Apostle Eric vonAnderseck
Eric serves as a called and confirmed Chief Apostle in the restored government of God. He is the founder of s8w Ministries, and it is through his stewardship that God ushered in a new season of restoration for all believers who desire to walk in the fulness of Christ. View my profile.
In this new apostolic age God is rebuking ministers in the current Christian culture for misrepresenting Jesus Christ and His gospel. This has been clearly established in their confessions and writings and articles over the past few years.
With each admission of transgression against God there was an equal effort to distance themselves from their disobedience by redeveloping their faith models to seemingly accommodate the points of distinction God was bringing to their attention for their healing. Yet it is true obedience they are avoiding, that is, to accept the stewardship that God sanctified and to accept the restoration of the new covenant.
The most significant redevelopment is seen in how a minister repositions the element grace. He talks about grace, but is not really talking about grace. How do we know? Here are six signs a minister’s distinctions of grace is quite disproportionate to God’s true purpose:

You will find that as God continues to challenge ministers that they will try to get in line with God’s new mandate by claiming to make a distinction between what is common to man (the signature of the soul, the God-Code, and moral code) and what is divine (the grace of God), yet failing to make the distinction according to Christ, meaning according to His covenant. How dangerous!
There is much the natural man can grasp when the light is turned on by God’s true apostolic steward of grace, but once the hands of the flesh take hold of truth, the light of Christ again dims as the aspiration of man takes over.
What is happening is that independent ministers are not teaching from the blueprint of truth.
Synergy And God’s Intelligent Design
Synergy is a word that helps us to understand God’s intelligent design in His truth and why Jesus presented truth as a whole to His apostles and not in part. The whole truth means that none of the essential ingredients of truth are missing.
When properly understanding synergy a believer can come out from under the yoke of false knowledge and Satan’s convincing arguments that God does not want you to know the whole truth. Based on that one argument Satan ushered in different prophetic models to fill in the many gaps left by partial truths. So let’s look at the word synergy to find out what it means.
Synergy basically means “working together”. Different parts that are designed to work together are fit together to follow that preset pattern. The word synergy comes from the Greek sun “together” and ergon “work”. Hence, parts working together as a whole. Synergy has also been defined as “The creation of a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.” —Ray French.
Synergy in the health industry is described as a “correlation or concourse of action between different organs in health”. —Dunglison, Robley Medical Lexicon Blanchard and Lea, 1853
So, let’s look at that first to get a handle on this word so that we can apply it to our faith. The human body has five vital organs that are essential to survival: the brain, the heart, kidneys, liver and lungs. We can understand synergy in the way that these vital organs work together. There is a concourse of action between them, and although individually important, they act as a whole.
That means that they work together. There is a connection of vital functions between the brain, heart, kidney, liver, and lungs. These parts of the body are not glued in place because God thought they looked pretty that way. God designed these vital organs to operate and function in a certain way to sustain your body, so that you can live, and breathe, and move.
God also placed different systems in your body that carry out different functions. For example, your digestive system allows your body to break down food, your circulatory system delivers blood and nutrients around the body, your nervous system controls both voluntary and involuntary actions.
The way in which God connected the operations of the organs and systems is how they function. We’re talking about a divine design, aren’t we? We really would not be able to talk about one without talking about its operation upon another. That’s synergy. The creation of the whole is what God had in mind. The part is important, but if the whole operation of the body’s organs functioning together isn’t kept in the forefront of the mind then there is usually a compromise even in that one part a person is confident in knowing. Something is not quite right.
We wouldn’t think much of a doctor that could list the organs of the body, but does not know how they operate together because he was waiting for a more fully developed truth to be imparted to him. If he doesn’t know how the body’s vital organs operate together, you can be sure he doesn’t know how they function individually. You can’t talk about the one without talking about the other.
Would we trust a heart surgeon whose personalized truths about this vital organ lead him astray? He’s not following the standard set by his profession. He wants to figure this out on his own; he’s drawn his own map of the human body, and sadly it’s not at all about how God created the body to function as a whole. He hasn’t even placed the heart in the right place. You see what I’m saying? There is already a divine design for the human body that you cannot change.
When we start talking about the design and operation of the human body and how one part acts upon another, I want you to be thinking about the 12 essential, life giving elements of the gospel and how God designed them to work together.
The 12 essential elements are:
1. grace
2. faith
3. righteousness
4. justification
5. sanctification
6. holiness
7. peace
8. rest
9. charity
10. truth
11. regeneration
12. renewing of the mind
These are the 12 foundation stones of your faith. How does faith relate to grace? What is the operation of God between sanctification and holiness? How do righteousness and regeneration operate with grace and truth? How do the elements express the spiritual DNA of Jesus Christ?
Each element plays a vital role in our day-to-day fellowship and relationship with God. The elements of the gospel interact with one another just like the organs of your body, and that means there are correlating actions taking place. That’s synergy—the synergy of truth. Let’s take another look at the illustration of the elements.
While each element has a clear and concise meaning, their individual meaning is only understood fully in how each contributes to the whole work of God in you. The anointing flows through the 12 essential elements of the gospel so that the truth of Jesus Christ being placed in your heart is also upon your lips. That’s your priesthood.
These foundation stones are not merely words we read in the Bible, they are the essential elements of Christ that not only describe the daily operation of God upon your soul, but also describe the daily part you play in your response to God.
Try to disciple believers without teaching them how grace relates to faith and how faith relates to holiness, truth, regeneration, and justification, and how these all fit to Christ. The result is that believers are not able to behold Christ in their faith and that their faith is not empowered by the anointing. Their faith does not reflect Christ and therefore does not please God and is going to be picked up and carried by the natural man.