Chief Apostle Eric vonAnderseck
Apostle Eric is a called and confirmed apostle in the newly restored government of God. He is the founder of Second 8th Week® Ministries & founder of the Network of Apostles Today. He is the author of the IDCCST® courses he offers free online.

The new apostolic wave is here, and the church has entered into a new era of change and renewal. It was in the mind and heart of God to re-gift the church with apostolic stewardship. That is the first step in God’s plan to transition the church back to Jesus Christ and his fulness, whereas the end-time Body of Christ is now a mirror image of the first century church: nothing of Jesus is missing from your faith, and nothing of man has been added.
The restoration of apostles today is God’s healing hand, as he reverses the many wounds Satan inflicted upon his church. Jesus’ church, restored to his new covenant terms, spiritual tools, and priesthood, is risen in the power of his virtue.
All believers now have access to partake of all the spiritual blessings that God placed in Jesus.
God also called and confirmed many apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers who function in one house and covenant faith, serving Jesus and his body of believers under the chief steward and apostle of his choosing, Chief Apostle Eric vonAnderseck. Apostle Eric is the most prolific educator, lecturer, and writer on the subject of the apostolic calling and has a world-wide audience.
His dynamic 4-part video series, “The Making of an Apostle”, is a riveting personal narrative. As we are taken step-by-step into the testimony of his calling we begin to understand the mind of God concerning his absolute and divine will for the church to arise again by the anointing he has placed upon the apostle.

Chief Teacher Maria vonAnderseck
Teacher Maria serves as a called and confirmed Teacher in the restored government of God. She is a Chief Elder and is the co-founder of Second 8th Week Ministries, and co-founder of the Network of Apostles Today. She is the IDCCST Program Designer.
As an IDCCST Spiritual Life Coach, Teacher Maria is ready to assist you to live the life of Christ God always meant for you to have. Because God is not placing your hope in the flesh, but in the Spirit, you can learn how to keep your faith on the path of the covenant.
The first critical step to learning takes place with the 12 essential, life-giving elements of the gospel. As you begin to use them, you begin to understand how the kingdom of God works. These are your foundation stones and blueprint of truth and the record of your new birth in Christ. This is where you go to find out who you are in Christ and how God places that likeness in you.
Meet God’s Restored Spiritual Government
According to the biblical pattern, God gives many divine dreams and visions to those whom he calls. These apostolically confirmed into the government of His kingdom have all received many divine signs.
God’s restored government is made up of his apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. They are the men and women who have answered God’s call in this end-time generation to be perfectly joined together in the same mind and doctrine of Christ. The hand of the Lord is with them to transition the church to Jesus Christ. Together, we build the House of God.