ever wondered why your relationship with God seems to be at a standstill? You might find yourself trying to hit the restart button over and over again, asking the same questions about how God designed faith to work and why it isn’t working for you.
As Christians from all walks of life come to grips with this awful truth, God breaks open His challenge for change. This troublesome standstill of faith is the result of the 6th Week. During the 6th Week of darkness believers were not discipled in the faith with the elements of the gospel as their foundation, nor did they receive any instruction about how to operate in the grace of God by learning to use Jesus’ tools.
Sadly, the connections that God built into your priesthood that are necessary for fruit bearing were removed by ministers of unrighteousness. Is it any wonder that Christians, not knowing the basics of their faith, could not build with God?
The fact is, Satan stole the elements and placed them in the kingdom of the flesh where he altered them and rebranded them. Satan gave each element new meaning that helped people relate to their broken, sinful state, and their faith in God was reflective of that.
Under this influence, truth mirrored self and became self-referencing, and Jesus took on a new face. What I mean by that is while Jesus was designed by God to be the propitiation for our sins, the counterfeit gospel redesigned Jesus to take on the likeness of substitutionism, which is an offense to God. Again, we’re looking at the wrong end of the stick.
The counterfeit (substitutionism) was accepted because Satan took the pattern of man’s natural, universal, God given inner design (we all have signature skills and talents, we all have a moral code, we all have a God-Code) to take the place of the pattern God gave us in Jesus’ covenant.
No one comes to Jesus with the intention of following the rhythm Satan planted in their own nature. However, without being schooled in the knowledge of Jesus’ covenant, Christians can’t tell the difference between the God given record in Jesus, which is the blueprint of truth and the record of their own nature, and end up responding to the wrong thing.
A Gospel of Self-Identifying Truths
Replacing Jesus’ pattern (blueprint and record) with their own resulted in preaching a gospel of self-identifying truths. Ministry leaders famously work from this false foundation and platform to direct your faith down the wrong path, and that’s not what you wanted, it’s not what you prayed for, and definitely not what you expected.
Ministers turned God’s map upside down.
Of course, God’s inner design is something we all share, and is therefore familiar ground and common to man. The false gospel is loaded with truisms that seemingly relate to what everyone is talking about. Seeing that we all experienced pain prior to covenant, while under Satan’s abusive care and we all carry those scars, it feels authentic and genuine to talk about it and give the Christian faith this context. (1 Cor. 10:13; Eph. 2:3; Jude 1:10)
In the absence of apostolic oversight, Satan turned God’s map upside down to orient believers to the history of their fleshly nature to center attention there, and that changes your relationship with God.
Satan manipulated this common ground self-identity to help deploy many carnal minded ideas about what a relationship with God is all about and what inner healing is all about and Bible interpretation followed this vain reasoning. Can you begin to see why God calls man’s nature (the record of man) a false foundation and false orientation and false standard? (2 Cor. 11:3)
Regardless of countless missteps and misdirection, ministers still maintain their heading, insisting that they can intuit God’s direction by looking for familiar landmarks to get their bearing. But again, people are hard-wired to their own nature and that’s what they’re looking at.
The self-referencing gospel has long been a part of the history of the church, spanning back through the long, dry season of the 6th Week where Jesus’ covenant knowledge and tools were neglected and forgotten.
Satan rebranded the elements of the gospel to relate to the defiled conscience and spoke about grace, faith, righteousness, sanctification, holiness, charity, and the renewing of the mind in a way that followed the landscape of man’s own nature. Satan promised regeneration (inner healing) without God’s due process. In other words, he promised change without God’s power.
Always remember: Satan is well versed in the nature of man, but this is not your new identity in Christ. Satan took ownership of the elements of the gospel and now through His apostolic stewardship God is taking them back.
If you are like many Christians who were trapped in the 6th Week of darkness you might look around at the current Christian culture and be discouraged because nothing has changed. And you would be right, nothing has changed in the false religious system.
Those who are trapped in the false church body cannot comprehend the true work of the Spirit because they’re standing outside of that reality. This helps to take in how far the church has drifted away from God’s new covenant in Jesus and why restoration is God’s call of the day. Let’s move on to Weeks 7-10.
Week #7: Tribulation and Antichrist: The Tribulation and reign of the antichrist upon the earth and God introduces two new stewards, Enoch and Elijah to confront the beast and false prophet. (Rev. 6:17)
Week #9: Millennial reign of Christ upon the earth: The saints reign with Christ on the earth for 1,000 years. (Rev. 20:4; 1 Enoch 91:14)
Week #10: The perpetual week: God creates a new heavens and new earth. His plan is finished, and we enter into the eternal week and He multiplies His work as He said. We will live and reign with God forever, and eternally increase His kingdom and glory. (2 Pet. 3:13; 1 Enoch 91:15)
Spiritual Significance Q & A
Now that we covered the 10 weeks of God’s plan, it’s time for a short Q&A to answer a few questions about the Second 8th Week.
Q & A #1
Why does the number eight (the First 8th Week and the Second 8th Week) represent Jesus?
God gave the number eight an allegory to preach to us Jesus. We begin to see the allegory unfold in Noah who is referred to by the Apostle Peter as “the eighth person”, a preacher of righteousness. There were eight souls saved in Noah’s ark. God selects the number eight to identify this steward, Noah, who is a type and shadow of Jesus Christ. (2 Pet.2:5; 1 Pet. 3:20)
– The ark into which Noah and his family found refuge represents salvation through Jesus Christ who gave us the ark of His new covenant and Himself as our refuge. All who enter into a covenant agreement with God through Jesus are saved. God takes the 8th Week to represent the work of Jesus Christ on the cross to save, redeem, and heal the soul to empower our faith to reciprocate to Him in kind.
God restricts our faith to the one standard He designed in Jesus Christ for our access to Him. We love, adore, and praise God because of His active involvement to sustain our faith with gifts of His presence.
– Jesus rose from the dead on the 3rd day, also called the 8th day of the week (Sunday). We are the children of the resurrection, meaning that Jesus rose from the dead to oversee and empower His own covenant and seals our adoption with tokens of Himself.
The divine power is a transforming power. The Spirit effects change in us. Just as a chicken develops in the perfect environment of an egg, and a plant germinates in the perfect environment of soil, so the covenant of Jesus Christ is the perfect womb for our faith to develop. Life springs forth from the pattern God gave it. And so it is with faith. It begins with a seed of truth and the Spirit empowers the pattern.
Because grace is the isotope to change and transform your nature from the natural to the divine, and grace works with truth, we can’t freelance the doctrine of Christ and expect to get the same results. Spiritually speaking, to freelance the doctrine of Christ means to shop around for the best possible truth that would fit your specific needs. In that situation, faith is not really joined to the kingdom of God (new covenant), but is working independently, which describes the doctrine of man. Let’s go on to learn more about why God assigned the number 8 to Jesus.
– Jesus was circumcised on the 8th day according to the law of Moses. God assigned that particular day, the 8th day, for circumcision, thus assigning the spiritual significance of the number 8 to Jesus. The First 8th Week was a circumcision, removing the dead traditions of the law, and the Second 8th Week is a circumcision, removing the many dead traditions of the hydra, or the false religious system which took deep roots over 2 thousand years (the Sixth Enochian Week) which was the time of darkness for the church. (Lk. 1:59)
God places importance on spiritual circumcision because He is removing confidence in the law. God makes it clear that the knowledge of sin does not bring the fulness of Christ. (Rom. 2:28-29)
The law only defines the transgression of the flesh, but it cannot define that which is of the Spirit. The law pointed to Jesus who now gives us a new law in Himself. (Col. 2:11; Heb. 10:3; Jn. 1:14)
God also places a permanent, ongoing importance on spiritual circumcision because He planned to engage with us daily to heal the scars Satan inflicted and to create in us His divine nature. This is why He gave us a new priesthood in Jesus, for this contact and intimate work of the Spirit to take place. Ministers who deny the terms of Jesus’ covenant deny you this living priesthood.
The Second 8th Week is a Turning Point for the Church
We have to accept that God will not use the transgression (the law of sin) to show us Christ. So then, what law does God use to show us Christ? God uses the law of grace and truth, which works with the anointing in your priesthood to bring the fulness of Christ to your soul. The nourishment of the knowledge of Christ is for the healing of the soul, which is true repentance. (Col. 1:13)
God places importance on circumcision because He is changing the diet of your doctrine. We are eating from the King’s plate, meaning that we dine on the knowledge we are served at King Jesus’ table.
• The doctrine of Christ is the apostles’ doctrine; it is the truth of the gospel and has its grounding in Jesus’ covenant record that the Holy Spirit bears witness to. We accept that God is the Divine Architect of our soul, but He is also the Divine Architect of the blueprint of truth. God’s blueprint of truth is a prepared design for our faith to take on the likeness of Christ. (Jn. 7:16; Acts 2:42; 2 Jn. 1:9-10)
• The doctrine of man has its grounding in the record of man which the spirit of man gives witness to. Therefore, the doctrine of man is earth bound; it speaks to the needs of man and sets a tradition for faith to address those needs. (Mt. 15:9; Heb. 13:9)
False spiritual leadership famously believes that they have carte blanche to do as they please with the doctrine of Christ, but they created a broken system that is antichrist.
The doctrine of Christ is received by way of instruction from Jesus’ living apostles in its fulness. Nothing of man is added and nothing of Jesus is missing. As you come into a covenant relationship with God, you’re overcoming the habit of the mind to go back to your first history (born into sin and death) for grounding, and overcoming the habit to use that knowledge as a foundation.
That old habit is very strong, and Satan uses that inclination to redirect faith to self and thus sow doubt in the mind regarding God’s covenant care.
God’s blueprint for faith is His blueprint for life. Each element of the gospel not only shows us what God is doing in us by the Spirit, but also explains what our faith is responsible to build with. (1 Tim. 4:16)
– The number eight is also the spiritual number that represents eternity.
The eighth day is the eternal day, or the perpetual day when time is no longer. We are promised eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ. “And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.” (1 John 5:11)
Q & A #2
Why does the 8th Week follow the 5th Week?
The 8th Week is seen to follow the 5th Week on God’s timeline because Jesus Christ is the son of David according to the flesh. Jesus is the King of kings. Jesus came to establish His kingdom in our hearts and to prepare us for His eternal kingdom in heaven. (Lk. 1:32)
Q & A #3
Why is the 8th Week split into two time frames?
Noah, being the Second Week, represents the dividing of the 8th Week into two parts. Noah provided a type of Christ in that he was carried through the flood. This represents the work of Christ being carried on into the Second 8th Week after the 6th Week (the flood of false knowledge kept the church imprisoned in darkness).
And just as Noah was carried away in the ark being saved from the first consummation (flood), so also the church in the Second 8th Week will be carried away in the rapture before the second consummation (tribulation).
– The 8th Week being split in two also represents the divine healing of the soul through Christ. Eight divided by two equals four. The number four is a spiritual number that represents the hand of God to heal the soul of man.
God builds contrast to give distinction in Christ.
– The 8th Week is split into two time frames to build necessary contrast between the wheat and the tares to equip believers with the skills to discern where God is placing their faith. Distinction is made for discernment through God’s apostolic stewardship. The “why” of God’s design is to bring distinction to Christ as God divides the nature of man from the nature of Christ. The “how” of God’s design shows us the input of Jesus’ covenant tools to build our connections to Him for increase.
A desire for God’s direct and active involvement in your faith and in your life won’t get you there. Zeal and passion also won’t get you there. As long as the kingdom of self continues to act as the middleman, your faith remains dormant.
– The 8th Week is split in two time frames to signify that the original gospel that was preached in the First 8th Week is being duplicated in the Second 8th Week with that same power of regeneration, and that God will heal the gap caused by the 6th Week of darkness, and that’s what He is doing now.
However, the power of God to daily transform the soul to the image and likeness of Christ cannot be confused with the self-induced power struggles we see taking place in the false church body today as ministers built upon the foundation of their own record.
We’re again taking the time to contrast God’s Intelligent Design for Christ-Centered Spiritual Transformation (the gospel of regeneration to manifest the life of Christ in us and through us) to the counterfeit. The real divine transformation of your soul is by the divine hand of God.
Are You a Victim of the Fake-Church Gospel?
Apostle Eric often asks, “Are you a victim of the fake-church and false gospel?” He goes on to explain that believers not experiencing the fullness of the Godhead wander from church to church, pastor to pastor, bible study to bible study, and from one conference to another thinking they can transform their struggles into opportunities to shake themselves free from old mindsets and the devil’s power.
In this new season, God challenges the many false claims to transformation that people make when they are brought under that spell, pointing out why the maze they built for their struggles never leads to Him. Their religious education only addresses the issues of the conscience to help them adjust their social behavior.
Ministers hold up the Bible as if they are honoring the anointing that gave it, but their shout for renewal and reform is only to promote their own concepts of the works of God. When the work of God is seen through uncircumcised eyes, people see through the eyes of the minister what he sees. They are looking through the eyes of his imagination, the Jesus of his imagination that he preaches.
While there is no doubt that people are capable of making many adjustments to their behavior, they cannot create the divine likeness of Christ within, and that is what God is looking for.
With that being said, the initial impact of grace upon the heart does begin to prepare the heart for the fruit bearing season, and it is this initial impact of grace that many people testify to having experienced, and rightly so. However, when the new covenant is not entered into, the gospel of man takes the place of God’s plan and the divine transformation is put on hold indefinitely.
God is Addressing the Effects of a Sterile Faith
God is addressing this sterile faith of the modern church and the effects of it. As God seals the gap created by the 6th Week of darkness, we are seeing the church’s current condition through His eyes. God is answering many questions, like why believers confuse illumination with the baptism of the Holy Spirit by which God seals their adoption.
Apostle Eric vonAnderseck spoke on this recently and posted on X so I want to again bring in his teaching because God is bringing the church out of this long-held confusion. Apostle Eric brought much clarity saying, “believers confuse illumination with the Seal because at the time of enlightenment there is a mental clarity and abiding peace that is present and many ministers err in ascribing this enlightenment and peace to be the seal of adoption.
“Preachers then seek to set perimeters for the new believers’ faith in the law to wrestle with the convictions of the conscience which has not been yet purged. Believers then resort to the works of the flesh as they struggle to find grace again in more forms of repentance.
“Bible-psychology is used to find that peace they first experienced at the illumination of grace and many seek to reminisce on their ‘first love’ in the wrong manner. This is when we see an increase of commitments with communion, tithing, fashions, attendances, and baptisms. This is a reverse conversion, which Apostle Paul took note of and warned believers against.”
Galatians 3:3
Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?
Many strange doctrines emerged in the church because of the confusion over how the Christian faith begins and how it is walked out. The questions remained: how can I get back to my first love of God; how can I experience the life of Christ every day; I can’t seem to find a way out of the false gospel to get to the reality God has for me in Jesus.
Many apologists sought to heal the confused state they put believers in, and they used compromise and corruption of the doctrines of Christ as their balm, promising deliverance and empowerment apart from God’s active involvement.
Revelation 2:4
Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.
To be clear, our first love of God is entered into when we begin a covenant relationship with Him. The true inner working happens every day as God takes the things of Christ to reshape your soul.
The divine likeness, engrafted within is like terraforming the soul, but instead of “Earth-shaping”, God is “Christ-shaping”. The new covenant is the perfect environment for the soul to take on the likeness of Christ and that is why God restricted our faith to touch only the things He placed for us in the new covenant.
The early apostles preached this gospel of Jesus’ covenant and God’s terms for contact. God’s plan to bridge the Second 8th Week to the First 8th Week was fulfilled when He returned the church to apostolic stewardship and placed the original foundation of truth in our hands.
The Former Rain and the Latter Rain
There is no doubt that the church has suffered a time of darkness where the light of Christ’s knowledge was dimmed and overshadowed and corrupted by those who preached their own gospels.
God prophesied the 6th Enocian Week through Hosea and told us how long the 6th Week would last. It would last 2 days (2 thousand years). God also planned a time of renewal to return the church to His original blueprint of truth. This time of renewal was also prophesied by Hosea.
God promised to raise the church up again in the third day (where we are at now). We’re talking here about the former and latter rain.
Hosea 6:2-3
2 After two days [two thousand years after the resurrection of Christ] He will revive us; in the third day He will raise us up [Second 8th Week] and we shall live in His sight.
3 Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord; His going forth is prepared as the morning; and He shall come unto us as the rain, the latter and the former rain upon the earth.
– The former rain is the First 8th Week
– The latter rain is the Second 8th Week
We are living in the time of the latter rain – the Second 8th Week, the rain of God’s grace and the return of the power of God to the church through the restoration of the apostles.
– The Second 8th Week is a time of restoration and renewal.
Renewal begins with the return of the apostles who are walking in the same steps of the original apostles to set the original foundation of truth in the hearts of all those who believe in Jesus. Salvation is in Jesus and His covenant is the only way that God provided for us to know him and walk with him.
– The Second 8th Week is a time of the rebirth of the church.
God has again raised up the church in the glory of His truth in the name of Jesus to fulfill all His good pleasure, to restore His gospel of regeneration to a people who are called by His name.
The God of ONE House
During the 6th Week of darkness, we witnessed many independent ministries forming, each establishing their own ministry house in their own name, hence offering many options for people to build their faith in God apart from God. These ministers and church leaders are like the man who loosed his shoe, refusing to build the Lord’s house because they were busy building their own house. (Ruth 4:7-8)
When God’s apostles were not at the helm of instruction to direct faith to mirror Christ, different denominations began to take form. This resulted in the astounding 45,000 different Christian denominations mentioned earlier, each serving God their own way – which is in great conflict with God saying, “one Lord, one faith, one baptism.” (Eph. 4:5)
To cut through this confusion, God has restored the knowledge of the covenant of Jesus Christ to also restore our faith to mirror Him perfectly. When our faith works with the things of Jesus’ covenant it means we are working with what God is empowering.
Where do you go to church?
That’s a hot topic that’s being asked by a lot of ministers today as they again seek to fill their pews after failed attempts to revive the church to the old ways. As God closes the door of the 6th Week, he opens the door of the Second 8th Week of righteousness.
In truth, the name of Jesus is over ONE house, not many houses and not many ministerial heads (the hydra). When it comes to salvation, the covenant of Jesus Christ is not just another different take on salvation, but rather it is the true restoration of God’s way of salvation.
Jesus shed His blood on the cross to set the terms for our salvation in Himself and then He rose from the dead to empower our faith. Jesus Christ is the contact point and mediator of our faith, and He is our deliverer. Salvation is the continuous and active working of the Holy Spirit to form Christ in the inner man. Salvation includes all the tokens of Christ that God uses to preserve us in Him. (Rom. 5:9-10)
-Teacher Maria vonAnderseck
Co-founder Second 8th Week Ministries
Instructional Designer for the IDCCST Course®
Coming Up Next in the Series
I hope you enjoyed the first installment in the series, What is the Second 8th Week. Apostle Eric vonAnderseck will teach the remaining lessons to take you on God’s journey of restoration and transition.
Coming up next, Apostle Eric takes a deep dive into the 6th Week of darkness as seen through God’s eyes. God will continue to turn the spotlight on the mindset of the church during the 6th Week so you can see how it shaped Christianity today and why God is breaking that mold.
It might be hard for some to grasp the extent to which spiritual blindness has spread and become the norm for the church. People came out of denominational houses, but did not enter into a covenant relationship with God, but rather entered into many independent ministry houses that did not provide the fulness of Christ. That choice delivered a crushing blow to the church that still ripples through the body of Christ today.
As God announces the rebirth of the church through a new injection of the apostolic calling, He sets order to the apostolic presence, function, and operation of apostles in the modern church.
The re-gifting of the apostolical character in the church is God’s turning point, so that is going to be a constant thread in this series as we observe how the church was held captive in the 6th Week and how God turned the tide now in the Second 8th Week. Don’t miss a single installment in the new lesson series, What is the Second 8th Week.
The Church of the 6th Week of Darkness
In the introduction, presented by my wife, Teacher Maria vonAnderseck, we saw God’s plan of the ages and how He divided His plan into weeks and stewards. We recognized the steward of each week from Enoch to Jesus, and the significant role each steward played as God initiated His perfect will through them.
We saw God announce the Second 8th Week in 1 Enoch 91:12.
1 Enoch 91:12
Then after that there shall occur the Second 8th Week; the week of righteousness. A sword shall be given to it in order that judgment shall be executed in righteousness on the oppressors, and sinners shall be delivered into the hands of the righteous.
In this installment of the lesson series, The Second 8th Week, we’ll take a deep dive into the abyss of the 6th Week church to learn why so many ministers find themselves stubbornly stuck there.
We’ll start by looking at the timeline again. You’ll notice in God’s timeline below that the Sixth Enochian Week is positioned between the First and Second 8th Week – the Week of Jesus’ stewardship.
The First 8th Week is the beginning of Jesus’ stewardship and the Second 8th Week is the restoration of His stewardship in these end times. We remember Hosea’s prophecy that “after two days [after two thousand years of darkness] He will revive us”, and that’s what God has done through the things He restored to the church. (Hos. 6:2a)
We see on the timeline illustration the things God has restored to the church… the apostles’ calling has been restored, Jesus’ covenant and original foundation of truth have been restored, the priesthood of the believer, and true prophecy have also been restored and are ready for you to begin a new journey in Christ.
Ministers At The Crossroad of Covenant
There are many in the crossroad of covenant, comparing the old wine of the 6th Week to the new wine of the Second 8th Week and they have said that the old wine is better. As we explore the 6th Week of darkness and the stewardship of the 6th Week, we’ll find out why the old wine is preferred, why God calls the ministry of the fake church “darkness”, and why major ministry leaders are calling it something else.
God is revealing what ministers are doing in the crossroad of the covenant in His time of correction. As they continue to deny Jesus’ covenant and the stewardship of His covenant, they are curating their own crossroad stories to shield themselves behind many layers of lies that are built upon their own traditions.
We’ll get into the threshing floor of God’s rebukes against ministers of darkness, we’ll find out who they are, and why their crossroad stories should not be accepted.
We’ll also get into your own personal crossroad story, which God will curate for you. I’ll share more about the apostles’ calling and how it functions in the church, and share more about the testimony that Jesus built into His calling upon me.
It’s vital to understand God’s work today to shift the church from the confusion that dominated and ruled the perception of believers during the 6th Week of darkness to the blessing of restoration that is now happening in the Second 8th Week of righteousness.
– The Second 8th Week (s8w) is a new beginning for the church.
The anointing that was upon Jesus when He was on earth was transferred to the apostles of the First 8th Week and now also is upon the apostles of the Second 8th Week.
The apostolic anointing renewed to the church: I saw this in a vision I received on October 12, 2024. I saw Jesus standing at the mouth of a cave and I saw myself standing just inside the cave. Jesus had a bright halo upon His head that shone with a supernatural brilliance. He took a portion of the His Light (halo) from His head and placed it on my head, thus sanctifying the birth of the new apostolic stewardship of the Second 8th Week to preach the gospel of His covenant. (Lk. 4:18)
Ministers Feel God’s Challenge in the Crossroad
The introduction of the First 8th Week presented multiple challenges to the religious reason of the time, but all those who prepared their hearts through the preaching of John the Baptist were quickened by the Spirit to hear the words of life from Jesus. (Jn. 6:63)
Jesus said to Nathaniel, “Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!” But to the religious leaders of the time, He said, “Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.” (Jn. 1:47; Mt.23:24)
While the common people heard Jesus gladly, the religious scholars and teachers questioned His every move; they questioned His claims to be our Messiah, they questioned God’s timing, they took the middle of the road, and twisted Jesus’ words. (Mk. 12:37; Mk. 11:33)
Why would the religious leaders neglect to prepare their hearts? Why would they refuse to accept Jesus? Simply because they were waiting for something else and Jesus’ words represented a transition, a changing of the guard, and they felt that their position was being threatened. The same thing is happening today.
A Hard Look at the Major Movers and Shakers
As we take a good hard look at major movers and shakers of the church today, we’re looking at the very ministers who helped shape the Sixth Week church as we see it now, spiritually blind, under Satan’s influence, and groping in the dark for direction. We understand God’s quarrel against them.
Ministry heads, prophetic ministry leaders, theologians, apologists, and Christian authors and conference speakers who have long entrenched themselves as the leaders of the church have responded to God’s challenge by asking, “Are you saying that we are blind?”
Many of you will remember that the Pharisees also asked Jesus the same thing when they heard Him proclaim that He not only came to give hope to the people, but to reveal hearts. Jesus said, “For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind.”
Upon hearing this, the Pharisees were pricked with conviction because they already knew that the truth they argued was flavored with their own prejudices. They knew that God’s searchlight had already visited them on many occasions and each time yielded the same results: their repentance went no further than to cover their own nakedness. They were blind leaders of the blind, meaning that they were keeping God’s people in the dark.
So, they challenged Jesus, “Are we blind also?” And Jesus responded, “If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remains.” (John 9:39-41)
Jesus knew that every time the religious leaders side-stepped His challenges and formed their own discussion groups to circle the wagons, it was because they thought that they were the eyes of the people. In other words, we’re not blind, we are well informed, we read the same scriptures you do and God is showing us something else.
Regardless of the fact that Jesus, the Son of God was standing in front of them as the key to transition, being the new covenant, they chose to repeat what they heard in their own echo chamber, and that was the darkened perception they claimed as their light. Jesus was preparing the people for the transition of weeks and the Pharisees and religious thinkers decided that this was not the direction they wanted to go in, so they stood in the way.
The body of Christ is in the same spot today as God introduces a new week, the Second 8th Week. The apostles today are the key to transition, being the stewards of the covenant. Through them, Jesus is re-equipping the church with the original foundational knowledge to transition your faith from the shadows of darkness into the glorious light of Christ.
Many ministers today are repeating the destructive pattern of the Pharisees, resisting Jesus, circling the wagons and repeating what they hear in their own echo chambers – the darkened perception they claim as their light.
This is a challenging season for the church.
While there are many Nathaniel hearts who hear the voice of the Lord and therefore accept the voice of stewardship, there are many ministers of the fake gospel who want to remain blind, and as Jesus said, their sin remains.
This study into the Sixth Week church is about making sure that everyone has a chance to leave that system. Many do hear God’s call to leave behind the broken system of the fake church, but they take God’s commandment as an opportunity for self-reflection to render their own crossroad stories. Determined to make a stand for themselves in the 6th Week, they are determined to turn their failures into something worth celebrating.
Believers who resist God’s covenant follow the path of their own pleasures and build with false knowledge that opposes the stewardship of the house, committing spiritual adultery and playing the harlot. (Rev. 2:22)
Adultery = bonding with another to build trust which is idolatry. (2 Pet. 2:14)
Harlot = unprofitable contact also called spiritual fornication. (Rev. 17:5)
The apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers of the Second 8th Week are the real apostolic wave. We are leading believers into Jesus’ covenant to meet God there, but ministers of the false church body are still peddling the dream that God will suddenly burst on the scene to sweep them into something new, without taking responsibility to God’s covenant in Jesus.
– Ignoring Jesus’ covenant, ministers hope to keep you detained behind the bars of their fake gospel and counterfeit stewardship.
– Their false teachings and fake declarations are daily released to a global audience via social media, religious publications and commentaries. They warn you against the truth and subvert the apostolic stewardship by taking it to themselves. Woe unto them, says the Lord.
The teaching of the 6th Week of darkness is a cautionary tale. You, as a believer in Christ, need to know the WHO and the WHY.
The WHO: When you hear crossroad stories and testimonies of God doing something new in the church, but no mention is made of Jesus’ covenant and the apostolic stewardship of the covenant; and the tools of the covenant are intentionally excluded, and no connections are made to your priesthood, these are Satan’s ministers preaching to you. (2 Cor. 11:13; Rev. 2:13)
God is giving you permission to flee from them. They promise liberty in fake deliverance teaching and fake prophetic teaching, but they themselves serve corruption and are the servants of corruption. They are overcome by the serpent of deception and turn Christians into daughters of darkness.
This happened in the First 8th Week when the apostles guided the church and the ministers of the 6th Week began to arise. Apostle Peter gave instruction to the church about why the servants of corruption must be turned away.
2 Peter 2:19
While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.
The counterfeit apostolic and prophetic waves have made known their heart. The words of the ungodly will destroy, but the words of the righteous will restore.
Psalms 93:3
The floods have lifted up, O Lord, the floods have lifted up their voice; the floods lift up their waves.
Ministers Who Are Caught up in the 6th Week of Darkness
Each crossroad story that is published in the fake church contains dozens of poisonous confessions that resonate with a broken body. But just because the damage done to you in the 6th Week of darkness resonates with you does NOT give ministers permission to continue to commune with you there.
They’re hiding the fact that they have not transitioned to Jesus’ covenant – they’re still caught up in the 6th Week of darkness and they want to keep you bound there, too.
You have heard the testimonies of confusion and frustration, exhaustion and embarrassment. And it is true, ministers are owning up to their negligence; but God does not want you to establish your testimony there. God wants to move your testimony from that which destroys to that which restores and builds.
For everyone’s understanding, the testimonies of the fake gospel follow a pattern of cultural bias and denial, whereas the heart of the broken church is celebrated while Jesus’ covenant is denied.
Ministry leaders carefully curate a story of near misses and heartfelt searching. They curate a testimony out of darkness, but God wants to author your testimony in Christ, in His covenant. You no longer need others to curate your story.
You will notice that ministers continue to state what is true about the 6th Week of darkness, but not that which is true about the restoration of the church to the Second 8th Week. Where does that leave you?
– The Second 8th Week (s8w) is God’s call back to Jesus’ covenant.
There are many misunderstandings of the true gospel of Jesus Christ and for a time God did wink at these, patiently overlooking the violations to His new covenant, knowing that Satan worked a great transgression in removing all traces of it from the church. God knew that He would open up a new week – the Second 8th Week to awaken the church out of her slumber. (Acts 17:30)
God, in His great love, has allowed for this time to transition your faith back to Him. His door is open. As we watch the Lord break the bonds of the false religious system, we are in prayer for each submissive heart. Believers with patience of faith are ready to hear the steward, rather than give heed to the counsel of the foolish.
Did you know: The time of “winking” at misunderstandings is over. Once the door has been opened, God holds believers accountable for their choices. God has a transitional story with your name on it and He is ready to help you.
The Eagle Flutters Over Her Young
God is addressing a church that has lost her way and has fallen into the trance of sleep. That’s the naked and hard truth. The church has been under the shadows of darkness since the conclusion of the First 8th Week, but now the eagle flutters over her young again in the Second 8th Week.
Deuteronomy 32:11
As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings, taketh them, beareth them on her wings:
The eagle represents the reality of the apostolic stewardship. Moses came among the people to awaken them to the time of transition by the power of God. It was through Moses’ stewardship that the children of Israel came out of the bondage of Egypt and were led by God to receive His covenant.
– The true stewardship awakens the people to Jesus’ covenant, while the fake stewardship puts them back to sleep.
The covenant stewardship sets order to your faith. As long as stewardship is denied, Christians continue to make exhaustive lists about what they are not sure about. Prophecy remains at the top of most lists. The buzz around prophecy and prophetic accountability has the church in a fateful tailspin. It is only now, as God sets order to His covenant, that believers are learning how God designed priesthood prophecy to minister to us and through us.
– The Second 8th Week (s8w) is the restoration of true prophecy.
The prophecy of scripture speaks of the stewardship and covenant of our Lord, Jesus Christ and now that He is here and we’re living the reality of His present work to create in us His nature, its proper interpretation is no longer hidden in the allegories and no longer mistakenly aligned to our fallen nature. Let’s see how Apostle Peter lays out this instruction.
2 Peter 1:19
We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:
Jesus is the Daystar that arises; for it was prophesied that a stewardship would arise to bring salvation. The light of the knowledge of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, rose in the hearts during the First 8th Week and now again through His apostolic stewardship in the Second 8th Week.
Jesus is the revelation of all prophecy. The sure word of prophecy has its beginnings in the apostolic stewardship and in turn ripples throughout the body as all believers share in the prophecy of the priesthood to testify of Jesus. (Rev. 19:10; Is. 9:6; Lk. 2:11; Rom. 13:11)
The Daystar arises again in these last days to bring the church back to Himself, just as the eagle flutters over her young.
What is your Crossroad Story?
How have you responded to God’s challenge? A middle of the road mindset is often taken, whereas a Christian will say that we should simply allow the false teachings and proclamations of false prophets to die down. However, the message of the fake church will not die down. In truth, we know that the voice of the false religious system has not died down for 2,000 years.
God has a divine order in which He addresses the fake gospel and fake prophetic utterances. God works through His apostolic voice to restore His beloved saints to the gospel for which Jesus shed His blood.
Believers have a heart for this and have prayed for the return of God’s seamless grace and profound wisdom to the church. And that’s why we have to get into YOUR own crossroad story.
Every believer has a crossroad story.
It’s about how they found God, then slid into doubt and lost their faith. That being said, a lot happened between the bright star of finding God and the final snuffing out of that flame, and what follows as Christians sift through the ashes to try to find meaning again.
First of all, believers usually deal with their disconnection by putting on the “conference” hat, or “revival” hat, hoping that attending such meetings will address their fears and doubts and help them conquer them and allow them to break through into a new liberty in Christ.
There are so many slogans out there about breakthroughs. When believers cry out saying, we want to see revival in our day!! Or, send your fire, Lord!! it’s because they have missed out on God’s covenant connections and are looking for something to spark their faith anew.
One of the most popular things we hear along these same lines is that “there’s a time coming of an even greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit.” Whenever you hear a minister saying that something “greater” is coming it is because what they are currently experiencing has failed and has come short of their expectations. They’re constantly thinking about what could be. This is one way of pinpointing how darkness has been normalized in the fake church.
As the enthusiasm grows weak again, ministers have to keep pumping everyone up, promising something even greater to come. But God did not design your faith that way, to grow dim, and for grace to wear off, leaving you in need of something “greater”. When you accept God’s covenant through Jesus, His gifts are renewed daily for your labor with Him and your faith grows as He sustains it. You never lack His gifts or His presence.
Ministers who are caught up in the fake church are playing the same game as Balak and Balaam. They were both trying to better position themselves to receive from God, and after each failure, a new place was sought out. (Num.23:13; Jude 1:11)
Every message from this platform (promising a greater outpouring) has a dual meaning. It is often stated that something must be done to better position yourself to receive God’s new outpouring. A minister recently posted, “we are in a time of spiritual pruning to see a greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit.”
We just talked about that last part about seeing a “greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit”, now we see how it is positioned with “spiritual pruning”. Ministry leaders have taken note of God’s correction through the apostolic stewardship of the Second 8th Week, but rather than repent, they reposition themselves.
Did you know: You can’t purge yourself of false knowledge. You have to offer yourself upon the altar of instruction to be taught by the apostles of the Second 8th Week.
– TRUE REPENTANCE means accepting the covenant record of Jesus Christ.
– FALSE REPENTANCE means to better position one’s self to receive from God.
False repentance is woven into the ambiguous language that is taught to the church in darkness. While God points out their shame, ministers seek out more opportunities to reshape their messages and make more declarations to give feet to their passions, leading the church further into bondage.
Maybe you’ve noticed how the constant repositioning of your faith has left you weary, or maybe you have picked up on the endless tug of war going on in your mind and you’re looking for ways to conquer mindsets. Maybe you feel that you need to learn about spiritual warfare (again). In truth, all you need to do is learn how God designed your faith to function in His covenant. Nothing else will tether you to His power.
It is doubtful that the minister who has taken the stage has any clue about what you are going through. The proof of that is in what happens after you get home from a conference when you’re back into your routine and you discover that nothing has changed.
Did you know: Leading believers to reexamine their faith on the basis of your own struggles is not breakthrough.
Everyone has a crossroad story and let me assure you that there are no small stories, there are no unimportant stories. They are all laced with heartfelt meaning as people grapple with their love for God. Why did it start with such hope, being set aflame by the Spirit, only to end in the ashes of fallen dreams?
At first, there’s a lot of denial.
It’s not unusual for Christians to respond by saying, “You don’t know my heart!!” You can’t judge my faith because you don’t know where I’ve been!!” Christians feel judged because they want to be seen as the sum of their prayers, not the sum of their struggles. But, in truth, God wants to see each of us in the image and likeness of Christ and that requires covenant contact. The plain truth is, if you deny yourself the covenant, you deny yourself contact with God.
When believers say, “You can’t judge me”, they actually mean that they cannot discern where their faith came from and what it is made of, and where it is headed. Judging and discerning are not the same thing. God called the apostles as the Urim of the church and called all believers to discern by the doctrine of Christ that apostles set in the heart. (1 Cor. 2:14; Heb. 5:14)
Unable to discern, all crossroad stories heavily feature doubt because outside of Jesus’ covenant, you will never know where you stand with God. Because you can’t function with His new spiritual tools, you can’t progress with His fruit bearing goals for you.
What is YOUR crossroad story and how many years have you been at the crossroad?
Crossroad Stories Are Years in the Making
Crossroad stories are many years in the making, and doubt is the main character of each story. Are you still battling with doubt? Believers say that once they were able to put their doubt into words, it was clear why they felt like their faith in God shuttered and turned to stone.
Doubt is what changed the current Christian landscape, covering it with miles of tombstones left in its wake. Every tombstone reads, “I believe in God but…”
1. I don’t experience God’s presence daily. Spiritual highs don’t translate into spiritual growth.
2. I’ve heard so many conflicting truths about God, I’m at a loss to know what to believe or how God designed my connection with Him to flourish.
3. I lost the true meaning of God’s purpose of the church.
4. I lost the true foundational building blocks.
5. I play a good game online, saying “amen” to everything I believe God wants me to have, but I doubt my ability to continue living that out. Every amen feels like a promise I’ve made to God that I’ve broken.
6. I was devastated at the loss of vision to truly represent God’s kingdom. Where was God’s dream for us? Why can’t I see it preached? Why can’t I live it?
7. My heart still longs for God, but I’m finding it harder and harder to realize God’s true purpose. My faith feels fragile and broken.
Most of you can put a personal stamp on one or more of these points as they have featured in your story and your prayers. If I missed anything that is vital to your story, take a moment to acknowledge it before God and journal it into your reflection book.
We now know why God is no longer winking at the fake gospel and the many misunderstandings preached. We see the devastating impact of the fake gospel of the 6th Week, as believers labor under false assumptions and deviations of God’s truth. Satan works to keep believers blind to Jesus’ covenant and the apostolic stewardship of the Second 8th Week.
Where Does YOUR Faith Intersect?
Did you know: In the absence of real apostolic stewardship, believers are expected to build their faith without the foundation of truth that Jesus gave His apostles to give to the church. Building without Jesus’ foundation means that all the questions about faith intersect with man’s fallen nature without Jesus’ oversight.
For example, questions about anger intersect with the nature of man and become a thorny issue and begs more questions, like when does anger become a problem, when is anger personal. But because God does not intersect your faith with your nature, none of these questions are for you.
The simple truth is that when a covenant relationship with God is entered into, the thorns of man’s nature are removed. You’ll learn all about God’s Intelligent Design for Christ-Centered Spiritual Transformation® when you begin a covenant relationship with Him.
Another old question frequently pops up when your faith intersects with the fallen nature of man: can a Christian be demon possessed? This question obviously comes from the wrong foundation. A popular minister replied to this question by saying, “I believe a Christian can have anything he wants.” Yet, he has entirely missed God’s goal and teaching point that God wants us to have the nature of Christ, and that daily transitional power intersects with the tools of His covenant.
God gave us a clear and simple allegory to show us the importance of the provisions He made for us in His covenant tools in the woman who “touched” Jesus. She physically touched His garment to receive from Him. For she said in her heart, If I may “touch” but his clothes, I shall be whole. And when she touched Jesus, she was healed.
Jesus, wanting to lift this allegory out for our benefit, asked, Who touched my clothes? For He immediately knew in himself that “virtue had gone out of him”. (Mk. 5:28-31)
The allegory has become the reality.
Even though Jesus is now in heaven and we are on earth, we daily touch Him to receive His covenant benefits. I’m not talking about physical healing (although God often physically heals the body), but rather the healing of the soul.
To clarify further, I’m not talking about emotional stirring as people sway to music, or an emotional, gut response as a preacher hits the mark of your vulnerabilities. I’m also not talking about deliverance lines that are generated to “get a touch from God”. I’m talking about an equal exchange with God.
– The Second 8th Week (s8w) is a shift as God again teaches the church to touch Jesus.
We can only touch Jesus with the spiritual tools that God sanctified with His blood for our benefit. The new tools are designed by God for us to bond and build with Him. God put a measure of His grace in all of Jesus’ tools so that when we use them, grace is transferred to our soul. There are 9 operations of God in grace that directly benefit and impact us every day. A divine exchange takes place as our faith intersects with God, meaning that we reciprocate to Him, rather than to self.
The tools of Jesus’ covenant that God blessed for us are living tokens to transfer the reality of Christ in a measure of grace that God multiplies to us daily. Apostle Peter gives instruction on this transference of grace. He says that joining, or intersecting our faith to Jesus’ new altar in His new priesthood, we also are as “living stones”.
1 Peter 2:5
Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
Living stones speak. The stone that is dead is silent, meaning that the dead stone does not reciprocate to God. The law is that dead stone, for it mirrors the pattern of the fall and man’s transgressions and vulnerabilities. When ministers intersect your faith there, they take from what is natural to perpetuate a response. They’re celebrating a fleshly priesthood that leaves believers in bondage. The coal that at one time burned brightly with God’s grace has grown dim and believers mourn the loss of their light.
Satan’s ministers are constantly laboring to blow on dead coals by attending to the tombstones of doubt, vulnerability, and transgression. They were responsible for the death of faith and now continue to whitewash their errors. (Mt. 23:27-33)
God designed our faith to intersect with Himself by giving us the terms or grounds He set in place for our contact with Him. Covenant faith is a living tradition, a living stewardship. Faith is the power that virtue takes on to complete the image of Christ in the inner man, and that virtue is the beauty that does not offend, nor fade with time. Faith is absent the offense and therefore God takes pleasure in the relationship that increases His kingdom. (Col. 3:10; 2 Pet. 1:3-4; Heb. 11:6)
How has the simple covenant gospel been so misunderstood, abandoned and shamed? Ministers who are still caught up in the 6th Week of darkness are negative role models of the GOOD (they believe in Jesus’ cross), the BAD (they preach a gospel that intersects with the fleshly nature of man), and the UGLY (they work with seducing spirits and they teach doctrines of devils).
The Condition of the Church: Dream Vision 1981
I remember what Jesus said to me on September 14, 1981 in a dream vision. I saw Jesus and walked with Him as He showed me the condition of the church in bondage. Jesus showed me a prison with many prison cells representing the different independent ministries that sprang out of reformation movements, revival movements, and the Jesus Movement.
Jesus made the point of telling me that everyone was in this prison. Everyone includes the popular figureheads and ministry leaders that had risen up at that time and those risen up today. Those who claim to show the way of salvation are leading people into prison.
As I walked with Jesus through the prison, He stopped and stood before a cell door and instructed me to open it. I was standing next to Jesus listening to Him and the next instant, in the flash of an eye, I was inside Jesus’ body. I thought as He thought, I spoke as He spoke, I walked as He walked. Everything I did was directed by God and every step was powerful.
The prison doors opened by the power of God. The dream vision continued where I (as Jesus) walked into a large cafeteria. I saw inmates sitting at long tables. They had just consumed an enormous meal, yet were still hungry. The bread (knowledge) of this world cannot fill the soul.
I said to them in the voice of the Lord, “You have desired the true bread of Christ.” I held in my hand something that looked like heavenly fruit. It represented the true knowledge of God in Jesus Christ. I bowed my head and a tremendous power was released through me that radiated all around me as the fruit that I held was multiplied to all.
Jesus’ presence is again made known in the calling of the apostle to bring the church out of the darkness of the 6th Week and into the restoration of His covenant that God initiated in these end times to bring the church back to Him. The humble shall hear and know.
The Church of the Sixth Week is Off Balance
Jesus showed us the condition of the church in bondage back in 1981, but He also gave me His covenant to restore the church and it is this knowledge that God empowers to bring His people out of the bondage of confusion.
There have been many other testimonies and revelations about the condition of the church that you have no doubt heard. One minister said, “The Lord showed me that I was embracing a headless Jesus.” A headless Jesus is a church without His government with Jesus as the head. That’s the church of the 6th Week.
That confirmation is sobering, but necessary because God has been announcing that He would restore His apostolic government with Jesus as the head.
In the past 40 years, many ministers have stepped forward to share the revelations they received concerning the church being off balance, but what’s missing from their testimonies is God’s covenant map in Jesus. Just because God confirms the broken and confused state of the church in revelations and dreams does not mean that these ministers have the solution. In other words, the condition is not the solution.
The condition of the church has not changed since 1981. A generation later, ministers are still complaining that the church is off balance and ministers are still trying to self-diagnose and heal the confusion they created by making even more prayer declarations based on false teachings.
But again, the condition is not the solution.
Pointing to the obvious confusion and saying, “God is not the author of confusion or fear, and if words bring about these items, then their validity must be questioned” is not the solution. The minister who said this thought she was offering Godly counsel, but she was not.
Let’s take a moment to look at Apostle Paul’s instruction that is so often referenced out of context of Jesus’ covenant.
1 Corinthians 14:33
For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
Who is the one confused? Those who were operating independently of the government of God were confused and causing confusion. God did not create differing and conflicting truths. God is not the one misdirecting the church. The thing is, God is rebuking and challenging the church and many use their “confusion” as a scale for discernment and God is taking away that false justification.
When Jesus spoke to the religious leaders of His time, they were caught off guard and felt that Jesus was upsetting their carefully constructed mindsets and they accused Him of bringing confusion, and they cast His words behind their back. But we know that Jesus did not confuse them; they were already confused because they had not prepared themselves for the transition Jesus came to make and were fighting against Him.
So then, the religious minded were confused, but God did not author their confusion; they chose it for themselves. Another way to say that is, God was not the one confused, they were. It was time to transition from Moses to Jesus and their confidence was in the roots of their own traditions. Jesus threatened their popularity among the people. Jesus’ words and teaching were in great conflict with what they had already established for themselves and they felt like they were losing their footing – they felt confused.
So, we’re unwrapping what “confusion” is from God’s perspective to bring true discernment. You can take note of those who point to the condition, but do not point to Jesus and His covenant as God’s solution.
The church is again in a time of transition, and so we see the same thing happening today. As ministry leaders seek to stay the course that they designed for themselves to self-diagnose, they continue to steer the church even further into darkness. The teaching of the covenant is in conflict with what they have already established for themselves, so they quote “God is not the author of confusion” when they are confused.
Whenever you see ministry leaders hang their hats on that peg, you can be sure that they do not represent the kingdom and glory of God. You should not intersect your faith with them.
Satan’s ministers gain the upper theological seats, and begin to write many books about how to serve God. Their doctrine is disconnected from Jesus’ covenant. Sixth Week ministers use scripture to misdirect the believer’s enthusiasm and then present alternative authors that set down their own theological puzzles to describe the intersection of faith to the nature of man’s constantly evolving truths.
Let’s look at a few examples of these theological puzzles:
1. Is speaking in tongues for everyone?
2. Is baptism by immersion or sprinkling?
3. Should infants be baptized?
4. How should we judge prophecy?
5. What is our authority, Jesus or the Bible?
6. Can women preach?
7. Should a man have long hair?
8. Is jewelry sin?
9. Are believers to be rich or poor?
10. Is tithing for today?
11. How do I deal with my emotions?
12. Voting and politics, what does God say?
13. Can a Christian be demon possessed?
14. Are my sins forgiven every time I sin?
15. Why does God allow hunger, famine, floods and troubles?
Your crossroad story, while under the influence of these ministers of unrighteousness, is about being fed the diet of man’s doctrine. Alarmingly, the church of the Sixth Week has found itself off balance, wondering if the minister who sold them the lie (the covenant-less gospel) has any answers.
Don’t let your crossroad story end here. It is because ministers authorized and built the off balanced church that God is rebuking them, saying, “Let my people go!”
Christians are looking to God for practical guidance in their daily growth cycles, but you won’t find that guidance in the current pool of ministers.
The apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers of the Second 8th Week all point to the same covenant foundation and knowledge that God sanctified for you to have. Everything practical about your faith comes from the foundation.
God’s second injection of the apostolic calling into the church is by divine design. All Jesus’ apostles are servants of God, serving the body of Christ living knowledge. The glory of God is contained in the letter of Jesus Christ, which is written in our hearts.
Christians Allow Themselves Time to Grieve
We can’t miss the many opportunities that Christians have given themselves to grieve the loss of their first love for God. For the past 40+ years God has announced that His will is to return the church to Jesus’ covenant, yet ministers of influence are slow to believe and have insisted that they can repair the church on their own.
As so often is the case, ministers invent their own challenges for change and transfer those challenges to you. That’s a mistake because God’s unique challenge for change is ignored and neglected. Refusing to accept Jesus’ covenant and stewardship, sin remains. (Rom. 14:23)
Satan attacks the church with false knowledge to destroy your true heritage and legacy in Christ.
The 6th Week is a Time of Spiritual Blindness Over the Church
I want to get deeper into the teaching about spiritual blindness. Spiritual blindness is a culture-bound phenomenon in the church wherein people, after exposure to the fake gospel, are fearful of moving away from familiar ground because the special language (meaningless clichés and empty phraseology) are hooks of promise they were told they have to see through on threat of consequence.
Ministers confess to hearing a “constant knock at the door of what could be” but don’t realize that’s the devil knocking. If it were not for God turning on the light, believers would remain imprisoned behind these bars of ignorance and fear.
– The Second 8th Week (s8w) is about God taking on the tough questions about faith and how it intersects with Him.
-The Second 8th Week (s8w) is about equipping you to take your place in the body of Christ.
No one is left behind. God’s message to this generation is that faith in God cannot become active sitting on the sidelines. Sitting on the sidelines is another way of saying that the church has become ineffectual when believers are inactive with Jesus’ covenant, and that describes the church of the 6th Week.
God is not sending the church into another maze of theological findings, or psychological musings about how faith intersects with the nature of man. You can forget about that failed message once and for all.
The blessing of the gospel of the Second 8th Week is the unveiling of all that is in Christ for you. But… God is also revealing how Satan removed your sight… effectively blinding you. Spiritual blindness has to do with censoring and denigrating the knowledge of God and changing it to mirror self. Rather than teach God’s covenant in Jesus, faith is given another purpose.
– The Second 8th Week (s8w) is the restoration of sight to the church.
God restores sight to a church. God’s purpose to reignite the apostolic calling today with the same measure of grace as the apostles of the First 8th Week is to turn the church back to Jesus’ original gospel.
By the cords of God’s light, the righteous are tethered together as one house, the house of His throne. Believers walking in the covenant of faith are “untouchable”. I’m talking about the religious aspirations of the Sixth Week ministers. Believers who are of Jesus’ household stand apart from the bribes of flattery and the loud aspirations that many believers in leadership offer as snares.
Ephesians 5:14-15
14 Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.
15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
It might be hard for some to grasp the extent to which spiritual blindness has spread and become the norm for the church. God is speaking specifically to the Charismatic and Pentecostal movements that came out of the Jesus Movement of the 60s and 70s, and every church, ministry head, body ministry styles and worship styles that were born out of that. What God had intended for good (to bring people out of denominational houses into one house) stopped short of fulfilling His covenant purpose.
People came out of denominational houses, but did not enter into a covenant relationship with God, but rather entered into many independent ministry houses that did not provide the fulness of Christ. That dealt a crushing blow that still ripples through the body of Christ.
And as a result, ministers today who align themselves with the Jesus Movement and claim their roots in those ministry fathers (as well as earlier revivalists, reformers, and figureheads) continue to battle against pervasive gaps of faith each had a hand in creating and offloading to unsuspecting believers. Every book tackles the same issues over and over again, without scratching the surface of the true problem – the covenant of Jesus Christ has been denigrated, sidelined, forgotten, and abandoned.
While God’s call is to return to Jesus’ covenant, ministers of the 6th Week of darkness branded their own call to evangelism in hopes of sweeping their problems under the rug as they hit the reset button. The problem that God is correcting is that they are evangelizing people into ministry houses and churches that are broken away from Jesus and His covenant.
Because they are not leading people into Jesus’ covenant house, the same crippling gaps they created for themselves are being passed on to the next generation. This is not what God had in mind for discipleship.
How does the average Christian deal with these crippling gaps in their faith?
They try to overcome them. Believers have become experts at articulating what they are seeking to overcome: unbelief, doubt, temptations, fear, guilt, remorse, shame, regret to name a few, but at the top of the list is the bombardment of false gospels, the false prophetic movement, false teachings, and false doctrines.
The problem is, the continuous flow of false knowledge that earmarks the fake gospel can only be overcome by the instruction of truth, and that’s God’s purpose for His apostles.
In the absence of God’s sanctified apostles, every gap identified in the church, every drift in the wrong direction, every way in which the church has become like the world is because of spiritual blindness which hangs over the church like a blanket on account of the absence of the apostolic calling.
– Believers coming off the Jesus Movement are caught in a no-win situation, helplessly fighting to be sheltered by God while neglecting to take refuge in His covenant.
God’s purpose for the rebirth of the apostolical character and influence in the church is to bring the church back to the covenant He designed in Jesus Christ for us to know Him and walk with Him, love Him and love one another.
A New Injection of the Apostolic Calling
The Second 8th Week is about the rebirth of the church through a new injection of the apostolic calling. God reintroduced the apostles to reorient believers to Jesus’ covenant.
There is no salvation outside of Jesus.
God has now restored the original foundation of truth through the apostle’s calling and restored all that belonged to Christ for the church to function in His fulness. So then, setting order to the apostolic presence, function, and operation is going to be a constant thread in these lessons as we observe how the church was held captive in the 6th Week and how God turned the tide now in the Second 8th Week.
It’s easy to see what the First 8th Week apostles did, but you might be wondering what this second generation of apostles of the Second 8th Week are sent to do. God is bringing much need clarity to commonly asked questions about the apostolic calling:
– What are apostles in the modern church?
– How do apostles function in the church today?
– What is the particular operation of an apostle?
Sadly, the church of the 6th Week functioned without the oversight of the calling of the apostle, and as we take a look at the damaging results of that choice, we see that the seeds of Satan’s sowing has completely overgrown the church to where God’s purpose can’t be seen or identified in this wilderness of weeds.
We see the need to spend some time unfolding the true function of the apostolic calling today by clearing away the weeds of false knowledge. Though the voices of many leaders echo in the media, yet the true apostolic is the clear voice of God.
Psalms 93:4
The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves of the sea.
Apostles Restore the Original Foundation of Truth
The church of the 6th Week of darkness first sprouted in the First 8th Week to contest Jesus’ apostles on the basis of knowledge. Hold onto that thought because it’s very important. Back in the day when the apostles taught the church what to believe about Jesus and how to serve God in this new covenant way, false ministers began to build another foundation that spoke about Jesus, but changed His covenant building blocks. They preached another Jesus and turned the gospel of regeneration into a self-serving gospel. (2 Cor. 11:4)
If I asked for a show of hands right now to see how many of you have observed that there is something wrong with the present church, we’d see that not only were we all afflicted, but that false knowledge is the root of deception and the reason behind the crisis of faith.
How apostles functioned in the First 8th Week to address that same crisis of faith informs our understanding of apostles today. Without the function of living apostles, thousands of people strike off on their own to attack the jungle of false knowledge armed with a machete (the truths of their own studies) to blaze a trail for others, but they’re only going in theological circles.
There’s a good reason behind Apostle Paul’s deliberate choice to introduce himself as an apostle – an apostle of Jesus Christ (an apostle of Jesus’ covenant). This assured the saints of the source of the knowledge they were receiving from him. They were assured that God gives only one framework of truth to bind all believers to Himself and through this tethering of knowledge, they were equipped to weigh all things to Christ. They were assured that God Himself would continually lead them as He creates in them the fruits that glorify His name.
Let’s look at how the Apostle Paul identified his calling in Ephesians chapter one, verse one.
Ephesians 1:1
Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus:
We asked, what are apostles in the modern church? The apostles can be identified by their function. What do we see Apostle Paul doing? He’s uniting the will of God to Jesus Christ and to his own stewardship as an apostle to oversee the growth of the saints as they faithfully draw from Jesus’ covenant to walk with God.
Paul says that he is an apostle of Jesus Christ, meaning that the calling represents Jesus and as such is not a title as men would suppose, but a measure of grace to make known the mystery of Christ. Paul, an apostle, meaning “I don’t come in my own name; I represent Jesus as I draw from His covenant to teach you how to serve God with Jesus’ new tools. I am not drawing from my own nature to teach a self-referencing message of reform.” (Eph. 2:20; Eph. 3:3-4; Eph. 6:19; 1 Cor. 3:10-11)
The same is true today in this new apostolic season, or new apostolic era. The apostolic calling establishes your faith in the covenant of Jesus Christ.
The apostles represent Jesus in the authorized, sanctified system of salvation that God sprinkled with Jesus’ blood to initiate and seal our redemption in Him.
1 Corinthians 1:30
But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.
Apostles join your faith to Jesus Christ who is our righteousness. Righteousness means that even though God first showed His love toward us while we were lost in the kingdom of darkness, He does not accept us the way we are, in darkness, without Christ. God accepts our faith on the grounds of Jesus Christ to begin and sustain a covenant relationship.
Only Jesus qualifies our faith as competent to meet God’s expectations.
When we say that Jesus Christ is our righteousness, we mean that He is the exacting standard by which God measures our faith and judges our soul. Jesus qualifies our faith by His knowledge, stewardship, and tools to reflect His likeness, and this meets God’s expectation perfectly, thus He declares us righteous. Nothing of man is added to our faith, and nothing of Jesus is missing.
We exercise our faith with His knowledge and, therefore, our faith is reflective of the power of who Jesus is. Only Jesus pleases God, as He said, “Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased.” Unless our faith reflects Jesus, it is impossible to please God. (Luke 3:22; Heb. 11:6)
God set a policy for our faith to reflect Jesus to reciprocate Him. The policy God set is in accordance with the token we receive. All Jesus’ tokens reflect Him and are life giving, so that we are not condemned with the world.
Apostle Paul continually points out God’s will for apostles to unfold the mystery of Christ in the knowledge of Jesus’ covenant. Apostles not only lay the original foundation of truth in the heart, but oversee the understanding of it by overseeing the growth of the saints as they assist their priesthood.
When we recognize the calling God placed upon a person, we honor the One who gave it.
Believers today receive Jesus’ apostles as He said, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me; and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.” (John 13:20)
The name of Jesus is the authorized, sanctified system of His redemption.
The name of Jesus is the kingdom, covenant, and tokens that represent Him, which means that these are the things He oversees to present us holy and unblameable before God; these are the tokens God empowers for us to express Jesus and reflect Him; these are the tokens that identify us with His house and join us to Him.
The name of Jesus is not in its pronunciation, but it has to do with a kingdom practice, a kingdom activity, and kingdom terms. Not a dogma, not a philosophy, but a person – Jesus Christ. The 12 elements of the gospel are the sum of Jesus’ name, to fully manifest in us what He is as we daily labor with the tokens that bear His name.
An independent ministry is a service apart from (absent of) the Godhead.
An independent minister is one who does not function as part of God’s restored spiritual government (kingdom), but has set up his own house of ministry, serving the church with unclean knowledge. He comes in the authority of his own name, while claiming the name of Jesus Christ.
John 5:43
I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.
The restoration of apostles today is God’s calling card and healing hand, as He reverses the many wounds Satan inflicted upon the church. Jesus’ church, restored to His new covenant, is risen in His full stature and in the power of His virtue. All believers now have access to daily partake of all the spiritual blessings that God placed in Jesus.
Apostles Hold the Key of Knowledge
Knowledge is key and God placed the key in the hands of Jesus’ apostles to set the standard of our faith in Him according to His covenant promise of life. We’re talking about the knowledge of the mystery of Christ. God has an expectation for our faith in regard to His work in our soul that can only be realized when we restrict our faith to the message of the cross (Jesus’ covenant).
In Galatians chapter one, verse one Paul continues his tradition to identify the calling that he received of God – Paul, an apostle – and he goes on to explain that he is going to set knowledge in order. That is the primary function of an apostle.
Galatians 1:1
Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead;)
Apostle Paul is aware that various teachings were circulating in the body that originated from independent ministry heads and even counterfeit apostles. These teachings were not from God, and Apostle Paul is going to make distinction by setting knowledge in order to show the saints how God sanctifies the activity of their faith. (2 Cor. 11:13)
Galatians 1:6-7
6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel [another form of knowledge]:
7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ [self-referencing knowledge].
2 Corinthians 11:4
For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.
Here is where God begins to inform us of the importance He places on the apostolic calling and why knowledge is key. Apostles are living tokens and need to be presently active in the church to set order to knowledge.
The modern church today finds itself in the same position at the churches of Galatia and Corinth, whereas many ministers crawl out of the woodwork to take up the torch of leadership with their own take on the gospel, their own brand of scripture interpretation, their own visions for ministry, their own gifts and their own vision for God’s purpose. They introduced another gospel – another Jesus – by another spirit.
These false ministers want to get the church motivated to save the world, but they themselves cast aside God’s call to covenant. They are not equipped to help themselves; how can they help others?
The Apostle Paul identifies his calling according to the function God gave to the calling.
In his epistle to the saints in Galatia, he corrects the many truths that were circulating about Jesus that were developed and pushed by ministers who were not apostles called of God, but apostles called of man who were preaching and teaching their own agendas.
Although they claimed a foundation in scripture, the Apostle Paul saw that these ministers were using their own conversion stories and passionate appeals to create another gospel. Their foundation was not in Jesus’ covenant, and the same is true today.
The ministers of the 6th Week introduced false knowledge to the church (called another gospel) that is based on their own conversion stories and their alignment with false revival movements (like the laughter movement) and false prophetic movements (like the name-it-claim-it declarations) and false discipleship movements that set the standard in man’s nature rather than Jesus’ divine nature.
– This is not God’s dream for you.
– This is not the foundation you should be building on.
The culture of the church today self-identifies with the culture of the 6th Week.
The Real Jewel of the Christian Faith
Building on the foundation of the 6th Week, ministers are sweeping the floor to gather anything that can be gleaned from the real jewel of the Christian faith. Because they don’t understand the work of regeneration within, they pick up on the outward effects to create another gospel that carries with it the social habits of people: husbands love your wives, children obey your parents, don’t plunder, don’t lie. Forgive your neighbor, love your neighbor, give from the heart, be of a humble heart.
Ministers believe that repentance and water baptism produce the jewel, but they don’t.
Jesus didn’t die on the cross for social reform, He died on the cross for true regeneration, the inner work as His jewel is formed within.
Those who are sweeping the floor to gather up the fragments of the outward effect preach another Jesus. Let’s look at that closer. Chasing down the outward effect carries with it the law of Moses whereas a person mentally rewards his behavior with the law. But in Christ, the knowledge of His kingdom and the operation of His work in you is carried by another power – His grace.
When people asked the apostles, what must we do to be saved, the apostles pointed to the covenant of Jesus. But without the covenant, the law is used as a substitute. The law of Moses is valued while the law of grace and truth that God set within the process of regeneration to govern your growth remains hidden and lost to the church.
Do Apostles “Govern” the Church?
Many are afraid of apostolic puppetries. Church leaders are asking, “Am I going to be your puppet?”
The fear that pastors, ministry leaders, and church board members have is that they will play second fiddle to the apostles – “you’re going to rob me of what God wants me to do!” In addition, there’s a fear of changing generations of church tradition. What is our new identity to be? Believers also exhibit these same fears and cry out, “Are you going to tell me what to believe!”
These fears are built into the church of the 6th Week of darkness, whereas the church was structured without the framework of truth and a lot went wrong. People wanted the freedom to govern their own faith, meaning that everyone fought for the right to determine for themselves what truth meant to them, claiming that the Holy Spirit was guiding them and teaching them.
But seeing that the Holy Spirit is apparently teaching 45,000 different belief systems about Jesus and we know that God did not design this confusion, we also know that this is not the way God teaches truth to the body. (1 Cor. 14:33)
God’s plan is to govern our faith individually with His grace and truth. That includes you and me.
John 1:17
For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
God’s new law of grace and truth governs those who have entered into a covenant agreement with Him, meaning that we accept God’s terms and He in turn governs our faith. Let’s look at how that works out in a practical way, in a way that relates to how God actually works in us rather than continue to follow ideas borrowed from failure.
God governs our cycles of growth by giving us the tools of Jesus to freely use. Grace is administered to us individually from God’s throne to our hearts; God governs how our love is to be expressed in building with Him through the 12 elements of the gospel; God governs the cleansing of our hearts by giving us a new priesthood in Jesus; God governs how we overcome ourselves, Satan, and the world by giving distinction in Christ for our separation to Him; God governs how He creates His nature in us by separating our faith from our own nature. God answers every prayer and is intimately involved with every detail of our life.
– If I haven’t said it enough, God governs our faith INSIDE His new covenant in Jesus.
Inside Jesus’ covenant, believers are properly discipled. They learn how to access Jesus’ tools to partake of Him in the free flow of God’s grace. God connects your faith to all the things He provided in Christ to govern your soul in His mercy and peace. (Eph. 3:16-21)
Knowing how God’s grace works with truth and is administered through His spiritual tools teaches us how to use Jesus as our scale of discernment. This speaks of making distinction for our faith in order to stand separate from the things God is not working with. God gave us a new law in grace and truth that is separate from the law of Moses and the law of our own nature.
Why is this separation important? Why can’t believers simply learn through trial and error what God is doing in their life?
God’s way of equipping us with the law of grace and truth is His love to connect us to Himself. A law identifies that which the Holy Spirit works with. God set a pattern (knowledge) for our hope by putting our faith within the boundaries that He would make living. God set certain boundaries and conditions on His law so we don’t step outside of what He has provided through Jesus’ blood to establish our contact with Him.
God announced a new priesthood when He offered up His only begotten Son for our redemption. This also signaled the inauguration of a new covenant, new doctrine, new tools, and a new law, the law of grace and truth. This is the law of the Spirit that replaced the law of sin and death – the law that condemns – the law that recalls sin, and thus keeps the conscience under Satan’s shadow.
Romans 8:2
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.
To be in Christ is to be in covenant with God through His new terms, being in submission to the law of Christ. We no longer observe the law of Moses, we no longer practice that law. God now writes His commandments in our hearts as we practice our faith with the new celestial tools that have been sprinkled with the blood of Jesus to touch Him. These commandments of grace produce the divine likeness in the soul, thus fulfilling and completing our obedience to God’s commandment that we reciprocate His likeness. (Heb. 8:10; Heb. 10:16)
We understand why God’s new covenant commandments cannot be set aside and why God does not govern our faith when we stand outside of His new covenant.
When TRUTH Is Put Off, TRUIMS Are Put On
The result of walking in covenant with God is that we remain actively reconciled to God and redeemed by Him as the offspring that He cares for. To break the law of God is to set aside the terms of His new covenant in Jesus, choosing rather to accept and live by a list of truisms.
What is a truism? A truism is a true fact about Jesus that is not connected to His covenant terms, so it has no real function or benefit. The truism is used to support a philosophy about God to indicate that a person is on the right track with the mind of God. For example, you might have heard this truism: God’s law is that we should put Him first in our lives.
What’s wrong with this instruction?
It’s true, we should put God first, but practically speaking, God first restricted our faith to the record of Jesus Christ so that He could govern the function of our faith. So, we can’t say that we are putting God first and foremost if we aren’t doing what God said to do first.
What would happen if we ignored God’s commandment to first restrict our faith to the record of Christ? Our faith and our life would be governed by our moral code that is seated in our own record. It would be impossible to put God first if we did not first separate our faith to function only with Jesus’ record. God’s law is that we put the function of the covenant first.
Here’s another truism you might have heard: it’s often said that God’s law is summed up in one word – love. It sounds so right, but why is it wrong? Again, it is a truism, meaning that it’s a true fact that is not connected to Jesus’ covenant terms, so it’s a function-less word – a word that has been robbed of it’s true function. It’s a truism that is governed by the record of man.
What would happen if we ignored God’s commandment to keep love connected to Him? Our love for God would not be given a real function in the priesthood where God’s effectual working power reciprocates Christ, therefore love cannot benefit you, or your neighbor, or God.
God’s law is broken when Jesus is broken from the covenant.
Did you know: When we are in covenant with God the conscience is attended to by the anointing, and then it is as the Shekinah of God that covered the tabernacle of Moses.
The lineup of truisms that are daily passed off as Christian beliefs is extensive and each truism has its origins in the 6th Week of darkness. All truisms are self-referencing. When talking about the importance of God’s love, it might feel like you’re talking about the real thing, but we can observe when Jesus’ covenant is missing, believers are using another standard to qualify love – self. And that’s a confusing value because it’s not the same value God placed on His love.
Qualifying God’s love by our own record means to put our own value on God’s love and that’s in conflict with the value God placed on His love – Jesus Christ.
Apostles Confirm God’s Dream for the Church
The awakening of the church has to do with God’s dream for the church, which hasn’t been realized, but has been kept in the shadows of the nature of man (our own record). The way that truth is engineered in the false church body, God’s dream is mistakenly set on the shores of the kingdom of the flesh – one’s own issues and signature values – the state of the nation – the state of the world – the state of your own soul. Each person dreamed about what God could do for them.
God is giving His dream to you on another shore – His covenant terms that He designed in Jesus for His personal contact with you.
When faith is shipwrecked upon the shores of man’s nature, God’s love and His grace is falsely defined by the struggles that are honed in that kingdom. Because ministers don’t know what grace is they don’t understand the purpose of the anointing and what it plays into and the value it has on the apostolic calling.
Just like God sent Apostle Paul to correct errors of thinking in the church as He placed a spotlight on the false Jesus and false gospel, God is doing the same thing today. God sent apostles into the church to again to take possession of the key of knowledge and turn His spotlight on the fake gospel. This puts a pin on the apostolic purpose, function, and operation.
Daily, ministers crawl out of the woodwork to offer correction, but they are simply complaining about what they see as wrong: wrong prophetic practices, wrong prosperity messages, wrong tithing practices, wrong leadership practices. However, they are not bringing the remedy that God placed in Jesus’ covenant, so are they apostles or prophets? No.
True apostles return the church to the covenant of Jesus Christ. And it is this qualification of an apostle – to teach Jesus’ covenant – that puts false apostles in a pinch.
Where people are heard to say that the apostle’s calling can’t be about knowledge, we hear God saying, it IS about knowledge. You can’t introduce your own brand of knowledge to the church and expect God to support it. How can you know God if your faith is bereft of the covenant knowledge that God works with? You have not only lost your way, but barring the door for others to find Jesus.
Luke 11:52
Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered.
The 6th Week of darkness stands in sharp contrast to the Second 8th Week of righteousness. As we move on in this teaching, you will see how God sets order to these contrasts, and you get an idea of what God is delivering you from. It’s hard to see the shift when you are still part of that culture. It’s like trying to read a compass in a dark forest.
Apostles Facilitate God’s Shift From Good Intentions to the Unity of the Faith
It’s also hard to see God’s shift when Satan leads the church to believe that sharing good intentions is the same as standing in the unity of the faith, when God says that it is not. We don’t see that darkened perspective in the First 8th Week when the apostles functioned in the full capacity of the calling as they led the church.
What do I mean by good intentions? As we listen to the fake gospel message preached today, we hear a message that is laced with good intentions that are meant to fill the many gaps where they have been observed. As ministers shake hands on a simple theme, the outcome remains a mystery because they don’t know what to look for.
What are some of these good intentions? Let’s consider a few made popular in modern Christianity that most have been exposed to. As we go through this list of good intentions, be sure to place a check mark next to the item(s) that speak to you.
1. Good intentions about being of a humble heart.
2. Good intentions to love one another as God loves us.
3. Good intentions to be the right role model for others.
4. Good intentions to have your faith be Christ-Centered.
5. Good intentions to be Spirit-led.
6. Good intentions to prophesy correctly.
7. Good intentions to be transparent and vulnerable.
8. Good intentions to be obedient to God.
9. Good intentions to reach the lost.
10. Good intentions to have God change you.
In other words, good intentions are another way of saying that, this is what I want to live out and here’s what I think that would look like. Each good intention is extremely heartfelt. I’m sure that many of you agree with the things itemized here and have also added to the list your own well-intentioned goals that you hold close to your heart.
The good intentions of the ministers of the 6th Week show us an error of thinking: that the effect of Christ can be experienced and become part of our life without our obedience to God’s due process. We talked about that a bit earlier when we said that false ministers are seen “sweeping the floor to gather up the fragments of the outward effect”.
In other words, the thinking is that we can have the effect without the framework of truth God set in place to govern and oversee the process to interact with us His way.
Here’s the reality: without God’s due process, the list of good intentions becomes nothing more than a cliché or a phrase we drop into our teaching with no reference to Jesus’ covenant terms and how we are walking in the priesthood where He engages with us – it’s another truism.
– Where there is no reference to Jesus’ covenant, there is no anchor for your faith no tether to God.
– Ministers famously tell the Architect (God) what they want to see and God is telling them that this is not possible with the current design they have chosen.
There’s a dangerous assumption that the virtue can be embraced, possessed, and walked in without God’s three-fold cord: 1) His spiritual government 2) His truth 3) His Spirit, which works with His new covenant in Jesus. There is an upsetting consequence to this lapse in judgment to ignore Jesus’ covenant. Let’s look at a few examples.
Why Love Language is NOT God’s Breadcrumb Trail
We just talked about love, so we’ll use love as an example again. There is nothing more applauded than love. False apostles and false ministers think they can hit a home run with love language, believing that the only commandment of the new covenant is to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself.
How can you make a mistake with something as simple as love?
When we touched on this earlier, we said that love becomes a truism when it is separated from Jesus’ covenant and made to reference self. You will notice love language peppered into everything from revamped communion prayers to fake revival calls, and new ministry visions as fake apostles try to show that they are on the verge of something new.
These are like breadcrumbs left on the path in the wilderness church for believers to find. Love breadcrumbs are left in sermons and teachings as signals that you are on the right path, but God is revealing the source of these breadcrumbs and where they lead.
I want to revisit physical communion services for a moment. Something to keep in mind about physical communion as it now features heavily into things Christians can do to show that they love Jesus, is that partaking of physical communion is NOT a tool (token) of the new covenant.
When Jesus said to “do this” in remembrance of me, He did not mean that we should re-enact the consumption of bread and wine as an act of devotion, but rather, Jesus was giving a nod toward those spiritual tools that would follow His resurrection beginning with the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the sign of tongues that would seal our adoption. We would pray in tongues and use this tool to reflect His virtue. (1 Cor. 11:23-29)
Jesus was going to the cross to shed His blood for His new and living covenant. The bread and wine He shared with His apostles were symbolic of the new knowledge and new spiritual tokens God designed in Him that we would use to partake of Him in remembrance of Him. These are living tokens.
Now that Jesus rose from the dead, we don’t use the symbols to touch Him, we use His living tokens to touch Him. Jesus’ spiritual government confirms this, His truth confirms it, and the Holy Spirit confirms it.
I want to show you the difference between the symbol (communion wafer and cup) and the reality. The real tools or tokens of the covenant represent God in your faith, and as you exercise your faith with them, they represent you before the throne of God.
The tools of the old covenant were physical, meaning that you could touch, taste, and handle them. But the tools of the new covenant are spiritual, meaning that Jesus completed our redemption in Himself. He is the token power of our redemption. (Col. 2:20-23)
There are 9 spiritual tools (tokens) of the new covenant that God sprinkled with Jesus’ blood to thus sanctify them for our use: government (apostolic stewardship), truth (the foundation), and Spirit (seal of our adoption and witness); the gifts, callings, and graces of God (stewardship of grace); prayer (praying in tongues), preaching (not a calling to preach, not evangelism, but rather to listen to the preaching of God’s government), and prophecy (priesthood prophecy).
– These 9 tools are of great consequence in terms of fruit bearing. They are the means by which we touch Jesus with our faith and He in turn touches us with His virtue.
– Our faith has no life of its own; it is Jesus who gives it life. God is redeeming us to Himself by Himself; hence Jesus is in the “token” or “tool”.
Your heart is turned to God by the token. Jesus is the one establishing a testimony for us in Himself. Man does not possess the virtue of God and cannot use love language to create it. Man is not born with the virtue of God. It is not in him. It is granted to us by faith. This helps define faith as our obedience to observe Christ in His tools to access His grace.
Each token in Jesus’ covenant is ordained of God to carry this divine legacy.
The tokens were prepared in Him before the foundation of the world in order to find their expression in us. These things identify us with His kingdom and seal our adoption for the inheritance that is yet to come as heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ (Rom. 8:17).
God’s mercy is upon Jesus Christ. God’s mercy is upon His token. The transference from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light takes place through Jesus Christ. The transference of the mercy of God and the blessings of God comes through Jesus Christ. The transference of grace to the heart is through Jesus Christ. Jesus is the token of transference. Therefore, we love God by reciprocating Christ according to His covenant.
Jesus’ instruction to us: “Your faith cannot labor with what I am without the power of my tokens that express who I am.” Hence, we use the token of our redemption—Jesus Christ. Daily, when you touch Jesus by using His tools, His virtue touches you to heal your soul. That virtue is called grace and that’s why grace is called a power and His tools are called power tools. That’s the living priesthood of the new covenant.
Now that we are equipped to observe Jesus in the tools of His own covenant, which we use daily to touch Him in our priesthood, we can discern why those who take physical communion are making a mistake. The symbolism does not carry the reality. You can’t pump love language into something that stood symbolically for the work Jesus would do through His covenant, to try to give meaning to your faith.
The assumption: The assumption is that the intent of the heart is nine-tenths possession of the virtue, and that’s a big barrier God is thankfully shattering. It assumes that the evidence of our heart’s desire should stand as a witness for truth, but it doesn’t.
Love language cannot bridge the gap.
Reciting love prayers while taking physical communion is a good example of how ministers of the 6th Week of darkness invented empty religious practices that are void of the power of God. When you say “amen” to the self-referencing love language that earmarks the fake gospel, you are agreeing to that hypocrisy.
Did you know: A hypocrite is one that is true to himself.
The reality: The fact is, the Holy Spirit will only bear witness to Jesus Christ’s covenant knowledge and tools because it is this foundation of truth and this sanctified activity of faith that God uses to form Christ in you.
– God uses apostles to create a covenant environment for your faith to be joined to all the things of Christ that God uses to build with you. Discipled and fully equipped, you are ready to build one another up in the faith with the measure of grace that gives daily gives you.
However, without a functioning knowledge of the new covenant of Jesus Christ, your faith continues to function with what you know – your natural design.
At this point, Christians who have been fathered in the faith during the 6th Week of darkness are seen to grab their Bibles to use scripture to talk through their points of reasoning as they move through their list of well-intentioned goals to self-justify that mindset and that labor.
Apostles Facilitate a Shift in Context
There’s a good reason why we’re not going to talk about what the Bible says about your specific list of well-intentioned goals. At first that might sound confusing, but stay with me on this point. The simple reason why we are not going to talk about what the Bible says is because God doesn’t start there to reason with us.
You will notice that true apostles guide the church in this shift in context from what the scriptures are supposedly saying to what God laid out for us in Jesus’ covenant. So, let’s do that now.
– The church of the 6th Week of darkness uses scripture to create context. They thought that God married scripture to scripture for them to validate their spiritual life apart from God’s covenant provisions in Christ. Their formula is that scripture answers scripture.
An example of this is seen when claiming to believe that there can be no other foundation but Jesus Christ. This is another truism, a true fact that is not connected to Jesus’ covenant terms, so it has no real function and is used to support a philosophy about God. It’s self-referencing knowledge, “turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness”, as Apostle Jude pointed out. (Jude 1:4)
When ministry heads and leaders quote the scripture that says that the church is built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus himself being the chief cornerstone, it sounds agreeable only because they’re quoting scripture.
But they are NOT talking about God’s process. They neglect to point out that their belief system is constructed of many conflicting truths, half-truths, and partial truths, which all point to a pile of rubble, not Jesus’ foundation.
What happens is that each minister holds in his hand a chisel, the tool of his imagination and he begins to work the problem he sees with this chisel, and in the process, he changes the stones of God’s foundation. One-by-one he changes each stone (element) to make the gospel into his own likeness. Is he still building on God’s foundation? No.
God gave the same commandment in Exodus 20:25, “And if thou wilt make me an altar of stone, thou shalt not build it of hewn stone: for if thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou hast polluted it.”
So, God gives a commandment to teach us His will that each of Jesus’ stones remain whole, not chiseled by our imagination. This confirms the oversight of apostles, God’s master builders. (1 Cor. 3:10-11)
-The Second 8th Week (s8w) is a return of God’s master builders (apostles).
Can you see the trick of the eye to claim what scripture says, but to walk contrary to it? Ministers also claim the effect of salvation without God’s process. They don’t have a priesthood, so they have to create something in its place.
Beyond question, God’s original foundation of truth IS rock solid, but the foundation of error ministers build upon is not. There is an assumption that scripture creates the reality, but in truth, scripture points to the process that takes place as apostles are actively present in the church to teach the foundation of truth which they set in the hearts of all of God’s saints.
Scripture cannot be used as a substitute for the foundation.
Why is that true? Scripture cannot be used as a substitute for the foundation because scripture does not create the reality – God does. God and His Word (Jesus) are one in purpose and one in power. We cannot build a foundation upon scripture, but upon Jesus himself – His covenant knowledge and terms for contact.
By this long-standing tradition to substitute scripture for the foundation of truth, we can see how scriptures are quoted and applied to a broken system. But that’s not how God works. We’re still talking about context.
God placed context in the covenant of Jesus for us to see His face.
– In truth, God placed context in the covenant of Jesus for us to see His face and to take on His likeness. God joins our faith to the things of Jesus’ covenant and the Holy Spirit bears witness to Jesus in the mobility of our faith for fruit bearing. This is God’s purpose. (2 Cor. 3:18; 2 Cor. 4:6)
God marries the covenant terms to Jesus’ tools, His apostolic stewardship, the priesthood of the saints, and the daily gifts of His propitiation that we all receive. All these work Christ in you.
Looking back on the list of good intentions, I want you to see something else: people use the scriptures to confirm their heart’s desire for God, but scripture does not confirm the heart of man, it confirms the heart of God and God’s promise in Jesus Christ, which comes from the covenant He paid for with His blood.
That’s what Jesus said: the scriptures were written to confirm ME.
John 5:46
For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me; for he wrote of me.
Apostles Lead Believers to Abandon the Old Wine
The mindset of good intentions that earmarked the church of the 6th Week of darkness has become the language of the lost. It occupies Christian thought and conversation. We begin to understand why God identifies the church of the 6th Week as the false religious system – the false church body – the old wine.
Most believers are hungry for this needful examination in the light of God’s truth in the presence of His anointing as they prepare themselves to shift to God’s covenant perspective, but some ministry leaders will continue to say that the old wine is better as they wrap the apostolic calling with evangelistic overtones.
The old wine thinking is to ignore the new covenant God made with us through Jesus and ignore that foundational knowledge and stewardship God called to get the church aligned to Him. The old wine thinking turns its back on God to continue to build with Christian concepts that were not born in His heart, but rather were born in the hearts of those who wanted to explore their faith without God’s oversight.
You will see God’s spotlight on today’s Christian culture and teaching to observe how far ministers have shifted away from the covenant God established for us in Jesus.
False Apostles Network for Damage Control
God’s rebuke against ministry leaders can seem harsh in light of the thousands of articles and books that are being written from the view point of ministry leaders who are now trying to network to recover from mistakes, looking for ways to police themselves rather than obey God.
And as they police themselves in an effort to self-govern, they point to what they believe they are accomplishing for God (bringing lost souls to Jesus), yet they cannot see that having rejected Jesus’ covenant, they are leading the lost to join them in a message God is a not a part of. They’re leading the church in the wrong direction.
Jesus brought this out to the church through Apostle John in Revelation chapters two and three. Jesus used the word “hate” in regard to false doctrine and He used the words “Satan’s seat” to refer to the origin of false knowledge used by ministers to govern His church. Jesus said that such independent truths would be “spit out” of His mouth.
This is language Jesus uses to tell us of His displeasure against ministry leaders who are non-confirming to His truth and nonproductive in results.
Damage control for ministry leaders means controlling the narrative.
Notice that God isn’t saying anything against the current Christian culture that ministers haven’t said themselves. It is often difficult for ministers to give up their assumed position at the helm of the church (a Diotrephes government). (3 Jn. 1:9-11)
It is easier to rewrite mission statements and rebrand failed revivals and movements as hallmarks of achievement as they lead the church back to baptismal pools as lambs to the slaughter.
Historically, mission statements and purpose statements borrow meaning from the turmoil of the 6th Week of darkness, hoping to articulate how change can be implemented to fix this or that. But that’s not the same as returning the church to Jesus’ covenant – that’s damage control.
– Counterfeit apostles and false apostolic interpretations are seen to operate in this damage control mode to work the problem rather than work from Jesus’ covenant.
The problem is that the apostolic calling cannot be defined with the language of the 6th Week. To those who are not walking with God according to His covenant in Jesus, defining the apostles calling is like unraveling a linguistic puzzle.
Forced to talk about what apostles do and how they operate without functioning in the calling and without operating in Jesus’ covenant, no concrete meaning can be forthcoming.
– God uses apostles as guides who hold the map to His covenant with us in Jesus. Without the map, people get lost in their walk with God.
The habit has been for ministers to draw their own map by talking about what they know and what they have read in the Bible. False leadership builds around the questions raised to distance themselves from the errors God is correcting through His true apostolic stewardship. As they call out for change (damage control) and go about fixing their own language (damage control), they paint a false picture of what God is doing. God is exposing this shame.
False Apostles Self-Identify the Calling
Regardless of ministry leaders changing their language and updating their points, they still cannot articulate the role apostles play in the modern church or how apostles operate beyond their own experience in the current corrupt system. They’re still setting up revival tents, they’re still leading people to baptismal pools, they’re still setting up communion tables, they’re still resourcing the law for their justification, and still build upon the history of the flesh because it is their foundation.
Self-identifying apostolic reformations never go beyond the scope of that expectation because they can’t go beyond the kingdom they are tethered to.
When God speaks of exacting reparations, He means that He sent apostles into the church to repair the damage done by false ministers of the gospel.
God is correcting those whom He regards as interlopers into the apostolic calling. Seen to peer through the window of the calling to see how they can jump into the role, they have no roots in the covenant of Jesus Christ and have no commitment to build God’s kingdom with His knowledge and tools. They hide in the shadows of Satan’s kingdom.
And although their presence is disruptive, they serve as a needful contrast that God builds between His true apostles today and the counterfeit.
Apostles Discern False Standards
I want you to see the interloper in action to hear what it sounds like when ministers try to unravel the apostles’ calling and describe what they see apostles doing as they measure the calling against what they consider honorable watermarks of achievement. In other words, they reverse engineer the calling by looking at so-called accomplishments in church history.
Brought up spiritually in the 6th Week, one assumes that each work that was set upon the timeline of error was ground breaking for them because they were hoping that each minister’s contribution would eventually lead to God’s great power, as if the ends justify the means. In other words, it doesn’t matter how many mistakes we make, as long as in the end, we’re part of what God is doing. However, a happy accident is not faith in God.
It’s a mistake to use the 6th Week of darkness to reverse engineer the apostolic calling.
The assumption: The assumption that many make is that the works of revivalists, evangelists, authors, and theologians must have been done by those who were apostles although they did not say they were apostles and did not know they were apostles – we can use them as our examples of the apostolic presence.
The truth: This is an example of reverse engineering the calling by building on the timeline of the 6th Week. However, defining the apostles calling in such a generalized way, no concrete meaning or function of an apostle is forthcoming.
Specious reasoning about the apostolic calling and operation is obvious. The interloper carefully sets on the table what he thinks supports the will of God, but it’s superficial knowledge: the substance of Jesus’ covenant is missing, the connection between stewardship and priesthood is broken, and Jesus’ spiritual tools are not used and the minister substitutes his own nature to replace Jesus, so it contradicts God’s will and is wrong.
The interloper of the apostolic also uses love language and gap language to try to relate to the broken state of the church, but he’s made a fatal error in making that the pattern.
The interloper talks about getting closer to God and making sure your heart is right with God (you may recognize these as items from your well-intentioned list), but offers no substance or reality for you to walk that out, so the language never changes because they’re forever trying to get closer to God.
However, when your faith is active in Jesus’ covenant, you are not trying to get closer to God because the tools join us to Him and His power is present as we daily build with Him. You can’t get closer because you have never departed from Him.
The Lord points out the many interlopers into the calling who use ambiguous language to define the function of a modern apostle in the church today. We’re going to look at 3 examples offered by the interlopers of the apostles’ calling to see how they define the calling of the apostle.
I’ll point out the ambiguous, self-referencing truths that earmark each definition. Lacking the key of knowledge to unlock Jesus’ covenant, these ministers fight to preserve a legacy of error.
I’ve added clarifiers in each of our 3 examples for you to see that the watermarks of church history are false measuring rods – the 6th Week of darkness is being referenced rather than Jesus Christ.
1. It has been said that an apostle is a church planter.
This false definition of an apostle was believed because this watermark was observed in their own history (the 6th Week of darkness). Yet we know that error produces error. Planting more church that carry the same error perpetuates error, it does not establish the church in righteousness, or increase the body of Christ in His virtue.
2. It has been said that an apostle is a father of movements.
This false definition of an apostle was believed because this watermark was also observed as many ministers made many attempts to reawaken a dead church (the 6th Week of darkness). Each “movement” was doomed to failure before it even began. Let’s look at a few of these movement.
– The Call was a movement that failed to awaken the church. God’s true purpose for the church was redirected to the false commission – to evangelize souls into the false church. Ministers abandoned God’s covenant goal and drove discipleship in the wrong direction. The saints, robbed of Jesus’ covenant, were unfruitful in God’s kingdom.
– The Laughter Movement, otherwise known as holy laughter, or the Toronto Blessing, or the Brownsville Revival was another movement that failed to awaken the church. Seducing spirits stirred the passion of man and ministers tried to make this a pattern for other churches to follow. Having abandoned Jesus’ apostolic stewardship, His covenant was set aside to pursue false signs.
– The Prophetic Movement, including declaring scripture, praying scripture, prophesying scripture, prophesying into each other’s lives, was another movement that failed to awaken the church to priesthood prophecy – the true tradition of faith where the saints prophesy Christ according to the record established in His blood. The Prophetic Movement introduced the deadly practice of psycho-phecy to prophesy the state of man’s defiled conscience, following the psychology of this world.
– The Prosperity Movement and Healing in the Atonement Movement set forth principles to teach people how to get a touch from God and how to get God involved with their finances. These movements failed to awaken the church and failed to disciple believers in the new covenant practice that God sanctified with Jesus’ blood.
Add to these false movements the many fads and spiritual fast-food markets that were raised up to fill the needs created by neglecting Jesus’ covenant, we see many more heads of the hydra.
Let’s add to the list of movements and ministerial mishaps the following:
1 – the music ministry
2 – the flag waving ministry, puppetry ministry
3 – the blowing of the shofar ministry
4 – children’s ministry, men’s ministry, woman’s ministry, teens ministry
5 – tent ministry, evangelistic ministry
6 – deliverance ministry
7 – prayer ministry
8 – afterglow ministries
9 – celebrating Christ through communion tables
10 – washing feet ministry
11 – Christian counseling ministry
Keep in mind that some of these same things (like prayer, prophecy, reading the scriptures, gifts, and deliverance) have a different function inside Jesus’ covenant. Once they are taken outside of Jesus’ covenant they are used to serve man, not God. Also keep in mind that some of the things we just talked about don’t belong in ministry at all because they are either resourced from Moses’ covenant or the kingdom of the flesh.
So again, God is addressing the church that is anti-covenant. God is addressing those who have for some reason neglected the new covenant terms, meaning that the priesthood of the believer is nonexistent. Robbing the saints of their priesthood, robs God of fruit.
This witness is true and is a black mark against the false religious system.
Every movement in the false church body did only one thing, point to gaps that ministers were trying to fill as they tried to awaken a church they had put to sleep. Every time a minister admitted to his mistakes, he said that he “fixed it”, but in truth he simply adjusted his sights and continued on in error, neglecting Jesus’ covenant and denying His stewardship.
3. It has been said that an apostle oversees a number of churches as a spiritual father.
This false definition of an apostle was believed because this watermark was also observed. Each spiritual franchise seemed to offer a home to the weary, but was actually a breeding ground for false doctrine (the 6th Week of darkness). Denying the saints the covenant of Jesus Christ denies them the power of the resurrected Christ.
In each of these examples, We see a church that is completely devoted to their own particular interest and not the kingdom of God.
We also see the false stones of church history utilized by the false religious system. As ministers of the fake gospel point to the figureheads of their history (both dead and living relics) as the voice of confirmation, the voice of God is silent.
God had not placed these rejected stones upon His prophetic path.
There were many movements in the days of Jesus claiming to bring deliverance because the Messiah was expected on the horizon and God gave many confirming dreams and prophesies about Jesus’ arrival and these revelations were being shared. Some, like Barabas and Judas Iscariot, took it upon themselves to fulfill the vision.
But Jesus never took ownership of these degenerate trees and never directed His disciples to partake of their fruit.
There is a good reason why God called apostles to oversee the diet of the church. Apostles are entrusted with truth and God trusts them not to draw from the well of man’s nature (to please men), but to draw from the well of His covenant knowledge to please Him. (1 Thess. 2:4)
God shows us why the church needs a restart in the covenant of Jesus Christ. The Second 8th Week is the second wave of apostolic influence in the church to bring the church back to Jesus.
Apostles Discern the True Light Versus the False Light
As I brought from the very beginning, God’s correction against the church of the 6th Week is on the basis of knowledge. The light of Christ’s pure knowledge was replaced with the theological traditions, partial truths, and half-truths that is the ambiguous gospel we hear preached today.
This false light is the light of man’s nature, which God calls darkness and likens that darkened perspective to blindness, which we’ll look at now in more detail as we get into the allegory God built for us in Samson.
Notice the confusion that has chased the church for generations. We can now see what apostolic government is moving away from: partial truths, half-truths, ambiguous knowledge, and the tradition of man that brought the church into bondage because God is not working salvation with that mindset. (Mt. 6:23)
Notice what God provides through true apostolic government: He has regifted the church with the one foundation of truth to return the church to Jesus’ covenant, which is the way of the Lord and the path of righteousness.
Samson’s Two Eyes Are Seared by His Captors
God likens the church today to Samson’s tragic loss of sight to make a needful connection to His truth. Originally, God’s power was revealed through Samson’s hair, which secret Samson revealed to the object of his affections, Delilah. This cost him not only God’s power, but his sight which his captors, the Philistines, took away. As they made Samson grind their grain in their mills, he lamented in great sorrow his disobedience to God. (Judg. 16:17-21)
Keep in mind that what happened to Samson is an allegory. God intended to create a testimony in Samson that would be unfolded in Christ to preserve our faith in Him.
So, let’s unpack the symbolism that God placed in Samson.
Samson’s two eyes being put out by his captors represents blindness of the church during the 2,000 years the church would go into captivity (the 6th Week of darkness).
Notice that Samson’s power was placed in the length of his hair; for God’s commandment was that Samson’s hair should not be cut and God said that the day he cut his hair would be the day he lost his power and would become weak like other men. So, God made a connection between Samson’s hair and the power He gave to Samson as a gift.
Taking this symbolism to the condition of the church today, Samson’s hair represents the truth of Jesus Christ which was designed by God to equip our faith with His power as long as His truth was not cut back by the sheers of Satan’s lies, cleverly disguised in appealing doctrines and traditions of men that have won the affections of the church, just as Delilah stole Samson’s heart.
Where does God place His power?
God places His power in Hs truth; the truth of Jesus’ covenant, the terms and tools God vowed to empower to join us to Himself. God set the grounds for our contact with Him to facilitate our increase in His kingdom. God joined the apostolic stewardship to the priesthood of each believer to enable spiritual growth.
The purpose of apostles in the First 8th Week was to set this foundation of truth in the heart of each believer to give them the blueprint of knowledge God empowers with His living, active, present witness, and this is the same thing apostles do today.
There is no denying that the foundation knowledge of Jesus’ covenant is the very truth believers need today. But ministers deny God the fruit of this contact by saying, “We can cut back on Jesus’ covenant knowledge and tools because we are working with another set of knowledge – our good intentions.”
Through Samson, God is telling the story of the 6th Week of darkness, so let’s move on with more of the symbolism. What did Delilah do in her betrayal of Samson? She cut his hair and then shared his secret to Samson’s enemies as she turned Samson over to them.
And what’s the first thing that Samson’s enemies (the Philistines) did to him? They put out his eyes. So, God creates a connection between truth being cut back and spiritual blindness.
I want to now look more closely at Samson’s labor in the house of the enemy, for he “did grind in the prison house”. (Judg. 16:21)
If we can just picture that for a moment. Samson is blindly going in circles as he grinds the mill that makes the bread that feeds his captors. Here again, God uses symbolism that speaks of the importance of knowledge. Bread = the knowledge that feeds our soul, even as Jesus said He was the true bread that came down from heaven. (Jn. 6:33-35)
God uses Samson to illustrate what it means to labor with false knowledge. Samson is laboring in the knowledge of the enemy to feed them and his captors mocked him for it.
That is a sad but accurate picture of the church today and the history of the church over the last 2,000 years since the early apostles passed from the Christian landscape. The enemy, the devil took the church captive by first robbing faith of the knowledge of Christ (Samson’s hair is cult) and thus removing God’s light, thereby causing spiritual blindness (Samson’s eyes are put out). Christians were forced to labor with false knowledge (Samson grinding at the mill of his captors).
The many books, articles, mission statements, ministry visions, and spiritual movements that are churned out yearly is the bread of this world, made from the knowledge of this world that appeals to the appetite of the natural man. The world sees the many contradictions and mocks our Lord for it.
Seeing that apostles were an unrepresented calling in the body, many tried to fulfill the vision themselves without receiving a calling from God and more importantly, without being schooled in Jesus’ covenant knowledge. So, just as Samson’s hair was cut by Delilah, ministers of unrighteousness deceptively cut the knowledge of Christ from the church.
The Grace of a True Apostle
The measure of grace given to the apostolic calling is to unfold the mystery of Christ in the fulness of Jesus’ covenant to fully equip the saints to function with Jesus’ tools as they work with the anointing in their priesthood in and out of the assembly. God takes all the things of Christ to create in us the likeness of His Son.
However, when men of corrupt minds took up the mantle to teach the church, the bread (knowledge) of this world was chosen to replace God’s truth. You will notice that false apostles describe the function of an apostle by likening the gift of the apostle to human characteristics and human signatures, and human skill factors.
They draw upon the kingdom of the flesh to try to fill a perceived need, to thus represent the calling in a natural way so that it would make sense to the world in which they live, so of course it makes sense to the carnal mind.
However, God divided the nature of man from His divine nature. God divided the spiritual from the natural, the kingdom of the flesh from His kingdom. God did this to give distinction for Christ, where He placed His fulness. God’s fulness is in Christ, not in our human signature placements and alignments.
John 1:16
And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace.
Ephesians 1:23
Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.
Romans 15:29
And I am sure that, when I come unto you, I shall come in the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ.
We partake of the fullness of Christ y in the work of His covenant for regeneration – that is what we function with.
Many ministers fall short of God’s glory because they fall short of the perfect will of God. They saw God’s handiwork in their signature skills, they saw His handiwork in their natural moral code, and they saw His handiwork in the God-Code of their own design and thought this raw material could be matched up with scripture to be used to give purpose to the apostolic calling, but it doesn’t.
The nature of man cannot be drawn upon to show God’s Intelligent Design for Christ-Centered Spiritual Transformation because God does not center His work in our nature, He centers it in Christ’s nature for our benefit there.
Just to be clear: we’re looking at how the grace of God for the apostolic calling is confused with signature callings and signature giftings.
False apostolic stewards look for the will of God in earthly things, asking, “What are you good at (naturally speaking, natural skills)? Let’s see how that might play out in God’s kingdom for His good.”
Have you acquired skills as a business man? Then it would make sense that you are that kind of apostle, you are good at networking, you have good organizational skills, you can represent God in that sphere to be an influence. False apostles tie a function to that.
False apostolic leadership asks you to look within. Have you acquired skills as a doctor, or community leader, or mechanic, or food critic? You are encouraged to prospect that natural vein to see how you can use that raw material to contribute to the list of good intentions and visions of pretense.
But you must know that this labor represents the nature of man in his unique signature design, not the nature of Christ. The two are not the same.
Notice that the natural design DOES have a spiritual feel to it because God DID imprint the soul with these unique facets, but God did not place Jesus there, so He did not place our faith there. God separated the nature of man from the divine design in Jesus’ covenant to create contrast and to point out the chaff, how it is different from the wheat. Look at what they pursue! They pursue the natural design to find God’s will there rather than look for the will of God in Jesus.
In Romans chapter 8 verses 4-9, Apostle Paul shows how God set these two kingdoms (flesh and Spirit) against each other for contrast to teach us where the fulness of Christ cannot be found. This also tests the heart. God asks, “Will you love me with the things of Christ that I placed for you in my covenant of love to engage with me, or will you try to love me through the things I placed in your natural design – thus only loving yourself?”
False apostles will NOT choose to stand in the things of Christ’s covenant, but rather choose to find God’s purpose in the natural design of their own soul and thus continue to enslave the body of Christ (just as the Philistines enslaved Samson) to grind for them.
Going back to the dream vision God gave me in in September 14, 1981 where I was inside Jesus, opening the prison cells at His command, not only did God set the prisoners free, but He fed them the true bread (knowledge of Christ).
The function of a true apostle is not in the natural kingdom, but in the kingdom of God working with the tokens of Christ who is the power and will of God, even as Apostle Paul taught in Romans chapter 12.
Romans 12:2
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
We underlined the “good”, “acceptable”, and “perfect” will of God because we’re going to talk about that now.
Good: is found in the biblical history for believers to observe to see God’s handiwork in His plan through the stewards of each Enochian Week. We also see God’s handiwork in the creation of our own natural design and we call that good, too, for our function in this world, but not our function in His kingdom.
Acceptable: is found in the transitions of the covenants and how God introduces change through stewardship. God shows us which covenant is acceptable to Him and which is not, which tools are acceptable now because He sprinkled the blood of His Son upon them, and which tools are not acceptable (those tools that were sprinkled with the blood of an animal).
Perfect will of God: is the present working of the Holy Spirit building faith upon the foundation of truth for regeneration and the purging of the conscience. God uses the covenant tokens of Christ to engage with us to change our nature. Our priesthood is Christ and nothing of man enters into that holy priesthood.
In this new apostolic era, Christians are losing their taste for the bread of bondage and God is again freeing them to accept His perfect will, and to agree to build their faith upon the holy tradition of Christ found only in His covenant truth, to taste of the true bread of life.
Acts 26:18
To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.
At this point of deliverance from the false gospel, there’s a beautiful point that God brings out in Samson that is an allegory for the church today as she casts off the yoke of bondage (false knowledge). You may remember that after a while Samson’s hair grew back and as it did, so did his strength again manifest that gift of God. In his renewed strength, Samson took hold of the two pillars of the idols temple and brought down the house of bondage. (Judg. 16:22-30)
This symbolizes how the pillars of the 6th Week are being brought down by the anointing. Reading the account in Judges, did you catch that Samson died when he brought down the house of idols? Spiritually speaking, this is an allegory to what is happening in the church today. As Christians accept the yoke of Jesus’ covenant knowledge and accept the apostolic stewardship, they die to the religious aspirations that led them astray.
Those religious aspirations are the very thing that is feeding ministers today and fueling ideas about apostles that are contrary to God, and fueling reform messages that are contrary to God.
Every contrary decision to stand against God represents a deep-seated deception, so, let’s talk about that to see how Delilah is represented in those choices.
Money was the condition of betrayal of Jesus and also of Samson, and so it is today. Taking this beyond the obvious prosperity message, let’s talk about gain in another way. Many ministers spent their whole life investing their time building a reputation for themselves in support of the false church body, false revival calls, and false leadership systems.
So, we can see that the Lord is not speaking specifically about financial gains, but achievements while in the 6th Week that they though were ministerial gains. Ministers spent their whole life sowing worthless seed, so now the challenge from the Lord says, “Do you love me more than your life? Are you willing to walk away from a lifetime spent sowing into the wrong kingdom?”
The Lord is saying, “The mixed seed that is in your bag (the knowledge of Moses mixed with the nature of man and the matters of the world, mixed with my knowledge) is worthless seed. Will you remain in the shadows of Satan’s darkened perspective or will you come to partake of my fulness in my house?”
All is forgiven in Jesus’ covenant and none are turned away.
But choosing to turn from the understanding of Jesus’ doctrine and blueprint of truth and choosing to put your trust in false stewards bears the mark of shame. Anything less than Christ is marked by God and given a name “shame” because it bears the likeness of Satan.
The stewardship of error led the church into the house of bondage where believers became blind, unable to see Jesus, meaning that they are unable to distinguish the divine blueprint of truth from the features of their own nature.
When Christians say that they feel lost, or trapped by so many different ministry voices and so many confusing half-truths about Jesus, that’s God’s way of describing spiritual blindness.
You must know that revival is not God’s answer. It is merely a reset button to try to start over and rediscover your first love and avoid the mistakes of the past. It is a rededication of sorts. But God is not asking you to start again to repeat the errors of the past, which is what we see happening in revival meetings everywhere. God is not asking you to extend the 6th Week of darkness.
Ephesians 4:18
Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart:
The blindness of the heart that rules the false church body is what God points out through the allegory He planted in Samson. Spiritual blindness begins when the understanding of God’s covenant through Jesus is darkened by false knowledge.
Apostle Paul instructed that the understanding of false ministers is darkened through the ignorance that is IN them. What is the “ignorance that is IN them”? Ministers ignorantly borrow meaning from the record and design of their own souls to try to relate to God’s meaning in the scriptures to create another gospel. They don’t do this on purpose, they do it being ignorant of what’s going on.
Apostle Paul points out how dangerous this ignorance is – it alienates them from the life of God. The blinded heart feels competent to lead the church, but is leading the church further into darkness.
This bad habit to follow the rhythm of the flesh rather than the rhythm of the Spirit has been passed down from generation to generation.
The Apostle Paul saw the false religious system forming and breaking away from the true church in the First 8th Week and he instructed believers how to discern the distinctions between the true church and the false church in his epistles. Apostle John, Apostle Peter, Apostle James, and Apostle Jude did the same thing.
The apostles of the Second 8th Week follow in the footsteps of the original apostles of the First 8th Week to do as they did – we preach and teach the covenant of Jesus Christ in its fulness to lead the church into God’s process of regeneration. We are also guarding the church against the many ministers of unrighteousness who walk in the imagination of their own hearts to take the church captive.
-Apostle Eric vonAnderseck
Founder Second 8th Week® Ministries
Author of the IDCCST® Course
Lesson Two: The Testimony of an Apostle
In the next installment, I will share more about the testimony of Jesus in the apostolic calling He gave to me so that you can take confidence in God’s perfect will to transition the church to the covenant gospel He restored at this time. I have seen Jesus and walked with Him and have recorded over 8,000 heavenly visions and manifestations of the Lord in many signs and wonders.
The Making of an Apostle
The re-gifting of the apostolic character is God’s turning point, so that is going to be a constant thread in this lesson series as we observe how the church was held captive in the 6th Week and how God turned the tide now in the Second 8th Week.
As I get into the testimony of God’s calling upon me in this lesson, I will share how God spoke to me in the throne room of glory before I was born. I’ll share the visions of the Lord, how I witnessed Jesus’ birth and resurrection as one born out of due time. I’ll share what I saw in the visitations of the Lord, as Jesus gave me an apostolic tour of the broken church.
I saw what Jesus saw and I travailed heavily in the Spirit. As I awoke from Jesus’ second visitation in 1984, still travailing and weeping, I asked the Lord, “What will you have me to do?” As I sat down to write an account of this visitation, God’s power was still surging through my body and my hand shook and it was hard to write, and it was then that I felt Jesus’ hand over my own to steady it and I wrote, “Tell them I am come to give life. I am come to bring them out of darkness. ~Love Jesus.”
In this telling revelation, Jesus makes a clear distinction between the life that He gives in His covenant versus the current condition of the church which is in darkness. I’ll share the details of this visitation a bit later and talk about what Jesus showed me.
- God is doing a new thing in the church!
When I teach that God is doing a new thing in the church in this new apostolic era, and that restoration is for YOU, I mean that a transition is taking place from darkness to life, and that transition is through the door to Jesus’ covenant.
As we get further into God’s restoration story, we will learn why His story starts with apostles. God has again visited His church with many signs and confirmations, which began before my birth and have continued to this day as a testimony to God’s charge to me to restore His church and set His house in order.
- The new apostolic era is about making sure that you are a part of this transition and that you are equipped with everything that was withheld from you when false shepherds ruled the church.
Before we move on, I want to briefly comment again on what Jesus said to me after His apostolic tour of the broken church, when He said, “Tell them I am come to give life. I am come to bring them out of darkness. ~Love Jesus.” That’s a strange thing to say, that the church is in darkness, and it might be hard to wrap your head around that, so we have to ask why the church is in darkness.
If we can talk about that for a minute, what does that mean? First of all, God defines darkness as a state of ignorance. The teachings that Christians grew up on left them ignorant of the covenant, ignorant of true stewardship, ignorant of true prophecy, and ignorant of the new priesthood and how God builds His likeness in us.
Ephesians 4:18
Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart:
Most Christians are ignorant of Jesus’ covenant!
And even though the current prophetic and charismatic bodies of ministry say that they are excited about God’s change, they are not agreeable to Jesus’ covenant and have made a choice to stand against it. They want to steer the church in the direction that they envisioned, which means that they intend to do everything in their power to keep you ignorant of Jesus’ covenant and to hold you prisoner in their self-imposed exile from the life of God.
And while ministers point at denominational houses to say that God is calling people out of religiosity, God is pointing at them and saying, “I’m bringing you out of your independent ministry tents to show you my true light in MY temple.”
- The testimony of my apostolic calling is not imaginary; it is not something I envisioned during prayer; it is not something I “sensed”; it is not about declarations I made in the hopes of bringing something to pass.
- The testimony of my apostolic calling is not about seeing clouds in the sky that seemed to look like Jesus, nor is it about an epiphany moment of insight while sitting on a rock.
To be clear: God is not building a ministry (calling) around random impressions. In this lesson we’ll look at an example of a calling that was fabricated from impressions. These impressions are like revelation apple picking. Picking an apple from a tree that you pass on the way does not show ownership of the orchard. (Deut. 23:24-25)
- The anointing works with the fruit, the tree, and the root of God’s kingdom.
God is constructing a house. All the power gifts are the furniture of the house. God has invested in this divine, sanctified work and process of His government. However, a government is not someone sitting in a chair, it is a whole system, and God wants you to be a part of it.
My apostolic calling has been confirmed with 10,000+ recorded power gifts. Confirmation upon confirmation, dew upon dew, fire upon fire, vision upon vision, dream upon dream, voice upon voice, sign upon sign, hand upon hand, token upon token, word upon word, rings upon rings, garments upon garments, power upon power, kiss upon kiss, wonders upon wonders, God’s divine testimony upon the stewardship of His grace is sealed and cannot be broken, or stolen, or silenced.
The Transformation of the Church by the Real Apostolic Anointing
We’ll talk about the real apostolic presence in the church that God sanctified, and we’ll also talk about the counterfeit apostles who are not sanctified. God gives us this contrast to build discernment for His saints.
Just to be clear, there are no extraordinary powers that God gives to His apostles as we have seen some claim on social media. There is no special “mantle” as others claim. Establishing the real apostolic character and calling is a two-edged sword, for as God removes the rhetoric and counterfeit claims, He is also setting order to the real apostolic calling and anointing.
As an apostle, I am subject to the same grace as all those in God’s restored house and I go through the same daily growth cycles with Jesus’ tools as everyone else, and I benefit from the stewardship of grace in the priesthood of each saint as they also benefit from the gifts God sows into the body through each member. (Eph. 4:16; 1 Pet. 2:5-9; 1 Pet. 4:10)
But when it comes to establishing the foundation of truth in the heart to ground the saints in Jesus’ covenant record which is the truth of His salvation and the only way of the Lord, the grace of the calling shines brightly through His apostles. The apostles speak in the knowledge of that doctrine to equip the saints to walk with God according to His standard and provision in Christ.
There is an important reason why God restricts our faith to operate only in the new covenant. He is providing Himself for our redemption. The better covenant has a living mediator, the living Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus rose from the dead to provide Himself as a living contact for our faith to express Him. (Heb. 8:6)
There is none higher than God and, therefore, we praise God with the token of Himself – Jesus Christ. God’s goal every day is to create His divine nature in us. The fruit of Christ in us reflects the highest value and is the praise of God’s glory, the living crown of His virtue. (Eph. 1:6; Eph. 5:9; 2 Pet. 1:3-4)
If anything is extraordinary, God’s daily work in you is extraordinary. But at the same time, it is the normal, everyday work of the Spirit that is now happening in the restored church. Still, ministers who have lagged behind and have remained in the church of the 6th Week of darkness do not perceive Jesus’ covenant gospel as normal.
- Ministry leaders grew up on extra revelation.
The ministry leaders you see on social media every day were taught by false stewards and false shepherds who had skipped God’s process and divine design. They were taught to go outside of the boundaries of Jesus’ covenant gospel to find the will of God.
Extra revelation means to go outside of God’s provision in Christ; to draw from another source to set order to the nature of man; to add to God’s divine design and blueprint of truth, or to take away from it; to take the things that God provided in Christ and use them in the kingdom of the flesh as a blueprint to build your own peace and equity apart from God.
Ministry leaders grew up accepting that extra revelation was necessary to complete the missing parts of their faith. They accepted the idea that truth as a whole cannot be known, and that one fateful choice changed the course of their faith journey.
Their mentors and church fathers before them introduced faith journeys in search of the will of God. When looking out over the Christian landscape, we can see many pillars of salt, and all these pillars of salt are standing memorials to those who looked back as Lot’s wife did. She is a sign to this generation.
Lot’s wife is a sign to those who claim the truth and claim to move in the Spirit, and claim to follow the voice of God, but they align the scriptures to the familiar ways of their nature which they want to preserve. They too have turned back in their hearts, meaning that they use the scriptures to reference self. They claim to have the salt, but their faith is self-referencing. They can never progress with God. They’re not actually going anywhere because they were never established in the faith. (Gen. 19:26; Lk. 17:32)
Instead of establishing God’s people in the covenant and record of Jesus’ blood, believers have been taught to reenact what they read in the Bible to establish themselves in the will of God. But the will of God is not established in the Bible. Rather, the will of God is established in Jesus Christ and revealed in His normal covenant knowledge. Every scripture in the Bible confirms Jesus Christ and His covenant as the way of salvation, and the Holy Spirit is God’s living witness that Jesus is the record we follow.
God’s Restoration Story Begins with Apostles
Believers CAN read the Bible and should read the Bible, but they CANNOT establish themselves in the faith, and the current condition of the church is proof of that. That’s why God’s restoration story begins with apostles.
1 Corinthians 12:28
And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.
We underlined “first apostles” because God has not changed His mind about His purpose for apostles. God set the boundaries of our faith in Jesus Christ and therefore our faith is restricted to the terms of His new covenant.
God gave only ONE pattern which living apostles unfold to the church.
Our faith is to follow the living record of Jesus Christ by covenant. Our faith then reflects Jesus and all the fulness of Christ follows. Whatever record you embrace, you embrace the power behind it, which will always bear witness to that record. If you receive the record of the flesh for faith, you live by that power unto condemnation. But if you receive the record of Jesus Christ for faith, you live by the power of the Spirit.
We understand the true significance of the presence of the apostles in the church and why God placed them first in His spiritual government when we read their instructions to the saints. Miracles are not first, prophets and teachers are not first, healings and helps are not first, the gifts are not first, helps are not first – apostles are first.
The apostles teach the saints the language of God’s new covenant in Jesus to season their understanding. Apostles teach the saints how to use Jesus’ spiritual tools as God establishes His personal one-on-one contact with them. Unless the covenant is put into practice, people cannot grasp its full import.
The full import of that original gospel both equips and empowers the saints in their priesthood, bringing all the fullness of Christ as God daily creates His fruit in you – that’s the daily miracle that God calls regeneration and He’s inviting you into that process.
- The Second 8th Week (s8w) establishes God’s will for apostles.
Colossians 1:1
Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Timotheus our brother,
Modern ministry leaders say that the will of God for apostles has changed, but God’s reason for their presence today is the same as it was in the early church. God said “I am the Lord, I change not”, so God did not change His mind about apostles. But when ministers lost sight of God’s will for apostles, they also lost sight of the reality of Jesus’ covenant. (Mal. 3:6)
- The reality of Jesus’ covenant has gone unseen until now.
Many Christians believe they have the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ; they say that they are living for Jesus and seeking to do God’s will, but in reality, the knowledge of God’s will was lost during the 6th Week of darkness. In the absence of Jesus’ apostles, the church accepted the fake gospel in place of the foundation of truth, and now God has implemented His reset to restore the apostles of Christ to bring back the knowledge of the covenant and the stewardship of the covenant.
God’s plan is to reconstitute the calling and influence of the apostle in the church as it was in the beginning, to reestablish the original foundation of truth in your heart, thus giving the church a new birth. Bringing the church back to the original foundation is not extra revelation, but rather it is God’s call to enter into the sheepfold, as Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow ME:” (John 10:27)
God again confirmed His will to re-gift the church with the calling and influence of the apostles in a vision I received on December 18, 2024. The Lord visited me during the night and a bright light shone in my room. I saw a floating shimmering light that was shaped like a butterfly.
Just like the Holy Spirit came down upon Jesus like a dove to symbolize God’s sanctifying presence and witness, the Holy Spirit came down in this vision like a butterfly to signify the transformation of the church. (Mt. 3:16)
I saw the beautiful butterfly of brilliant light land on a child’s hand that was held by the Father’s hand. Suddenly, as I looked on, the child’s hand transformed into the 12 apostles. I saw the 12 apostles standing together in a group photo.
This heavenly vision represents the transformation of the church and the joining of the apostles of the Second 8th Week to the apostles of the First 8th Week. We are the young apostles in the Father’s hand. We’re just starting, and the Second 8th Week is in its infancy.
The wondrous transformation of the church that is taking place now is by the power of God, just as it was in the beginning when the first generation of apostles oversaw its foundation, function, and growth.
God Sets the Stage for His Real Apostles
I want to continue to set the stage for God’s true purpose for the apostles of Christ and God’s plan to transition the church from the many false teachings that dominated the church to the true instruction of Jesus’ covenant way.
What is God’s plan for us to keep covenant with Him? How has He supplied for the activity of our faith? What are His goals for us individually, and how has the church departed from the covenant to preach another Jesus?
Speaking to this generation that has been raised on the spiritual diet of the diverse teachings produced by the Jesus Movement through many ministry offshoots, the Lord gets to the heart of the issue and we come to understand why the Second 8th Week is circled on God’s calendar.
There are many counterfeit apostles and prophets in the modern church campaigning for change. When I say “counterfeit” apostles, I mean those who have re-contextualized the apostles’ calling to fit into their current ministry visions and their own rendering of church history.
They announce a new season for the church and quote Acts 3:21 where God speaks of the “restitution of all things”, but they can’t go beyond quoting the scripture to say what exactly those “things” are that belong to Jesus’ covenant that God is restoring to the church. Instead, they talk about their own visions for the church as they maintain the corrupt traditions they invented that kept the church imprisoned.
- These ministry leaders are not restorers of the faith, they are plunderers of the faith.
Counterfeit apostles, teachers, pastors, prophets, and evangelists see God’s move to restore His real apostles as a threat and they caution against extra revelation, but as we have seen, that ship has sailed, and the impact of the false knowledge they daily peddle as truth has gutted the church. This trend cannot be reversed by re-inventing the Jesus Movement in hopes of getting it right the second time around. God has His own plans to cleanse and renew His church.
Signs and Wonders: The Latter Rain
Hosea’s prophecy speaks of God’s promise to revive, or give life again to the church after two thousand years of darkness, saying, “After two days [two thousand years] He will revive us…” (Hosea 6:2)
In Hosea 6:3 we read of God’s promised rain in the end times, saying, “…he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.” God is again watering His church with the true grace of His anointing, and He has put His drops of dew upon the new apostolic stewardship as a sign and wonder to this end time generation.
I began to experience this physically back on April 4, 2015 as a sign from God. I began to feel drops of water hitting my arm or my face while inside the house while I studied the Bible, or while in prayer, or while simply pouring a cup of coffee. Sometimes it was only one drop and sometimes it was 3 to 5 drops that would hit me. Each time this happened I looked up to see where water could be coming from, but there was no plumbing issue, no leaking roof, and it was not raining outside. I began to record these drops as the Lord brought Hosea chapter 6, verse 3 to mind.
From the first time I experienced the dew of God’s grace falling on me on April 4, 2015, to this day almost 10 years later, the Lord has allowed this manifestation to continue. I have recorded 2,468 drops of dew that have fallen upon me while indoors. The drops have grown in intensity to where many times the drops have felt like a big splash.
God is testifying to this generation of His new beginning for the church; for that which the dew falls upon carries God’s blessing to nurture the soul with the substance of His table.
I will later share with you important dream visions I received in 1983, 1995, and 2008 of Apostle John of the Bible, Prophet Ezekiel of the Bible, and Apostle Peter of the Bible, and many signs and wonders of God’s hand upon me.
This is the only ministry today that God has placed His name upon to join the Weeks into one timeframe of fulfillment. This is a new beginning and time of restoration before the second consummation.
God spoke in an audible voice during praying in the hearing of both myself and my wife, Teacher Maria, saying, “Thank you.” Isaiah prophesied, “Behold, I and the children whom the Lord hath given me are for signs and for wonders.” God has given many signs for the comfort of His saints because He knows the challenges to this generation as He positions the church to make the transition to His covenant to return to Him. (Isaiah 8:18a)
God knows that many of you do accept His signs, but only on the condition that He does not touch your teachings and traditions that you have come to trust. But from God’s perspective, the many treasured teachings you have gathered over the years were not born of His throne. It’s a pile of rubble you have been protecting, and God is releasing you from the arduous labor to continue to babysit it.
According to the biblical pattern, God gives many divine dreams and visions to those whom He calls. Those apostolically confirmed into the government of His kingdom as His apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers have all received many divine signs. But God is also cutting away the counterfeit apostles and prophets who deny Jesus’ covenant and stewardship as they continue to lead the broken church in their theological and prophetic circles to bring them into further depths of darkness.
- The broken church of the 6th Week of darkness has not gone unnoticed.
As ministry leaders own up to their role in contributing to the mess that is called the modern church, they skillfully dodge God’s challenge. God continues to say that it is not scandals and moral failures that produced the rubble they are sifting through, but rather their careless neglect of Jesus’ covenant that has broken the church.
We talked about the church of the 6th Enochian Week in length in Lesson 1, so if you missed that, head over to that study when you get the chance. The question is, how did the church find herself in this tough situation in the first place, completely void of true apostolic leadership and instruction?
The True Apostolic Blessing Comes at a Price
Ministry leaders have come to the sobering realization that the real apostolic blessing comes at a price. As they find themselves at the crossroad of covenant, costly decisions are being made as they select their own Korah leadership.
Let’s look at Korah for a moment: Who was Korah and what did he do that reflects ministry leadership styles today? Korah and his group of “two hundred and fifty princes of the assembly, famous in the congregation, men of renown” rose up against Moses and his stewardship. Korah and his board of seasoned elders leveled a series of complaints against God’s chosen steward of the 4th Enochian Week, Moses. (Num. 16:1-3)
Korah was a popular voice of the time and many famous people in the congregation joined him to form their own independent network that was separate from Moses. What was eating away at Korah? Korah thought that Moses’ stewardship closed the door on his dreams, and in reality, God WAS closing the door on Korah’s religious aspirations to either lead Israel back to Egypt or to find shortcuts through the wilderness.
Korah was coming from a place that is very familiar to ministers today. He despised Moses’ leadership and voiced his suspicions to anyone who would listen, “Did Moses bring us into the wilderness to make himself our leader? Are we supposed to be his puppets? God reveals Himself to all of us!”
It’s true that God revealed Himself to Korah, yet not knowing the plan of God and despising God’s chosen steward (Moses), Korah took God’s revelation to himself to build his justifications to stand apart from Moses. As he pursued his own ideas about what God was saying to him, he persuaded many “famous in the congregation” to network with him, to lend their voices as his witnesses.
Korah’s complaints and controversy against Moses landed on God’s ear, as he was actually complaining and rebelling against God’s choice. Apostle Jude used Korah as a negative role model, saying that Korah is an example of what Christians should NOT do.
Apostle Jude used the word “Woe” as a warning, “Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core (Korah). Chief elder and Apostle Peter also cautioned against those who are riotous. (Jude. 1:11; 2 Pet. 2:13)
Korah ate with Moses and the 70 elders even as Judas dined with Jesus. Both Korah and Judas thought they had the inside track on revelation and followed their instincts. But Jesus said, “He that eateth bread with me hath lifted up his heel against me.” (John 13:18)
Who are the Korah Ministers Today?
We would not think that the Korah mindset and ministry style would be popular in the church today, but it is. The Korah movement is very much alive today. There are many Korah ministers who say, we don’t need the REAL apostolic blessing because we all dine with God and we all hear from Him. We all have revelations to share about restitution and restoration and God is with us.
Yet, they are leading the church back into the bondage of the 6th Week, to go back to the wilderness hills to establish a personal relationship with God in the precept, and God will not allow that to take root again.
It is indeed true that God is making known to many people in dreams and visions that He is shattering old thinking habits and breaking molds to bring the church out of bondage, but these revelations do not establish Jesus’ covenant and cannot be used to stand apart from stewardship to build your own ministry networks, as Korah did.
Having said that, there are many who have fabricated a calling from impressions and assumptions, and I want to get into that now to build contrast. Recently, I listened to one particular false prophet of long standing as she shared the testimony of her calling with an emerging counterfeit apostle. Both of them are Korah ministers.
[For the purpose of this lesson, as we continue to peel back the many layers of the Korah mindset and ministry leadership style, we’ll continue to use the term “Korah ministers” to refer to ministers in the modern church who follow the same mindset as Korah.]Keep in mind that we’re not judging the person, but rather discerning the sources of influence that brought the church into bondage. In this telling interview, the false prophet explained how as a child she was advised by a church camp teacher to “go sit on a rock and let God talk to you”. As she shared the impressions she had at the time, it seemed like a religious experience.
She felt impressed that God had a plan for her life, but there was no revelation of a calling. The counterfeit apostle that interviewed her, interjected his own thoughts with snippets of comments to lend his voice as a witness. He took what she said and used his own hands to mold an image.
The prophetic minister’s testimony, as many others we hear today, was filled with inspiring thoughts, but was absent of the divine. Everything was packaged with impressions and assumptions built on impressions, which is the testimony of man.
Her prosing about herself was nothing more than impressions and assumptions that germinated from the desire of her heart that became an epiphany of her imagination, which she gave voice to as if it was a revelation from God. But what she sensed was being fed by herself and others until she talked herself into believing it.
- That’s how a calling is defined by the world, but that’s not a biblical calling.
To this day, this false prophet uses her own impressions to forecast her present ministry position, claiming a divine assignment. This is the very deception God is breaking as the ax is laid to the root of this tree that bear thorns and briars – that’s what she has been watering and eating.
In her prosing about herself, she reaches out to assure believers that her assumptions are akin to their own. And as God turns on the light in this Second 8th Week to restore sight to the church, people are beginning to discern testimonies like this which have been falsely framed in the name of God.
Jesus spoke many rebukes against the religious leaders of His time who continued to contradict His stewardship by voicing their own justifications to stay on the path that they thought was safe because it was familiar to them. Jesus said, “If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloak for their sin.” (John 15:22)
Through the Prophet Jeremiah God spoke similar rebukes against the false prophets that “speak a vision of their own heart”.
Jeremiah 23:16
Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and NOT out of the mouth of the Lord.
God is also giving you permission to turn away from the words, practices, and prosing prophecies of all such false prophets. They speak from their own heart the self-verifying impressions they use to envision God’s will. We also see in Jeremiah 23:16 another definition of darkness from God’s perspective as He shows the effects of empty prophetic words: they “make you vain”, meaning that your faith is empty of His virtue.
Looking back on Jesus’ rebuke that we read earlier in John 15:22, the religious leaders of His time also fabricated many false cloaks, which were sown in their imagination. Jesus took their cloak away, and He’s doing the same thing today.
Fake ministers say that the anointing is their cloak, but their cloak is the precept of the scriptures, whereas they quote a scripture and hide behind it as they continue to do their own thing, as Korah did. And God is now ruining the tokens of their concealment.
God is Equipping the Saints with True Discernment
Again, keep in mind that we’re not judging the person, but rather discerning the sources of influence that brought the church into bondage and kept believers hostage to a false message and false hope. God is breaking those chains.
Many testimonies like the one we just looked at are seen on social media. And each testimony is carefully packaged to convincingly “sell” you on the idea that the testimony can be trusted as the voice of God. The fake revelation is balanced with lashes of rebuke to feign humility, vulnerability, transparency, and accountability. I want to look at an example of this to help you flip the switch of discernment.
You’ll notice that the person feigning humility will call themselves out in a scolding way when they sense something within themselves that is not pure. The unconverted believer will often use the voice of smiting words to scold their own conscience to give themselves a tongue lashing. For example, saying, “God spoke to me and said, (person’s name), it’s not about the one anymore with you, it’s about the crowds.”
This person used the voice of God to scold herself. She put to voice how she imagined God would speak to her about how she was more interested in the size of the auditorium or stadium and how that translated into giving herself a pat on the back, and how that was obviously out of line, and now she deeply regrets that.
However, the smiting of the conscience is a poor substitute for the true work of regeneration, where God speaks to us in the voice of His grace and truth to give us substance for our conscience to reflect Him.
Various scriptures about humility are usually quoted as a follow-up to validate the person’s confession, and snippets of comments are added to present an overall picture of transparency as the person begins to prose prophecy with great conviction, as if speaking in the voice of God on the matter. But they are speaking “a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the Lord”.
Discernment is not based on one’s sincerity, religious associations, or self-flagellations which presents a false transparency and accountability. The true scale of discernment is in the calling. The one God elected to be His voice and give witness to Christ as the shepherd of His grace. (Heb. 13:20)
Philippians 3:17
Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample.
God Breaks Old Patterns and Mindsets
The covenant-less believer is simply using the law of Moses and the precept as their conscience to bring their conscience into subjection to the scriptures. That’s the flagellation of the conscience to make herself feel worthy of redemption and give the impression that her faith is transformative.
What pattern do we see in this practice?
We see the flesh answering to flesh. However, in the restored church, another pattern manifests as we answer Spirit to Spirit, even as Jesus said, that the Father seeks those who worship Him in “Spirit and in truth”. (Jn. 4:23-24)
True prophecy exists in the priesthood of the believer whereas Apostle Paul, speaking by the Spirit, instructed, “For ye may ALL prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted.” (1 Corinthians 14:31)
Prosing prophecy is NOT true prophecy, but rather it is the minister trying to speak for God in an endearing and insightful way, while touching on the things that are common to man. Prosing prophecy has to do with selecting just the right words to capture just the right vibe that sounds like it would be in line with God’s thoughts, but it is actually in rhythm with and in line with man’s needs, hopes, and dreams.
Another way to understand this is that fake prophecy assumes the condition of a person’s mental and emotional state while separated from God. That’s being prophesied and soothed rather than the covenant knowledge that the Holy Spirit works with to save and to heal.
We can call this fake, prosing prophecy, “psycho-phecy” because regeneration is replaced with psychology. That particular journey is being mined to glean nuggets of meaning, or truths. It usually starts off with the person saying something like, I sense the Lord saying that…, or I feel impressed of the Lord right now to say…
Prosing prophecy comes from inborn impressions and things a person senses about themselves or someone else as they try to “speak” into someone’s life, which is an ungodly, fleshly priesthood. It is a fake priesthood, not the true priesthood of the believer that Jesus gave us to partake of Him.
When any individual or religious group decides to take in hand what they “feel”, or “sense in their heart”, or “claim by intuition (impressions)” what they believe God is giving the church, they also seek to stand in the place and lot of the steward God chose to be His true voice. (2 Pet. 2:1-3)
Do Prophets Predict or Prophesy?
Confusion on the topic of prophecy has stirred the church to reflect on its present path.
Many confuse prophecy with prediction. Prediction is a form of forecasting much like a weather report which is based on many lucky assumptions. Predicting the weather is done by weighing present highs and lows to seasonal consistencies.
Psychics do the same thing. They weigh the likelihoods and proximities of people and events. They examine the physical, political, economic, and social environment to experiment with ideas and scenarios.
They get mental impressions and physical sensations which are very real. Their whole approach is to collect ideas into a reasonable communication. Many in the false church body use prophecy in the same way, but prediction and prophecy stem from two different kingdoms.
Prediction is a free form of language that is tethered to this world and the discourse of the flesh. Prophesy is tethered to the throne of God and flows with revelations spoken before the world began and is consistent with the plan of God, then and now.
The deception of false prophets is not in the fulfillment of their predictions, but the direction they take. The anointing always points to the calling that God sanctified to represent His will on earth to unite us to His throne.
Always remember: Prophecy is not centered on man, but on God, and how believers remain consistent to build with God on the path and Way of righteousness. God said that He would pour out his Spirit in the last days, whereas dreams, visions, and prophecy would be part of the new covenant experience.
Acts 2:17
And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
True priesthood prophecy is the offering to God of our spiritual sacrifices at the altar of Christ that is built in the temple of our heart, and follows the law of reciprocation in kind, in that the knowledge that came forth from God is returned to God. We prophesy Christ. (1 Pet. 2:5,9; Heb. 13:10)
False prophecy also follows the law of reciprocation in kind. However, the wrong kingdom and wrong knowledge is returned to God.
The Korah minister who practices psycho-phecy to prose prophecy is trying to predict God’s care and God’s will and asks: what does God have to say about the things I’m struggling with, what does God have to say about these obstacles and deep wounds? And as God’s voice is given to the many inborn impressions, it seems inspired as several realizations about yourself, or the state of the nation, or the state of the world surface. But that’s not God speaking, that’s your gut speaking from natural born instincts. That’s psycho-phecy.
Jeremiah 5:31
The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?
Ministers today who are still stuck in the broken church have a lifetime of experience tuning in to this natural flow of thought to intuit the will of God, and that’s something that has to be put away now.
Acts 8:21
Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right in the sight of God.
John the Baptist did not predict the Messiah, but prophesied the plan of God, both of His death and resurrection, and His reigning as the King of Israel. Thousands of years before John, the prophet Enoch spoke of His name and His crucifixion and rule. So, John carried through this revelation of Enoch, and both Moses and Elijah confirmed it.
Back Door Prophets Fish Out of Every Pond
The sinking of the false prophetic has begun, so I want to touch on prophetic confusion further, as God tears down these walls. Just as there are counterfeit apostles, there are counterfeit prophets that gave birth to the false prophetic movement.
Just to clarify, God is not against prophecy. The saints in the restored church prophesy Christ every day in the newly restored priesthood and share these spiritual sacrifices of prophecy with one another in the stewardship of God’s grace. So, God is not removing prophecy, but rather removing the stones of dishonor who built prophecy on the wrong foundation; they recontextualized prophecy by placing it in the wrong kingdom.
Many have taken upon themselves to step into the role of God’s prophet to teach others how to prophesy by speaking whatever comes to mind, whether it’s about the condition of the nations of the world, or the abuses of Satan in their own life, or the lives of others, or the state of the nation, or the state of the church.
They’re fishing out of every pond, claiming to prophesy “in part”, in other words, misunderstanding Apostle Paul’s instructions, they claim that God allows them to mix parts of themselves with parts of Christ to prophesy error. False prophets have thus built a back door to allow themselves unfettered prophecy to avoid taking responsibility for having aligned prophecy to the kingdom of the flesh.
They used Apostle Paul’s words to allow for mistakes in prophecy just as they do in their conflicting doctrines and truths, for they know not the Lord, Jesus Christ. Let’s look at God’s instructions through Apostle Paul to set this in order.
1 Corinthians 13:9
For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
We know in part. What part do we know? The part we know is the covenant of Jesus Christ, as He is the living Word of God and present covenant the Holy Spirit bears witness to. We know the whole foundation of truth which never changes. Nothing of man is added and nothing of Jesus is missing.
God revealed Jesus in the covenant of His blood in all His fulness to bring to pass His perfect will in us, and that’s why God testified through Apostle John that “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”. (Rev. 19:10)
Every prophecy we utter bears the true image of His plan. True prophecy bears the 7 pillars of God, for we prophesy Christ and His house until we see Him face to face. Let’s see how the Apostle Paul laid this out for our understanding. (Prov. 9:1)
1 Corinthians 13:10-12
10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
In these verses, the Apostle Paul teaches about the transition of prophecy. All the prophets of old foretold Jesus’ coming as that perfect One, whose blood would be shed to unite us to God. The face of Jesus was reflected in all the types and shadows of the law until He would come and speak to us face to face to set the pattern of our faith in Himself.
Jesus did that, and now that which stood in the “portions”, those types and shadows, that “partial” view of Him is done away. We do not prophesy the portions of Christ in the letter of the law, but rather, the face of Jesus Christ in the knowledge of His covenant. God has assigned to us this new covenant until Jesus returns.
Apostle Paul emphasized that it is now time to put away your former understanding of God when you saw Him through the eyes of a child, being still under the law of Moses. God took us out from under that mindset. Those under the law try to understand Jesus by the law, as Apostle Paul once did. He understood as a child and he spoke as a child because he saw Jesus through that lens.
Prophecy transitioned from seeing Jesus in the portions, to seeing Jesus in His fulness. That’s where we’re at NOW. We no longer see Jesus in part, through the lens of the law.
Before his conversion, Apostle Paul could only see Jesus through the allegories of Moses’ covenant and understood only the types and shadows as he saw them represented in his own mind. His understanding was darkened and that’s why he persecuted the Way of the new covenant, until Jesus gave him sight.
What other part do we know?
When God says that we “know in part” He is also talking about the process of regeneration. We know Him as He daily forms Christ within. We see Him by the anointing and prophesy that which we have seen and heard in our daily building with Him.
The likeness of Christ is formed within the soul through contact with His knowledge and tools at His altar. Regeneration speaks of the new life that God gives and the process of healing the soul undergoes when true salvation is taking place in our daily growth cycles. God transforms the soul by removing the weeds that Satan sowed, as He circumcises the soul and forms the likeness of Christ within, which is the fruit of the Spirit. This living testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
We know God through this daily contact and He knows us by that fruit. God initiates and sustains each growth cycle with the portions of His grace to be fitted into the body for all to grow thereby. Grace for growth is that part we daily receive from God for regeneration. We know Him by the portions given for regeneration and return to God the fulness of Christ in each spiritual sacrifice of prophecy. Again, we see how the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
Regeneration is a lifetime process.
Just to make sure we’re still on the same page: repentance is NOT a lifetime process. Regeneration is a lifetime process.
Faith in God is a covenant lifestyle. Righteousness is a lifestyle, peace is a lifestyle, sanctification is a lifestyle, regeneration is a lifestyle. Because God calls all believers to partake of Christ to be a fruit bearer in His kingdom, His focus is on forming Christ within you. Regeneration is the power of Christ to daily transform your soul by the anointing as the Spirit bonds truth to charity.
False prophets use 1 Corinthians 13:9 “For we know in part, and we prophesy in part” as a back door mechanism to cover themselves. They never have to be right and they never have to take responsibility for Jesus’ covenant.
Back door prophecy is used by ministers today who are looking for a fresh pond to stick their prophetic rods into with renewed anticipation and excitement to see what kind of fish they’ll pull up. They allow false prophecy to shape their faith journeys in place of Jesus’ covenant. Their projections and predictions misguide believers and misdirect ministry visions.
God gave us a covenant in Jesus, and false prophets break that covenant. False prophets disregard His Word and put people, cities, farms and animals at risk. Witness the results of breaking the covenant.
Isaiah 33:8
The highways lie waste, the wayfaring man ceaseth: he hath broken the covenant, he hath despised the cities, he regardeth no man.
To judge prophecy correctly, ask: did the person point to the steward, as did John the Baptist to Jesus, or did they speak of the world and its issues, fears and challenges?
- Carnal minded believers will listen to the spirit that affirms their own ways.
1 John 4:5
They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, [politics and issues at hand], and the world heareth them [leans toward their logic].
Deuteronomy 13:3
Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the Lord your God proveth you, [grace or the glitter of the world] to know whether ye love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.
1 John 4:6
We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; [gives ear to the anointing in the stewardship] he that is not of God heareth not us [gives ear to the voices of the flesh]. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.
God’s Shift to Divide the Natural from the Spiritual
I spent some time in this lesson dividing false prophecy from true prophecy because God is exposing these corrupted teachings that spread like a plague throughout the church. God is cutting these perverted practices at the root.
This teaching to divide the natural rhythm and call that is common to man from the true work of the Spirit is a major shift as God prepares to equip you with priesthood prophecy and to equip you with your own daily growth cycles that are firmly grounded in Jesus and His foundation of truth. God’s call is to join Him in the process of regeneration that He sanctified for you. He’ll engage with you there to reach every cavern of your soul with His light.
If you are a covenant-less minister or believer, you’ve most likely grown up on a diet of the rhetoric of prosing prophecy and prophetic teachings that are in rhythm with the nature of man, and it’s understandable that the priesthood prophecy that God has restored to the church presents a unique challenge.
The apostles warned the first century church of those who would shake believers from the covenant of Christ, troubling them with words, as they claimed to speak in God’s name a word as if it came from the apostolic stewardship.
2 Thessalonians 2:2
That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us [the apostles], as that the day of Christ is at hand.
The same thing is happening today in these end times. People are claiming “spirit impressions” to announce their predictions to the church. But again, prediction (situational assessments) is not prophecy. Claiming to stand in the place of authority, false prophets use God’s name in vain. God is shaking the church loose of these deceitful workers.
This teaching about how God separates the natural from the spiritual and real prophecy from fake prophecy also helps to understand why you’re still struggling with yourself. Although we have all suffered at the hands of Satan while we were lost in the kingdom of darkness, God daily initiates His own healing of these scars in the soul through His own process as He creates His nature in you.
However, the daily gifts of His power never come from our inborn impressions. True regeneration takes place in the covenant priesthood and true prophecy follows this restored pattern. We can appreciate how God has changed prophecy in this new season.
After Apostle Paul expounded on the covenant, some believed and some did not believe, and he responded by saying, “Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded.” (Rom. 11:7)
The same can be said for ministry leaders today: they have not obtained that which they sought after, but the election (those obedient to accept Jesus’ covenant) has obtained it. Apostle Paul goes on to expound on “spiritual blindness” and why it is self-destructive.
Romans 11:8-9
8 (According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear;) unto this day.
9 And David saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumblingblock, and a recompence unto them:
What Apostle Paul is saying here is that people reject God’s covenant in Jesus because their diet is full of carnal things. The tables of this generation are the same. The tables of their conferences and lectures and media outlets have become snares, and traps, and stumbling blocks. They are full of their own doctrine; they are full of their own books and theology. They have feasted, yet they are still hungry and full of regret.
The testimony example of the fake prophetic calling and examples of prosing prophecy that we have been looking at is something you might hear in a church meeting where people say that they felt really inspired to do something and then they interpret the inspiration by the results, saying for example that they went into the ministry and they did this and that, so that makes their assumptions while sitting on the rock real. That’s not a calling.
- That’s a very dangerous mindset, whereas a legacy of error is accepted as something that God wants to perpetuate upon the church.
- God is shaking the habit to build a Korah ministry and testimony to withstand His true apostolic stewardship.
- God is uprooting those who do not have a calling and despise His covenant and the stewardship of His covenant.
Let’s consider for a moment what happened to Joseph and how that speaks to this generation. Joseph’s brethren could not place his revelations into their present situation so they rejected him and sent him away. They gave false evidence of his death to create a false justification and story line for their choice.
They “took Joseph’s coat, and killed a kid of the goats, and dipped the coat in the blood”, and they presented their fake evidence to Jacob and he consented, and said, “It is my son’s coat; an evil beast hath devoured him; Joseph is without doubt rent in pieces.” (Gen. 37:9-33)
In other words, Joseph must be dead because you presented me with the evidence and the story line, and it all adds up. The same thing happens today when fake ministers present impressions built into a story line and link it to what they consider achievements in the false church body, hoping it all adds up to a calling.
Korah Ministers Build on Assumption
The same generalized assumptions and impressions that are used to build a false calling go into preaching an ambiguous mindset about restitution, reset, reform, rewind, and restoration.
The clarion call in the fake church is that God is doing a new thing, that the church is “entering into a new era, it’s not like any way we’ve gone before”, but there is no teaching or instruction regarding Jesus’ covenant way, so there is nothing new. Christians are not getting a reset to the covenant, so there can be no restitution, nor reformation, nor restoration.
The same claims that were made to sell the Jesus Movement are being made again. Back then, as God called people out of denominational houses to prepare them to enter into His covenant house, ministers who had not yet heard of Jesus’ covenant drew very basic lines that they thought people could connect to. For example, saying that the supernatural happens and that God speaks to people today. The message was that people needed to thaw out and get on fire for the Lord.
It’s true, the supernatural happens and God speaks to people today. But when you take these true statements and fail to connect them to God’s covenant knowledge, stewardship, tools, and priesthood to reach God’s goal for fruit bearing, the saints are NOT equipped. The door hasn’t opened for God to know them.
- Under fake stewardship, the saints are being equipped with rhetoric and their faith is built with fables.
People got stuck in the false teachings and false prophetic movements of the church of the 6th Week under fake stewardship because ministers have preached with a double tongue. They say some things that are true about God, but direct your faith to the broad way, not the narrow way of the covenant, as Apostle Peter instructed, saying, “While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption.” (2 Peter 2:19a)
Today, Korah preachers use the same rhetoric that seemingly worked for them before, but they rebrand it as if they are saying something new in their effort to reconnect to a suffering people that had followed them into the waste howling wilderness.
For example, saying that “none of us want to be old wine and religious, or stodgy… nobody… I mean even though we may seem like it, we don’t wanna be…” They say things that are so familiar to the struggling heart that it becomes a punchline.
Many of these ministers say that they have been believing for restitution too, but they’re not talking about a covenant reset with God. They’re talking about their personal life and about how they want God to allow for a rewind to take place, to kind of undo those hurts and things that they were hanging onto that were damaging.
What they’re talking about is the divine change and transformation that is missing from their everyday experience with God. I want you to see that the normal everyday healing of the soul God planned to give you when you are equipped with your new spiritual priesthood is not taking place in the fake church.
- The process God put into place for regeneration to take place is the very core of the Christian life, but it’s absent in the fake church.
The process of regeneration is the very thing that is missed out on when neglecting to teach Jesus’ covenant. And now Korah ministers want to make it a NEW thing for the church without actually taking on the covenant and the stewardship of the covenant.
Did you know: When the very basics of Jesus’ covenant and your spiritual priesthood are missing from your faith it means that your faith is dead. And you can’t resuscitate a dead faith by pumping the precept into it, you will have to rebuild your faith with God’s covenant foundation. (Jas. 2:26)
God is Cleaning House
As Korah ministers build on assumptions and skip over God’s covenant process, they talk about God purifying their hearts, but they’re not emptying their pockets of all the false teachings, half-truths, partial truths, mixed truths, and truisms that they collected over the years. They want to bring those defiled things into God’s house, but God is cleaning His house of their defilement.
Ministry leaders famously turn to the right hand and then to the left, meaning that they’re going in circles, which is against the commandment of God. In the wilderness, the children of Israel went in circles until their repentance was purified, and then God testified of them saying, “I have not beheld iniquity in Jacob.” (Num. 23:21)
The fake church body wants to add value to their wandering in circles in the wilderness, saying that one day they’ll be purged, and that one day soon, if they are patient, all their false repentance strategies will pay off.
The restored church stands in sharp contrast. It’s impossible to miss the divine fruit bearing of the soul in the restored church. It’s the true testimony of Jesus which we prophesy in the charity of His altar where the cycle that God began in the Spirit is concluded with the Spirit, overcoming self, Satan, and the world.
This is the true gospel of the daily healing of the soul by the gifts of propitiation. The saints are now equipped to work with the anointing to reflect Christ in the purged conscience. This shift to reset the church to the reality of Jesus’ original foundation of truth has completely eclipsed the revamped strategies of the broken church.
God is equipping His saints to build with Him and reciprocate His gifts in kind.
Isaiah 43:21
This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise.
The expected outcome is to meet this goal, which is the Father’s joy that matches His own glory and virtue. In other words, we’re living the reality of that experience and walking in it. God is daily healing our soul of the effects of Satan’s abuses and at the same time, creating His fruit in us.
I see a lot of ministers nodding their heads in agreement with this, and they’ll say, “Of course, I believe in God healing my soul and that’s my prayer every day.” However important prayer is, God’s active work is NOT put on the basis of prayer, but rather is put on the basis of the priesthood where a sanctified exchange takes place.
Your prayers have a part to play in that process, but prayer does not replace God’s process. And when the part that apostles play is also replaced, that means that Jesus’ foundation was never set in your heart. That foundation of truth is necessary for you to take part in God’s work in you.
All true prophets confirm the established stewardship that God anointed as the door of the Week with accompanying signs called the Key of David. (Rev. 3:7)
All true prophets confirm the key of that door and do not try to climb up another way. Jesus made that known because the Pharisees were doing that by trying to fulfill the position of stewardship in the Torah and in themselves. (Jn. 10:1)
You might be wondering how Christian leaders and prophetic ministers can say things that sound so right, but completely miss the mark! What we learn is that connecting to the problem is not the same as leading people into Jesus’ covenant and equipping them with the tools that God sanctified for us.
- The knowledge of the Lord sets us in the tower of observation. Now you can begin to identify how the counterfeit contradicts the true value of God’s kingdom.
We are to observe Jesus’ covenant tokens, and as we savor these gifts that God gives us and use them to promote His interests (fruit bearing), He gives us more.
The Price of Breaking God’s Covenant
Korah leaders and fake prophetic elders are obsessed with trying to clean up their act (what they call reform) by setting standards for others, whether it’s fasting, repenting, evangelism, or financial giving, or prophesying into your life, or declaring scripture. But they have not prepared their hearts to serve God according to the covenant He founded in Jesus for our faith to express Him (what God calls restoration), so their transgression remains – they broke the covenant.
Can we break God’s covenant and still expect His care? No. It begins to dawn upon the heart that God’s reset to His covenant cannot be ignored.
Ezekiel 16:59
For thus saith the Lord God; I will even deal with thee as thou hast done, which hast despised the oath in breaking the covenant.
Of course, Ezekiel was speaking about those who broke the first covenant God made through Moses. Today, God is speaking to those who broke the second covenant He made through Jesus. But what is the covenant of Jesus?
Most, when they hear the word “covenant” think of Jesus dying on the cross, but they don’t think of their responsibility to build with God based on the terms and tools He established in Jesus to bond with us. And that’s because they separated the covenant from the foundation. (Ez. 20:37)
God’s challenge: Are you a Bible wine taster?
At the last supper, Jesus took the cup of the new covenant and said, “Drink ye ALL of it.” So, we understand God’s challenge to ministers today, why didn’t you drink in all of my covenant? The only thing people seem to want to do is “taste” of God’s goodness, as if they are Bible wine tasters. They swish and spit. (Mt. 26:27)
To them, the history of the cross is nothing more than a hymn of reflection, or mindfulness in prayer as they declare scripture. None of which provide the present knowledge for regeneration. When the covenant of Jesus is not preached, everything is out of alignment with God and ministers call for new measures.
No doubt you have heard prophetic ministers and elders rebuking each other as they call for prophetic accountability, and you probably have heard many apologists and Bible enthusiasts making their pitch as they call for spiritual clarity and stability, and counterfeit apostles have now contributed their voice calling for hearts to be led back to God. Yet none are taking responsibility for Jesus’ covenant – all these voices are busy swishing and spitting.
God’s harsh rebukes against such ministers may be hard for some to hear. In many cases, these are the same ministers who befriended you and spoke to you many times in the pretense of prophecy. God is now shattering their hold on you.
Covenant is the only path that God laid for all prophecy to be understood and for you to gain spiritual stability, and for all hearts to be united with God’s heart. God says through His Prophet Ezekiel, “repent and turn yourselves from all your transgressions.” (Ezekiel 18:30)
What transgressions is God talking about?
God set a path for the children of Israel to walk with Him and they set another path for themselves to live by the imagination of their own heart. They used the precept of scripture to explore their own heart and they replaced God’s will with their own. And that’s the same transgression we see happening in the church today.
The way of the Lord is His covenant and His path is illuminated with the torch of His Light. Jesus identified His stewardship as the Light, when He proclaimed the Spirit of the Lord is upon Him. Jesus was announcing the new STEWARDSHIP, and this offended the people.
John 8:12
Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.
God Sets Order to His Church
The true stewards prepare the way of the covenant. They are the messenger of the new covenant, even as Malachi prophesied. The anointing always points to the calling that God sanctified to represent His will on earth to unite us to His throne.
Malachi 3:1
Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts.
Always remember: God does not send a verse of scripture; He sends a person and the person is the messenger of God’s present covenant.
The fake Jesus gospel does not preach the way of the covenant God made with us through Jesus, but rather they preach a self-referencing message. We talked about that earlier, how ministers say that they are living for Jesus and seeking to do God’s will, but as they place a scripture here and there on the broad way, the scriptures only serve as breadcrumbs to help them find their way back to their own traditions. That’s a transgression against God.
Setting a path with scripture to guide your flesh on the broad way is like placing road cones to direct traffic. Moral language such a “balance”, “transparency”, “vulnerability”, and being “authentic” are set in place in order to feel like the direction of their life is God ordained, but neither the road nor the direction changed – it’s still the broad way.
We hear much posturing among ministers as they position themselves to try to get their mind right. They believe in “5-fold ministry”, but they are not part of God’s restored government. They make sincere appeals and confess their belief that God speaks today, but they didn’t get their heart right. They neglected to prepare their hearts for God’s transition to covenant.
Not only is God setting order to the covenant of Jesus Christ, but setting order to the stewardship of the covenant and His apostolic calling as we now get into more of the testimony of God’s calling upon me.
The Apostolic Calling Reborn in the Second 8th Week
This is a great time of liberty for the church! This contrast to divide the false and fake callings from the true apostolic calling is vital in order for the church to move on to perfection. The die is cast, and it’s time to move forward.
I want to now get into more of the testimony God built into His calling upon me.
The testimony of the Lord’s calling upon me is very much like Apostle Paul’s testimony who said that he was as one born out of due time, as his calling came after the 12 apostles were chosen. (1 Cor. 15:8; Acts 9:3-7)
Jesus appeared to Apostle Paul in a heavenly vision to send him as an apostle to build His church. On the point of his calling, Paul was abundantly clear. As the calling of the apostle was much disputed in the First 8th Week as it is now, Paul began his epistles identifying his calling. Not as a missionary, not as an evangelist, but as an apostle. In the words of Jesus, to “open their eyes, to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in ME.” (Acts 26:14-18)
In Apostle Paul’s own testimony, he said that he preached a form of repentance that was not after the law of Moses, but rather that he preached the true repentance that turned hearts to the works of the new covenant that God sanctified with the blood of Jesus.
The preaching of the gospel of Jesus’ covenant began in Jerusalem and went to the ends of the earth, and now in the Second 8th Week, the preaching of the gospel of the covenant begins at the ends of the earth and will conclude in Jerusalem. (Gal.2:16; Gal. 3:11; Rom. 10:18)
While ministry leaders of the 6th Week claim a calling to evangelize the world into the false church, I am proclaiming the apostolic character to manifest the face of Christ in the covenant of His redemption to make Jesus known. God’s expectation is to re-create us in His likeness, which fruit glorifies Him. Christ being formed in us is the desire of God’s heart. As one also born out of due time, not being counted as part of the apostles of the First 8th Week, Jesus appeared to me and called me as an apostle in the Second 8th Week.
God Spoke to me in the Throne Room of Glory Before I was Born
Although Jesus revealed His calling upon me as an apostle in July of 1977, the Lord built a testimony much earlier, which follows Jeremiah’s testimony of God’s hand upon him. God spoke to Jeremiah saying that his calling was made known before he was formed in the womb.
Jeremiah 1:5
Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
Many ministers quote this verse to claim a divine calling, saying that they were known by God before they were born. But this is true for every human being. God knew us all before we were born. My testimony is of God’s direct revelation to me before I was born.
God revealed to me my calling in heaven before I was born and allowed me to remember that blessed event to establish His mind to this generation. God’s plan to restore the apostolic calling to the church was not a last-minute idea, nor did it come about during the 1980s or 1990s, or at the turn of the century as some have claimed. No, the regifting of the apostles to the church was in the heart of God before I was born and God established that testimony in 1951.
I recall that I was in heaven before I was born.
I saw the throne of God and Him that sat upon the throne. There were countless souls in a long line about to be sent to earth to begin their journey in the earthly bodies that God would give them. I was standing in line waiting for my turn. I was either the 10th or the 7th in line and I remember that these numbers, 10 and 7, were important as there was a spiritual significance to them.
An angel was standing at the front of the line assigning each soul to the body they would inhabit on earth. God’s voice was heard from His throne and He said, “Who will go for me?” I remember being compelled to raise my hand and so I did and I said, “I’ll go!” God said, “I’ll use him in the last days.”
A very large angel took me out of line and brought me to the front of the line as one born out of due time. I turned to the angel and asked, “Would you let me remember this?” The angel said, “You shall remember and prosper.”
God allowed me to remember that blessed event to know His hand upon me and His selection in these end times to send an apostle into the church to restore the knowledge of Jesus’ covenant. God’s testimony of His calling upon me is also much like Isaiah’s testimony.
Isaiah 6:8
Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.
Conversion 1971
I want to now get into my conversion experience. My conversion took place on a fall night in October 1971. I had been taking walks to a favorite hillside where I would spend time in prayer, for as yet I did not have the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, but was drawn to pray and I wanted to know God.
1 Samuel 3:7
Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord, neither was the word of the Lord yet revealed unto him.
On this particular evening, I could feel the presence of the Lord distinctly while in prayer. As I finished praying and was about to leave, I heard very clearly the Lord speak to me saying, “Don’t leave.”
It was an audible voice, so clear and loud that I turned around and said, “Who said that?” As I continued to pray and wait upon God, for I knew it was Him, I felt an even stronger presence of God. I began to weep and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive me of my sins.
I then heard a rushing, mighty wind come up the hill where I was standing. I saw the trees swaying and bending under a mighty force, and the wind was swirling around me, but not a hair on my head was out of place. I was standing in the middle of this supernatural wind and began to stammer in a language that is foreign to me. I was speaking in tongues and later found this experience in the Bible (Acts 2:1-4).
Heavenly Vision 1971
A few nights later I went back to the same hill to pray and the Lord gave me a vision. I looked up into the night sky and I saw the moon in an unnatural brilliance surrounded by 12 stars. The 12 stars formed a perfect circle around the moon. It was, of course, a supernatural sign.
The vision stayed in the night sky for a few minutes before it disappeared. This vision is a sign and wonder that speaks of the apostolic stewardship and God’s divine call upon me to fulfill that lot though it was yet for a time to come.
Isaiah 8:18
Behold, I and the children whom the Lord hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the Lord of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion.
God raised up apostolic stewardship in these last days and gives signs and wonders that confirm His will. In Genesis 37:9 God gave Joseph a divine dream as a sign of God’s selection of his stewardship. The sign that God gave to Joseph also involved the moon and the stars. Even as God sent Joseph to Pharaoh in Egypt to preserve his brethren in the famine, so also does the Lord send his apostles to the church in this time that has been marked by the famine of His knowledge to preserve faith.
This also preaches to us that the stewardship of the church passed from the Jewish apostles of the First 8th Week to the Gentile apostles of the Second 8th Week in these last days. The foundation of truth that existed in that time to express Christ in His fulness is now brought back as God preserved it for the church for this time, until the fulness of the Gentiles are brought in and that’s where we’re at now.
The Apostolic Calling Revealed 1977
It was during prayer in 1977 that God made known to me His hand upon me to call me and send me as an apostle into the church. The Lord visited me during prayer and said, “I have called you as an apostle.” I felt what I can only describe as oil being poured on my head. It felt like warm cotton and flowed over my head from the hand of God.
The Lord began to reveal to me the extent of the damage Satan inflicted upon the church and how Satan’s ministers sowed another gospel into the church that brought the church into bondage. The Lord revealed to me His own plan to restore the church to the covenant He provided in Himself, which is different from all the deconstruction plans that are being passed around today.
The Lord revealed to me the original foundation of truth that differs from the many chaotic truth(s) of the false religious system. He revealed to me that the knowledge of His covenant cannot be substituted or mixed with the many teachings made popular today.
The restoration of the original foundation of truth is unlike anything that has gone before. You can be assured that Jesus qualifies your faith. The standard that God placed in Jesus for your faith to reflect Him meets God’s expectation perfectly, and is not mixed with the wisdom of man, nor the aspirations of this world.
The Lord further revealed to me the restored priesthood of each believer that differs from the many discipleship – relationship – sonship – victory gospels – deliverance ministry – prosperity – and false prophetic hoaxes that have ruined the church.
- The false church leadership (Korah stewardship) created a faith for themselves outside of God’s covenant kingdom.
Different groups have emerged on social media crying out for self-accountability as they desperately call for a time out, thinking that they can referee the conflict and chaos that they see all around them. Each group assumes that they are speaking for God, but they are not sanctified to do so.
They’re crying out for accountability to God’s standard, but they themselves are strangers to the covenant of Christ. Each minister is attempting to set order to the church with their own brand of knowledge that is mixed with the philosophy of this world. We can understand why God is refusing that counsel and ruining the pride of man.
To be truly biblical: we are to follow Apostle Paul’s instructions given to him by the Lord, “And God hath set some in the church, FIRST apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracle, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.” (1 Corinthians 12:28)
- God’s purpose for setting forth the apostles FIRST is to establish order in the church.
We already talked about why apostles are first in God’s order in the beginning of this lesson. We said that believers cannot establish themselves in the faith and that’s why God’s restoration story begins with apostles. They are the ones God called to set order to Jesus’ covenant knowledge. Knowledge comes before function. The knowledge of the covenant comes first to establish you in Him.
Apostolic Succession Dream in November 26, 1983
In this divine dream Apostle John of the Bible answered questions about the apostolic calling. One asked, “How shall they know we are apostles?” And Apostle John answered, “It is the grace and peace of God that is the witness.”
God did not set His sign in the roots of history’s theologians, nor in human skills and character development because the calling of the apostle is not assigned as a title to the works of men.
Believers that stand outside of the covenant and house of Christ revert to the law of Moses and the precept to wrestle their conscience and create their own scales of holiness, righteousness and truth. They are called carnal minded believers because they substituted the reason of man and carnal thing to qualify their faith. Apostle Paul speaks of this destructive mindset.
1 Corinthians 3:1
And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.
1 Timothy 1:7
Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm.
Ministry leaders remain as babes in Christ, undeveloped in their understanding by their choice to appoint themselves as teachers. Having shared in this darkened perspective, they have decided to claim unity in darkness, and God is challenging that false unity because that unity is feigned.
God is Silencing the Voices That Are Calling for Feigned Unity
Most of the time, we see ministers try their hand at either fixing something they see as painfully wrong in the church, or filling something they see as a significant void in the body of Christ. They work to make their message relatable to most people’s experiences in the broken church. I’m sure you’ve seen this strategy too.
- If unity seems to be a problem for the church (and it is a problem in the fake church), then make that your mission.
- If prophetic integrity seems to be a problem for the church (and it is a problem in the fake church), then make that your mission.
- If love seems to be something everyone can agree upon and love language is universally spoken, then make that your message.
- If everyone wants to see a new, sweeping move of the Holy Spirit and everyone speaks this universal, ambiguous language, then speak prophetically about it and everyone will get on board with your message.
All these efforts are called out by God as feigned unity and deceitful oneness because they will not bring you into harmony with Him. We often hear the claims from the movers and shakers of today’s church that they’re going to do church differently now, but God is not in the business of rearranging the pews. God is not changing the depth of water in baptismal pools, nor challenging your moral code. He is returning the church to the covenant He made with us with the blood of Jesus.
God will accept nothing less because this is what He gave to adopt us. The original foundation of truth is the first thing God restored through the apostolic calling because the foundation is necessary for your faith to be responsive to God. That’s the importance God places on the apostles’ presence and function in His church. Only a faith responsive to God can justify Christ and progress with the anointing in God’s fruit bearing process.
God Restores a “Unity That is NOT Feigned and a Oneness That is NOT Deceitful”
The Lord is building up the waste places. That is, the neglected and overlooked offices in the body of Christ in order to properly structure His divine government. By His Spirit He is placing the stones that are fitly cut to fit securely and casting off the self-appointed stones into the pile of dishonor. Isaiah prophesied this new season for the church.
Isaiah 61:4
And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations.
There are many in the false church body who desire to build the house of the Lord, but they are not the Lord’s master builders; they don’t have the blueprints to God’s house, and their building material is that of the kingdom of their own house – the house of the flesh. God has been rebuking this mindset for a long time to cast off the self-appointed stones.
The Lord is again speaking to His church as Christians find themselves standing at the covenant crossroad. In March of 1982 the word of the Lord came to me saying,
Darkness will not perceive and the disobedient will gainsay the pleasure of the Lord. Many chief ones will see and be ashamed of their carnality. And those that lack discernment shall cry out in fear.
The delights of the Lord shall prevail and prosper and will not feed nor shall it court the desires of those chief ones that flatter themselves in their prosperity, or pride themselves in their security. The monuments of success shall be ashamed and the gray haired confounded at the wisdom of the Lord. The wise hearted shall be as the unlearned and the popular of no value before the gold of the Most High.
The prestige of the high ones shall be weighed in the balance and shall be lighter than vanity; and the fruits of achievement as the dust before the wind and before the knowledge of the Lord and His anointed ones. Understanding shall arise out of obscurity and enlightenment out of confusion. There shall be a unity that shall not be feigned and a oneness that will not be deceitful.
I have never forgotten the last line of that prophecy and promise of God, “There shall be a unity that shall not be feigned and a oneness that will not be deceitful.”
In the midst of the blight of confusion that has taken hold of the modern church, the Lord has recalled the apostles of Christ and sent them back into the church to heal and to preach and teach His covenant gospel. True unity is found in the restored foundation of truth and the function of the believer’s priesthood where God bonds and builds with us.
The Second 8th Week is a Time of Reformation
Oftentimes, we hear Christians say that if the apostles are sent to heal the church, why are you causing division? Understand that the church is now in the time of reformation, for the government is again upon Jesus’ shoulders to bring division for cleansing and healing. The cleansing of false standards, false doctrines, and a covenant-less faith comes before the healing.
Jesus spoke about the contradiction that existed over His own stewardship and the division He had come to bring.
Matthew 10:34
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
John 10:19
There was a division therefore again among the Jews for these sayings.
People were beginning to stop, look, and think as they listened to Jesus teach. Jesus’ presence and His stewardship put the machinery of the theological schools on pause. Jesus was causing the Scribes and the Pharisees to stop for a moment, and this caused great conflict.
The Pharisees and Sadducees fought against Jesus’ stewardship.
The Pharisees and Sadducees were the religious minds of the day and they wanted to be God’s mouthpiece, and they cautioned the people and threw up red flags against Jesus, saying that “He has a devil! Why do you listen to Him?” In other words, we can’t understand what Jesus is talking about, so why should we believe Him! (Jn. 7:20; Jn. 8:48)
When Jesus taught, He spoke by the anointing, and this put Jesus in the position of being the door, the key, the light, and the house. Because the Pharisees were in the wrong house, they were listening to seducing spirits. They did not possess the key (though they were claiming to have it). They were not the assigned door.
The Pharisees were claiming to be the house, the key, and the door, and the Sadducees were also claiming to be the house, the key, and the door, as also the diverse offshoots of both groups were claiming the same thing. There were many splinter groups among the Pharisees and Sadducees which all had their roots and tethering to them and the rabbinical writings and commentaries of past Rabbis.
So, in this climate of conflicting voices, diversity of beliefs, and utter chaos, many expressed their fears about Jesus, insisting that Jesus was of the devil, and cautioned people against Him. Each one claimed to be the voice of the Lord and each one claimed to be the spiritual leader of the time. So, there was a division among the Jews because of Jesus, and the same thing is happening today.
Ministry leaders are in the wrong house, and they too are listening to seducing spirits. They do not possess the key (though they are claiming to have it). They are not the assigned door.
The Pharisees and Sadducees could only point the finger of accusation against Jesus, but they could not build a theological reason for their rejection of Him – except on the basis of what they felt concerning the state of their conscience. The knowledge that Jesus spoke, pricked their conscience to awaken that seed within them to come out of that darkness. God’s voice was calling to the depth of man’s soul to the seed buried in the conscience.
But when the seed perceived the Voice of that calling, many of them went and hid in the closets of their own theology. They ran and hid because “men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil”. The knowledge they were embracing and took confidence in is the same knowledge they used as their scales of discernment and fingers of accusation against the Light, causing them to hide. And so, Jesus was knocking on the door of that closet to invite them to come out. (John 3:19)
Many people echoed the words of the religious leaders of the time and said that Jesus had a devil and Jesus also said the same thing back to them. He turned that around on them and said, I’m not of the devil, “you’re of your father the devil”. (Jn. 8:44)
The people who were listening to Jesus, mostly in the Temple, had to overcome the shouts of the Pharisees who began shouting out cautions against Jesus’ teaching, because when Jesus taught, He taught from the position of that anointing.
Fearful of the anointing upon Jesus, they cried, “Cult! Cult!” And we can see that the cries of the Pharisees lasted for a long time. Even Apostle Paul ran into those who still held to the same influence. When they heard that he was in town they said, “We desire to hear of you what you think: for as concerning this sect, we know that everywhere it is spoken against.” (Acts 28:22)
The anointing of the stewardship was put in Jesus and His actions and it brought division, for Jesus did not observe the Sabbath day, nor did He observe the ranks of the false stewardship.
But those who listened to Jesus objected to the cautions of the Pharisees and they said, “These are not the words of him that hath a devil. Can a devil open the eyes of the blind?” That witness is true, Satan adds to man’s ignorance to keep people blind to the true gospel, but Jesus removes the cloak of ignorance and speaks reproof and rebuke to the false religious system.
Jesus Set Out a Doctrinal Foundation
When Jesus spoke in rebuke, He spoke in the knowledge of that doctrine. Jesus did not point the finger of accusation, or throw out words of accusation, but rather He SET OUT a doctrinal foundation. And that is exactly what Jesus is doing again today through my ministry. (Jn. 7:16-17; Mt. 7:28; Mt. 15:9)
We’re setting out a foundation of doctrine so that those who have ears to hear, those who are seeking God, if they listen to the voice of the anointing, they will come out of darkness and into the light. And if this knowledge challenges the state of the conscience, and it will, then people will again try to hide in the closets of their own theology.
The peace that ministry leaders desire of God is that He would give them a free pass to include their teachings and practices into Jesus’ foundation. But there is no peace given to the principle of man. Jesus did not come to give peace to the defiled conscience, but a sword of division to direct faith to the covenant knowledge and stewardship of His mercy.
Our take away point is that God will not allow believers to make peace with the damage they see in the false religious system, as they have been doing on social media, crying out for self-accountability as they desperately call for a time out, thinking that they can referee the conflict and chaos that independent ministry generated.
We mentioned this earlier, and you might wonder why people would elect themselves as God’s referee? How exactly would that work? We saw this in action when we looked at the example of a person fabricating her calling and all the labor that went into that justification.
In truth, ministers who do not have a calling use the scriptures to create one and then replace the scriptures with themselves. They created a standard system to authorize their voice – the pastoral voice, and then added to that the evangelistic voice, and then the prophetic voice. These were not stepping stones to the apostolic voice, but rather a system and government apart from God as each drew from the scriptures their own diverse and conflicting blueprints.
I Witnessed Jesus’ Birth and His Resurrection
In two separate visions, the Lord allowed me to witness both His birth and His resurrection. The Lord gave me first century experiences as if I was there. Apostle John, when he was taken in the spirit, saw the future as if he was right there, and those things were recorded in the book of Revelation for our benefit. God gave him first-hand experience.
It would be like being taken in the spirit to Noah’s ark and seeing the ark being constructed, the animals being herded into the ark, and the flood waters rising. That was in the past, but God having granted that experience, it would be as if we were there as an eye witness at the time, and the experience God granted me to witness both Jesus’ birth and His resurrection, it was as if I was an eye witness of these blessed events.
I received a vision on November 22, 2024 of Jesus’ birth. I saw Mary walking about where the baby Jesus lay, and Joseph standing nearby.
I received a vision on November 9, 2024 of Jesus’ resurrection. I witnessed Jesus’ resurrection and saw a young Roman soldier shielding his eyes from a radiant light as Jesus walked out of the tomb.
We live in an environment where experience involves all of our senses because all of our senses are engaged. In these visions, I did not smell anything or touch anything, but it was real and vivid as if I was really there. In the visions of the Lord, although all our senses are not experienced, God assigned that moment to us as if we were there.
Scandals and Moral Failures
Today we see many claiming that God is addressing and correcting certain obvious scandals and moral failures… again trying to act as God’s referee. They talk about God giving a “blueprint” of restoration from scripture to rebuild, but they are not building Jesus’ covenant house. They merely use recent scandals to point to failures and then claim transparency, but they do not show you the door of the covenant.
That’s 100% failure because God’s blueprint of truth is not like man’s accountability systems. God gives a foundation of knowledge through His apostles that is the key for Him to know us and for us to know Him.
You may have noticed that many ministers try to follow in Martin Luther’s footsteps. Martin Luther was moved by God to nail his complaints to the door of the church to begin to break up strong traditional roots. But that set a false pattern that is followed to this day. It became a standard for everyone to protest against everyone else. That is not the record of our faith, to protest authority and to protest scandals and financial misconduct that are seen here and there.
- The Second 8th Week (s8w) is all about God’s approach to restoration.
God approaches restoration His own way as He writes the final chapter for the church. God restored the covenant of Jesus Christ in His fulness.
The extent of damage done to the church cannot be clearly understood by those who had a hand in creating that system and weaving their own ministry visions into it. Jesus revealed to me the condition of the church as HE sees it and Jesus also revealed to me that the way of salvation is in the restoration of His covenant. Let’s look at God’s testimony in that divine vision and visitation of the Lord.
The Condition of the Church: January 6, 1984 Vision
In the divine vision and visitation, I’m going to share now, I again saw Jesus. I walked with Him and He showed me the darkened mindset of the ministers who turned His gospel into the lie of their own record. Again, it’s necessary for me to lay out that I did not “sense” this during prayer, nor did I “envision” this for the church. This was a divine visitation.
As I have often stated, Christians are well aware of the corrupt condition of the church and there has been a constant outcry on social media for accountability standards. You might have seen the different manifestos popping up here and there. However, God’s accountability system is different from man’s. And that’s something I’ll continue to repeat as well. God holds us accountable to the foundation of truth that He set in the record of Christ to build with us, which He calls “sound doctrine”.
Titus 2:2
But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine:
God’s standard is in line with His expectation that He alone qualifies our faith with the spiritual tokens He placed in Jesus’ covenant, beginning with the stewardship of His apostles. Sound doctrine means that nothing of man’s kingdom concerns is used to build our own through lines to peace, joy, victory, faith, love, and hope.
If you are an outlier of Jesus’ covenant, you have awakened to find yourself outside of God’s care. God is teaching the church that in the absence of His apostolic stewardship the knowledge of Jesus’ covenant does not exist, sound doctrine does not exist, no living connections are built to Him, and there is no priesthood for fruit bearing – in other words, your faith has no basis of reality.
Outliers of Jesus’ new covenant received teaching from many independent ministry leaders who are the Korah ministers of this generation. They thought that their teaching was “sound” because they taught by precept and line and this is the very problem Jesus addresses in His visitation with me in a vision in 1984.
Jesus’ first visitation was in 1981 which I shared in Lesson 1. Here’s a short recap: Jesus showed me how His church was imprisoned behind the bars of false knowledge. That visitation was extraordinary. I walked with Jesus during His apostolic tour of a church in bondage.
One minute I was listening to Jesus as we stood in front of one of the cell doors inside the prison house (church), and then suddenly I found myself no longer standing next to Jesus, but looking through His eyes. I saw what He saw and felt what He felt and moved as He moved. We moved as one to free the church. Again, this is a confirmation that the same authority, anointing, sanctification, tethering, and power that the First 8th Week apostles received from Jesus is the same given to the apostles of the Second 8th Week.
I want to now get into Jesus’ 1984 visitation. In a vision, Jesus again showed me why He is sending me into the church with the same authority, knowledge, and power as the apostles of the First 8th Week. We’ll see how Jesus paints a picture of the church in its current condition, having neglected His covenant foundation.
Jesus showed me the hearts of those who claim to love Him, yet walk apart from Him. They say that there is salvation only in Jesus, but they built their salvation apart from God on their own foundations. This vision was also remarkably clear and vivid, and as I said earlier, it was not something I imagined, or dreamed up, or envisioned.
I saw Jesus dressed as an ordinary man in our times walking the streets of a modern city of our time. He was not dressed in Galilean robes and sandals as people usually think of when they picture Jesus, so of course, no one recognized Him.
I walked with Jesus, and just like the vision I shared in Lesson 1, where Jesus depicted the church in a prison house and emphasized that everyone in the current church system was in that prison house without exception, Jesus again emphasized that He was revealing the corrupt state of the current church body, which includes all the various current ministry heads and those who came before them.
As I said earlier, this includes the pastoral ministry, the false prophetic movement, TV evangelists, and all Christian leadership platforms – all ministries that came out of the Jesus Movement and those who claimed earlier reform movements and all movements in-between. They have corrupted their way before the Lord of glory.
They were NOT corrupted by moral failures, or by misappropriating funds, or any other scandal as some claim, but they corrupted the way of Jesus’ covenant and used their own record (the nature of man) as building material for the church.
I began to travail heavily in the Spirit at what I saw.
Jesus walked into a store and I walked in with Him. No one recognized Jesus because He didn’t look anything like what they expected. He didn’t come wearing the familiar Galilean robes and sandals.
I saw different scenes representing the different independent ministry houses and accountability forums. Jesus showed me that those who say they love Him were more interested in defending their ideas about Him than serving Him. In each room they ridiculed Jesus as He stood before them. The people were violent, arrogant, and proud. As soon as Jesus walked in, everyone walked out as if choosing not to be in His presence.
The next scene is equally important, as Jesus zeroes in on the core of the problem in the modern church. Jesus, still inside the store, approached a man behind the counter. The man rudely said to Jesus, “It will cost you 25 cents just to ask me a question and 50 cents to get an answer.”
This is quite an extraordinary revelation about how ministers in the fake church body build their own foundations on commonly asked questions that center on how people struggle with themselves, their experience with past wounds, their yearning to live right, and their seeking heart for purpose.
Corrupt ministers use the condition of man as the bedrock and cornerstone of their faith to create their own doctrine(s) and truth(s), driving faith with these questions, while promising that their answers will give hope and victory, and release God’s deliverance and power.
This false foundation is all about building better through lines and sight lines to man’s fallen nature by presenting a series of questions and answers that keeps believers blissfully ignorant and blind. They had grown accustomed to seeing the fake Jesus play out in their imagination, and now Jesus is coming in the fulness of His covenant (as He always was) but they don’t recognize Him.
The carnal minded believer follows the smells of their own struggles and thinks it is the fragrance of the fresh bread of His altar.
1 John 4:5
They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.
Questions Don’t Create Doctrine
Let’s get into this vision a little bit more and unfold Jesus’ meaning. The man behind the counter who charged Jesus for each question represents the extortion and oppression that takes place every day in the false church body. We have all experienced this in the false religious system.
Ministry leaders showboat the infinite number of questions they attempt to answer with scripture. Jesus is addressing what was thought to be a fail-safe way to teach His kingdom – to ask and answer a question. But Jesus pointed to the rising cost attached to such a foolish pursuit. There is a price attached to each question, not a blessing. And the rising cost of getting an answer points to how the outliers of Jesus’ covenant answer your questions from their own heart, even when they point to scripture.
It is not that God is saying that we can’t ask questions, but He is pointing out how His plan for our salvation was already set in Jesus’ covenant and how the adversary has successfully turned people away from this path of salvation by presenting another platform.
Let’s take a look at some of the most popular questions that are posed today. You will no doubt recognize many of these questions: How should true holiness be understood? What role does repentance play in our faith toward God? How can we avoid abusive leadership? How can I live a spiritual life in Christ here on earth? How can I start a personal relationship with God?
How can I get closer to God? What can I do about pride, anger, and sadness? What should I do when I sin? How should I worship God? Does God hear my prayers? Where does love fit in? How does spiritual growth happen? If God transforms lives, why is my life not transformed? Where can God’s will be found? Does God have a purpose for my life? What can I do about financial misconduct in the church? How can I learn to discern? I suffered so much loss; how can I find victory?
If God heals everyone, why doesn’t He heal me? What does God expect from me? Is prophecy for me? How can I know that God is speaking to me? Is speaking in tongues for everyone? What are God’s gifts for me? How can I overcome myself, Satan, and the world?
We have all seen thousands of variations to these questions and perhaps you have your own favorite question. Each question has an origin story, and what is the origin story of each question? You are.
Each question has an origin story that is founded in your own nature and that’s why the question has a personal meaning to you, and why the bait on the hook of these questions is tailor made to exploit your pain and the places where you are the most vulnerable.
- The Second 8th Week (s8w) changes your origin story.
Can you now see that what we’re talking about is the record of your own soul – what has been written in your history and what Satan inscribed in your soul? Apart from God, people have the habit to use their own record as the raw material to build a foundation for their faith and this is where they construct meaningful through lines for their faith. No amount of scripture quoting can change that faulty foundation and error of thinking.
A person’s reasoning has been prepared in the kingdom of their fleshly nature and the ingrained habit is to use questions to mine truths from their own nature, and to search the scriptures for a verse that seemingly supports that finding. Ministers call that renewing their minds with scripture, but God calls that the thinking of the world.
Romans 12:2
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
People generally understand that they have one way of thinking and that God has another way of thinking, and that’s true. It’s also true that we are capable of changing our minds and adjusting our thought patterns. People in the world do it all the time. They are sold on one product or agenda and have firm reasons for their choices and then change their mind in support of something else, and they have reasons for that too.
When Apostle Paul said, “be not conformed to this world” he meant the thinking of the world. The thinking of the world is in line with Satan’s three-fold contradiction that he nurtures in the mind: “the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life”. (1 John 2:16)
Questions begin with the influence of this contradiction that the world is subject to because they built through lines and sight lines to their own nature. When a decision for Jesus’ covenant is not made, you can’t escape that influence nor that anchor that ties you to yourself as flesh answers to flesh, and that’s why God is shaking the false religious system. In this Second 8th Week God is changing your origin story.
When your faith in God orbits around the origin stories that capture the essence of your questions, you can’t escape the pull of gravity toward the fleshly kingdom, nor the habit to self-reference the scriptures to build responses.
In God’s book, regeneration comes before the renewing of the mind because the anointing is God’s transformative power. The anointing is a word that God uses to describe the transformation of our reason as He builds faith within us. The divine perspective is a product of God’s active involvement with our faith through living covenant contact that He initiates and sustains.
- The scriptures confirm Jesus and His work in us, but scripture does not create the work.
With his logic, man can change his mind, but by the anointing God changes man’s nature. The anointing is the catalyst for our daily transformation. As God’s gifts are received, we are assisted through each growth cycle to increase in the virtue of Christ and our spiritual sacrifices of prophecy testify of Jesus as our contact point as we obediently submit ourselves to God’s process to transform us.
As Apostle Paul said, we “worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.” (Philippians 3:3)
You’ll notice that God is doing a lot of work to help believers distinguish between their own record (the fleshly kingdom) and the record of Jesus Christ (God’s kingdom) and that’s why I teach so much about this contrast. God will not accept anything less than what He is and therefore your faith cannot be built on the foundation of man’s nature, which is your own record. The record of man is a lie and the record of Jesus Christ is the truth. (1 Jn. 2:27)
- The Second 8th Week (s8w) is a return to God’s design in the record of Christ.
God is holding ministers accountable to the record they preach. Anytime a minister builds responses from scripture in answer to your questions, he is preaching a self-referencing gospel. The false gospel starts with a question and searches the scriptures for an answer. These are the “enemies of the cross of Christ”, even as Apostle Paul warned. (Phil. 3:18)
The Church Cannot DECONSTRUCT Error
To be clear, God is not leading the church to remove a dozen or so wrong teachings, nor is He addressing scandals and moral failings. God is addressing the failure to accept Jesus’ covenant and the apostolic stewardship that He sent to heal the church. God is addressing how the reality of His kingdom is placed on the wrong scale.
God is beginning anew in this Second 8th Week with His new generation of apostles to build again with Jesus’ covenant salvation. My wife, Teacher Maria, saw this in a divine dream in 1982. She saw a long table littered with broken pottery and one man sitting at the end of the table beginning again to make vessels of honor for the Lord. This was not only a confirmation of the rebirth of the apostolic calling, but a confirmation of the return of the church to Jesus’ covenant foundation.
In 2009 my wife received a dream vision from the Lord. She said, “I saw Apostle Eric rising from the ocean. All I could see was his chest upwards. He wasn’t swimming, he wasn’t treading water; he was slowly rising. As I watched I saw Apostle Eric rising higher and higher from the water until I saw that he was sitting on Jesus’ shoulders as Jesus Himself was rising out of the water.”
Of course, we know that this is a confirmation of the apostolic calling and God’s selection and the connection He’s building between the stewardship and Jesus, as He again establishes that His government sits upon Jesus’ shoulders. The apostles have the authority to teach all that God placed in Jesus.
Isaiah 9:6
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
As I have said throughout my ministry, it’s not about one man rising above others, but that the calling sits upon Jesus’ shoulders. In truth, God has called many apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to assist with the work of the ministry. I remember when Jesus appeared to my son, Apostle David, when he was 10 years old. Many of you know the testimony that Jesus gave him in this divine visitation.
At the tender age of 10, Jesus took my son in the spirit to show him the condition of the church. At the end of this visitation, Jesus said to David, “I need you and your family and many others to teach my people what they are doing wrong.” That divine visitation was back in 1984. And again, Jesus is pointing to wrong foundations being laid by those who confess that scripture is their blueprint.
Scripture is neither the blueprint of our faith nor our foundation – Jesus is the blueprint and foundation. And this is what Jesus was bringing to light in His apostolic tour of the church that I received.
If we consider for a moment all the literary contributions by those who have come forward as ministry leaders to capitalize on the questions they selected as an outline and purpose for their writings, their television broadcasts, and social media posts; it is all in vain.
It’s worth repeating that the question doesn’t create doctrine, God gives His doctrine to apostles who teach the church how HE defines salvation and gives value to our faith inside of Jesus’ covenant. God calls this the apostles’ doctrine, which foundation is Jesus Himself, which the church must build upon to build His house. (Acts 2:42; 1 Cor. 3:10-11; Eph. 2:20)
Tell Them I Have Come to Bring Them Out of Darkness
I travailed in the Spirit many times during this divine vision that I received in 1984, which I now want to get back to. After I witnessed the man disrespect Jesus, saying to Him, “It will cost you 25 cents just to ask me a question and 50 cents to get an answer”, I saw the Son of man in the flesh suddenly transform into the Son of God in power.
Jesus transformed before my eyes from the man dressed in ordinary clothes of the day to manifest Himself as the glorious, pure, holy, and glorious Son of God. The room filled with a blazing, bright light and angels appeared with Jesus and said, “Bow the knee, He is the Son of God.”
I came out of the vision still travailing in the Spirit and experiencing God’s power surging through me. As I went to record this vision in my reflection book, I asked Jesus, “What would you have me to do?” My hand was trembling and I had a hard time writing. It was then that I felt Jesus’ hand physically on my own hand and I wrote, “Tell them I am come to give life. I am come to bring them out of darkness. ~Love Jesus.”
The Apostles Build Jesus’ House
We see in the 1984 visitation an epic turning point for the church. The man who told Jesus that it would cost him 25 cents to ask a question and he would charge Jesus 50 cents for the answer points to a number of telling things.
Not only did the man set up shop to merchandise the gospel, he also
- failed to recognize Jesus, and
- dismissed Jesus’ presence, and
- built his own foundation with questions that he answered for himself.
The same thing is true today. Those in the false church body make merchandise of the gospel, they fail to recognize Jesus in the apostles of the Second 8th Week, and they are dismissive of Jesus’ presence in the knowledge and tools He gave us to preserve our faith in Him.
We hear many crying out, “That’s not me! That’s not my heart! I don’t wanna be that person!” No one wants to be a transgressor against God’s terms of contact that He established for us in Jesus, and this is the reason for God’s call to come into the house He sanctified with Jesus’ blood.
Finally, we see how ministers today derive meaning from the questions they create in order to motivate (manipulate) your faith. They want to address the state of the nation, the state of the world, the state of your community, the state of the church, the state of your marriage, and the state of your mind.
But they are only struggling in the kingdom of the flesh, as they use that culture and kingdom to build truths in their own likeness. Again, answering flesh to flesh as they labor to build their own equity in darkness. That is NOT God’s accountability system.
As they go to the scriptures for a response to each question, they are simply stringing scriptures together to deliver a message that holds meaning for them in their state of darkness. However, they neglected to build through lines to Jesus’ covenant.
Blinded by ignorance, ministers teach others the same darkened practice. Their soul is absent of Jesus’ fruitfulness and the Lord is denying them His pleasure. (Mt. 15:14)
From this visitation and apostolic tour of the body of Christ, Jesus is pointing out that questions don’t create doctrine and that God does not build with scripture. We don’t know God by the scriptures, we know him by the Spirit and the Holy Spirit uses the knowledge of Jesus’ covenant to build with us. (Jn. 4:24)
God builds our faith within Jesus’ covenant, meaning that He gave our faith a covenant context to direct our faith with the things of Christ. Rather than allow God’s apostolic stewards to direct their faith into Jesus’ covenant, those who placed themselves in Christian leadership have the habit to allow the question to regulate a flow of discussion about Jesus as they seek to draw meaning from the scriptures. Let’s look at that in more detail.
A Fools Formula: Test Everything Against Scripture
A damaging formula has been passed down in the false church body that kept an ungodly practice circulating for generations. This formula states that to know the will of God, Christians should test everything against scripture because scripture answers scripture.
But that’s a fool’s formula because God tests everything against Jesus’ covenant, as Jesus Himself said, “Search the scriptures; for in THEM ye THINK ye have eternal LIFE: and they are they which testify of ME.” (John 5:39)
Do you see the contrast Jesus made for our understanding? Religious leaders thought that they could search the scriptures for the meaning of life, but He said that He is the meaning of life. How many times have you heard the message that scripture holds the answer to life’s questions because the scriptures are inspired and that’s how God speaks to us? Yes, the scriptures are inspired by God, but even the devil and his ministers quote scripture for their own purposes, and we know that is not God’s voice.
2 Timothy 3:16
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
Jesus knew that all scripture is given by inspiration of God, but He pointed out the contrast for our learning in John 5:39 when He brought to our attention that THEY (the religious leaders) thought that the scriptures was life, but that assumption was wrong then and it’s still wrong today. Jesus put to rest His purpose for scripture. Scripture confirms HIM as our life, as He said, “all scriptures testify of ME.” All scriptures confirm and testify of Jesus and His covenant way as our life. Jesus is the living Word of God.
The religious leaders had a certain mindset about God’s purpose for scripture, and Jesus pointed that out to them by saying “you think”. Jesus was saying, you allowed your imagination to speak through the scriptures; that’s your mindset. The Pharisees and Sadducees each knew the letters of the Torah, its history, and language, yet they were divided in opinions and both rejected the Spirit upon Jesus as the new steward and new covenant record. They searched the scripture to give meaning to their imagination about God, and that is the same mistake God is addressing today.
So then, scripture is not the path of life, Jesus and His covenant way is the path of life, and all scriptures testifies to that, as also all prophecy takes the same path to testify of Jesus. But that’s not the case in the broken church, whereas the scriptures are used as one’s authority to support diverse and conflicting accountability systems and truths.
Everyone claims to be the watchman on the wall, or those who stand in the line of fire with exploratory theology and apologetics, as they confess and declare scripture. But these are all useless watchdogs, and God is now turning the spotlight on them and their ungodly practices to use scripture as a substitute for Jesus.
God Measures Our Faith Against the Covenant of Jesus Christ
Instead of learning how to think as a spiritual man in Christ, Christians have been educated to think by the precept and line of scripture to restructure the natural man to mimic Christ. They thought they could skip God’s process and renew their minds with scripture. Unfortunately, this costly mistake merely increased the bondage of the soul rather than bring the liberty of Christ.
At issue is the ignorance most have about how God measures faith against the covenant of Jesus Christ and God’s standard that we draw from that record because that is the only record that He empowers. I know I’ve said this already, but it’s worth repeating that Jesus is the living Word of God and therefore the pattern and blueprint of our faith. (Jn. 1:1; Rom.11:36; Col. 1:20)
All scripture testifies of Jesus – not man’s broken state, struggling against his nature, his past and his wounds, and his hopes for the future. Remember, God builds our faith within Jesus’ covenant, meaning that He gave our faith a covenant context to direct our faith with the things of Christ. All scripture intersects with God’s work through Jesus. And as we study the scriptures and use the tools of His propitiation, the Lord gives us many gifts of confirmation.
Did you know: God does not speak to us from our record. God speaks to us from the record of Christ – His covenant.
2 Timothy 2:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
I underlined “rightly dividing the word of truth”, which means to be spiritually aware of how God separates His two covenants, how He separates the record of man from the record of Christ, and how He separates the natural from the spiritual. We study the scriptures mindfully, as they apply to Christ, in line with the terms of His new covenant.
Being spiritually aware of how God separated the covenants means that there are important reasons behind not mixing them. Yet, knowing that God’s plan is to provide a new covenant in Jesus Christ does not help us to put that plan into action. We first need apostolic stewardship to teach the terms of the new covenant to train and prepare God’s people to exercise their faith with Jesus’ new tools, to know how to attend the new altar of Christ in a new priesthood.
It might be tempting to just play along with scripture, acting like we know what Jesus’ covenant is because, of course, it’s there, mentioned in scriptures. But just as grace is by divine design, so also is the new covenant by divine design. We can say that we are covenant people yet not know what covenant we are talking about or anything about the terms of the new covenant.
When a person associates with the word, but not the function, this tricks their thinking. They assume they are joined to God, but in reality, they are still outside of His house and kingdom. They may say that they made a decision for Christ, but they didn’t make a decision for covenant and as a result, they remain stuck in their own thinking, and their faith stagnates.
God Put a Difference Between “Precept and Line Theology” and the Pattern of Jesus
This study about how God approaches scripture and why it goes against the grain of man’s religious education is important as the body of Christ transitions to Jesus’ covenant. To gain even more understanding, we’ll go to the book of Isaiah where God lays this out for us.
Isaiah described those who would measure their faith in God by precept and line rather than by the pattern of Jesus Christ. You might have noticed that many ministers claim the straight arrow of their doctrine because they believe in building their foundation precept upon precept, line upon line.
Ministry leaders claim to adhere to a general consensus of the church community that all beliefs must be in line with scripture (aligned to scripture), and that has been the conventional thinking. But the problem with that is that the through line they create with scripture is to their own nature. They think that what they believe is in line with scripture, but it actually is in line with their own human nature. They use scripture to give you a better viewpoint of yourself.
God sets the record straight through His prophet Isaih who wrote,
Isaiah 28:13
But the word of the Lord was unto THEM precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.
I underlined a few things in this verse that I want us to look at. Let’s start with “unto them”. We saw this same language earlier when Jesus corrected the religious leaders of His time to redirect their thinking (John 5:39). Jesus taught them that putting God’s standard in the scriptures was wrong. And here in Isaiah 28:13, God again points out the same error, as He makes a distinction to separate the mind of the sinner from His mind as He speaks to this generation.
God is talking to people who believe in Him, but took a wrong turn with the scriptures. They believe that God is holding them accountable to scripture, but in truth, God holds them accountable to Jesus’ covenant and the apostolic stewardship of His covenant.
Believers have been taught to replace apostolic stewardship with the scriptures. That’s the dangers of substitutionism. Unto them, the word of the Lord is the precept. They build their faith precept upon precept and line upon line, as they try to make scripture answer to scripture to get everything to line up with their logic. They aligned the scriptures to their imagination, their principle, and their religious aspirations to answer questions that are common to man.
Just as Satan used the scripture to challenge Jesus and to support his own aspirations, so also does the fake church follow his example. They use scripture to justify stealing from God to build their own theology apart from the sanctified and true pattern Jesus breathed upon His apostles.
Many in the fake church body believe that the scriptures replace Jesus’ covenant record and pattern. Many also believe that speaking scripture out loud releases God’s power. To them the word of the Lord is built precept upon precept, line upon line, where one scripture is used to confirm what they envision as God’s will and another scripture is used to strengthen them in those lies.
The end result of using scripture as a scale for your reason is clear – they shall “fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken”. We underlined that in Isaiah 28:13. The Lord makes clear that the formula to build precept upon precept does not work and even though it has been accepted by the general community consensus, it is not His standard.
Let’s read that again, “But the word of the Lord was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.”
That’s not a good thing, to fall backward, to be broken, snared, and taken. That’s not a good outcome. You might not have seen that scripture quoted in that way because most ministers don’t quote the whole verse, they just quote the beginning of the verse to make it sound like God would be pleased with their decision to answer life’s questions by testing everything against scripture. Or they quote verse 10 where God begins to build His contrast and continues on in verse 13.
- How exactly have ministry leaders abused the scriptures? How have they created a community of thought about how to interpret scripture?
If your question is about love and forgiveness, ministers take scriptures from here and there in the Bible to build an answer, one line upon another to help you build connections for your logic as they build responses in the kingdom of the flesh.
Remember that when ministers say that what they believe is in line with scripture, they are actually building through lines to your nature and that’s your line of sight. What is the benefit of breaking scripture from Jesus to align scripture to your nature?
There is no benefit for you because God won’t build with you there in the kingdom of the flesh. The teachings that come from precept and line building have been broken from God’s covenant in Jesus and they ensnare the soul and ruin your faith. The only ones who benefit are those who continue to make merchandise of you in their corrupt, fake gospel.
God, knowing the heart of man, spoke through the Prophet Isaiah to point out the religious errors of that generation, not to congratulate them, and He’s doing the same thing today. To THEM who use scripture in a way that God had not intended – THEY measure scripture to scripture, line upon line, precept upon precept and the result of that evil education is that they fall backward upon their own record – they are broken off from God – they are ensnared by the adversary and taken captive. And that is the condition of the church today.
This bad education has deep roots in the church.
Unconverted ministers will misuse the Bible and replace the anointing with selected text that will reflect their own system of theology which they will call the gospel of Jesus Christ. They use God’s word to deceive by using the voice of God for the flesh; replacing regeneration with psychology, and the fear of God with the fear of betraying their own convictions.
Matthew 24:5
For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
However, the anointing does not flatter the aspirations of the flesh; the anointing does not confirm a person’s imagination about God; the anointing does not stand in agreement with the principles of Satan’s ministers. The lips of fake ministers are full of truisms, and the scorpion’s sting is this gospel of ambiguity, for it weakens true faith and paralyzes true hope in God.
Believers who put their confidence under the shadow of fake ministers are drinking from the cup of the Harlot and following her light. Her candle is a false light and not of the oil of the Lord’s tree. (Rev. 17:4-6)
Isaiah 5:20
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
You might be asking, “Doesn’t God want us to follow the scriptures?” The answer is no. God wants us to follow Jesus, the living Word of God and the path Jesus set for us is in His covenant. God is not building with the precept, but by the Spirit. This path of knowledge cannot be discovered by man, nor stumbled into, but rather revealed by God through His apostles.
Ministry leaders substituted the scriptures to take the place of God’s living apostles, and God is now holding them accountable for that choice.
The scriptures confirm the standard God placed in Jesus for our faith to reflect Him, but the scriptures do not reveal it. Scriptures don’t build; God uses living stewards as His ministers to set the standard of knowledge that He empowers for you to build with Him.
So, we’re spending much needed time to rehearse how the scriptures have been abused to set another pattern for your faith. When the scriptures are abused, they are applied to areas of your life to answer questions about God’s will and the purpose of life.
Man’s nature is to mine the scriptures for his own mirror image. People use the scriptures to create a certain vibe that reflects what they’re looking for as they build through lines for themselves, and thus the Plumb Line Gospel makes sense to them and that’s why it’s been extremely popular. But they’re not building Jesus’ house; they’re using scripture to build confidence in a house they built for themselves that God does not inhabit.
January 2025 Vision: The Dry Bones of the Church
Remember that community consensus about the need for scripture to answer scripture resulted in the darkened perspective that now prevails over the church. The visible corruption of the church drew criticism from all quarters, and the question on most people’s hearts these days is, “Can God make the dry bones of the church live again?”
I saw this in a vision on January 4, 2025. I awoke in the middle of the night to a bright light filling my room. A fog appeared and out of the midst of the fog I saw human bones. The bones were severed, scattered, dry, and lifeless. Suddenly, I saw them come together. I saw organs fit into place and veins laid in place, and muscles and tendons coming together. All this took place rapidly. The Lord brought to mind Ezekiel’s vision.
Ezekiel 37:1-6
1 The hand of the Lord was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones;
2 And caused me to pass by them round about: and, behold, there were very many in the open valley; and, lo, they were very dry.
3 And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord God, thou knowest.
4 Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.
5 Thus saith the Lord God unto these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live:
6 And I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and ye shall live; and ye shall know that I am the Lord.
The Lord asked Ezekiel, “Can these bones live,” thus giving us an allegory that He planned to complete in Christ in these last days. You’ll notice that the dry, lifeless bones did NOT come together on their own, but God sent His steward, Ezekiel, and put His word in His steward.
And so, it is today that God gives a confirmation of a new beginning for the church through His apostolic stewardship. There are so many reaching for transformation, but true transformation will not come through those who reach for it with the hands of the flesh.
The church will not come back to life by the breath of false prophecy, nor by the false teachings that are coming through the many ministers who have volunteered themselves to speak scripture over the church. The breath of the anointing is not on the one who prophesies what he senses, but upon the stewardship chosen to restore the church to the original foundation knowledge that God uses.
1995 Dream Vision: Ezekiel
I want to share another connection God built to the Prophet Ezekiel. On November 23, 1995 I received a dream vision from the Lord. I saw Ezekiel standing in front of a red door to the heavenly library. I asked Ezekiel “Why was I chosen?” And the voice of the Lord replied, “You were appointed to do this.” And the Lord, speaking to this generation, likens His correction through Ezekiel to His correction of the church today.
Ezekiel was a prophet chosen by God during the Babylonian captivity to bring correction to Israel, even as the Lord speaks through His apostolic stewardship today to bring correction to the body of Christ. God showed Ezekiel the corruption of faith and the apostasy of the priesthood. Ezekiel, as a prophet, was a contact point for the people. He preserved the true knowledge of God, and he restored true discernment for the people. (Ez. 2:3; 8:12; 22:26; 44:23)
Ezekiel 22:30
And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.
Today, God has chosen the apostolic stewardship to stand in the gap to restore Jesus’ covenant truth to the church, to restore the priesthood of the believer, and to teach true discernment, to put a difference between the knowledge that God sanctified for faith and the knowledge of the world that God has not sanctified. We were appointed for such a task. Speaking truth from God’s foundation knowledge, God breathes anew upon the church to give life.
1979 Dream Vision: The Priesthood is Restored
The next dream vision I want to share with you will confirm God’s mind that He restored the priesthood of the believer in the covenant of Jesus Christ and joined the priesthood to the apostolic stewardship.
In this dream vision I saw the cross of Christ and upon it hung armor and the robes of the priesthood. The armor we are given to fight the good fight of faith is the priesthood, and the cross is the covenant. (1 Tim. 6:12; Eph. 6:13-17; 1 Pet. 2:5,9)
Ephesians 6:13
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Korah ministers have written much on the subject of spiritual warfare, but neglected the purposeful connection that God built to the priesthood He gave as a gift for each saint to put on Christ. The long-neglected priesthood of the believer has been a long-standing gap that God has now filled as the priesthood has now been restored to the body of Christ.
2008 Dream Vision: Apostle Peter Confirms the Restoration of the Priesthood
In this dream vision I saw Apostle Peter of the Bible in the vestments of the priesthood. He also held a staff that represented God’s spiritual government. This not only confirms the bridging of the Second 8th Week apostles to the First 8th Week apostles, but also confirms the joining of the priesthood of each believer to the stewardship.
The church is in the spiritual jubilee whereas God has restored all that belongs to Christ to set Christians free from the false religious system and the fake Jesus gospel. God announced a new season, or jubilee for His saints and in each jubilee, there is priesthood.
Leviticus 27:21
But the field, when it goeth out in the jubile, shall be holy unto the Lord, as a field devoted; the possession thereof shall be the priest’s.
There is no liberty, or victory, or restitution for believers apart from the repossession of the priesthood that Jesus meant for us to have to function with Him. The priesthood of each believer is not “additional” revelation for the church. The priesthood was put in the hands of the saints by the First 8th Week apostles, but removed when Korah ministers moved into leadership positions.
God calls us into submission to His grace, not personal counseling from peers.
The priesthood was replaced by personal prophecy and counseling as a substitute for the grace of God. This is the time of restitution of all things of Jesus’ covenant and that includes your priesthood. The priesthood is not optional, but forms the function of each believer with Jesus’ tools at His spiritual altar for the fruit bearing of the soul.
How can all this original knowledge of Jesus’ foundation be missing from the church and only now in the Second 8th Week restored?
Full Disclosure
Of great concern in the church is the idea of “new” knowledge or extra revelation. Christians basically all want the same thing, the restoration of God’s original foundation of knowledge and protection against error.
Under the rule of false shepherds, believers accepted the general consensus of the broken church that aligning beliefs to scripture would be the fool proof way to assure themselves of the truth and also protect themselves against error.
However, ministry leaders neglected to fully disclose that they don’t believe that truth is something that is possible to know or necessary to know. There’s no sense denying it, fake ministers have taken a stand against truth for generations saying that God’s ONE truth cannot be known as a whole because man’s nature is an unforeseeable variable that can’t be accounted for, and that a measure of human interpretation was unavoidable.
In other words, admitting that all they taught was subject to error.
In this situation, where the apostles are absent, it has been believed that we simply cannot get out of our own way, so we all have to take this into consideration and settle for the many “truths” (notice the plural form of truth) that we feel we can stack up righty against the scriptures.
In addition, it is believed that none of these changes or omissions in truth change the doctrine of Christ because people still believe that He is the Son of God. This shows us how dangerous it is to accept the truths of Jesus in place of His ONE truth. You can still say that you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, yet not benefit from His covenant, nor be a part of God’s process. And this is something I said earlier in this study, that unless the covenant of Jesus is put into practice, people cannot grasp its full import.
The doctrine of Christ is the full import of His covenant.
What is the value of promoting that Jesus is the Son of God if He is not qualifying your faith with the knowledge and tokens of Himself to create in you, His likeness? When apostles are excluded, your doctrine will reflect that choice – to build without God’s stewardship.
Your faith would be empty of Jesus’ covenant values, and reflect that choice. Your faith would be described as perfunctory, meaning it does not possess any of the things God uses to engage with you – your faith would be lifeless.
You’ll notice that Jesus does not describe His truth in the same way as people do today in the modern church, in the absence of His apostles. Jesus never gave any instruction to His apostles that His ONE truth cannot be known, and that truisms, partial truths, and mixed truths should be accepted in place of His covenant doctrine. And the apostles never having received this instruction from the Lord, never repeated that misguided instruction to the saints.
This miscalculation of the apostolic calling and the dismissal of the grace of God given to the apostles of Christ, resulted in ministers accepting that truth cannot be known and therefore truth does not matter.
Accepting the general consensus of the broken church that God wants us to align our beliefs to scripture was a cop out, an excuse to find a work around God’s covenant to avoid responsibility to His covenant in Jesus. People rallied around the scriptures and accepted the idea of Jesus’ doctrine, while excluding His covenant, which is a transgression against God.
Full disclosure: in the false church body, it has been believed and decided for you that truth cannot be known and therefore truth does not matter. The decision has been already made for you that the best you can hope for is half-truths, truisms, and partial truths that were mixed with error.
These truths constantly shifted and changed and you were caught in the middle.
You will notice that every ministry leader uses scripture to claim that “Jesus is the answer”. However, they’re talking about the truisms they dug out of scripture, not the truth of Jesus’ covenant. God is challenging the truisms, partial truths, mixed truths, and half-truths that have become the trademark of fake ministers and the bedrock of your faith. God is holding ministers accountable for using that broken system as His voice.
What is a truism, and how does Satan use a truism to speak for God?
In case you missed the teaching about truisms and partial truths in lesson 1, let’s quickly recap before we close. I brought out that a truism is a true fact about Jesus that is not connected to His covenant terms, so it has no real function or benefit. For example, it is true that God is a God of love, it is true that all who believe in Jesus are saved, it is true that God’s power is made available to each of us to walk with Him.
However, when the true facts are not joined to Jesus’ covenant, t truism is used to support a philosophy about God to indicate that a person is on the right track with the mind of God, when in fact he is not.
Did you know: thousands of truisms have been accepted and stand in the place of God’s ONE truth. Each time a truism is accepted, Jesus’ covenant was thrown away. Each truism is an extra revelation that did not come from the mind of God.
The restoration of God’s ONE truth is vital. I have often talked about the difference between a truism and truth to point out why the many truths that have been accepted by the fake church body in the absence of Jesus’ apostles is not the same as the ONE whole truth of Jesus’ covenant.
In the absence of Jesus’ apostles, it has become necessary for ministry leaders to stage their own proving ground for truth and to also supply their own witnesses. They said that they followed the scriptures as their guiding light, but they used the scriptures to confirm their aspirations as their light. This is in conflict with God who established Jesus as our Light.
In addition, ministers have claimed insight into the original language the scriptures were written and replaced Jesus’ covenant with linguistic investigation. Considering that the Scribes and Pharisees knew, spoke, and conversed in the original language of the Torah, yet argued over its meaning. Language skills are not the way that God sets order to the knowledge and special language of His covenant. God is making reference to Christ in the context of His covenant.
Grace has a special meaning to God that is reserved for our function in His kingdom. The same is true for faith, righteousness, justification, sanctification, holiness, peace, rest, charity, truth, regeneration, and the renewing of the mind.
Giving those same words new and different context by aligning them to the nature of man, changes God’s special meaning in Jesus and changes how you function with these words.
We’re looking at the many ways in which ministers normalized error while calling for accountability to the scriptures. They were already adding to the scriptures the extra revelation that came from their religious aspirations, their religious principles, and their imaginations. Their theology is mixed with the philosophies of this world.
Believers accepted a community of thought that if truth cannot be known, it is agreed that partial truths were just as good, and if we can’t agree on truth, then we’ll accept personal transformation any way we can get it because that’s more important than truth. But we can’t have personal transformation without the ONE truth of Jesus’ covenant because that’s where God builds all His through lines to connect to us.
We get a fuller picture of why God has recalled His apostles to shepherd His sheep. There has been so much work done to rewrite the scriptures in your own image, and that’s idolatry.
January 6, Prophecy 1984
As I finished the last segment to build these vital contrasts for you, the Lord again brought to my remembrance the prophecy He gave me after His visitation in 1984. This prophecy followed Jesus’ apostolic tour of the broken church and showed me the heart of the man behind the counter who did not recognize Jesus.
The word of the Lord came to me regarding the darkened perspective of the church and the reason why God is calling those who are trapped in that system out of the closets of their theology.
Yea, saith the Lord, abominations reside within my house, and its inhabitants practice them skillfully.
What are these idols that you adhere to, to hear my words saith the Lord? My servant whom I sent reports, yea my Spirit makes search, and declares that my people seduce the innocent and takes delight in her whoredoms and thinks as the fool thinks, saith the Lord.
For you take the simple-minded in your craftiness and you drink of the cup of the uncircumcised. Shall you direct my ways, saith the Lord? Are you my counselor that I wait at your gates to receive your wisdom? You build and rejoice as those that defile themselves with strong drink and you roll in your own vomit proudly.
I have searched and the witness is true. The harvest of your labors is vain and those that you have gathered into your barn the rodent devours, and those that escape the rodents, the mildew devours, and those that escape the mildew you devour with your labors of your business.
What are these things unto me, saith the Lord, when your fruit is as the wild trees which the frost has damaged? My ways are not hid, but you grope for me as the blind the wall.
Also, my servant says that you have chosen you a leader and made him your king. Even when your mouths I have filled, you declare another whom I have not chosen.
Are you angry at me because I tell you the truth? Will you indeed turn your nose in innocence? You violate my ordinances and scribble laws that are foreign to me, and say, “The Lord says”, when I was unaware of your doings. You measure me according to the measure of a man whom I have created and you have lost yourselves in your labors.
Those that were dying you lightly regarded, and pushed aside others that you may fill your lust. The ways old have you carefully preserved and the traditions of the past you purchase and display as a store displays its wares. But I will buy none of your wares, for they are traditions of treachery and blood and strifes, as a cloth that is dyed to suit its bearer.
The Spirit says that you look for vices that fill the soul as a man draws his last breath. You seek these things from afar and commune with those that do the same. But I AM He that stands near and not afar off and you regard my presence as offensive.
But every knee shall bow to the Son of God. For the way of life has become the road to death to many that pass by the way. Yea the road is full of carcasses. My way is life. Turn not aside at the cries of the disobedience that consume your soul with delights. Walk in my ways, for I am come to bring life. I am come to bring you out of darkness, saith the Lord.
In this prophecy, the Lord expounds on the vision that He gave me of the darkened condition of the church, which has continued to this day.
The community consensus of the fake church stands within its own houses, and is built upon its own truths, which is called the hydra, whereupon the Mother of harlots sits. Her gospel has sown wars, and brought upon the church famine and plagues.
Revelation 17:5
And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.
The Lord’s reproofs are many, but the humble shall hear and rejoice, for this day is a day of liberty as God calls forth the sons and daughters of His name into His covenant house. They that hear will bear His likeness.
God Restored Jesus’ Covenant Knowledge
How has God restored knowledge as it was first given to the apostles of the early church? By restoring the grace of the calling. God made known the mystery of Christ, even as Apostle Paul said, “when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ.” (Ephesians 3:4)
Romans 16:25
Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began,
Here again, Apostle Paul links his calling as an apostle to the revelation of the mystery of Christ, which is the knowledge that God gives to the church. God’s hand was upon the apostles to establish the saints in Jesus’ covenant, which Apostle Paul preached. This gospel was kept secret, hidden from the carnal mind, but revealed to those God called as apostles.
So it is today that God again has revealed the knowledge of the mystery of Christ by His hand upon me. I want to share another sign and wonder that God built into my apostolic calling. He has allowed me to experience physically His hand writing upon my mind the knowledge He has restored to the church. This began in 1986 and continues to this day.
We should not think it strange that God writes His commandments in our minds, for even Apostle Paul made this connection for us in regard to our daily growth cycles and fellowship with God in our own one-on-one relationship with Him. The saints in the restored church experience this wonder every day according to Jesus’ promise that He would manifest Himself to all those who love Him by remaining within the boundaries of His covenant. (John 14:21)
Hebrews 10:16
This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;
God allowed me to experience this as a physical manifestation for your confidence today. His restoration of truth is accompanied by mighty signs and wonders. The restoration of God’s foundational knowledge is not the product of the wandering of the imagination, nor the scripture cutting and pasting that is done by Korah ministers.
God’s hand upon the stewardship is a sign and wonder to this generation that His apostles are chosen vessels of God to set His living knowledge within the heart.
-Apostle Eric vonAnderseck
Founder Second 8th Week® Ministries
Author of the IDCCST® Course
Lesson Three: God’s One Foundation of Truth Restored
In the next and final installment of this lesson series, The Second 8th Week, I will share more about the rebirth of the church as God returns the body of Christ to His one true foundation of knowledge. Believers who grew up in the false church body were given a spiritual diet that consisted of half-truth, truisms, partial truths, mixed truths, and conflicting truths.
The roots of error spread wildly throughout the fake church as media giants took the front seat and polished their doctrines as if they were true gems. They took the church captive with ideas about psychoanalyses and religious therapies.
These television ministers and influencers absorbed all kinds of doctrines through the many guest speakers they invited onto their platforms. Whatever was popular at the time was the new stone they laid in their doctrinal foundations. Satan took them captive by many forms of doctrines, but now God has introduced His tide of change in this new apostolic era.
…Coming soon.